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B ranksome’s KCTV
Channel? Find out
more on page 4.
Catch up on the Royal
Wedding on page 7.

P lan a great trip to

Tokyo with key tips
Check out top summer
reads on page 24.

and places on page 14.

G et ready
to adopt
a cat! Three
things you
need to know
before you
begin. Full May-June
article on
page 8.
D ear Reader,
If you are reading this, I’m dead.

Well, not really. I’m most likely alive--but I’ve always wanted to use that cliché at
least once. That and, “This message will self destruct in 5 seconds.” Don’t worry,
you’re safe: no bombs here.


The following publication is one of three put together by my grade 6 students in

May and June of 2018. Each student pitched different article ideas to other jour-
nalists in the team before selecting their chosen topics. Through research and
drafting, they fine-tuned their ideas and information and produced a wide variety
of current events and interest pieces for which they should be proud.

D ear Journalists,
If you are reading this, be proud of what you’ve done. We’ve gone through a
lot this year. From formative and summative frustrations to jokes and laughs be-
tween classes. You’ve come a long way as a grade 6 and have worked to improve
many skills. Be confident in your ability and keep moving forward. Remember:
read lots of books, always revise your work, and tea can solve all problems.

To end, enjoy this poem and think joyfulling about writing your own poetry next
year in grade 7!

The Knight by Ms. Briard

He rides a top a trusty steed

from lunches’ bell and through the night,
dodging monsters in dying light.
His steaming treasure rests burried
in rear end’s chest, but don’t mistrust
his Lord’s faint crest, though marred with dust.
Gallantly galloping, all speed.
down dark alleys brawling with beasts,
stopping, prize in hand: your great feast.
His victory is your demand,
but remember, as you clasps hands,
always thank your deliv’ry man.

A Brave Citizen Who Blocked
by Yoonha Suh
an Unlicensed Driver
On May 5th at 4:05 PM, the police
asked driver A (35 years old) to
show them his driver’s licence in
front of the intersection point of
Geumcheon-dong, Sangdang-gu,
Cheongju. Driver A was an unli-
censed driver and suddenly start-
ed to drive his car to run away
from the police, ignoring all of the
signals on the street. It was a very
dangerous situation and the po-
liceman who initally asked for A’s
licence hung from the car, while The policeman is hanging and being dragged from A’s car.
being dragged 50 meters on the PC:Cheonghae Sangdang Police Station
ground with his knees. Yoon Ja-un (33 years old), who was driving in the opposite
lane, drove his car in front of the getaway car and blocked it from running away.
The getaway car stopped, with a screech. Yoon immediately got out of his car and
opened the door of A’s car to turn off the engine, so he could help the police catch
the criminal. The situation was settled when the police officers who were chasing
A pulled him out of the vehicle. The policeman who injured his knees was taken to
the hospital, and A was arrested by the police on the spot.

“I was afraid of being caught driving without a license,” A later said in the police

On May 14th, Cheongcheon Sangdang Police Station gave Yoon Ja-un, who
helped the policemen, a letter of appreciation and reward money for reporting.
It turned out that Yoon was the son of a former police officer who worked at the
police station. He said, “I have watched my father help lots of other people since I
was young, and he has complimented me for what I have done this time.” He also
added, “When I saw a person hanging from a car, I was determined to stop it. I’m
glad it didn’t lead to a big accident and I did what I had to do.”

On May 28th, Yoon Ja-un donated his reward money to the “Green Umbrella Chil-
dren’s Foundation” in North Chungcheong Province headquarters. Yoon said that
the reason he donated is because as a father of two children, he wanted to help
the local children with his reward money in a meaningful way. He has become a
very brave citizen, and also a hero.

KCTV Service Starting from August
by Hyeji Kim
You have probably been asking yourself, why is there a big van with the banner parked
in front of our school, Branksome Hall Asia.

You will see KCTV written on the banner, KCTV Jeju. KCTV is the broadcasting company
that is promoting the culture of Jeju island through many fun segments in Jeju. KCTV Jeju
has been working really hard with BHA since the school first opened.

Program Aired on KCTV

On channel 567, which is our school’s channel, there are many things that are aired. For
students who missed a particular event that was held in BHA, the event will appear in
live on the channel so that students can watch it again. Also, when live events are not
occuring, Branksome TV, or promotional videos of our school are aired on the channel.

Interview with Mr. Jose Zarate

Mr. Zarate is one of the people who is in charge of KCTV. He has been in charge of
Branksome TV, Control Room Academy and many other CASE activities that are linked
with broadcasting and media in Branksome Hall Asia. He said that soon Jeju residents
with KCTV installed will be able to watch our school’s channel from August. Also, he
added that KCTV van is for the parents to promote that we have the channel. He recom-
mended to install KCTV, adding that this channel is used as an educational channel, and
not for the school’s profit.

Branksome Students Participating in KCTV

When certain events are not held, there will be many different videos about our school.
Many Branksome students are involved in producing channel content. The control room
students take the video and take the pictures of events. Also, Branksome TV makes and
plans videos promoting our school with many interesting segments and news. BHA’s
marketing team also makes videos that help promoting to many people.

KCTV Service Starting from August

To mention one more time, the KCTV service is starting from August 2018. When you
call KCTV service company that is in Jeju City, you can get it installed on your TV and
enjoy the channel for free.

This is not for the school’s profit and to make the money, this is one of the efforts to
make the education more fun to BHA students. Please encourage crews who are linked
with KCTV and love the channel.

