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References/Further Reading

Performance Criteria Checklist

Operation/Task/Job Sheet

Self Check Answer Key

Self Check

Information Sheet

Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome Summary

Module Content

List of Competencies

Module Content
Front Page

Module Content

In our efforts to standardize CBLM,

the above parts are recommended for
use in Competency Based Training
(CBT) in Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Technology Institutions. The next
sections will show you the
components and features of each part.

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Unit of Competency: - Participate in Workplace Communication

Module Title: Leading Workplace Communication

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(PV Systems Installation NC II)


No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Participate in Participating in
1. Workplace Workplace
Communication Communication




(basic, common, core)

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The unit competency, “Install PV system” is one of the competencies
of PV Systems Installation NC II. A course which comprises the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes required for a Technician of PV Systems trainee to
The module, Install PV System, contains training materials and
activities related to Preparing Documentation on PV system, Installing PV
Components and Installing Electrical Wiring.
In this module, you are required to go through a series of learning
activities in order to complete each learning outcome. In each learning
outcome are Information Sheets, Self-checks, Operation Sheets, Task Sheets,
and Job Sheets. Follow and perform the activities on your own. If you have
questions, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from your facilitator.
Remember to:
 Read information sheet and complete the self-checks.
 Perform the Task Sheets, Operation Sheets, and Job Sheets until you
are confident that your outputs conform to the Performance Criteria
Checklists that follow the said work sheets.
 Submit outputs of the Task Sheets, Operation Sheets, and Job Sheets
to your facilitator for evaluation and recording in the Achievement
Chart. Outputs shall serve as your portfolio during the Institutional
Competency Evaluation. When you feel confident that you have had
sufficient practice, ask your trainer to evaluate you. The results of
your assessment will be recorded in your Achievement Chart and
Progress Chart.
You must pass the Institutional Competency Evaluation for this
competency before moving to another competency. A Certificate of
Achievement will be awarded to you after passing the evaluation.

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UNIT OF COMPETENCY: Participate in Workplace Communication

MODULE TITLE : Participating in Workplace Communication

MODULE DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes required to gather, interpret and
convey information in response to workplace



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Communicate information about workplace processes
2. Lead workplace discussion
3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace

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1. Communication Skills
2. Methods of C0ommunication
3. Communication Tools
4. Questioning Techniques
Assessment Criteria

1. Appropriate communication method is selected

2. Multiple operations involving several topic area are communicated
3. Questions are used to gain extra information
4. Correct sources of information are identified
5. Information is selected and sequenced correctly when required
6. Verbal and written reporting are maintained in both familiar and unfamiliar


The participants will have access to:

- Paper
- Learning materials
- Pencil
- Eraser


1. Self-phase/modular
2. Discussion
3. Role play
4. Brainstorming

Assessment Method:

1. Written test
2. Direct Observation
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3. Interview

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Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome _____

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet No. 1.1-1 Perform the Task Sheet No. 1.1-1
on Communicating Information on Utilizing techniques for effective
about Workplace Processes workplace communication
2. Answer Self Check No. 1.1-1 Compare answers with Answer Key
No. 1.1-1
You must answer all questions
correctly before proceeding to the
next activity.
3. Perform the Task Sheet No. 1.1-1 Evaluate your performance using
on Utilizing techniques for Performance Criteria Check List No.
effective workplace 1.1-1
communication Your performance will also be
evaluated by your trainer using the
same Performance Criteria

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Information Sheet 1.1-1
(Communicating Information About the Workplace Processes)

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Explain the importance of communication skills in the workplace
2. Identify the tools and methods used in workplace communication
3. Utilize questioning techniques for effective workplace communication

Communication Skills
The ability to communicate effectively with superiors, colleagues, and staff is
essential, no matter what industry you work in. Workers in the digital age must know
how to effectively convey and receive messages in person as well as via phone,
email, and social media.
These communication skills will help you get hired, land promotions, and be a
success throughout your career.
To have good communication skills, you have to develop the following skills:
a. Listening Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good
communicator. No one likes communicating with someone who cares only about
putting in her two cents and does not take the time to listen to the other person. If
you're not a good listener, it's going to be hard to comprehend what you're being
asked to do. Take the time to practice active listening. Active listening involves
paying close attention to what the other person is saying, asking clarifying
questions, and rephrasing what the person says to ensure understanding ("So,
what you're saying is…"). Through active listening, you can better understand
what the other person is trying to say, and can respond appropriately.
b. Nonverbal Communication
Your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone of voice all color the
message you are trying to convey. Eye contact is also important; you want to
look the person in the eye to demonstrate that you are focused on them and the
Also, pay attention to other people's nonverbal signals while you are talking.
Often, nonverbal cues convey how a person is really feeling. For example, if the
person is not looking you in the eye, he or she might be uncomfortable or hiding
the truth.
c. Clarity and Concision

