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The American Society of

Mechanical Engineers



ASME B19.1-1NU5
I (Revision of ASME 119.1-1990) 1
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The American Society of

Mechanical Engineers



ASME B19.1-1995
(Revision of ASME B19.1-1990)

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ASME BL9.1 95 = 0759b700573168 237 M

Date of Issuance: April 15, 1996

The 1995 Edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda
subscription service. The use of an addenda allows revisions made in re-
sponse to public review comments or committee actions to be published on
a regular yearly basis; revisions published in addenda will become effective
1 year after the Date of Issuance of the addenda. The next edition of this
standard is scheduled for publication in 2000.

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(This Foreword is not part of ASME 819.1-1995.1

Use of compressed air hasbeen an important method of transmitting and storing useful energy
for over one hundred years. Experience has shown that the use of compressed air as a utility
can be both safe and effective if certain basic safety features and practices are used. However,
since compressed air does represent instantly available energy, serious consequences can result
from failure to use these basic safety features and practices.
User experience provides a solid basis for safety requirements of air compressor systems.
Full information on good practice has not been readily available to all who design, produce,
install, operate, or maintain these systems. Therefore, the BI9 Committee was organized and
sponsored by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers in accordance with the rules of
the American National Standards Institute. A standing committee will be maintained to review
current safety problemsand to interpret, where necessary, provisionsof this Standard. To promote
uniformity, all requests for interpretation and suggestions for revision should be addressed to

the Secretary, ASMEB 19 Committee, in care of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
345 East 47th Street, New York, New York 10017.
Safety codes and standards are intended to enhance public health and safety. Revisions result
from committee consideration of factors such as technological advances, new data, and changing
environmental and industry needs. Revisions do not imply that previous editions were inadequate.
This Standard, which was approved by the ASME BI9 Committee and by the Sponsor, was
approved and adopted as an American National Standard by the American National Standards
Institute on August 17, 1995.

. ..

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ASIE BIS-I 95 m 0759b70 0573370 995 m


( a ) General. ASME code and standardsaredeveloped and maintained with the intent to
represent the consensus of concerned interests. As such, users of this Standard may interact
with the Committee by requesting interpretations, proposing revisions, and attendingCommittee
meetings. Correspondence should be addressed to:
Secretary, B19 Main Committee
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
United Engineering Center
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
( b ) Proposing Revisions. Revisions are made periodically to standards to incorporate changes
which appear necessary or desirable, as demonstrated by the experience gained from the applica-
tion of the standard. Approved revisions will be published periodically.
The Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard. Such proposals should be
as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s) and providing the proposed wording and
a detailed description of the reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent documentation.
(c) Interpretations. On request,the B19 Committee will render an interpretation of any
requirement of thisStandard.Interpretations can only be rendered in response to a written
request sent to the Secretary of the Main Committee.
The request for interpretation should be clear and unambiguous. It is further recommended
that the inquirer submit his request in the following format.
Subject:Cite the applicableparagraph number(s) and provide aconcisedescription.
Edition:Cite the applicableedition of the standardfor which the interpretation is being
Question:Phrase the question as arequest for an interpretation of aspecificrequirement
suitable for general understanding and use, not as a request for an approval of
aproprietarydesign or situation. The inquirer may alsoinclude any plans or
drawings which are necessary to explain the question; however, they should not
contain proprietary names or information.
Requests which are not in this format will be rewritten in this format by the Committee prior
to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additional
information which might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by an
interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. ASME does not
“approve,”“certify,” “rate,” or“endorse” any item,construction,proprietarydevice, or
( d ) Attending Committee Meetings. The B 19 Main Committee regularly holds meetings which
are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact the Secretary of
the Main Committee.


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A S I E 817.1 75 m 0757670 0573171 821


Safety Standards for Compressors

(The following is a roster of the Committeeat the time of approval of this Standard.)

L. F. Rider, Chair
M. E. Schmidt, Vice Chair
M. Aranzamendez, Secretary


R. W. Abraham, Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, Inc.
P. J. Beaty, DuPont Engineering
G. K. Cousin, Algonquin Gas Transmission
W. F. Gallager, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
J. L. Hebb, U.S. Department of Energy
D. C. Mbonu, General Services Administration
D. M . O'Dea, Exxon Research and Engineering Co.
H. P. Rhees, Champion Pneumatic Machinery Co.
L. F. Rider, York International Corp.
M . E. Schmidt, Industrial Risk Insurers

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A S I E B 1 9 . 1 95
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ASME B19.1-1995

The 1995 Edition of ASME B 19.1 includes all revisions and corrections introduced in B 19.1a- 199 1 and
B 19.1b- 1994, as well as the following changes, identified by (95).

ix Contents Updated
4 I .5 ( I ) IS0 heading editorially revised
(2) I S 0 1940/1 added
5, 6 Reference to Appendix A added
2.1.3 First sentence editorially revised
7 2.1.6 Last sentence editorially revised
12 2.2.4(b)(3) Editorially revised
15, 16 4.2.1 Revised in its entirety
4.2.2 Last five sentences added
4.2.3 Last three sentences added
4.2.4 Title revised
4.2.5 Revised in its entirety
4.2.6 Revised in its entirety
4.2.7 Added
4.3.2 Revised
4.4.1 Second sentence revised
4.4. I (a) Editorially revised
4.4. I (c) Revised
4.4.2 ( 1 ) Original para. redesignated as 4.4. I . 1
(2) New para. 4.4.2 added Added
19 Appendix A Added


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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Correspondence With the B I9 Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Committee Roster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
ASME B 19.1-1995 Summary of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
I.4 Definltlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.7 SI (Metric) Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 RequirementsApplying to All Air Compressor Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Design and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 OperationandMaintenance .......................................... 11
2.3 Syntheticand Fire Resistant Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3 Requirementsand Conditions Applying to Air
Compressor Systems by Cooling Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3. I Air-Cooled Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Systems .............................................. 14
4 Requirementsand Conditions Applying to Special Air
Compressor Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Systems ............................................. 14
Compressors ................................................ 15
4.3 Nonlubricated Reciprocating Compressors ............................ 16
4.4 High Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.5 Vacuum Pumps ..................................................... 16
4.6Systems ProvidingAir for HumanRespiration ....................... 16
4.7 Engine Starting
Systems ............................................ 16
4.8 Underground Systems ............................................... 17

I Principal Compressor Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Block Valving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Block and Vent Valve ......................................... 9

A Pulsation and Vibration Control
Requirements ................ 19

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ASME BL9.1 95 0759670 0573174 5 3 0 =

ASME 619.1-1995


Section 1 - General 1.3 Application

1.1 Scope The provisions of this Standard apply to air compressor
systems except as excluded below. Other exceptionsmay
This Standard addresses all aspects of air compressor
be necessary with regard to systems of unusual design,
systems from the entrance to the inlet device through the
complexity, or function. In such cases, thesystem de-
compressor and associated heat exchangers, dryers, and
signer has the responsibility to develop equivalent safety
pulsation suppression devices to the point of entry to the
distribution system.

This Standard does not apply to the following:
Thefollowing types of aircompressorsystems are
( a ) basic mechanical design. This Standard assumes as
specifically excluded from this Standard:
essential that the compressor and air compressor system
( a ) those having ratings of 5 psig (0.34 bar gage) or
components be designedby qualified engineers in accord-
lessdifferentialpressure.Thiseliminates fans and low
ance with recognized standards and specifications;
pressureblowers,butincludesmechanicalair vacuum
( h ) design and operation of the compressed air distri-
bution system. Distributionsystemrefers to the com-
( h ) those having drivers rated at less than 1 ‘/z horse-
pressed air system beyond the compressor and associated
power ( I . 1 kW);
heat exchangers, dryers,andpulsationsuppression de-
(c) those which operate as part of facilities for pro-
cessing petroleum, petrochemicals, or chemicals, includ-
(c) design and operation of the equipment or apparatus
ing air separation plants:
which uses the compressed air;
( d ) those functioning as part of automotive and trans-
(di air compressor systems that are an integral part of
portation equipment. Examples are truck air brake sys-
facilitiesforprocessingpetroleum.petrochemicals, or
tems, aircraft air conditioning systems, and automotive
chemicals, including air separation plants. These are cov-
emission control compressors;
ered by ASME B19.3, Safety Standard for Compressors
( e ) thermal compressors such as steam jet ejectors;
for Process Industries.
If:) turbochargers and superchargers that are part of a
The principles promoting safe generation and use of
prime mover.
compressed air are not restricted to new air compressor
systems. It is recommended that all air compressor sys-
tems be reviewed to consider possible changes due to
revision of this Standard.
1.2 Purpose
This Standard classifies and makes available general 1.4 Definitions
information on practices. specific requirements, and rec-
ommendations covering safety for air compressors, their afrercooling - involves coolingof air in a heat exchanger
drives, and auxiliaries. following the completion of compression to reduce the
Safetyrequirements,recommendations,andsugges- temperature and to liquefy condensable vapors
tions described in this Standard provide guidanceto those capacity - the inlet volumetric flowrate
who design, produce, install, maintain, and/or operate air compressor - The principal types of compressors are
compressor systems. shown in Fig. I and are defined below. Cam, diaphragm,
The general subject of compressed air is extremely and diffusion pumps or compressors are not shown be-
broad. It is the intention of this Standard to cover safety cause of theirspecializedapplicationsandrelatively
in all aspects of the generation of compressed air. small size.