STEM F AIR : BHA Grade 6 Winners
by Ayumi Maruyama

Congratulations to the BHA grade 6 students who participated in the Tri-school STEM FAIR! The
interviews and ceremony were held at KIS. The interviews were on Thursday, May 10th May. The
ceremony was on Friday, May 11th. The results were then announced in the MS Morning As-
sembly on May 18th. Each project was assessed on the scientific content, process, and how well
the students presented their ideas and results to the judges. The judges assessed the specific
rubric criterion for every project to be fair.
Point Scale
The judges gave each project points to get certifi- The Grade 6 Winners
cates and pins. Silver
Bronze for at least 15 points.
Silver for at least 20 points. How Does Acid Rain Affect Germination
Gold for at least 26 points. of Seeds? by 6G Students: Ayumi M, Iseo
Yun, and Hyojeong Yang

Effective Insulators by 6G Student: Yubin


Are Family Fingerprints influenced by

DNA? by 6B Students: Jennifer Jung, Seo-
jin Kim, and Narin In

Flexible Gooey Monsters by 6B Students:

Jewon Park and Sulim Jeong

What Fruit Rots Faster When They are in

STEM Fair Logo. PC: Global Education City Schools
the Same Container With an Apple? by
Mr. Langley’s Thoughts 6R Students: Sejin Jung and Jungmin Lee
Mr. Langley, the grade 6 science teacher, was one of
the judges at the Tri-school STEM FAIR. In an in- Bronze
terview, he shared his thoughts about some of the Making Candy Waterfall by 6G Students:
projects. Hyeji Kim, Yoonha Suh, and Yerim Jeong
Mr. Langley said, “[Making Candy Waterfall] was Temperature Change of Differents Types
interesting and unique. I have never seen students of Liquids by 6G Student: Jeeeun Shin
do this topic before.” He believes that their Bronze
award was well deserved. He also believes that they
will improve next year aiming for silver.

Regarding Jeeeun Shin, Mr. Langley said, “I think I have saw this project before. I think her
strength was her ability to collect data and come to conclusions.” He noticed that she had a
few mistakes on her experimental design, but her results were really solid which allowed her to
come to some interesting conclusions. He thinks that she could have gotten silver if she fixed her
method to ensure a fair test.

Mr. Langley said, “[The Acid Rain Project] was a topic covered in depth by previous students. I
think the experiment was designed and carried out with precision. However, the results were a
real weakness. I think that if the results gain more of a range of growth from sprouts, it would
have got better marks. I think that the experimental design was a strength, and the reason why

they got silver.”
Santa Fe Shooting Kills Many
by Iseo Yun
On May 18th, a school shooting marked the end of the school year for Santa Fe
High School. This is the 22nd school shooting in the U.S. during 2018. The gun-
man allegedly used a shotgun and a .38 caliber revolver that was legally owned
by his father to kill 10 people and wound 10 others. The victims were treated at
3 separate hospitals. Clear Lake Regional Medical in Webster Texas received 8
patients; Mainland Medical Center in Texas City took care of two people; and the
latter four went to John Sealy University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.

The attack occurred at 7:30, not long after school had started. The shooting hap-
pened in art class, over at the senior pods. Daymon Rabon stated, “At first he
thought that something had fell and went to investigate with his teacher.” He
then heard 3 more bangs, and saw the shooter coming out of the classroom. Ra-
bon stated that he heard more than a dozen shots while on lockdown. “Everyone
was crying in complete tears just in utter disbelief,” he said.

The gunman was identified as 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis. Dimitrios

Pagourtzis, a junior at Santa Fe High School, was known to be a quiet, shy boy
that had no criminal records before. But, on April 30th, less than a month ago, the
suspect posted a picture of a custom black t-shirt that said born to kill. Another
post, a black duster jacket with Nazi, Communist, Fascist and religious symbols
was also posted around that time. Besides that, he had been a normal teenager.

Antonios Pagourtzis, the father of Dimitrios Pagourtzis, stated in court that, “He
didn’t shoot people he liked and meant to kill the ones he did target.” His father
further stated in an interview with The Journal that, “Dimitrios was mistreated
at school,” and that, “the bullying was probably what was behind the shooting.”
On the other hand, one of the victim’s parents, Sadie Baze disagreed by stating
that her daughter, Shana Fisher who was killed in the incident had been target-
ed because, “she stood up to him in class to proclaim she would not go out with
him,” and that, “the incident embarrassed the suspect so much that he targeted

President Trump addressed the incident with stating, “school shootings have
gone on for too long.” He also shared his grief by saying, “Unfortunately, I have to
begin by expressing our sadness and heartbreak over the deadly shooting at San-
ta Fe High School in Texas,” Trump said from the East Room of the White House.
“This has been going on too long in our country. Too many years. Too many dec-
ades now,” but did not address the Gun Safety laws.

The Royal Wedding
by Yubin Park
Do you know who Prince Harry is? You might have heard of him. He is the prince of Eng-
land. He recently married Ms. Meghan Markle. This wedding is called the Royal Wedding
of 2018. The Royal Wedding was held at the Windsor Castle at 8:00 p.m, on the 19th of
May, 2018.

The Royal Wedding Family. PC: Alexi Lubomirski

Since it was a Royal Wedding, the range of the marriage was huge. There were 600
guests who attended the wedding and all of the decorations were fancy and beautiful.
It was also filmed live to share with the world. The wedding meant that there will be
a new name on the official list of political leaders and that there will be a 16th official
Royal couple. People all over the world were excited about this marriage.

The Royal Wedding preparation was as hard because of the size of the wedding. Even
the wedding flowers, which were only a small part of the preparation, had a lot of pro-
cess and steps. A lot of money spent was in the wedding from cakes to choirs. It was
told that Prince Harry and Meghan planned all of the wedding.
What does the Royal Wedding Mean for Society?
The Royal Wedding was a big ceremony for the world. English people celebrated the
wedding in their own homes even though they have no connection or relationship with
the Royal Family. Many people were interested in the Royal Wedding and tried to find
out about it. Most of the people who had an interest were the English people and the
countries near them. Some countries, like Canada that was a previous colony of Britain,
also celebrated the wedding by their own ways like congratulating the couple through

Now, let’s look at some of the opinions of our Branksome Hall Asia students. Through
several interviews, it was found that a considerable amount of students didn’t know
about the Royal wedding. There were some students who knew about the wedding, but
they didn’t even care to learn what about Royal Wedding. Maybe it is because they were
all from Korea, which is a country that does not have a close relationship with Britain.
That is why the students are not interested in the Royal Wedding. Even though it is a
hot issue world wide, it might not be in BHA.
3 Ways to Prepare For Adopting a Cat
by Sumin Oh

Many people are now beginning to adopt pets. How about you? Do you own a pet? If you are
looking toward adopting a cat, this article will help you with 3 ways to prepare.
Needed Materials
There are many “things” needed for
house cats. There are “must” and
“might” needed materials for adopting a

First of all, food and water dishes are

might needed materials. But depending
on the cat, it can be must needed ma-
terials. Some house cats eat food and
drink water on normal dishes which
human eat with, but some cats prefer
their dishes more because of the height
This cute little white cat is having a deep sleep. PC: Sumin Oh
of the dish.
Next, high quality food is a must because cheap foods have high possibility of hurting your cat
because it might cause allergic reactions. Snacks are musts because cats won’t stay long with
just eating same food again and again.

