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The IELTS Teacher Mastering IELTS Writing: Model Answers

Vocabulary Exercise
Two or More Graphs - School Spending

Can you fill in the gaps of these expressions from the letter with the correct word?

1. The pie charts demonstrate how the expenditure of a school in the UK

changed ________ 1982, 1992 and 2002.
2. … the category which received more ________ than any other was
teacher’s salaries, …
3. … whereas the ________ amount of money went toward insurance.
4. … spending on teachers’s salaries grew by 10% to account for half of all
spending, the ________ of other workers’ salaries fell …
5. 30% of the budge was divided ________ between resources and furniture
and equipment …
6. … the dormer’s share increased by 5% in 1992, whereas the ________
dropped by 10%.
7. The increase of insurance spending was ________, rising from 2% to 3%.
8. … only insurance and furniture and equipment saw their budget
________ increase, by 5% and 18% …
9. Whereas the allocation of spending roughly ________ for resources, the
salaries for other workers …
10. … ________ to 15% and for teachers to 45%.


11. across
12. funding
13. smallest
14. financing
15. equally
16. latter’s (note the possessive form!)
17. negligible
18. share
19. halved
The IELTS Teacher 2020
The IELTS Teacher Mastering IELTS Writing: Model Answers
20. dropped

The IELTS Teacher 2020

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