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ASME BL9.L 95 0759b70 0573375 Y77



Positive displacement Continuous flow

(intermittent flow)

Reciprocating Roiary Dynamic Thermal


Sliding vane Straight lobe Axiai flow

Liquid piston Helical lobe

Centrifugal Mixe'd flow



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ASME B1S.L 95 0759670 0573376 3 0 3 =


compressor, a.ria1 - a dynamic machine in whichair heat - energy transferred because of a temperature dif-
acceleration is obtained by the action of the bladed rotor. ference
Main air flow is axial. horsepo~t3er - the unit of power equal to 33,000 ft-lb of
compressor, centrifirgal- a dynamic machine in which work per minute ( I hp = 746 W)
one or more rotating impellers, usually shrouded on the hydrostatic test pressure - the pressure above the maxi-
sides, accelerate the air. Main air flow is radial. mum allowable working pressure to which the manufac-
compre,ssor. riynarnic - arotarycontinuous Bow ma- turer has tested a component
chine in which the rapidly rotating element accelerates inlet presswe -the lowest air pressure in the inlet piping
the air as it passes through the element. converting the to the compressor
velocity head into pressure, partially in the rotating ele- inlet temperature - the air temperature at the inlet flange
ment and partially in stationary diffusers or blades of the compressor
compressor, helical or spiral lobe - a rotary positive
displacement machine in which two intemleshing rotors, NOTE: In a multistage compressor. thebjarious atages w ~ l have
l different
inlet preswres and temperatures.
each with a helical form, compress and displace the air
compressor. liquid piston - a rotary positive displace- intercooling - the cooling of air between stages of com-
ment machine in which water or other liquid is used as pression to reduce the temperature, to reduce volume to
the piston to compress and displace the air handled be compressed in the succeeding stage, to liquefy con-
compressor, mi.wen,flou. - a dynamic machine with an densable vapors, or to save energy
impeller form combining some characteristics of both the maximum allo\rwble discharge tempercrture - the tem-
centrifugal and axial types perature determined by the manufacturer at the maximum
con1pressor. positi\se displacement - a compressor in discharge pressure at which the compressor can be contin-
which successive volumes of air are confined within a uously operated
closed space and elevated to a higher pressure maximum allowable working pressure - the maximum
cotnpre.ssor, reciprocating - apositivedisplacement pressureforwhichthemanufacturerhasdesignedthe
machine in which the compressing and displacing element compressor (or any part to which the term is referred,
is a piston having a reciprocatingmotion within a cylinder such as an individual cylinder or casing), when handling
conzpressor, rotary positive displacement - a machine the specified gas at the specified temperature
in whichcompressionanddisplacement is effected by maximum contin~tol~.s speed - the highest speed at which
the positive action of rotating elements the manufacturer's design will permit continuous opera-
cotnpre.s.wr, sliding \*clne - a rotary positive displace- tion with overspeed and governor mechanisms installed
mentmachine in whichaxialvanesslideradially in a and operating
rotor eccentrically mounted in a cylindrical casing. Air normal dischtrrge tenywrature - the temperature of the

trapped between vanes is compressed and displaced. air leaving the compressor (or a stage of the compressor)
compressor, thermd (also known as ejector) - a device when the compressor is in good operating condition and
that uses a high velocity air or steam jet to entrain the all utilities and ambient conditions are as designed
inflowing air, then converts the velocity of the mixture rated input polr'rr - the power at the rated capacity and
to pressure in a diffuser the specified inlet temperature and pressure and discharge
compressor, ht'o impeller straight-lobe - a rotary posi- pressure
tive displacement machine in which two straight mating surge poitlt - the capacity below which operation be-
lobed impellers trap air and carry i t from intake to dis- comes unstable at the operating speed of a centrifugal or
charge. There is no internal compression. axial compressor
discharge press~tre - the air pressure at the discharge \~aczwmp m p s - compressors with inlet pressure more
flange of the compressor than 1 psi (O. I bar) below ambient atmospheric pressure
discharge temperature - the air temperature existing at
the discharge flange of the compressor 1.5 References
NOTE: In a multistage compressor, the various stages
will have different This Standard is supplemented by the following stan-
discharge pressures and temperatures. dards.Sincerevisionsinandadditionstotheseother
standards do occur, the edition bearing the latest date of
gage pressure - force per unit area as determined by
most instruments, gages, and manometers. It is defined issue shall be used.It is expected that best current practice
as absolute pressure minus barometric pressure. will prevail.

Copyright ASME International

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

The following standards shall, to the extent specified NFPA - NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION
herein, form a part of this Standard. ASSOCIATION


INSTITUTE, INC. NFPA 70B, Electrical Equipment Maintenance
NFPA 70E, Electrical Safety Requirements for
235.1, Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs Employee Workplaces


6 18, Reciprocating Compressors for General Refinery
Services Part 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards


The following additional standards are valuable refer-
ANSI B93.5, Practice for the Use of Fire-Resistant
A13.1, Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems
Fluids for Industrial Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems
B 15. I , Safety Standard for Mechanical Power
ANSI B95. I , Terminology for Pressure Relief Devices
Transmission Apparatus
ANSI (30.10. General Requirements for Synchronous
B 19.3. Safety Standard for Compressors for Process
ANSI S5.1, Test Code for the Measurement of Sound
B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping
From Pneumatic Equipment
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VI11
ANSUIEEE 43, Recommended Practice for Testing
Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery
COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION ANSI/IEEE 56, Guide for Insulation Maintenance of
Large Alternating-Current Rotating Machinery ( I O
G-7.1 Commodity Specifications for Air
~ KVA and Larger)
ASME Guide SI- I , Orientation and Guide for Use of
STANDARDIZATION ASTM E 380, Metric Practice Guide
I S 0 R226, Normal Equal-Loudness Contours for Pure
(95) IS0 194011, MechanicalVibration - BalanceQuality Tones and Normal Threshold of Hearing Under Free
Requirements of Rigid Motors Field Listening Conditions
I S 0 R508, Identification Colours for Pipes Conveying I S 0 R408, Safety Colours
Fluids in Liquid or Gaseous Condition in Land I S 0 2151, Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by
Installations and on Board Ships Compressor/Primemover-Units Intended for Outdoor
NEMA - NATIONAL ELECTRICAL UL 508, Electric Industrial Control Equipment
MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION UL 873, Electrical Temperature-Indicating and
Regulating Equipment
ICSI, General Standards for Industrial Control and UL 900. Test Performance of Air Filter Units
ICS2, Industrial Control Devices, Controllers, and
Assemblies 1.6 Format
MG I , Motors and Generators The mandatory rules of this Standard are characterized
MG2, Safety Standard for Construction and Guide for by the use of the word shall. If astatement is of an
Selection, Installation, and Use of Electric Motors and advisorynature, it is indicated by the use of the word
Generators should, or is stated as a recommendation.

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ASME B37.L 75 0 7 5 7 b 7005 7 3 3 7388 b


1.7 SI (Metric) Units Pressure Pulsations. Pulsation-induced (95)

vibration shall not cause a cyclic stress level in excess
This Standardcontains SI (metric) units as well as
of the endurance limit of the material used. The peak-to-
customary units. The SI units in the text have been directly
peak (double amplitude) pulsation level, expressed as a
(soft) converted from the customary units. Further infor-
percentage of the average absolute line pressure at the
mation on the use of SI units is contained in ASTM
compressor flange, shall not exceed the value determined
E 380. MetricPracticeGuide. and ASME Guide SI-I
by use of the appropriatedesignapproachspecified in
Orientation and Guide for Use of SI (Metric) Units.
API Standard 618, Section 3.9 (see Appendix A).
Current committee policy is to neither encourage nor
Due to the pulsating nature of the flow of air through
discourage steps toward metrication, but to havestan-
positive displacement compressors, it is possible that pip-
dards published with information in the form which will
ing systems can experience excessive pressure pulsations
best serve the needs of those who use the standard. It is
where acoustic frequencies are close to the exciting fre-
not theintent of the standard to favor a design in SI
quency of the compressor. Such pulsations can cause:
units over one made in customary units, or conversely.
( a ) compressor driver to be severely overloaded;
In converting to SI units, an efforthas been made to
( h ) piping to vibrate with overstress occurring at fit-
maintain the precision of the original values so that the
tings, valves, and structural supports;
accuracy of the converted values is neither exaggerated
(c) noise;
nor understated. Therefore, if there is a difference in the
(di vibrations in surroundingstructures;
dimensions or the results of calculations between the two
( e ) damage to compressor valves;
systems of units, the customary units govern.
(fi reduced capacity and performance.
Methods commonly used to correct pulsations include
but are not limited to:
( a ) commercial pulsation damping devices;
Section 2 - Requirements Applying to All Air ( h ) strategically located orifices and/or choke tubes;
Compressor Systems (c) volumebottles;
2.1 Design and Installation ( d ) achange in pipe length to avoidacousticreso-
2.1.1 Piping. All piping carrying air at pressures in Improved performance can be obtained by minimizing
excess of 15 psig ( I bar gage) shall be in accordance pulsation levels in the compressor and associated piping
with ASME B31.3. systems.
Color coding or other marking of piping systems is
recommended. Piping system markingsshall comply with Valves. The type of shutoffvalve used
OSHASections 1910.144 and 1910.145.Codingto shall be selected with consideration given to the effects
ANSUASME AI 3. I , I S 0 R508, or labels identifying line of pulsation.
Generally, plug or ball valves are
contents are preferred. recommended for pulsating flow.
Foreign material (dirt, weld splatter, oil residue, rust, Piping Supports
and debris) shall be eliminated from the intake line before ( a ) Pipe supports and stays shall be spaced to avoid
startup. resonance of the piping with the compressor.
The potential for discharge line fires can be minimized ( h ) Piping anchors and supports shall be arranged to
by reducing or eliminating the lubricating oil in the dis- limit the forces and moments exerted on the air compres-
charge line. sor system components to values recommended by the
Piping exposed externally to corrosiveconditions manufacturer, taking into account thermal expansion of
should be adequatelyprotected for the conditions in- piping.
volved. Protective coatings should be inspected at regular (c) Pipingsystemsshouldinclude supports,as re-
intervals. quired, to minimizevibrationandstressatfittingsand
Deviations from manufacturer's recommendations will valves.
often result in reducedperformance. The wrong length
or size of inlet, interstage, or discharge line can create .2.1.2 Drainage. Areasandlocations within the air
problems. When furnished, manufacturer's recommenda- compressor system that collect liquids shall be provided
tions regarding piping should be followed unless a con- with valved drain connections so designed that
flict exists with a dulyappointedauthority or prior accumulations can be removed and observedwithout
standard. danger to the operator or maintenance personnel. Such