Litter is a must while a litter box and a scooper are might needed materials. Litter is a type of a
typical sand that cats pee and poop on. As choosing foods, there are good litter and bad litter.
Litter box and a scooper can be replaced with a simple box, and a big spoon.

Cat beds is a might needed material because some cats do not prefer it. Some cats prefer blan-
kets or towels because of that specific soft feeling. A cat carrier is a must needed material be-
cause to move a cat from one place to another, there needs to be transportation.

A variety of toys are a must because cats can’t handle themselves when it is too boring. But
remember, cats also don’t like to get too bothered.

Lint remover is a might needed material because it is used to clean the cat’s furs when it is all
over the house. It is important to buy a good lint remover because it needs to be sticky enough
to hold stray furs easily.
Going to the Vet
When you have any creature living with you, there will be
times when you need to go to the hospital for a check up or
an emergency.

First question: When is the approximate time to take the cat

to the vet for the first time after adoption?

Cats should be taken to the doctor for the first time after
within a week of being adopted. If there are other animals at
the house, they should also be taken to the doctor within 3
days. Most people take their cat to the vet for the first time
after 2 ~ 3 days of adoption. This cute little cat is focused on an object

PC: Hyeji Kim
Next, when should the cat go to the vet again? Usually, house cats go to the doctor to get the
insect repellent and the heartworm prevention medicine. Insect repellent is often in the form of
small, capsule looking pills. The heartworm prevention medicine looks like an ointment. It goes
on the cat’s skin on the back of its neck.
Things To Be Careful for the First Few Days
It takes a long time for a cat or any other living thing to adapt at a place that is new. Because of
this, there are many points to be aware of.

First, it is very important to leave the cat alone. Just let it explore around the house and let the
cat get comfortable in the house. Depending on the cat’s personality, it might take a long time
for them to adapt to a new environment, or it might be shorter. Connecting to this point, it is also
important to let the cat come to you. If you go to the cat and try to cuddle, the cat will become
stressed out and will impact your relationship.

After you have given some time to the cat, try to read the cat’s body language. Cats have body
language just as humans. Their body language is different from other species, so it is important
to study their body language. One of them is the slow blinks. The slow blinks means that the cat
itself feels safe in the new environment. To study the body language, you can read books about
cats. There are many good books, so make sure to check them out on the internet!

This cute little cat is looking at the camera. PC: Elin Jang

The Art Exhibition, “Impressions”
by Jenny Jeeeun Shin
Friday May 25th from 6pm to 8pm, was the opening night of the “Impressions”
art in the “annexe” of the Kim Tschang Yuel Art Museum in Jeoji. Four teachers
from Branksome Hall Asia participated in the exhibition: Ms. Jessica Murphy, Ms.
Terri Moore, Mr. Martin Barber, and Mr. Jose Zarate. About 250 people from four
schools including students, teachers, parents, and citizens of Jeju came to visit
during the opening night.

At the opening event, DJ Udo Lee played music and KIS string ensemble per-
formed songs. There were cakes and snacks, and people were looking and talking
about the artworks. In an interview, Ms. Murphy shared her thoughts about the

When asked why she participated, Ms. Murphy answered, “I chose to participate
in the exhibition as I had created a lot of work inspired by Jeju while I have been
here. As a group of artists (and teachers) we wanted to show our work in an exhi-
bition and get together to see the different ways that people have responded to
the same idea of Jeju.”

As Ms. Murphy was in the group that decided to have the exhibition she helped to
plan and arrange the artworks. She was also the curator of the exhibition. Over-
all, she answered she really enjoyed the event. After opening night, she told our
reporter that “It was a fantastic experience” that so many people came to partici-
pate and get involved in the exhibition.

“I am really proud of how it has been put together,” she continued when asked
about her thoughts on the exhibition.

This art exhibition was not a very big exhibition that thousands of people come
and look at artworks but it would still be able to inspire many people.
Paintings by Ms. Jessica Murphy. PC: Ms. Murphy

Cooperation Wins Everything: Clan Events
by Dain Jung
In BHA, there are clan events every three weeks. Each clan is doing sports as a group.
As all of BHA students participate in events, they get to do balanced activities. There are
8 teams which are Ross, Douglas, McLeod, McGregor, McAlpine, Scott, Campbell and
MacLean, and each team is represented by a color..
Just as the last semester is com-
ing to the end, the clan events are
about to end. There is a ranking clan
events. This year, McAlpine is in first
place, McGregor is in second place
and Campbell is in third place.

The McGregor Clan Chieftan agreed

to an interview with our news maga-
zine. Here’s what she said: 2017-2018 Clan ranking. PC: Finalsite
Q1: “What kind of games did the students play this year? Also, what was the best?”

A1: “Branksome students participate six games throughout 2017 and 2018: capture the
bean bag, swimming, relay drawing, Branksome golden bell, and Olympic quiz. I along
with other clan chieftains believe that the best game was the “Clan Relay Drawing”. Not
only it was well prepared but also because students enjoyed this event the most.”

Q2: “Why would it be good to win at clan?”

A2: “Friendship and a sense of accomplishment are the prizes for these events. As
one of my goals was leading McGregor to win the championship, winning these events
helped towards achieving this goal and proved the effort that our clan members have

Q3: “Why are students doing clan events?”

A3: “Students are participating in clan events as the event itself is part of Branksome
Hall Asia’s culture. As every clan events are done as a group, by joining in events, stu-
dents will not only build community spirit but also develop their teamwork skills. Thus,
as it is the only time when students in different grades gather together, clan events
enable students to interact with other grade levels and confront new individuals.

Q4: “How does school decide teams for the clan?”

