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+ | The elas: a) Genevalion_and_propagabion_of sound ste tiie: a aq ae ee + Sound is produced the rap) —fLok on object io esas object set to wirotion distrurbs of the equilibrium state of the particles in- the medium {vibration keeps transmitting from one ; aiticle to andthe, vibration of the body is the primary source of sound genesis _ Th —{Lbody's vibration remains. fy traveling across a~ continuous apid_to_and_fro_movement — he_emission of sound Continues as_longos_a_ ic_membrane_. this sound generatas a hearing experience yeduced._In the pictue, asa turning fork emit sound pinball in contact mith one of the turning fork louched with hand As o result. sound output will he arms continually Havel: away from the arm ousing Brg ofan object io. vibrati ject set to vibration disturbs iy £q | the equilibrium state of 4 vibration keeps transmit pad b) | Properties of sound é — following Properties of sound ; a 4)| Frequency —+{The ahinl ie of pressure waves per second ia the —| frequency of the sound —The subjechive -concomitant —j-o frequency of pitch he moie_pressiue woves (cycles) per second the higher —H4he_pitch middle c in mutic is 266 messine waves [ice soundacondck ol adneui yogi — —Linkensities. The totality of such a sound 16 called the | Speckuime otienvelnielik Sacililt is ies eemeuaes totensi general ly tpoken of as sound - —— (ow J Reflection: Sound_uwaves_whose dimeniiont ave comparable ah — thote_ol architectural elements follow — oj lovely, enough io that jted_tn_acouskical planning iq Reflechon tn Aound is the same asin light 1} i he ___ uae changes direction ai if moves from one medium | Oanother of di erent demily Zz +jtn_alt_this_phenomenon is chiérvable when thee +50 marked temperahie {nvesion ¢ the locomobive whisHe no mil away iuddenty seems too oe for comfort 5) requency a It hos the ability Jo detect individual sounds from a a Complex background of loud. unwanted sound. Ec +1 Sound energy travel: through ear conalon eardrum membrane couting vibration, there are transmitted Z ee ee i Vibrations _ tranimi — || neryos i | +i Ho, i th ‘duces_uuithout any efec fram dueates {note > Ee Be | lled_presbycusts for_both young } older persons aie from the heaving veniliuily for_on individual Many fockors age. sex, ethnicity nevtous expostire Jong term 4 repeated expo “oxpoiure fo intense sound ee = Permanent hearing damage thor term expowee con cowie + |! Human speed contain energy from 15-8000 HD Domage_preintion: {loud note. know the warning signi 4s hearing damage et Henring ranges: Hearing ange for Young 20 H. = 20000 Hz Henting range for old 60 He. 2000» ish Speech 196 Hz = A000 Hi Acoustic lobrokory tess 68 Hz- 8000 H. Stereo mut Deffects. of sounds D) +H sound 1s vibrabfon produced ab frequency. sound hovel — CU C6 through tol Design of on space depends on behaviour of the sound | Good_tound_fo_eor_t ochtved when there is clarify — following te defec of ound I Reverheratfon + A_revetberalion is ceated when_o. sound or tingal is teflecle —j-Couulng_o large number of reflections 4o built ip kel —decoy os the ‘ound Lin the space which cou Obsrbed by the irface of a: Id_include furnituve | Reverberation is an_tmpottan: dn parameter thal hel [time than halli_d {| the _recommended fan eens 2 devigned for speech have thotler mean reverberation lestgned for music performance 1_mean reverherat funcklon_of room volume Thu. veverberatfon time 11 clowly linked 4 the inte L_purpove for any room 4o room volume 24 echo! An echo a teflection a found that arrives at the itener with o delay after the direct \ound. + {| The delay tv _proportiona surface from the Source 4 fo the dikance of the reflecting {tener + Iarge encloted spaces ate al potentia of discrete enchoes The long path langths ne for ftom the mul! iplicily ol eal Mi ound ee ee oe echo problems Sound shadow of o sound A_ phenomenon cowed hy the obiorpkion or obihiuchin }ot tound hawters 1_thadow control : pully placing honier ound tellecling male tobe ued — -ol_objech thie it doeii Creal ng = Conca turfacer — Coe —jHound_toci_conhol: Geamebical dewgried thaped of the | intertor face. tnduding ceilings. Prourn ig highly absorbent materfal_on farting avo 5.!