Cassandra Pahugot

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Kwon Tae Rim ( Ted ) - The student needs extra practice hearing and understand
ing common English vocabulary. However, he ables to
engage meaningful in classroom discussions on social or
academic topics. Also Ted is having a hard time
sometimes in listening to what I read and answer his Tobi
book. Even though Ted isn’t interested sometimess, he
manage to be attentive in listening the story in the book.
Choi Suan ( Suan ) - The student always pays attention to the specific deatils.
She can comprehend the basic meaning of the words that
she heard. She can manage to respond questions.
Sometimes she can’t hit the core answer of the question.
She can follow instructions with minimum supervision.
Suan is very attentive student, she always pay attention
when the teacher is reading the book. As a result, she
can easily know or remember what the text is all about.
She is good in listening and also a productive student.
YOU CHAE YOON - The student can show only limited control of a few simple
( Henry) grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
memorised repertoire. Can coot short sentences on
everyday subject- e.g directions how to get somewhere.
Can write reasonable phonetic accuracy (bit nkt
necessarily fully standard spelling) short words that are in
his oral vocabulary. Henry is a kind of student whom
easily feel bored, sometimes he isn’t interested to
participate in class, especially if I ask him a question that
is related to the story. He has a small voice and can’t
really remember the text. Although he is attentive to learn.
LEE ROO JIN ( Alex ) - The student can use some simple structures correctly, but
still systematically makes basic mistakes. Can perform
and respond to basic language functions, such as
information exchange and requests and express opinions
and attitude in a simple way. Can socialise simply but
effectively using the simplest common expressions and
following basic routines. During our speech practice Alex
manage to speak well using the English language. I can
say that he is very serious in learning english. Also he
can easily speak and communicate well using english
language. He even memorise well his speech. Alex is
very productive and intelligent student.
KIM GAYON ( Aspyn) - The student can use basic sentence patterns with
memorised phrases, groups of a few words and formulate
in order to communicate limited information in simple
everyday situations. Aspyn's performance in class is
good, she is so attentive in class, he can communicate
well using English language. When we have a speech
practice in our class she cab easily memorise and dwliver
her soeech well. However their are times that she is
having a hard time to understand the words.
KIM MIN SEO (Harry) - The student has difficulty on gathering his thoughts on
time. He has a hard time to use correct spelling of words
in a writing activity. Also Harry's diary has many spelling,
punctuation, or grammarical errors and improper usage of
words in writing. Need to practice more on how to
construct a sentence. However I can say that he is trying
his best to construct and write his thoughts and ideas.
Also he can communicate using english language. Harry
know how to speak english well but when in writings he
have some errors and hard times to organize his thoughts
SHAM JIHOON (Jihoon) - The student doesn’t have a clear beginning, middle, and
end when he writes a story. His writing needs ti be
creative, but often has many errors in spelling grammar,
and punctuation marks. His diarybis sometimes the idea
and content in writing is unclear, his opinion is quitly
confused to the readers. Everytime I check his diary their
are words or sentence that hard to identify what is it all
about. It is so hard to predict what is the real ideas or the
point of view of the sentence. Jihoon really need to
practice more on writing and especially in kepping his
thoughts well organize.
JUNG SEO YEON - The student knows how to make paragraphs. Je use
(Yenny) basic vocabulary words but generally correct. Yenny is
good in writing, she can organize her thoughts well. Also
she know how to make a paragraph base on her
experience. However she can’t communicate well using
english language but she can express herself using
writing and also she needs more practice and study about
proper grammars and use of punctuation marks. To sum
up, Yenny can construct paragraph but need
improvement also in her speaking using english
SEO JIOH (Jioh) - The student needs extra practice and understanding
common english vocabulary. Jioh's performance in class
isn’t so good, he really needs more study and practice in
speaking and communicating verbally using english
grammar. He find hard in communiting ing english, he
only do some actions to express what he like to say
because he doesn’t know well in speaking english. Also
Jioh can’t construct well a paragraph because he doesn’t
know how to speak and write English. In conclusion, Jioh
really need to study, read and pratice constructing a
AHN JUNGYEON (Ellie) - The student neexs extra practice hearing and
understanding common English vocabulary. However,
she ables to engage meaningfully in classroom
discussion on social or academic topics. Also sometimes
Ellie didn’t pay attention. She barely talk and
communicate, she also do actions to express her
thoughts. She need to improve her speaking skills, writing
skills and also her communication skills. But I can say
that she is attentive in class.


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