A4: “Although I do not know how Branksome decides the clan for students, I am certain
that you will be in the same clan with your family member. You will belong to the same
team with either your siblings or cousins. However, I believe that the colors are decided
randomly trying to balance out the numbers of each clan.”

For doing clan events, students can develop teamwork and a cooperative spirit.

What is Your Favorite K-Pop Group?
by Jenny Jeeeun Shin
BTS, EXO, Wanna One, Seventeen, Red Velvet, Twice, Blackpink, Winner, IU, Gfriend(여
자친구), BtoB, Block B, Bolbbalgan 4, Akdong musician, Mamamoo, April, and Vinxen.
These are the names of popular K-pop groups that BHA 6 graders like.

A survey was sent out to all grade 6s in BHA to get information on which group is the
most loved group, number of groups each people liked, the reason they like the K-pop
group, and what are some related activities. In the survey, 38 students responded but
one student misunderstood the purpose, so total 37 students’ responses were recorded
and used in this article.

30 out of 37 students answered they like K-pop with the majority of students’ (19 peo-
ple) favorite group BTS. Red Velvet was the second favorite group with almost ⅙ of the
students vote. Seventeen was the third favorite group, followed by Twice, Winner, and

Most students (16) in the survey answered that they only like one group. Whereas 9
students like two groups and 4 people like 3 groups. There was a student that even likes
9 groups.

Most people might think the reason that people like K-pop groups is because they are
handsome and beautiful. However, 23 people mentioned that their songs and voice
was one of the main reasons. The movements (dances) of the performance had a lot of
influence as mentioned by 17 people. 15 people said that they like their K-pop group
because they are handsome. Unlike the prediction, appearance was the third important
reason that people liked a K-pop group followed by personality (11 people). This result
was very interesting. Some other reasons were raps, intelligence, healing, and makes
the person happy.

As 6 graders are deeply into K-pop groups, there are a lot of activities students do
because of K-pop groups. Listening to music and watching videos of the performance,
and even covering dances and songs are some popular activities. Some students started
SNS and go to fan meetings (signing) and attend concerts. Most students buy albums,
photo cards, posters, and more goods related to the K-pop group they like.

As a conclusion, many BHA 6 graders like and discuss K-pops.

Members of the K-Pop boy band, BTS. PC:
Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images

2018 Billboard Music Awards
by Sumin Oh

PC: Billboard Music Awards, the Official Trailer

On May 20th, 2018 (8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT, USA local time), the Billboard Music
Awards happened in Las Vegas, United States of America. Many famous artists
participated in this Billboard Music Awards. Hailey Baldwin, Tyra Banks, Alison
Brie, The Chainsmokers, Ciara and more artists participated as presenters that
announced the awards, while Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello & Pharrell,
Shawn Mendes & Khalid, BTS and more participated as performers.

The Billboard Music Awards happen every year to celebrate and acknowledge art-
ists, mostly American artists in the world. Awards are given for each section and
artists perform to celebrate with other artists that are participating in the BBMA.

Each award was given to the winners. Ed Sheeran won the Top Artist Award,
Camila Cabello won the Billboard Chart Achievement Award, Taylor Swift won the
Top Female Artist Award, BTS won the Top Social Artist Award, The Chainsmok-
ers won the Top Dance/Electronic Artist Award, and more awards were given to
other artists. Ed Sheeran won 6 awards in this year’s BBMA, which was the most
awards won by one artist. BTS won their Top Social Artist Award which was their
second time in a row.

In between each award, the following artists and musical groups performed in
order: Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa, Shawn Mendes, John Legend, Christina & Demi,
Lopez & DJ Khaled, Shawn & Khalid, Zedd, Maren, Grey, Janet, Macklemore Kesha,
Kelly C, Pharrell & Camila, BTS, and Salt N Pepa. They all had finished their perfor-
mance successfully with many audiences’ and artists’ applause.

After this successful BBMA, many people are looking forward to next year’s
BBMA. People are already guessing of who will be invited to the BBMA next year,
and who is going to perform.

Top 3 Places to Go in Tokyo, Japan
by Ayumi Maruyama

1. Tokyo Disneyland
Tokyo Disneyland is a theme park in Urayasu, Chiba which is just outside of To-
kyo. Built in 1983, the park is owned by the Oriental Land Company. It is opened
during the day from 8am to 10pm.

I would recommend going to Tokyo Disneyland with your family or friends. It’s a
good idea to get the tickets online, so you don’t have to line up to buy tickets on
the day of. I also recommend going at 7am to wait before opening, so you can go
in faster and get fast passes for rides.

During your visit, I recommend eating the Pizza Spring Roll or other food in Toon-
town. My best 3 rides are Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, and Space
Mountain. If you don’t like scary rides, I strongly recommend not riding these

Tokyo Disneyland with Mickey and Minnie

Mouse. PC: WION

1. Takeshita Street
Takeshita Street is a pedestrian shopping street that has fashion boutiques, res-
taurants, and cafes. It is very popular place for teenagers. Takeshita Street is in
Harajuku, Tokyo. If you’re going to come here by train, Takeshita Street will be di-
rectly across from JR East’s Harajuku Station. The street is 400 meters long from
the front to the back gate. You would know which gate is the front because there
is a huge Takeshita Street Banner, which is a great photo shot.

I recommend coming with a light backpack that only has small, important items
like your phone and money. You will need space in your backpack to put in any
purchases, because I am sure that you are going to find many cool and interest-
ing souvenirs. Second, I recommend dressing up cool or cute because if you don’t,
probably most of the people will look better than you.

While at Takeshita, make sure you try eating a Choco Banana Cream Crepe in a
Crepe Shop. The famous Zaku Zaku Ice Cream shop is also highly recommended.
Last, I recommend taking a purikura with your friends or family at Purikura Shop

My best 3 shops are SoRaDo, Angel Crepes, and Mooosh.

1. Tokyo Skystree
Tokyo Skytree is the tallest structure in
Japan, and the tallest broadcasting tower
in the world. Tokyo Skytree is in Sumida,
Tokyo. Nikken Sekkei, an architectural firm
designed this tower. It was built in 2012
and is open daily from 8am to 10pm.

