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My Reflection

When I first thought about teaching. I went through many emotions. It started
with excitement because that meant I was getting closer to graduation. I had so
many questions running through my mind. What will my cooperating teacher be
like? I started to feel intimidated by what was soon to come. I was terrified that
my students would not understand me. what was I going to do if I was not able to
be kind of teacher I had hoped I would be? When the time come for me to began
my students teaching all I could do was hope and pray that things went smoothly.
During my in campus training, I realized how much teachers do to provide a good
education to students while also maintaining a safe and positive learning
environment. All interactions with students and teacher must be conduct
decently. This reminds me that education never stop.
My student teaching experience taught me a lot of things that will influence how
I teach for the rest of my life. The most important thing I learned during my
internship experience in this semester was to be confident. I was little hesitant
with my students at the start of my teaching demo even though I was presenting
them with information that I knew by heart. However, after a few weeks, I felt
more at ease in front of the class. The experience has taught me that when you
the classroom with a positive and confident demeonor, students are much more
likely listen to you.
My student teaching experience was the best, most informative, and most
inspiring experience I had as a student. In general, I had a great time with my
students. Also, I felt supported by my cooperating teachers from the start, and
they gave me the confidence I needed to keep moving forward. I sustained a
great working relationship with them, as well as the other teachers in the junior
and senior departments and the CTE department.
Overall, my student teaching experience was every positive, and everything I
learned was invaluable. I could not have asked for better cooperating teachers,
and I am so proud to have them as my mentors. I have come to realize I could not
have a better student in campus training than the one I had at this institution.

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