Acoustic 2

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len fox good. acoustical_conditions momeleri for gond_acous ical condition proaile wae appropri e_mutt ie telod_to the Hme freque her ob aren hy we fp the esl Hy_high {clent ly high bogratind No hed 4 und tor ‘Aix bot notse control found noite is causes vibrations which Hansmi Tee aT ee some other _delecking device measured th 2 Bue a wdness (decibels de) and frequency }Aloite_conftol_or noite miligalion iia sel ol sound lo xed led through = into ta pres eae the noie sound it the | Sound _in the buill enyinkeds 1o be altboin or strucluie 2 = ai borne noe solu >| Airboin_najie_orattborn_tound defined os any ound thal | Honmitled by the oir! atmaiphere like mutic ar speech | Conversation. traffic noe eke indown | picked up 4 cored by oir Hough uo openings until they crih tnto tomething tolid | The colliiton sends vinatinns through wall __| }-and into the ypace beyond it ____ a 4a *| One of the effechve ways of reducing altbotn sound ii -by_Implementing —acousbic_absorption. Yechniquier which ‘gnificantly yedice the intensity 4 amount of sound thal lee back info—the room. — Za alling acoustic wall_panel |-tlobs. 3 iting gapi 4 holes using acoustic sealant vere etsezey Al eae ene Conk! _ a Freee malielitand be. defined thats aclanind itu emnied te iy, i wae ea Lon_ot-auihtation against a part ot a. bul nic_resulking -in_sound_bring_tadiabed ftom an_adjecent teal surace —_ Commonlources + Onemting machinery. furnilune moving slamming doo eclectic light swilches . foot theps eke | shuiclne . bone sound compnives five prceues a + Generation: The source of an oscillation, so + Tronimitsfon «The fanver of oscillatory energy from the | || source _of Mee ce ee eae + | Propagation: The distribution of enerqy throughout the _shuckural syskem ‘ [aMenualinn = When we i cal | material changes they | yetlecled which reduces. the energy tray the souné | Radiation: The emisston_ shuctural_boine sound can be. aan ining carpets 4—padding_to_chosh- so Reale ATS fient underlayment - When con-bne-o simila. elec Caypel_pads which are_made_hom SE ae ST ae sane ae Ea ; ioundprooling compounds nu" "or secondony, wall } gh_mass_s a constuction can be yf | of vibrations

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