I would not recommend this place to a per-

son who is scared of heights because 340
meters is the lowest point and 450 meters
is the highest point where you can go. The
whole tower is 634 meters tall. I would
also offer a word of caution if you do not
like elevators as elevators are necessary
to arrive at the top. If you do decide to visit
the Skytree, I would recommend going at
night because Tokyo is beautiful when the
city is all lit up.

Takeshita Street. PC: Danny Choo Tokyo Skytree. PC: Wikipedia

A Movie Full of Lessons: Wonder
by Joungyeon Kim

Wonder came out on November

16th, 2017. The director for the
movie was Stephen Chbosky. The
story is based on the book by R.J.
Palacio. The movie received the
Humanitarian Award, and made
300.5 million USD at the box of-
Image from the movie posters used to promote Wonder.
Summary of the story PC: Nour Lababede
Wonder is a movie is about a boy named August who has a facial deformity. He
didn’t like to go outside. He hated his face and never wanted to show people his
face, because everyone always stared at him when he goes out and play, or walk
down the road. For this reason, he was home-schooled for 12 years. August
always wore a helmet that looks like a space helmet, to cover his face, so no one
can look at him. When he grows enough that he can’t be homeschool anymore,
he has to go to regular school. The movie Wonder explores the story of how he
adapts to school and what happens in school.

Lessons from the Movie

The movie Wonder teaches a lot of good lessons, and this is the reason why I
am writing the review for this movie. For one example of a lesson that the movie
gives is that never ever discriminate others by their looks and if you find out that,
there is bullying going on, you need to help and not be a bystander.

How people think of the movie wonder

I interviewed a student and an adult that watched the movie Wonder and asked
about what they learned from watching the movie. They answered, “The movie
Wonder gave me the lesson that friendship is really important in our lives.”

They also said, “Never judge a person by appearance.”

The movie Wonder has a lot of good meanings, and it can be explained or ex-
pressed in many different ways. I think that people around the world should see
this movie. Also, Wonder is also in a book and it was New York Times bestseller
book!! If you are curious what will happen to the boy, watch the movie, Wonder.

Along with the Gods:
by Kyubeen Kim
The Two Worlds (2017)
Introduction: Along With the Gods

Korean Movie Poster. PC: Google Images

Today I am going to introduce the movie Along With the
Gods: The Two Worlds, which first opened in Korea with
the Korean name 신과 함께: 죄와 벌. The movie first aired in
theatres on December 20th, 2017 in Korea and December
22th, 2017 in the USA. The movie was remade from a naver
webtoon and has many content changes. The biggest change
in the film was that there was no lawyer who accounted for
the biggest percentage. In the naver webtoon, there was a
lawyer named Jin Gi-Han (진기한) who spoke enthusiastically
for Kim Ja-Hong (김자홍) to be reborn. In order to fill in the
absence of this lawyer role, three angels of death were cast
First angel of death is Gang Rim (강림) who is the leader of three angels of death. Gang Rim has
great leadership and talking skill like Jin Gi-Han’s original character. The Readers of the web-
toon may also think that Gang Rim has the power of Jin Gi-Han. Second, the angel of death is
Haewonmak, who follows Gang Rim. Sometimes Haewonmak gives advice to Gang Rim to get
him to make good choices. The third angel of death is Dukchun, who always helps and believes
in everyone. Dukchun’s special ability is that she is aware of Ja-Hong’s earlier crime.

There are other characters who are the kings of each hell. There is Byun-Sung King, who takes
charge of murder, Cho-Gang King, who takes charge of laziness, Tae-San King, who is in charge
of the hell of deception and lies, Oh-Gwan king who is in charge of injustice, Song-Jae king who
is in charge of the Betrayal hell, Jin-Gwang king who is responsible of the violence hell, and
lastly Yeom-ra takes care of moral laws of family relationships.

About the hells

To examine the hells in more detail, the murder hell takes a look at murder trials. If you lose at
this trial, you fall into the fire and magma and need to stay there until your sentence is up. The
lazy hell takes care of the times that you’ve been lazy during your life. If you lose at the trial,
you fall into the turning spinner and run forever until the sentence time is up. The lie hell takes
look of the times you lied to other people at your life. If you lose at the trial you are sent to the
sword forest. Also Tae-San king cuts out their tongue to keep their silence about their lies. The
injustice hell takes a look at the injustice that you gave to others. If you lose at the trial, they
put you at the bowl and freeze. The betrayal hell looks at how you betrayed others. If you lose
at the trial, you are sent inside the mirror and are broken into many pieces. The violence hell
takes look over the time that you gave violence to someone. If you lose at the trial, you will get
pain from many hard balls thrown from everywhere. Lastly, the moral laws of family relation-
ships hell takes look for the times that you didn’t follow the moral laws of family relationships
at whole life. If you get lose on the trial you will get into the sands and get painful.

Most of the movie takes care of crimes (죄) that you made at your whole life. The movie is also
sad and happy, so it is good to watch with your family. I wish many of you learned about this
movie Along With the Gods and I recommend you to watch the movie, too!

Looking for a New Way to Play!
by Dain Jung
Nowadays, children play with new ways and something different. One of them is
slimes. Children all over the world like to make slime or touch slime.

There are many ways to make different kinds of slimes and they can express their
creativity with making slimes. For example, there are clear slime, butter slime,
crunchy slime and jelly cube.
Clear Slimes: It is a basic slime and when
people make other slimes, it becomes the
base for the Slimes.

Butter Slimes: The name butter is given to

it because it is as good as butter and colorful.

Crunchy Slimes: The name was given

because of the crunchy sound when people
make slimes. Also, inside of the slime, there
is something special materials like pearl or
styrofoam ball.

Jelly Cube Slimes: It is a slime that ab-

sorbs the magic sponge into the clear slime
and enjoys the feeling and sound of the ab- An image of green slime. PC: Michaels
sorbed magic sponge.
Making slimes are very good way to play but some slimes use bad ingredients, so
most parents don’t like slimes. Here are some opinions on slime from parents and

Parent Opinion
“Slimes make us anxious. Slimes can cause atopic disease and itching due to
harmful chemicals. It also causes water pollution.”

Student Opinions
Joungyeon Kim, a grade 6 student says, “The texture especially the gooey feels so
good and the slime with beads is so beautiful.”