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Good verbal communication means saying just enough—don’t talk too much or
too little. Try to convey your message in as few words as possible. Say what you
want clearly and directly, whether you're speaking to someone in person, on the
phone, or via email. If you ramble on, your listener will either tune you out or will
be unsure of exactly what you want.
d. Friendliness
Through a friendly tone, a personal question, or simply a smile, you will
encourage your co-workers to engage in open and honest communication with
you. It's important to be polite in all your workplace communications.
e. Confidence
It is important to be confident in your interactions with others. Confidence shows
your co-workers that you believe in what you’re saying and will follow through.
f. Empathy
Using phrases as simple as "I understand where you are coming from"
demonstrate that you have been listening to the other person and respect their
opinions. Active listening can help you tune in to what your conversational
partner is thinking and feeling, which will, in turn, make it easier to display
g. Open-mindedness
A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open
mind. Be open to listening to and understanding the other person's point of view,
rather than simply getting your message across.
h. Respect
A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open
mind. Be open to listening to and understanding the other person's point of view,
rather than simply getting your message across.
i. Feedback
Being able to give and receive feedback appropriately is an important
communication skill. Managers and supervisors should continuously look for
ways to provide employees with constructive feedback, be it through email,
phone calls, or weekly status updates.
Similarly, you should be able to accept and even encourage feedback from
others. Listen to the feedback you are given, ask clarifying questions if you are
unsure of the issue, and make efforts to implement the feedback.
j. Picking the Right Medium
An important communication skill is to simply know what form of communication
to use. For example, some serious conversations (layoffs, resignation, changes
in salary, etc.) are almost always best done in person.
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An important communication skill is to simply know what form of communication
to use. For example, some serious conversations (layoffs, resignation, changes
in salary, etc.) are almost always best done in person.

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Methods of Communication

1. Verbal Communication
Verbal communication involves the usage of words while the delivery of the
intended message is being made. It can be one-on-one, over the phone or in
group settings, etc. it is a methods of effective communication that is personal
and has to be used more than only phone calls and emails whenever
possible. The medium of the message in case of verbal communication is
oral. Simple speaking is verbal communication.
2. Written Communication
Written communication cannot be avoided in the workplace. It is present
everywhere and consists of traditional paper and pen documents and letters,
text chats, emails, typed electronic documents, reports, SMS and anything
else that might be conveyed by the use of written symbols like language
which includes any documents that are a part of the day to day business life.
Such methods of communication are indispensable for any formal business
communication and also for the issue of legal instruments.

The methods of communication that mainly make use of written

communication consist of formal business proposals, press releases, memos,
contracts, brochures, handbooks and the like. How effective the written
communication is will depend on the style of writing, vocabulary, grammar
along with clarity. Written communication is most suitable in cases that require
detailed instructions, when something has to be documented or in situations
where the person is too far away to speak in person or over the phone.
3. Nonverbal Communication
Communication by sending as well as receiving wordless messages is a part
of nonverbal communication. Such messages are a vital part of any
communication and generally provide reinforcement to verbal communication.
However, they can also convey their own feelings and thoughts.
Physical Nonverbal Communication or the body language consists of body
posture, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures like a pointed finger, wave
and the like, touch, tone of voice, overall movements of the body and others.
4. Visual Communication
Visual communication takes place through the help of visual aids like color,
illustration, graphic design, drawing, typography, signs and other electronic
Visual communication comprising charts and graphs generally reinforces
written methods of communication and in majority of the situations replaces
written communication completely.

Communication Tools

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A wide variety of communication tools are used for external and internal
communication. These tools include:
a. Mail
Even with all the modern methods of communication, regular postal mail is
still a powerful tool for a business. It adds a personal touch, and is often
used for delivering secure documents and contracts and for delivering
purchased items to customers.
b. Email
Although you may already have a personal email that you use, having a
business email will be helpful in communicating with customers, vendors,
and internal teammates. Checking email on a daily basis is essential.
c. Telephones
The cornerstone of your business communication, both external and
internal, may be your telephone. There are many types of telephones, and
only you can decide which type is right for you.
d. SMS Messaging and Texting
While not all mobile phones are smartphones capable of receiving videos
and pictures, nearly all mobile phones can receive SMS (short message
service) messages. These are texts of less than 160 characters that
consist only of letters, numbers, and symbols. SMS messaging, and
texting in general, is a powerful way to communicate. SMS messaging and
texting provide one-to-one communication.
e. Video and Web Conferencing
Video conferencing provides a way to have face-to-face meetings without
the expense of travel. It provides a more personal way to communicate
both externally with customers and partners and internally with team
members or employees who may work outside the office. f. Social
Networking Sites
A social network is an online community comprised of individuals or
organizations that are tied together by common interests. Internet-based
social networking occurs through a variety of website platforms that allow
users with similar interests to share content and interact online. Some
popular social networking sites include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and many others.

Questioning Techniques

Questioning is a natural behavior and it starts from a very early age when
we are children and continues till the end. We ask questions, simply
because we need answers. Questions are asked for various reasons in
various situations when one is searching for solutions, answers,
information, etc. They are basic tools that help humans grow and develop.