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ASME 819.1 95 O759670 0573179 012



areas include intercoolers, aftercoolers, pulsation control Relief device outlet lines shall be no smaller than the
vessels,separators,traps,receivers, jackets, and low relief device outlet size and shall not be restricted in any
points in the piping. way. Short outlet lineswith a minimum of fittings should
Small pipe-tapped drainage connections are subject to be used. Elbows should be long radius.
thread wear and pullout, particularly in cast iron parts. Valves shall not be installed in relief device outlet lines.
Drainage pipe should be designed to avoid undue vibra- Relief deviceoutletlines shall be so designed and
tion or potential breakage from accidental contact. Heavy installedas to precludethecollection of liquid at any
wall pipe is recommended to avoid mechanical damage. point in the flow stream. They should be so located that
Drainagereceptacles, if not of the opentype, shall be effluent streams can be observed conveniently.
capable of withstanding the maximumpressure of the Relief devices shall have their outlet lines designed to
system to which they are connected. preclude movement, shall be directed away from possible
Minimum drainsize in cast iron parts should be as operator positions, and shall be directed to a safe point
follows: of discharge.
Relief valve and piping shall be adequately supported
where the exit reaction forces would cause excessive
I through 15 ( 1 . 1 kW through I14 NPT
11.2 kW)
motion or vibration.
Over I5 ( 1 I .2 kW) II2 NPT
2.1.4 Overtemperature Protection. Compressors
Minimum drain size in malleable iron, ductile iron, or over 15 hp ( 1 1.2 kW) and with a discharge pressure over
steel should be '14NPT. 50 psig (3.4 bars gage) shall be fitted with high discharge
In all cases, the openingsizeshould be such as to temperatureshutdowndevices located within 4 pipe
preclude bridging or plugging by contaminants. diameters downstream of each discharge connection with
Those areas subject to freezing shall be reviewed for the temperaturesensingelement in the main hot air
complete drainage. stream. The devices shall be located as follows:

Nonintercoolcd positive Compressor discharge

2.1.3 Overpressure Protection. The system shall displacement
be protected by pressure relief devices in any case where Air intercooled Before every second cooler and at
it is possible for: compressor discharge
Liquid intercooled Before each cooler and at
( a ) the compressor or driver to cause overpressure, or
compressor discharge
( h ) an external or internal fire to cause overpressure.

Thesedevices shall prevent pressure in the weakest High temperature shutdown devices shall have a maxi-
system component from exceeding 110% of the maxi- mum shutdown setting of 50" F (28" C) above the normal
mum allowable working pressure for that weakest com- discharge temperature.
ponent. This overtemperature setting is maximum and, in many
The maximum pressure setting of relief devices shall cases, should be reduced. It takes into account the heat
adhere to therequirements of UG-133 of the ASME dissipatingcapabilities of the normal system. (Normal
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII. dischargetemperatureshould be obtained from initial
Sizing of relief valves shall be in accordance with operation or from the compressor manufacturer.) Over-
the formula given in UG-I 31 of the ASME Boiler and temperatureshutdowndevices shall positively stop all
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII. energyinput to the system and should be the manual
Shutoffvalves or restrictionsshall not be installed resettype. An alarmset at a lowertemperature than
between the pressure relief device and the system being the shutdown device should precede the overtemperature
protected. shutdown device. In those instances where a compressor
Suitable pressure relief devices include spring loaded shutdown would create a more hazardous condition than
valves (see ASMEBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec- overtemperature, an alarm set at a lower temperature shall
tion VIII, UG- 126) and rupture disks (see ASME Boiler precede the shutdown device.
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, UG- 127). ( a )OLIertemperatLu-e- Water Cooled Engines. Water
Manufacturer's data and instructions should always be cooled engines shall be provided with a high liquid tem-
followed. peratureshutdown device. In thoseinstanceswhere an
Lines connecting the system being protected and the engine shutdown would create a more hazardous condi-
pressure relief device shall have a flow area at least as tion than overtemperature, an alarm set at a lower temper-
great as the flow area of the pressure relief device. ature shall precede the shutdown device.

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( 6 ) Overtemperature - Combustion Gas Turbines. bearing lubrication. Consideration should also be given
Cornbustion gas turbines shall be provided with a high to installing loss of lubricationprotection devices on
gas temperature shutdown device set at the manufactur- systems having power input of 30 hp (22.4 kW) and less.
er’s stateduppertemperaturelimit. In those instances Rotary oil flooded screw compressors are excluded
where a turbine shutdown would create a more hazardous from this requirement because the high discharge temper-
condition than overtemperature, an alarm set at a lower ature device performs this function on rotary oil flooded
temperature shall precede the shutdown device. screw compressors.
The shutdown system should be designed and installed
2.1.5 Inlet Systems. All compressor systems shall in such a manner that a simulated low lubricant pressure,
beprovided with inletsystems that will prevententry flow, or differentialpressure test may be safelymade
of foreign materiallarger than can be ingested by the while the compressor is in operation. An alarm, set at a
compressor andtheremainder of the aircompressor pressure or flow higher than the shutdown setting, should
system without damage to either. be included.
Air compressor systems using compressors with slid-
ing, rubbing, or rolling contact should be fitted with high
2.1.8 High Temperature. External surfaces subject
efficiency air filters to avoid high temperatures resulting
to temperatures in excess of 175°F (80°C) withwhich

from open clearances caused by excessive wear. The use
personnel may have contact, shall be guarded or insulated.
of filter pressure drop indicators is recommended.
Inletsystems shall be so arranged or located as to
preclude entry into the air compressor system of toxic 2.1.9 Primary Safety Controls
or flammable fumes or gases. Inlet systems shall be so Overspeed. Compressordrivers,except
arranged. located, and/or guardedas to preclude the possi- as covered below, shall be equipped with an overspeed
bility of catching and holding personnel or clothing. The shutdown which positively stops all energy input to the
inlet system should be capable of withstanding the full system if thesystemoverspeedsforanyreason. This
inletpressuredifference(usuallyvacuum) that can be overspeedshutdown shall be independent of any other
generated by the compressor, or be protected by a differ- governing or regulating apparatus. The
ential pressure shutdown device. shutdown shall be of themanuallyresettype with
The location and design of the compressor shall be provision for manual tripping. Exceptions are as follows:
considered in the location of the compressor inlet so as ( a ) diesel and gasoline engines having fuel flow-lim-
to prevent damage to the surroundings. When pulsating iting devices known to limit the maximum speed to 100%
or large flows are involved, consult with manufacturers of designed rated speed of the limiting machine when
regarding their effects on large flat surfaces such as walls, the engine is unloaded;
doors, windows, ceilings, and roofs. ( b ) line frequency operated synchronous or induction
(95) 2.1.6 Protective Guards. All exposedmovingparts alternating current electric motors;
shall be provided with personnel protection guards. These ( c ) gas generator sections of gas turbines where they
guards shall be designed and constructed so as to avoid are proven to be speed-limited by design.
risk of injury to personnel. Moving parts are defined as Manufacturer’s recommendations on speed setting of
thosehavingmovement that is not hand powered and the overspeedgovernorshould always be followed. In
whichmoveduringnormaloperation. Guards shall the absence of recommendations, the following settings
comply with ASME B 15.1. are suggested:
Guards shall be made of solid materials, with or without Trip Speed as a
a liner, when necessary to meet the areaclassification Percentage of
Rated Speed
(NFPA 70 and/or similar governing document).
Driver Type of Limiting Machine
Guards shall be securely fastened to the machine sup-
Steam engine 1 IO
porting structure or to the machines themselves.
Steam turbine 1 IO
Guard construction shall be such that heat buildup or Gasoline engine I20
concentration of corrosive materials will not adversely Natural gas engine 1IO
affect personnel or the parts being guarded. Combustion gas turbine 105
Diesel engine I IO
2.1.7 Bearing Lubrication System Protection. Energy recovery expander I 05
Air compressor systems having power input exceeding
30 hp (22.4 kW) shall be provided with shutdown devices The overspeed shutdown device shall be tested regu-
in eachlubricationsystem to protect against loss of larly and should be testedatleast on an annualbasis.