“I was not interested in slime at first. However, since my other friends play with
the slime. I started to be interested and curious about that and started to play
with slime,” Hyeji Kim adds.

Yoonha Suh said, “I like slime because it has an interesting texture, and each one
has its own unique texture or characteristics.”

Many children try to make slimes in new and different ways, so there are a lot of
ways, but there is a simple way beginners can make slime.

All you need:

- Container to put slimes
- Water
- Liquid glue
- Soda
- Clay

Pour as much water
as you want into the

Soak clay in the wa- An image of rainbow slime. PC:
ter and take clay out

of the water. Put some of the
liquid glue and mix
them together.

Put some of the
soda and mix until
they combine.

Then your slime is

An image of rainbow slime.

Special Law Changes Teacher's Day
by Hyeji Kim
What do you normally give to your teachers on the Teacher’s Day? In South Korea, May
15th, is a special day for both teachers and students. It is ‘Teacher’s Day’, which is a day
for students to express their appreciation to teachers. Let’s find out many different is a
responses about the ‘Anti Graft Law’ that has made the Teacher’s Day more special.

The Best Present, “Thank You.”

Normally, on Teacher’s Day, there are many types of presents that students give to
teachers. Some of them are handwritten letters, and some of them are the presents
they bought with their own money. However, the teachers working in Korea said that
the warm letters or words of comfort that allow teachers to spend the day with energy
were much better than gifts even though gifts were bought with students’ own money.
Teachers said they are satisfied enough with just the students’ heartfelt gratitude and

What is the Anti-Graft Law?

In order to relieve the burden for parents and students and make Teachers ‘ Day more
special, a special law has been created in Korea. It is called the “Anti Graft Law.” This law
was made to prevent students and parents giving teachers the present as a bribe. This
law is applied to all of the students and teachers in formal school. When you break the
law, you get punished by paying a fine or going to the jail.

Special Law makes Teacher’s Day more Special

With this law, that has been continued for about 2 years, Teacher’s Day has changed.
In previous years, students gave teachers presents and they thought it was a non use-
ful day. However, after this law started, students started to cooperate with each other
making the special event for their teachers or reminding themselves the special experi-
ences they had writing the letters for their teachers.

Public Opinions
I have asked many students and teacher’s
opinion about the Anti Graft Law. Most
of the students responded that the law is
good because they don’t need to spend
their time and money for the present. How-
ever, teachers said that they were sorry for
the students who prepared the present for
them. The other students mentioned that
before the law has been made, they had the
pleasure of visiting their teacher with a gift.
However, after the law was made, they are
sad because they had fewer opportunities
to meet their teachers. What do you think Students putting flower on teacher’s chest, thanking
about this law? the teacher. PC: ?

Behind the Arts Queen Award
by Yubin Park
This year, the Arts Council has planned a new event which is the Arts Queen
Award. The Arts Queen Award is an award that is given to the best art queen in
four different areas. Those four subjects are visual arts, music, drama, and design.
The students who become the four Art Queens for each grade will receive a badge
at the June 1st Friday morning assembly.

How it Works
The Arts Queen award is chosen by the students and the teachers. It was because
the Arts Council thought that the students and the teachers know each other
well. Each student voted for a queen in each type of art. They can only vote for
one person which is in their grade. This way, it will be fair.

The Planning Process

All of the planning was done by the Arts Council. It was discussed by the coun-
cil for a long period of time. The council tried to contact the previous year’s Arts
Council’s prefect since it is an event that was also held last year. Through con-
tacting the last year’s prefect, the council received some tips and the parts that
the council might keep as an Arts Queen Award tradition.

At first, the council sent out a digital survey to the students and the school. How-
ever, there were not many students who took their time and filled out the survey.
It was not reminded to the students by word, only through their mail. Then, the
council changed the plan and decided to have students vote on paper. That is the
reason why the students filled the votes in their advisories.

Student Opinions
Since the Arts Queen Award is an award for all middle school and high school stu-
dents, the opinions of the students are important. Some students said that it is a
good chance to show their skills and that it is fun to guess the next Art Queens.
All four art areas are subjects that students learn in class. That is also the reason
why the students are starting to work hard in their classes. Looking at these fun
reactions, the Arts Council decided to keep this Arts Queen Award as a tradition.

Kilauea Volcanic Eruption
by Kyubeen Kim

Introduction: Kilauea volcano

The Kilauea volcano is located on Hawaii’s Big Island. On May 3rd, 2018, the
Kilauea volcano erupted. Magma and volcanic ash started coming out, and the
volcano made a 5.0 earthquake at first. Until now, May 30th, the volcano is still

When the magma goes into the water, it makes a poisonous gas and hydrochloric
acid which is not good and unhealthy for human body. There are many local peo-
ples injured from the magma, however, few people have been seriously injured
until now.

More information for the eruption

USGS Geologist Tina Nill says that “The record tells that big Hawaii volcano erup-
tions were at 1955 and 1960, and the days each took was 36 days and 88 days.
Now, the eruption is taking almost one month. There might be an eruption in
1924 however, there are also some arguments which says that the eruption will
end in short time.” The eruption could be longer or shorter. Because humans can-
not know the future, no one knows whether the eruption will end soon or later.
There are many opinions coming out from many other peoples. However every-
one is wishing for the eruption to end.

One news writer says, “Misting from the eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii has cov-
ered the Marshall Islands in the Western Pacific. The National Weather Service,
based in Guam, said Vogue (a combination of Volcano and smog) is spreading
throughout MicronnessI. Experts have advised residents of the Marshall Islands
to stay indoors to prevent respiratory problems, and have also advised airlines
and transportation industries to be cautious.”This tells that when the eruption is
large, it impacts other places close to the volcano.

No one knows when the eruption will end and when is the eruption going to start.
Everyone should always be careful of the volcano eruption. The eruption which
happened at one place could impact another place which is close to the volcano.

Having Fun Making Crunchy Slime
by Yoonha Suh

What is “Slime”?
Recently, there is something that has become very popular amongst with both students
and adults in Korea. It is called slime. Slimes are a new type of toy and are also called
“liquid monsters” because of their ability to easily stretch and shape themselves. They
are being loved by many people because of their unique texture. Slimes have contin-
ued to develop, and recently, people have created new multi-textured slimes such
as “crunch slimes”, “snowflake slimes”, “clear slimes” , and more. These days, more
and more people are introducing and sharing how to make different kinds of slimes
on social networking sites. Let’s take a closer look at the simple steps of making the
slime,“crunchy slime.” Crunchy slimes are slimes that contain little grains or beads in-
side them.

