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Paper Backup for Armory Wallet

W allet Version: 1.35c

W allet ID: 2WiSDyjvw
W allet Name: Primary Wallet
Backup Type: Single-Sheet (Unencrypted)

WARNING: Anyone w ho has access to this page has access to all the bitcoins
in this w allet! Please keep this page in a safe place.

The following two lines backup all addresses ever generated by this wallet (previous
and future). This can be used to recover your wallet if you forget your passphrase or
suffer hardware failure and lose your wallet files.

Root Key: drne fegn aktt faor ntee dfjs arfo frft hkrn
dfai wtju uhow gugo riud tuud adoa rrne jsnu

The follow ing QR code is for convenience

only. It contains the exact same data as the
tw o lines above. If you copy this backup by
hand, you can safely ignore this QR code.

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