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ASME B 1 9 . 1 95 0759670 0573LBL 7 7 0 =


Three consecutivetests of the device shouldbe conducted ( d ) combinations of suction valve unloading and
to ensure repeatability of the overspeed setting. clearance control
( 2 ) Rotary Positive Displacement Cornpressors - Valves. Isolating,fuel,steam, various combinations of suction throttling and discharge
or energy source valves shall provide tight shutoff and venting as
controlled by maximum temperature or
shall be arranged to close automatically on shutdown of torque limits
the driver. Fuellinesbetween the isolating valve and ( 3 )Dynamic Compressors - various combinations
gas turbine shall be vented or drained automatically on of suction throttling, variable guide vanes, and discharge
shutdown of the turbine. venting as controlled by surge limit or maximum temper-
Internal combustion engines and gas turbines shall be ature
provided with a block valve at a readily accessible loca- ( b ) Variable Speed. Vary the governor speed as needed
tion in the main fuel supply to the engine. under action of the system pressure.
( c ) Automatic Start/Stop Control. Pressure cycles be- Reverse Rotation. Any compressor tween upper and lower set points.
which can be rotated by reverse air flow shall be provided
with a check valve or mechanical device which prevents Control. An antisurge device
compressors shall be used if systemrequirementsindicate that the
employing automatic valves have built-in check valves; compressor may operate in surge for extended periods.
therefore,additional check valvesare not normally
required. However, they should be considered. Vibration Control. Many
Undamped flapper-type check valves are not influence the maximum vibration severity level to which
recommended. If a separate discharge checkvalve is used, compressor equipment, drivers, and transmission devices
it shall be downstream of any compressor overpressure may be exposed. The manufacturer should be consulted
protection relief device. An exception is made for oil for values related to specific equipment. Vibration and
flooded compressors, in which the
check valve is shaft movement alarms and shutdowns should be used
normally located immediately adjacent to the discharge to avoid destructive failures.
to minimize oil logging and reverse rotation. 2.1.I 1 Parallel Operation
2.1.10Secondary Safety Controls 2.1.I 1.1 Reverse Flow. Air compressor systems
employing compressors operatingin parallel shall include Speed Limiting. Compressor systems individual discharge check valves.
with power input greater than 7'/2 hp (5.6 kW) that are
driven by variable-speeddrivers shall be fitted with a 2.1.I 1.2 Isolating Valves. Aircompressor
governing system having a maximum speed limit. The systems with compressors operating in parallel shall be
maximumspeedsetting of these governorsshould be provided with individual compressor discharge block (or
such that mere removal of the compressor load does not isolating) valves. These valves shall be so designed and
cause the overspeed governor to trip. installed as to permit maintenance to be performed in a
Two-shaft gas turbines shall be provided with govern- safe manner. Check valves and flow or pressure control
ing or protective systems having a maximum speed limit valves shall not be used as block (or isolating) valves.
for each shaft. Selection of the valve operating rate shall consider the
potential hazards of pressure shock or explosion due to Discharge Pressure Control. All rapid closure.
compressors having operating characteristics that would The preferred arrangement for block valving is a posi-
permit a systemoverpressure shall be fitted with a tive closing valve with a vent valve located between it
dischargepressurecontrol system, which in normal and the compressor, as shown in Fig. 2.
operation controls the compressor deliverycapacity to An acceptablealternatearrangement is the use of a
prevent operation of the overpressure relief device. three-way valve operating as a combined block and vent
Typicalacceptablepressurecontrolsystems for 100 valve, as shown in Fig. 3. If a three-way valve is used,
psig (6.9 bars gage) operation include: it shall be provided with stops to preventventingthe
( a ) Constant Speed Drives piping while keeping pressure on the compressor.
( I ) Reciprocating Compressors Isolating valves, to best serve maintenance procedures,
( a ) suctionthrottling should be located just prior to the junction of the individ-
( h ) discharge venting ual compressed air piping (lateral) into the first common
(c) suctionvalveunloading piping (header).

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ASME B 3 7 . 3 75 = 0757b70 0573382 607

SAFETY STANDARD FOR AIR COMPRESSOR SYSTEMS ASME 819.1-1995 Local Shutdown. Remotely controlled

aircompressorsystems shall includea local shutdown
near thecompressor. The local shutdownsystemshall
includeprovisions to preventremotestarting of the
compressor. Such shutdown shall be clearly marked.
Compressor piping Block valve
2.1.14 Nameplate and Rotation Arrows. Each
major component of the air compressor system shall have
apermanentlyattachedandclearly visible nameplate
made from corrosion resisting material and carrying, as
a information
the listed below by
component type.
Rotationarrows shall be cast in or permanently
attached to each major item of rotating equipment.
relief Block and Compressor. The nameplate on the
va Ive vent valve compressor shall show:
((I) manufacturer
Compressor piping ( b ) model designation
(c) serial number (if applicable)
FIG. 3 COMBINED BLOCK AND VENT VALVE ( d ) maximum allowable working pressure
( e ) maximum allowable operating speed
The following additional information should beconsid-
ered for inclusion on the nameplates:
( a ) instruction manual number

2.1.12 Noise. Protection against the effects of noise ( b ) maximumallowablecoolingwaterpressureand

exposure shall be provided in accordancewith OSHA temperature
Section 1910.95. Compressor manufacturersshould be ( c ) maximum allowable discharge temperature
consulted regarding expected noise levels. Other system ( d ) capacity
components such as valves, inlet piping, and separators ( e ) rated inlet pressure
can generate noise, andthemanufacturers of these (f)rated discharge pressure
components should be consulted also. Manufacturers are ( R ) rated operating speed
able to offer system components that have been ( h ) rated input power
specificallydesigned or treated to reducetheirnoise (i) hydrostatic test pressure
levels. Should a system not meet OSHA requirements,
the affected area shall be clearly identified and warning Constant Speed Drivers. Constant
signs posted at all entrances. speed
motors shall includenameplates
specified in the NEMA MG1 standard. In addition, motors
2.1.13 Remotely Controlled Air Compressor for use in hazardous locations shall show ambient classes
Systems for which they are suitable. Warning Sign. Remotely controlled air Variable Speed Drivers
compressor systems shall prominently display a sign on ( a ) Internal Combustion Engines. The nameplate
the compressor exterior reading: shall show:
( I ) manufacturer
( 2 ) model designation
This compressor is remotely controlled and may
(3) serialnumber
start or stop at any time.
( 4 ) maximum allowable operating speed
A sign should also be installed on the building access ( b )Steam Engines, Steam Turbines, andEnergy Recov-
door or enclosure gate. When practical, the sign should ery Expanders. The nameplate shall show:
conform to the requirements of ANSI 235.1. (I) manufacturer
Air compressor systems operating on automatic start- ( 2 ) model designation
stop, dual control, or automatic dual control are consid- (3) serialnumber
ered here to be remotely controlled. ( 4 ) rated inlet pressure

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( 5 ) rated inlet temperature vibration,foundationmovement, and transmission of

(6) rated discharge pressure vibration to surrounding structures. Where compressors
(7) rated power output are designed to be fixed to the foundation, movement
(8) maximum allowable operating speed shall not be permitted between the compressor and the
( c ) Combustion Gas Turbines. The nameplate shall foundation. Where compressors are designed forflexible
show: mounts(vibrationisolators), all pipingandelectrical
( I ) manufacturer connectionsshallbedesigned with adequate flexibility
( 2 ) modeldesignation to withstand movement.
( 3 ) serial number In the case of compressors which are grouted in, the
(4) rated power output and basis for rating following points are suggested.
( 5 ) maximum allowable operating speed ( a ) Wedges, plates, jackscrews, and shims should be
(6) maximum allowable operating temperature removed after grouting.
(7) fuel type (b) The compressor should be attached to its founda-
(8) fuel pressurelimits tion in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommenda-
(9) water or steam injection pressure limits(if appli- tions.
cable) ( c ) The compressor should not be operated until the
( d ) ElectricMotorControls. Electricmotorcontrol grouting material has thoroughly hardened.
devices shall include a nameplate to NEMA standards. The premises surrounding a new compressor installa-