Preparing the Ingredients

These are the ingredients you will have to prepare to make the slime. You need clear
glue, liquid laundry starch, food coloring, a measuring cup, a small bowl, baking soda,
and finally, beads of your own choice.

Making Slime
First, prepare your bowl and and add one cup of clear glue inside it. Then you may add
a drop of food coloring to make the slime have a color. After putting the food coloring
in, add ¾ cup of water and 3 tablespoons of baking soda. The baking soda makes the
slime thicker than original slime, and changes the texture of it. You then have to stir all
of these ingredients. When you are done stirring, put your beads inside the mixture to
make the slime “crunchy”. The next step is to add ½ cup of laundry starch and stir. You
can use more laundry starch if the slime is still too sticky. Keep on stirring the mixture
until the slime gets stretchy and is hardened to a certain degree. You can start to play
with the slime and touch it. But be careful when touching it, because the beads tend to
fall out more as you play with a longer time with the slime.

How About Making Your Own?

These are the steps to make “crunchy slime”. Anyone can easily create and enjoy
crunchy slimes by following the
steps outlined above. Slimes have
been loved by many people through
lots of interesting changes. Why
don’t you try and make your own
creative slime, too?

Someone playing with the crunchy slime.

Three Books to Read This Summer
by Iseo Yun

The Hate you Give by Angie Thomas

Realistic F iction
“What’s the point of having a
Goodreads Star: 4.57/5
voice if you’re gonna be silent in
Sixteen year old Starr knows two different those moments you shouldn’t be?”
worlds. One where she is just the quiet black
girl in a posh white school, and the poor neighborhood where she was born in,
where she is always somebody’s friend or somebody’s something. It’s not easy
to exist as two different people and the balance is hard. But even that balance
is broken when she witnesses the murder of her friend Khalil who was unarmed
and killed by a police officer. From now, what she says could get her killed or de-
stroy her community, or show everyone that #BlackLivesMatter.

I would recommend this book to people who are interested in issues that are
happening around in the world. This reading level is about HL590L, with a rec-
ommended age range from 14-17. If you want a bit more challenging content, I
would definitely recommend this book. It is deep and moving and handles a lot of
societal issues.

Turtles All the Way Down byJohn Green

Realistic F iction
“Anybody can look at you. It’s
Goodreads Star: 4.05/5
quite rare to find someone who
Aza is trying really hard to be a good daughter, sees the same world you see.”
a good student, a good friend and a good person.
But as she starts to pursue the mystery of the missing fugitive and billionaire
Russell Pickett, she winds up in never ending spirals of thoughts that seem to link
on to one another. And she maybe winds up in a bit of romance, too. She needs
someone to understand her more than ever and visits her old friend, David Pick-
ett, Russell Pickett’s son. The long awaited return of John Green, the acclaimed
award-winning author of Paper towns, Looking for Alaska, and the Fault in Our
Stars delivers another novel that speaks volumes.

I would recommend this book to people who like realistic fiction and want to
explore different perspectives about life and mental disorders. Even though it
does have a bit of mystery in it, the focus is not in the solving of Russell Pickett’s
disappearance. The reading level is 840L and the ages recommended are also 14-
17. It is a bit more challenging like the other book, but it is definitely a book that I
would recommend to everybody.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Science F iction “For a bunch of hairless apes,
Goodreads Star: 4.30/5
we’ve actually managed to invent
In the year 2045, reality is harsh. Wade Watts, some pretty incredible things.”
an orphan, only feels alive when he logs into
the OASIS, the virtual utopia where anything is possible. But things are about to
change when James Halliday the games creator hides an Easter Egg inside the
OASIS and decides whoever finds it first gets to inherit the his multi-billion for-
tune and the infinite access to the OASIS. When Wade finds the first clue, many
people offer bribes, but others offer death and threats. If he wants to stay alive,
he’ll have to win the game.

I recommend this book to people who are geeks, love video games and want to
go back to the 80 retros. I also recommend this book to anyone who likes a good
fictional story and want to try an interesting book.The reading level is 990L and
the ages recommended are 14-17. It isn’t that challenging for a 6 grader to read,
but the concepts can be challenging. If it feels a bit hard, try waiting for a bit of
time and reading the book.

Whether you read one of these books now, or a few years later, I would highly
recommend giving all of these best selling books a chance.

Book covers from Goodreads.

Blue F lames
by Joungyeon Kim

Image of Blue Flames. PC: Geology In

On May 24th, 2018 a suspicious and strange blue substance was witnessed in
Kilauea, Hawaii. The strange blue substance is called blue flames.

Volcanic eruption
In Kilauea, Hawaii, a huge volcanic eruption happened on May 3, 2018. It hap-
pened because of seismic activity, ground deformation, and high concentrations
of sulfur dioxide emissions. The huge volcanic eruption occurred damaging 37
houses and buildings, and about 4 roads were blocked off.

This terrible volcanic eruption resulted in tragedy. Many forests were destroyed,
and 2 people died. In addition the creation of sulfur dioxide gas created further
dangers. Now Kilauea is no longer a place that is beautiful nor is it a place for vis-
itors. Dangerous blue flames are coming up into the world. One of the scientists
says that the “blue flames can trigger an explosion if ignited while trapped under-

Cause and effect

The blue flames are spewing through the cracks that are made because of the
volcanic eruption. Experts (U.S. Geological Survey) found out that the blue flame
effect is caused by methane, which is produced by the decomposition of dead
plants and the accumulation of gases in underground empty spaces. The scary
fact is that blue flames are only visible at night, so it is very hard for people to find
out how widespread it has become in the morning.

The cracks are destroying houses and cars on the roads. Thousands of people
are running away from this horrible event. Some people are staying in Red Cross
shelters, and some ran away with their friends or family. People are feeling very
depressed, that their homes are destroyed, also especially, parents are feeling
exhausted because they have to take care of the children. Now Kilauea is not a
beautiful place anymore.