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Questioning skills help you gather more quality information, help you learn
a lot by questioning, helps others learn, helps build better relationships
and helps to manage problems and people effectively.
There are many types of questions that can be used for questioning
techniques. A few basic ones that are important are listed below:

 Open Questions

Open questions ask for elaborate/explanatory answers and they begin with
what, why, how, describe, explain, where, which, when etc. It can be
questions asking someone to explain what happened at a situation or
place, asking why it happened, asking for details of an incident, history of
some happenings, explanation about their circumstances, explanation of
needs, thoughts about something, ideas and feedback. Open questions
help with a two way conversation and builds up an interest in the
conversation. Some examples are:
 What happened at the conference today?
 Could you please describe your needs and current circumstances?
 What do you think about this conclusion/discussion?
 Who were present at this incident?
 How did you arrive at this conclusion?

 Closed Questions

Closed questions have very short answers like “yes” or “no” or answers
with a word or two. They are usually asked to test if someone has
understood certain policies, procedures, rules, regulations, explanations,
discussions, lectures etc. Closed questions are also asked for agreements
or disagreements, asking for how they feel, to be specific, for affirmation,
etc. It is best not to ask closed questions when a conversation is going on
smoothly as it can bring an end to the conversation and you might get into
the risk of losing required information. Some of the words used in closed
questions are, are, do, did, could, should etc. Some examples of closed
questions are:
 Will I get a response by tomorrow?
 Do we agree on this decision?
 Are you happy with the services that we provide?
 Which is your hometown?
 What do you do for a living?

 Funnel Questions

Just imagine the shape of a funnel while using these types of questions. A
funnel has a wide mouth and gradually narrows at the bottom. Similarly,
you start with a lot of general questions on a situation or incident and then
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narrow it down to one point to arrive at a conclusion. This type of
questioning technique is used by investigators, researchers and
detectives. In cases where investigations are involved, these types of
questions can be used to gather information and then to narrow down to
arrive at a decision. You can use a lot of closed questions at the start and
then widen on to asking open questions thereby making the people feel
comfortable answering your questions. An example can be:
 When was the call made?
 Do you know the name of the person whom you spoke to?
 What sort of behavior did they exhibit? o What was your call about?
o What questions did you ask?
 What was the response?
 Did they mention anything specific?
 Did they have a specific accent?
 How will you describe their approach?

 Probing Questions or Trigger Questions

Probing questions are used to gather more details and information. These
are asked to clarify doubts or misunderstandings. These questions will
help you pull out information from people who are hiding information or
avoiding from telling you something. Some examples are:
 What exactly is the current situation?
 Who exactly is requiring these details?
 When do you need these data by?
 How do you know that XYZ was involved?
 What is exactly this information needed for?
 Where exactly will you be using this?

 Leading Questions or Reflective Questions

Leading questions are used to lead the person whom you are talking to.
This leads the speaker to give you answers, while they know that you are
giving them a choice. One has to be careful not to be manipulative while
using leading questions. Some examples are:
 Well, I think this product looks more suitable for your needs, what
do you think?
 What would you prefer, A or B, as they both have similar features?

 Rhetorical Questions

Rhetorical questions are asked to keep people and audience engaged. It

also helps people think, be creative and come up with ideas. Some
examples are:
 Isn’t this a fantastic offer?
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 Isn’t this work perfect?
 Don’t you like the way this package is set up?

 Clarifying Questions

Clarifying questions are used to verify information. Once the discussion or

talk is over, you finalize things to confirm if that was what was discussed.
 Just to confirm, you have taken land line unlimited broadband and
television package. Is that correct?
 Am I right in confirming that the delivery will be in 3 days’ time?
 Am I right in believing that you all understand that tomorrow is the
last day for submitting your paperwork?

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True or False. Write T on the space provided beside the number if the statement is
correct. Otherwise, write F.
____1. Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator.
____2. Visual communication involves your body language, eye contact, hand
gestures, and tone of voice.
____3. Close questions begin with what, why, how, describe, explain, where, which,
when etc.
____4. Probing questions are used to gather more details and information.
____5. Communication by sending as well as receiving wordless messages is a part
of nonverbal communication.
____6. Good verbal communication means saying just enough—don’t talk too much
or too little.
____7. Video conferencing provides a way to have face-to-face.
____8. Verbal communication involves the usage of words while the delivery of the
intended message is being made.
____9. Listen to the feedback you are given, ask clarifying questions if you are
unsure of the issue, and make efforts to implement the feedback.
____10. Confidence shows your co-workers that you believe in what you’re saying
and will follow through.

1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. T
10. T

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Title: Utilizing questioning techniques for effective workplace communication

Performance Objective: You are required to create a role play script for two
participants to gather information within the workplace using questioning

Supplies/Materials : Paper and Pencil

Equipment :

1. Create a script for two participants to gather details of the latest
advertisement project of the company.
2. Find a partner to do the role play based on the script created.
3. Generate a summary of information gathered based on the role play.
Note: The role play should not exceed 5 minutes

Assessment Method:
 Observation
 Portfolio analysis

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Did you….
1. Is the script in accordance with the questioning
2. Is the number of question enough to gather the desired
3. Did you find a partner to perform the role playing
4. Did the role play exceeded 5 minutes?

Instructor’s Signature: _________________

Student’s Signature: __________________
Date of Performance: _________________

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