The following information shouldbe considered for inclu- tion should be carefully inspected by the owner to locate
sion on the starter panel nameplate: and correct resonant vibrationswhich may occur in build-
(I) enclosure type ing walls, piping, stacks, and other structures as a result
( 2 ) line voltage of the compressor operation.
(3) number of phases
( 4 ) control voltage if other than line voltage 2.1.16 Lifting Provisions. Components or
( e ) Heat Exchangers. Nameplates on heat exchangers assemblies weighing more than 100 Ib (45 kg) and which
that are remote components of an air compressor system can be damaged by incorrect rigging procedures shall be
shall show: provided
lifting eyes, lugs,
( I ) manufacturer provisions, or eyebolts, or shall be accompanied by lifting
(2) modeldesignation instructions.
( 3 ) serial number Components of air compressor systems should not be
( 4 ) pressure rating (both sides if shell and tube) shipped or moved in larger sections than can be safely
( 5 ) temperature rating (both sides if shell and tube) handled. Damage due to incorrect handling can include
( 6 ) ASME pressure vessel information (if appli- misalignment,distortion, line breakage, or crimping.
cable) Such damage, if undetected, can present a serious safety
(f) Pressure Vessels and Relief Valves. Nameplates on hazard.
pressure vessels and relief valves shall conform to the
requirements of Section VI11 of the ASME Boiler and 2.1.17
Electric Motors. Electric motors,
Pressure Vessel Code. controls,and wiring shall bedesignedandinstalled in
(g) Miscellaneous Componentsof Air Compressor Sys- accordance with NFPA70 and NEMA MG 1 , MG2, ICs I ,
tems. Components not covered above and which are not andICS2.Motorsshouldbemaintained in accordance
pipe, fasteners, conduit wire, or similar hardware shall with the manufacturer’sinstructionsandNFPA70B.
be marked to identify: Should a conflict exist, the manufacturer’s instructions
( I ) manufacturer should be given preference. Safety requirements shall be
( 2 ) model designation in accordance with NFPA 70E.
( 3 ) maximum pressure (if applicable)
(4) operating voltage (if applicable) .2.1.18 Air Receiver Tanks and Other Pressure
( 5 ) direction of flow (if applicable) Containing CompressorAuxiliaries. Airreceiver
Components would include items such as air dryers and tanks and other pressure containing auxiliaries (air dryers,
line filters. The function of these devices should be de- heat exchangers, filters, aftercoolers,
scribed in the operator’s manual. suppression devices)shall be designed in accordance with
the ASME Boilerand Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
2.1 -15 Foundations. Foundations for compressors Piping shall be designed, manufactured, installed, and
shall be designed and constructed to minimize machine tested per ASME B3 1.3, as outlined in para. 2.1,l.

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ASME BL7.L 75 = 0757670 0573384 48T W


Air receiver tanks and other pressure containing auxil- owner and supervisors in establishing the type of records
iaries shall be maintained and retested on a regular basis to be kept.
to comply with the regulations of the jurisdiction in which
the vesselsare located and OSHA Section 1910.169. 2.2.2 Lockout Procedure, Lockout procedures shall
Manufacturer’s instructions should list a schedule of rec- be in accordance with OSHA 1910. Since maintenance
ommended maintenance and testing procedures. or repair workers could to electrical elements
and hazardous moving machine parts in the performance
2.1.19 Air Reheaters. Direct fired reheaters shall of their jobs, the power sources and control power shall
not be used. Compressed air shall not be reheated to a be shut off and locked outbefore the workbegins.
higher than the maximum allowable Warning signs or tags are inadequate protection against
compressor discharge temperature if oil carryover or other the untimely energizing of the mechanical equipment.
fire-causing contaminants arepossible. If reheating is Suitable starting prevention systems could be:
necessary, oil free compressorsare recommended, aswell ( a ) pulling fuses and locking the fuse box cover;
as filtered inlet air. Reheating can be minimized by ( h ) locking the power switch in the open position with
controlling moisture intake. a lockout clasp forboth the power source and the control
(c) removing ignition components from spark ignited
2.2 Operation and Maintenance engines and combustion gas turbines;
2.2.1 General. Beforeplacing the equipment in (dl blanking off thesteamsupply or gas supply to
operation (initiallyandeachsucceedingstartup),the steam turbines and expanders, respectively;
operating chiefand/orsupervisor shall ensure that the ( e ) closing double block valves and venting between
manufacturer’srecommendations and all appropriate them for fluid powered drivers;
safety codes (ASME B 15. I , for example) have been met (f) Disconnecting the coupling between the driver and
regarding safetyandprotection of personnel in the the compressor is also recommended in addition to de-
equipment vicinity. This includes items such as installed energizing the driver.

guards, closedelectricalenclosures,insulation of hot Tagging, in addition to lockout, is recommended to

pipes, and visible, readable warning signs. clearly establish the repairs being made and to alert re-
Good maintenance and repair procedures can contrib- mote operators so that safe operation of the entire plant
ute to thesafety of the maintenancecrewas well as can be achieved.
operating personnel. Therefore, supervisors should estab- NOTE: When in doubt, overprotect.
lish comprehensive maintenanceandoperating proce-
dures with periodic reviews with affected personnel and Responsibility for restart shall be in the hands of the
instruction for new hires. These procedures should cover person performing the maintenance. Positive prevention
startup, break-in period, routine operation, routine main- against
should be achieved by crankshaft
tenance, preventivemaintenance,troubleshooting,and blocking and rotor blocking.
overhaul. with the manufacturer’s instructions as a basis.
Competent observation of compressor performance is 2.2.3 General Operating Procedures. Pressure
one of the best methods of determining need for mainte- relief valves, shutdown and alarm devices, and air inlet
nance which, in turn, can be the best safety precaution filters shall be checked on a regular basis (refer to the
available. Any damage observed or suspected should be manufacturer’s instructions for suggested frequency and
reported to supervisors. If the condition impairs safe oper- procedures). The frequency of cleaning and testing should
ation, the machine shall be taken out of service for repair be annual unless the manufacturer recommends shorter
in the prescribed safe manner. Safeguards that have been intervals or the operating history indicates shorter
altered or damaged should be reported so appropriate intervals are necessary to provide safe operation.
action can be taken to ensure against worker injury. Pressure relief valves should be removed on a regular
Recordsshowing the history of operation,mainte- basis for cleaning and testing with pressure so that the
nance,inspections, and testingshould be kept and re- seats will be blown clear of foreign matter.
viewed regularly. These records should be a part of nor- Filterscease to functionproperly when they are
mal operationandmaintenance.Suchrecordsform an plugged with dirt or have openings or bypass areas that
important diagnostic tool. This tool can result in a safe allow foreign matter to enter the compressor. The manu-
workingplace, optimum operation,minimum mainte- facturer’s recommendations concerning maximum filter
nance expense, and aid predictive maintenance. The air pressure drop and normal cleaning period should be fol-
compressor system supplier is normally able to assist the lowed. Dirt in an air compressor system causes abnormal

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ASME BL9.L 95 0759670 0 5 7 3 3 8 5 31b W


wear, inefficient compression, air contamination, ineffi- (6) Replace all wamingkafety signs.
cient heat transfer surfaces, and in some cases, fires. (7) Open and reclose all drains.
Oil wetted or oil bath type air inlet filters shall use oils (8) Notify all personnel in the area that startup is
that have a flash point greater than the flash point of the about to occur.
compressor lubricant. Filters and filter elements shall not
NOTE: Also notify remote operators.

be cleaned with combustible solvents.

The overspeed shutdown device shall be tested regu-
(9) Manually rotate the equipment to ensure that no
larly and shouldbetested at least on an annual basis.
mechanical interference exists.
Three consecutive tests of the device should be conducted
to ensure repeatability of the overspeed setting. NOTE: Reciprocating compressor unloaders shall be in the full load
Any safety device required by this Standard shall not position.
be jumpered, bypassed, or defeated by any person. In the
event that shutdown of the air system would impose a (10) Ensure that driver rotation is correct.
morehazardous condition, the owner shall install a (11) Check and verify proper operation of all safety
backup air system drive train to maintain safe operation devices,especiallyoverspeedtrip,andpressure relief
of the overall plant. devices.
(12) Observe that normal combustion has occurred
2.2.4 General Maintenance Procedures. Before on engines or gasturbines; if not, shut downimmediately
maintenance procedures involving the disassemblyof the and take correctiveaction.Consult the manufacturer’s
system are begun, the systemshall be relieved to instruction.
atmospheric pressureandlockedout per para. 2.2.2.
locked open valve, and/or removal of aclosure(blind 2.2.5 Fires and Explosions. Fires orexplosions
or plugged connection). Prior to removing the blind or involvingaircompressors can beclassified into two
plugged connection, be sure all pressure has been general categories: thosein which compressor lubricating
relieved. Tag the opening and the control panel so that oil is in contact with airstream and those involving closed-
startup does not occur prior to replacement. loop operation.
Volatile, flammable, or cleaning fluids injurious to the ( a ) Lubricating Oil in ContactWithAirstream. The
health of personnel shall not be used to clean parts. After majority of fires or explosions in air compressor systems
cleaning, all parts shall be rinsed and dried. Consult the have involvedreciprocatingmachines. The fuel forair
Federal Register, OSHA Section 1910, for specific details compressor fires is the cylinder lubricating oil itself or
regarding ventilation and exposure limits. the carbonaceous products formed by oxidation of the
( a ) Crankcase and Heat Transfer Su$aces. If a com- lubricating oil. The formation of carbonaceous deposits
pressor crankcase is to be opened for any reason, amini- in air compressor systems depends on the amount and
mum of 15 min shall elapse between shutdown and expo- type of the lubricating oil used and the temperature of
sure of the crankcase to the atmosphere. A warning plate the metal surface on which the oil is deposited. These
shallbeprovided by the manufacturerandalso noted effects appear to be interrelated, i.e., an operating temper-
in the owner’s maintenanceprocedures if opening the ature which is satisfactory with the correct amount of oil
crankcase would present a hazardous condition. may cause carbon deposition if excess oil is used. The
Heat transfer auxiliaries shall be inspected and cleaned mechanism by which the fuel in air compressor fires is
regularly to prevent fouling that could cause a fire or a ignited is not definitely known; however, a factor com-
system overpressurization due to sludge buildup. mon to all theories of ignition is excessive temperature,
( b ) Startup Procedures. On initial startupandany which may involveeither the gas itself or alocalized
startup after disassembly of compressor or system inter- condition resulting from mechanical friction. High tem-
n a l ~ the
, following items shall be performed. perature is also important because it promotes deposition
( I ) Check all valves for proper positioning. of carbon in the compressor system. Excessive tempera-
( 2 ) Remove all blindsinstalledformaintenance tures aregenerallycaused by valve or coolingwater
safety. failures or by operation at unusually high compression
(951 ( 3 ) Checkandremove all foreignobjects from the ratios. High operating speeds combined with ineffective
system. jacket design also promote high cylinder temperatures.
( 4 ) Follow the established lockout device(s) proce- To minimize the risk of fires and explosions in positive
dure for removal. displacement air compressors, the following precautions
( 5 ) Replace all safety guards. are recommended.