Works Cited
“100ml Rainbow Color Slime Plasticine Slime Fluffy Stress Relief Toy Interesting Toys Gift Kids Gift Anti Stress Slime
LDD9107-in Modeling Clay from Toys & Hobbies on | Alibaba Group.”, www.aliexpress.
기자 김금란. “도주 차량 막은 윤자운씨 포상금 초록우산에 기부.” 충청타임즈, 28 May 2018, 20:17,
Andone, Dakin, and Keith Allen. “Alleged Shooter at Texas High School Spared People He Liked, Court Document Says.”
CNN, Cable News Network, 19 May 2018,
Brenda. “How to Make Crunchy Slime Recipe.” Fun with Mama, 26 Apr. 2018,
CBS News. “Hawaii Volcano’s Blue Flames Trigger Fears of Explosions.” CBS News. CBS Interactive, 24 May 2018. Web.
25 May 2018.
Choo, Danny. “Takeshita Dori.” Culture Japan, 25 Dec. 2011,
“Don Lemon: When Will We Finally Listen? - CNN Video.” CNN, Cable News Network, 19 May 2018,
Geology In. “Hawaii’s Erupting Kilauea Volcano Is Now Spouting Blue Flames of Burning Methane.” Geology In, 24 May
기자 박성우. “[단독] 경찰 매단 무면허車 가로 막은 시민, GM서 의인상 받는다.” 조선 일보, 18 May 2018, 11:01, news.chosun.
“The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas.” Goodreads, Goodreads, 28 Feb. 2017,
Jung, Joonyoung. “하와이 섬 화산 폭발, 첫 부상자 발생...용암 바다로 흘러들어.” SBS NEWS, SBS뉴스, 20 May 2018, news.
Lababede, Nour. “Book and Film Review: Wonder.” The Green & White, Westlake High School, 1 Dec. 2017, greennwhite.
Lee, Gi-Chul. “하와이 화산 연무, 남태평양 마셜제도까지 위협.” 국제뉴스, 31 May 2018,
cleView.html?idxno=934719 .
Matthews, Lyndsey. “Why It’s Significant Where Everyone Is Standing in the Official Royal Wedding Family Portrait.”
Harper’s BAZAAR. Harper’s BAZAAR, 21 May 2018. Web. 30 May 2018.
Michaels. “DIY Slime Making Materials.” Michaels Stores – Art Supplies, Crafts & Framing,
NLCS Jeju. “STEM.” NLCS Jeju Moodle,
Perez, Evan. “What We Know about Dimitrios Pagourtzis, the Alleged Santa Fe High School Shooter.” CNN, Cable News
Network, 21 May 2018,
“Ready Player One (Ready Player One, #1) by Ernest Cline.” Goodreads, Goodreads, 16 Aug. 2011,
“Report: More Killed in School than in Military - CNN Video.” CNN, Cable News Network, 19 May 2018,
“Shooting Survivor: I’m Not Surprised - CNN Video.” CNN, Cable News Network, 18 May 2018,
Song, Youngsuck. “‘용암강’으로 뒤덮인 하와이섬...화산 분화구에 무슨 일이?” KBS 뉴스, 30 May 2018,
“Tokyo Skytree.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation,
“Turtles All the Way Down by John Green.” Goodreads, Goodreads, 10 Oct. 2017,
Valencia, Nick, et al. “Texas School Shooting: Sheriff Says He Doesn’t Believe Any Victims Killed in Crossfire with Gun-
man.” CNN, Cable News Network, 22 May 2018,
Vera, Amir. “These Are the Victims of the Santa Fe High School Shooting.” CNN, Cable News Network, 22 May 2018,
“Why Blue Flames Are Now Burning at Kilauea.” National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 24 May 2018. Web.
25 May 2018.
wiki, namu. “신과함께(영화)/지옥 목록.” 괴물(영화) - 나무위키 , 16 May 2018,
WION Web Team. “Tokyo Disneyland Resort to Get $2.7 Billion Expansion.” WION, 1 Dec. 2017,

News Team

Ms. Briard, the Editor In Chief Dain Jung is a member of Hyeji Kim is a journalist in the news
of the Hermes Telegraph, has al- Hermes Telegraph. She has a publishing company, the Hermes
ways longed to be a mermaid and very bright smile. She looks like Telegraph. A girl who always lives
practiced for countless hours in a squirrel. She also has double alone in her own romance. She likes
to listen to American pop songs.
pools. Unfortunately, she never personality. Be careful not to rub
She always love herself. She likes
learned to breathe underwater, her the wrong way!
doing the shuffle.
so she became a teacher instead.

Joungyeon is a member of Kyubeen is the journalist of Ayumi Maruyama is a journalist

Hermes Telegraph. She loves Hermes Telegraph. She likes of the Hermes Telegraph. She is
BTS, and her bias is Taeh- to listen to K-pop, eat desserts, half Japanese and Korean. She
yung. She is 18 dimensional. and to play during vacation. She loves an anime called Haikyuu.
Joungyeon is a little stupid but hates bugs. Her bias is Tsukishima Kei. Her
we can’t easily hate her. She tries last day at Branksome Hall Asia
her best every day! will be the 15th of June.

Estella Sumin Oh is a journalist Yubin Park is a journalists in Jenny Shin is a journalist of

of Hermes Telegraph. She is a the best news company ever, the Hermes Telegraph. She uses a
big fan of BTS, her bias is Jimin. Hermes Telegraph. She can go portal in her closet to research
She has a cat that is now 604 days into the computer screen and in many places. However, she
old. Estella likes to fool around go to the place in a photo or run always forgets to bring her note-
all over the place. She is quite a around the screen and search book and pencil so she research-
weirdo. things. es using internet every time.

Yoonha Suh is a member of the Iseo Yun just received a letter
Hermes Telegraph. She enjoys from Hogwarts. No, wait, that’s
using the internet for research- Harry Potter. She is a journalist Logo Design by Jeeeun Shin.
ing. She likes spring wind. When of the Hermes Telegraph. She
she has free time at home, she also considers herself the ulti-
usually drinks a cup of warm mate nerd. She loves to read in
milk tea along with a sweet all of her free time and is a Harry
snack. Potter geek.


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