| Dead pot : Thi _deled ii on outcone of the formation of tound faci becatue of high concentration of reflected tound at sound . foci_there 1\ delictenay of tound reflecled af other poink Dead ipot conhol + . Initnuation of iitable diffuiter to thal thee ti even dithibubton of tound : fer echo! hoes They are heared | apart The lu alee n. ox_ate Multiple echoes lalate oitt ialohiony” 2 =. Reverberation time Aer ithe phenomenon of penitence of ound iniide a hall fr | [the sound mend: tn oll direchtoms inside enclosed space. 2 inthe — atlon of sound: | tome Hime, even offer source of sound i stopped ts called veverherabion The sound_wave gels reflec! ted for so many Himes —{_ boundary surfaces of enclosed oreq ia Time token for the generated sound to decoy by 6048 once | the sound source har heen toppe Vk is measured tn tecondy ————__ Sabine: sabine'sFouaiien. For Englith unit T= 0.05 V0 for mahic_unil T= 0-16 via a Where a T= Reverberation time = Room volume [oq « tool rope absorption. taht Hbe~éaua fon_made i! po.sible to program opHimum 5 Feverberation Hme in odvance of consuckton absorption munesney wher given tr Effect_ot_plan pore on_hearing_conditfons.. the. speaker to dist ance Con_he minimized by carefully A Barratia one narrow. oudiens an flecked ound en ~Adguate | ‘Allows min —distanc wall source 4 listener ther sound etl Horsesheo eatmen =| Acoustical || The common for i non q Acoutic plaster (o plavier_whi h_indude ld tnulatton material _uith_¢ cement \ ais «|| comperresed cane —ot ood fiberbord _unperte erford = || Wood pa: compa. : i quits 4 malls. : i incall _hardboat _perforates ‘ed fiberboard onopastte—up —au uit ‘board_o! +“ ohiorbes —Consinuced [of hon pe boakede net h of perforated board “thordbood. _obier metal shest)_backed by mineral_or glass ndbboxd feck. gly Plannin desi i 4 ace for_conhol_ot outdoor noite. the alrcratl posses cation tises_to a [Ground noise :- T longer dur Afcral oie may dituth deep rest 4 communication {may be considered ni nful_ to health tis important — 01 where — [thal no new development is _camled duit the eypecte will come In core or parmanent loss. qreas 1S esse provided for the building — The “problems cowed —by-aixcrall_n hove | common 4h 4o evaluate the note es o\uHe forec! E ‘of ridges | holf for people fie: [hen planes. take cif iving_in_nemby neighbourhoods ery aes [This iso very serious some of noice in builup areas. both [by_day bij night _ Met ae Sih | Rail cA educe the spread of noise. wherens —— embanl fend il the elevaled talluny_ot embankment i very common_in_buillup ress the elevation _increases —— exposuie to ition the construchion of the fs the propagation of noite —________ +{lin this respect lid embankment ow preferable to built — porches. which tend fo ock as sound boxes SD the steel bridges suhichqxeally_mogoity the note vibration —the ridges absorh $ detlect the | drone of the engines on the Trane cuk note in due to + _possibl thould abou ance { epi [ Convoys of long distor | built up, areas causes cerita way he ot shen the dwvellings—are DIP re dR when the dun pilings av propaen— noise_includ: propagation path al_the soures it tor tome Source note }enclowuers tors Lnoitty construction machir |_Conshuckion practices Hong leafy trees baffle:_shwhs_o additonal pickets 0. nofyinduihial zones —— A fall fence h ps_teflech sound i 2 the m CC Ce eocooce ME occ 0 CE 2} Nowe tt planning 4° destgn_for_conbol a ilar extemal nofse § (nterr for intemal building ni be prolected by fr guch_as the {sole 4 sound _tnsu! | architectural _planni | for _oxternal_nofie. |_ mointenance |_pyevenled ftom entering sound proof walls —alon Noise conhrol measur distance from notte 0! be incorporated _ including — gloved windows .$ th _. 4 the ut constiuctfon_materiali Moje prevention parallel to rades_._bec hraniore a building nee of _tndoor_notte al _cupects. Note damageCOf Fraud. ReMcd Mere | [louds tre ted to divecl_the ren GeNS the ling eo When ceilings ae + || Concave sound. hol ipo 4 echove In the ik should be avoided where it ound deure J Pal etlector +|| Flat har: properly can the reflector ti _tilked }4 the wear ond of an_audiorium. ——— role distri “Mosking of sound Audio masking ix nalyier 4 ¢ ary From io to 2 modeled by a vel of hondpow titer wilh with increming trequncy al_hands =

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