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( I ) Use nonlubricated compressors. Sufficient ventilation shall be provided in air cooled

( 2 ) Provide high temperature alarms and cutouts in installations to comply with the manufacturer’s ambient
compressor discharge. temperature limits.
(3) Use the minimum amount of lubricating oil that
will lubricate the cylinder satisfactorily and train opera-
tors to detect significant increases in lubricating oil con- 3.1.2 Cooler Fouling. The air-cooled air compressor
sumption. Use the least viscous oil that will satisfy op- system shall be so maintained that intercooler and
erating conditions. aftercooler effectiveness is not seriously impaired. The
( 4 ) Train operators to detect faulty compression cyl- effectiveness should not be allowed to fall below 65%
inder valves and have repairs made promptly. of the effectiveness when new. Effectiveness as a
( 5 ) Take inlet air from a cool, clean location. Pro- percentage of new effectiveness is heredefinedas the
vide air filters (preferably of a dry type) and service at ratio of the air temperature drop in the cooler in the fouled
regular intervals. condition to the temperature drop when new.
(6) Provide intercoolers to maintain interstage suc- Fouling can occur on either the tube sideor the ambient
tion temperaturesat the lowestpracticablelevel.Keep side. Tube side foulingis usually in the form of lubricating
intercoolers and cylinder jackets free of deposits. oil residue and normally is the result of improper lubricat-
(7) Inspectreservoirs,cylinder,pulsationdamp- ing oil, dirt passing through the inlet filter, poor mainte-
ener, discharge pipe, afterfilters, etc., regularly. Remove nance, operation at higher than rated pressures and tem-
deposits and oil accumulations. Provide accessfor inspec- peratures, or poor ventilation.
tion and cleaning. The majority of fires and explosions in air compressor

( b ) Closed-Loop Compressor Operation. Leakage of systems involve oil lubricated compressors. The fuel for
lubricating oil from seals or bearings into a closed loop the fire is cylinder lubricating oil or the carbon products
can create a flammable mixture, and if, coincident with formed by oxidation of the lubricating oil. Excessive
sucha condition, an element in the machinebecomes temperatures tend to encourage fires. Every effort should
overheated, aseriousexplosion may result. To prevent be made to maintain normal operating temperatures.
disasters of this type, bearings and oil seals of centrifugal Fouling on the ambient side is usually in the form of
or axial compressors for closed-loop air systems should dust,leaves, and otherdebris.Cleansurroundings and
be designed to prevent lubricant carryover into the com- elimination of oil leaks will minimize the problem.
pressor. If there is any possibility of oil carrying into the Manufacturer’sinstructionsshould be consulted for
compressor, closed-loop air systems shall not be used. both prevention and cure.

2.3 Synthetic and Fire Resistant Lubricants 3.1.3 Fans

Synthetic or fire resistant lubricants shall not be substi- ( a ) Guards. Fansandtheirdrivesshall be guarded
tuted for the originally supplied lubricants in compressed (see OSHA Part 1910).
air systems without written agreement from the air com- ( 6 ) Blades. Fans shall be operated at a speed not ex-
pressor manufacturer. Items of concern are toxicity, car- ceeding the manufacturer’s rating. Fans with adjustable
ryover effects, compatibility with seals (gaskets and 0- blades should be provided with devices which positively
rings)andhoses,compatibility with other components prevent the blade from leaving the hub during operation.
in the air system, plugging of air lines, and lubrication ( c ) Critica/ Speeds. Fan systems are relatively low
effects. power, high inertia systems that are particularly vulnera-
ble to critical speed andvibration problems. All fan drives
shall be capable of
3 - Requirements and Conditions ( I ) accelerating to operating speed and decelerating
Applying to Air
Compressor safely with their design driver;
Systems by Cooling Type ( 2 ) operatingthroughouttheirdesignspeedrange
3.1 Air-Cooled Systems (3) surviving excursions to and through emergency
3.1.1 Ventilation. Essentially, most of the energy overspeed shutdown, including shutdown deceleration.
supplied to the compressor is dissipated to the air in the ( d ) Balance. If a fan becomes unbalanced, the condi-
form of heat.Unless this heat is removed, it can raise tion shall be corrected immediately. Balance shall be in
the air temperature of the compressor’s surroundings to accordance with IS0 1940, Balance Quality Grade 6, 3
a dangerous level. or the manufacturer’s limit, if more stringent.

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ASME B39.3 95 0 7 5 7 6 7005 7 3 3 8379 9 =


The manufacturershouldbeconsulted for vibration able to critical speed and vibration problems. All fan
limits. Consideration should be given to automatic vibra- drives shall be capable of
tion shutdown devices on large fans. (1) accelerating to operating speed and decelerating
safely with their design driver;
3.2 Liquid-Cooled Systems ( 2 ) operatingthroughouttheirdesign speed range
3.2.1 Cooler Fouling. The liquid-cooled air safely;
compressor system shall be so maintained that intercooler ( 3 ) surviving excursions to and through emergency
effectiveness and aftercooler
are not overspeed shutdown, including deceleration.
seriouslyimpaired. The effectivenessshould not be (d) Balance. If a fan becomes unbalanced, the condi-
allowed to fall below 65% of the effectiveness when new. tion shall be corrected immediately. Balance shall be in
Effectiveness as a percentageof new effectiveness is here accordance with I S 0 1940, Balance Quality Grade 6, 3
defined as theratio of the air temperature drop in the or the manufacturer’s limit, if more stringent.

cooler in the fouled condition to the temperature drop The manufacturershouldbeconsulted for vibration
when new. limits. Consideration should be given to automatic vibra-
Air side fouling is usually in the form of lubricating tion shutdown devices on large fans.
oil and its residue and normally is the result of improper 3.2.3 Pressure. Water outlet throttling devices shall
lubricating oil, incorrect lubricator settings, poor mainte- not be used where the water supply pressure is higher
nance, or operation at higher than rated pressure. than the maximum working pressureof any water-cooled
The majority of fires and explosions in air compressor portion of the air compressor system.
systems involve oil lubricated compressors. The fuel for An inlet pressure control deviceshall be used to control
the fire is the cylinder lubricating oil or the carbon prod- the water pressure, and a suitable pressure relief device
ucts formed by oxidation of the lubricating oil. Excessive shall be installeddownstream of thepressurecontrol
temperatures tend to encourage fires. Every effort should valve.
be made to maintain normal operating temperatures. Block or isolation valves shall not be installed between
Fouling on the water side is almost always in the form the pressure control valve and the pressure relief valve.
of scale and water derived sludge. While there may be The piping arrangement shall be such as to preclude
no cure for all sludge and scale formation, certain combi- siphon action.
nations of water flow rate and temperature control are
often used to minimizetheproblem. In closed water 3.2.4 Leaks. Before initial startup and after
systems using cooling towers, attention should be given maintenance involving
cooling system(s), the
to pH, dissolved solids, blowdown rate, and circulation following procedures shall be followed.
rate to minimize scale and sludge formation. ( a ) Check the system for leaks, particularly for leaks
Waterjackets, tubular or radiator-type exchangers, pip- into compression and lubricating oil sections.
ing, and liquid holding tanksshall be provided with drain- ( b ) Check the cooling system to be sure the water flow
age facilities to prevent freezing during idle periods. is adequate.

3.2.2 Radiator-Cooled Systems 3.2.5 Strainers. To reduce cooler system fouling and
blockage, suitable filters should be used to remove solid Expansion. Where an air materials.
compressor system employs radiator-type
a heat
exchanger for heat dissipation, the system shall include 3.2.6 Pressure Relief Devices. Watercooling
provision for thermal expansion of the working fluid. systems which can beclosed off by valving or other
Usuallyasurge tank is mounteddirectlyabovethe means shall be fitted with devices that provide for thermal
radiator to provide for expansion.Alternatively,the expansion of the fluid, or, alternatively, shall be provided
system shall be provided with a pressure relief device. with a pressure relief device. Fans Section 4 - Requirements and Conditions

( a ) Guards. Fans andtheirdrives shall beguarded. Applying to Special Air
See OSHA Part I9 1 O and ASME B 15.1 for more details. Compressor Systems
( b ) Blades. Fans shall be operated at a speed not ex-
4.1 Hand Portable Systems
ceeding the manufacturer’s rating. Fans with adjustable
blades should be provided with devices which positively Hand portable systems are defined as air compressor
prevent the blade from leaving the hub during operation. systems of such size, weight, and design that they can
( c ) Critical Speeds. Fan systemsare relatively low be transported by one or two persons by manual lifting
powered, high inertia systems andare particularly vulner- or by moving wheelbarrow style.

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4.1.1 General. Hand portablemountings shall be the driver. For drivers with battery starting systems, dis-
designed to protect an untrained and connect the battery and battery charging device according
unsuspecting operator. to the manufacturer’s safety instructions.
Do not remove oil filter caps if the compressor is
4.1.2 Air Receivers. All air receivers shall be
running or is pressurized.
designed in accordance with Section VI11 of the ASME
Mobile compressor drivers shall be shut down during
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, regardless of size. All
refueling unless specificallydesigned by the manufac-
weldments and other attachments to air receivers shall
turer to be refueled while in service.
meetthat Code’s requirements. Air receivers shall be
Fuel tanks shall be located such that spills or overflow
provided with facilities to permit bottom drainage,
will not contact the engine, exhaust, or electrical parts.
4.1.3 Electric System. The electric system shall be Keep access doors closed and guards in place except
in accordance with NFPA 70. when servicing or making adjustments. Lock them when
not in use to prevent tampering.
4.1.4 Electric Motors. Electricmotors shall be
Lifting the compressor shall be done in full compliance
protected against overload.
with OSHA Standard 29 CFR. Make surethelifting
4.1.5 Instructions. Operating instructions or device and gear have a rated capacity of 1 10% of the gross
reference to the proper operating manual shall be clearly weight of the air compressor unit. Beforedisengaging the
printed on a visible surface of the air compressor system. lifting hook or straps, set the parking brakes and block
or chock both sides of all wheels.
Do not allow anyone to ride on the mobile compressor.
4.2 Mobile Compressors Operate the unit within the guidelines established by
Mobile compressors are defined as self-contained air the manufacturer.
compressor systems mounted on a wheeled and readily Prior to starting, make a visual check to ensure no one
mobile chassis. tampered with the unit while idle. Check that all supports
The air receivers on such systems shall be depressur- are in place and that the wheels are blocked or chocked.
ized prior to being transported.
4.2.2 Towing System. The towing system, back to (95)
(95) 4.2.1General. The mobileaircompressor shall be and including the chassis and running gear, shall have
operated by trained personnelwhohave read and all stressed members made of ductile material.
understand the operating manuals. Use and operation of The towing vehicle, its coupling device, and points of
the air compressor shall be in full compliance with all chain attachment shall be rated to tow at least 110% of
OSHA requirements and all pertinent federal, state, and the gross weight of the air compressor system. Coupling
local codes or requirements. devices shall be fully engaged, closed, and locked prior
Park or locate the compressoron level areas, if possible. to moving the air compressor.
If not, park or locate the compressor across grade on a All mounting supports, including rear stabilizer legs,
firm surface that can support the weight. Park or locate shall be retracted and locked into towing position before
the compressor such that the wind tends to carry away moving the air compressor.
the exhaust fumesand the radiator heat from the compres- Tires for both vehicles shall be inflated to the specified
sor inlet, and where the compressor will not be exposed pressure, of the correct size, andin good operating condi-
toexcessive work sitedust, orendanger personnel or tion. Wheel bolts, lugs, or nuts shall be tightened to the
property. specified torque.
Erect hazard indicators, barriers, and flares if the com-
pressor is parked on, or adjacent to, public roads and in 4.2.3 Safety Chains. Mobile compressors shall be (95)
the vicinity of people. provided with a safety chain towing system. Safety chains
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation regarding shall pass through the point of attachment on the towing
flow limiting valves when the compressors have mani- vehicle, then hook eachchain to itself by passingthe
folds or use long runs of hoses. Flow limiting valves may grab hook over a link. Safety chains, the brake light, and
also be needed to reduce pressure in case of hose failure. other electrical connections shall be properly connected
Do not use tools, air hoses, pipes, valves, filters, etc., and checked to ensure that they do not restrict or interfere
that have a pressure rating below the maximum allowable with the motion of the towing vehicle or the air
working pressure of the compressor. compressor.Sufficient slack to preventstrain when
Prior to servicing the air compressor, depressurize and cornering or maneuvering and to prevent dragging onthe
tag the compressor and its air system. Disable and tag road is required.

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ASME BL9.L 95 0759670 0573189 Tb1 =


4.2.4 Lights and Reflectors. Mobile compressors Piping. High pressurepipingshould be (95
shall be provided with two reflectors on the rear and at carefully designed with attention given to the avoidance
least one on each side. of accumulation of coke and other deposits oninner
All lights,includingstoplights,warninglights, turn surfaces and temperature effects.
signals, and clearance lights shall be checked for cleanli- Added attention should be given to pipe inspection to
ness and proper operation before moving the air com- avoid sludge buildup.
4.4.2 Lubricants. Considerationshould be given to (95)
4.2.5 Towing Speed. All mobile compressors the use of hightemperatureandoxidationresistant
designed for over-the-road use shall have a safety sign lubricantssuchassynthetics.Whenspeciallubricants
which lists the maximum safe towing speed. Allow extra are required, the type shall be clearly marked near the
stopping distance for the total combined weight of the lubricant fill nozzle.
towing vehicle and the mobile compressor. Piping. High pressurepipingshould be (95

4.2.6 Oversteering. Four-wheeled mountings shall carefully designed with attention given to the avoidance
include an oversteer safety mechanism or turn limiting of accumulation of coke and other deposits on inner
device toprevent damage to the running gear in the event surfaces and temperature effects.
that the towing vehicle has a shorter turning radius than Added attention should be given to pipe inspection to
the mobile compressor. avoid sludge buildup.
4.2.7 Air Receivers. All airreceivers shall be 4.4.3 Overtemperature Protection. Additional
designed in accordance with Section VI11 of the ASME requirements shall be as follows.
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, regardless of size. All ( a ) High dischargetemperature shutdowns shall be
weldments and other attachments to air receivers shall installed before each cooler.
meetthat Code’s requirements.Airreceivers shall be ( b ) Shutdownsetting shall not exceed 50°F (28°C)
provided with facilities to permit bottom drainage. above normal operating temperature. (This is a maximum
setting and should be reduced where practical.)
4.3 Nonlubricated Reciprocating Compressors
4.5 Vacuum Pumps
4.3.1 Instruction Manual. Instruction manuals for
nonlubricatedreciprocating compressors shall clearly Systemsincorporating vacuum pumpsshall be de-
explain all specialmaintenanceprocedures.Particular signed in accordance with the mandatory practices given
attention shall be given to avoiding metal-to-metal sliding elsewhere in this Standard.

4.3.2 Inlet Piping. Inlet lines to nonlubricated 4.6 Systems Providing Air for Human
reciprocating compressors shall have noncorroding inner Respiration
surfacesor shall be made of noncorroding material
downstream of the inlet filter. ANSI/CGA G-7.1 shall apply.

4.4High Pressure 4.7 Engine Starting Systems

( a ) Causes of Explosions. Numerous fires and explo-
4.4.1 General. Those portions of an air compressor sions which have occurred in starting air systems while
system operating at pressures in excess of 175 psig ( 12.1 starting large internal combustion engines have been
bars gage) will bereferred to as high pressure. Higher traced to accumulations of lubricating oil in the starting
air pressuresincrease the risk of fireandexplosion air line, coincident with faulty air check valves. When
because of the following effects: these conditionsexistconcurrently, the following se-
( a ) Oxygen partial pressureincreases (more oxygen quence of events is possible.
per unit of compressed air volume). ( I ) Leakage of fuel gas through a check valve that
(b) Oxidationreactions,includingcombustion,take is stuck or leakingcreatesaflammablemixture in the
place at higher rates of speed and at lower temperatures. starting air line.
( c ) Stored energy increases, with attendant increase in (2) The mixture can be ignited from the power cyl-
destructive capacity if mishandled. inder.

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ASME B39.3 95 0759b70
783 m


(3) Flame propagates through theaircheck valve ( 5 ) Starting air header on engine should be vented
and starting air line. during normal operation.
( 4 ) Depending on pressure, temperature, and quan- (6) Receivers and low spots in air piping should be
tity of lubrication oil or gas in the starting air line, a fire blown down on a regular schedule. Low spots in piping
or explosion may follow. Detonations in starting air lines should be fitted with drains.
are particularly destructive because they travel at a very (7) Air receiver and interconnected piping shouldbe
high speed, and they produce very high localized pres- inspected on a regular schedule. Oil or dirt accumulation
sures due to shock waves. For these reasons, relief valves should be removed.
or rupture disks have not prevented rupture of starting (8) Starting air check valves and air pilot valves on
air lines when conditions were favorable to detonation. engines should be included as partof regularly scheduled
( h ) Prevention ofExplosions. To minimize the risk of maintenance.
explosions in starting air systems, the following precau- (9) Use nonlubricated compressors.
tions are recommended. ( c ) Automaticcompressor shutoff for high tempera-
( 1j Thermometers, thermocouples, or other temper- ture shall be provided.Visibleandaudiblealarms for
ature sensing devices installed in discharge piping should high discharge temperature of each stage in the starting
be monitored to detect fouled or defective valves. air compressor is also recommended.
( 2 ) Any increase in compressor oil consumption
should be investigated.
( 3 ) Intake air filters should be kept clean.
4.8 Underground Systems
( 4 ) Discharge temperature of any stage of a starting
air compressor shall not exceed 350°F ( 1 77°C) for lubri- The standards of the United States Bureau of Mines
cated compressors. shall apply.


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(This A p p e n d i x is n o t p a r t of A S M E 619.1-1995 and is i n c l u d e d f o r i n f o r m a t i o n only.)

3.9 Pulsation and Vibration Control performance and an evaluation of acousticalshaking

Requirements forces as specified in Items a and h, to meet the
requirements of
3.9.1 General. The basic techniques used for control
Design Approach 3: the same as Design Approach 2,
of detrimental pulsations and vibrationsare the following:
but also employing a mechanical analysis of the compres-
( u ) pulsationsuppressiondevices such as pulsation
sor manifold andassociatedpiping systems, including
filters and attenuators (including proprietary commercial
designs based on acoustical suppression techniques), vol-
responses as specified in Both acousticaland
ume bottles without intemals, choke tubes, orifice sys-
mechanical methods areused to arrive atthe most efficient
tems, and selected piping configurations;
andcost-effective plant design in compliance withthe
( b ) system design based on studies of the interactive
requirements of
effects of pulsations and the attenuation requirements for
satisfactorypipingvibration,compressorperformance, NOTE: The cxtent of the piping system to be analyzed by acoustical
and valve life. simulation techniques is usually defined as all associated piping systems
to a point where piping changes will have only insignificant effects on
3.9.2 Design Approaches the parts of the system under study and in determining the acoustical
characteristics of the design. Typically, these requirements are satisfied The purchaser shall specifythedesign by beginning the Firnulation with the inlet of a major process vessel
or volume on the suctlon side of the compressor unit(s), continuing
approach for pulsation and vibration control.
The through all interstage systems (if any), and terminating the study at the
purchaser shall also indicate when existing compressors outlet of a major process vessel or volume on the discharge side of the
and their associated piping systems are to be included in unit(s). Included are lateral lines to or from this system, such as relief
valve lines and bypass lines.
the acoustical simulation (see Three techniques
are normally used. Pulsation
Design Approach I: pulsation control through the use techniques in accordance with Design Approaches I , 2,
of pulsation suppression devices designed using proprie- and 3 shall satisfy the criteria in through
tary and/or empirical analytical techniques to meet the
pulsation levels required in based on the normal
operating condition. If specified, a simplifiedanalysis Pulsation-induced vibration
shall not
of the purchaser’s piping system shall be performed to cause a cyclicstress level in excess of the endurance
determine critical piping lengths that may be in resonance limit of the material used. (For carbon steel pipe with an
with acoustical harmonics. Acoustical simulation analysis operating temperature below 700 F (37 1 C). the peak-to-
is not required. peak cyclic stress range shall be less than 26,000 pounds
Design Approach 2: pulsation control through the use per square inch [ 179 megapascals] considering all stress
of pulsationsuppressiondevices and control of piping concentration factors present and with all other stresses
system response using proven acoustical simulation tech- within applicable code limits.)
niques. This approach includes the evaluation of acousti-
cal interaction between compressor, suppression devices, proaches I and 2; however, these criteria should still be used as guide-
andpiping,includingpulsation effects on compressor lines for Design Approaches I and 2. ForDesignApproach 1, and for initial

‘This Appendix i s reprinted courtesy of the American Petroleum Insti-
tute from API Standard 618, Reciprocating Compressors for General commercial sizing accordingto Design Approaches 2 and
Refinery Servlces, Third Edition, February 1986. 3,pulsationsuppressiondevices shall haveminimum


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ASME B37.3 75 m 0757b70 0573392 55b m

suctionanddischarge surge volumes,excluding liquid P,f(%) = maximum allowable unfiltered peak-to-peak

collection chambers, determined from Equations 1 and pulsation level expressed as a percentage of
2, but in no case shall either volume be less than 1 average absolute line pressure at the compres-
cubic foot. sor cylinder flange
R = stage pressure ratio
For those special cases where pulsation levels exceed
these values, and a reasonable increase in volume will
not satisfy the requirement of 7 percent or that determined
by Equation 3, higher limits may then be used as agreed
upon by the purchaser and the vendor.
NOTE: The phase relationship and amplitude of pressure pulsation at
the compressor valves can significantly affect compressor performance.
Pulsation levels measured at the compressor cylinder flange will not
necessarily be the same as those levels existing at the valves. Experience
where has shown, however, that pulsation limits at the cylinder flanges, as
v,= minimumrequiredsuctionsurgevolume in specified above, result in compressor performance within the tolerances
stated in this standard.
cubic feet
v, = minimumrequireddischargesurgevolume in
cubic feet Unless otherwise specified, the pressure
k = isentropic compression exponent at average op- drop based on steady flow through a pulsation suppression
erating gas pressure and temperature device at normal operating conditions shall not exceed
TT = suction temperature, degrees Rankine 0.25 percent of the average absolute line pressure at the
M = molecular weight device, or the percentagedetermined by Equation 4,
PD = total net displacedvolume,in cubic feet per whichever is higher.
revolution, of all compressorcylinders to be
manifolded in the surge volume 1.67 ( R - 1)
Al'(%) =
R = stage pressure ratio at cylinder flanges (absolute R
discharge pressure divided by absolute suction

pressure) where
AP(%)=maximum pressure drop based on steady flow
The internaldiameter of thesurgevolumeshallbe
through pulsation
a suppression deviceex-
based on the minimum surge volume length required to
pressed as a percentage of the average absolute
manifold the compressor cylinders. For single-cylinder
line pressure at the inlet of the device
surge volume, the ratio of surge volume length to internal
R = stage pressure ratio
diameter shall not exceed 3.0. The insidediameter of
spherical volumes shall be calculated directly from the When a moisture separator is an integral part of the
volumes determined by Equations 1 and 2. pulsation suppression device, the pressure drop based on
steady flow through such a device shall not exceed 0.33
NOTE: Equations 1 and 2 will provide satisfactory sizes for most percent of the average absolute line pressure at the device,
applications. In some instances, however, it may be necessary to alter
the sizes based on the results of the acoustical simulation study employed or the percentage determined by Equation 5 , whichever
by Design Approaches 2 and 3. Sizing requirements can be substantially is higher.
influenced by the effects of high pressures, single-acting cylinders, a n d
or interaction among the elements of the overall system. The magnitude 2.17 ( R - 1)
of these effects cannot be accurately predicted at the outset. Al'(%) =
R Unless other criteria(suchas loss in

compressor efficiency) are specified, the unfiltered peak- Operation with alternate gases or startup
to-peak pulsation level at the compressor cylinder flange, conditions shall be specified on the datasheets, and
as a percentage of average absolute line pressure, shall pulsationsuppressiondevicesshall be mechanically
be limited to 7 percent or that determined by Equation suitable for all specified conditions. When a compressor
3, whichever is lower. is to be operated on two gases of dissimilar molecular
weights (for example, hydrogen and nitrogen), pulsation
levels at the cylinder flanges and elsewhere in the entire
piping system shallbe optimized for the gas on which the

where unit must operate for the greater lengthof time. Pulsation

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levels shall be reviewed for the alternate gas to assure that
pulsation levels will be acceptable under both operating
conditions. The peak-to-peak pulsation
limitations where
specified i n (forDesignApproaches 1, 2, and P I(%)= maximumallowablepeak-to-peakpulsation
3), DesignApproach l ) , and level at any discretefrequencyexpressed as a
DesignApproaches 2 and 3) shall apply to the normal percentage of average absolute pressure
operating conditions specified. PL = averageabsolute line pressure in poundsper
square inch absolute Generalguidelinesfor the purchaser in
specifying the appropriate design approach are given in and These guidelinesshould not be Acoustical evaluation for Design
used, however, without knowledgeable review by Approaches 2 and 3 shall be accomplished with proven
qualified personnel for the specific services involved. acousticalsimulation
techniques that model the The following table gives the numerical compressorcylinders, pulsation suppression devices,
designations of the recommended design approaches (as piping, and equipment system, and that consider dynamic
defined in for a system in which: interaction among these elements. Mechanical evaluation
( a ) Final discharge pressure is less than 1000 pounds for Design Approach 3 shall include an analysis of
per square inch gage (69 bar effective), or driven power compressor manifold and piping systems, including
is less than 500 horsepower (373 kilowatts); and pulsation suppressiondevices,and the study of the
( h ) No interaction is anticipated between adjacent ma- interaction betweenacoustical and mechanicalsystem
chines. responses at all specified operating conditions. In addition
to the requirementsstipulated in, the following
Numher of Single Two Three or More
stepsare required to accomplish the properevaluation
Stap Cylinders

~ -~ for Design Approaches 2 and 3:

One I 1 2 (Cr) determination of the acousticalresponse of the
Two or more - 3 3 system, includingtheamplitude and the spectral fre-
quency distribution of pulsations. This analysis shall en- The following table gives the numerical sure minimum degradation of cylinder performance by
designations of the recommended design approaches for the effects of dynamic interaction among cylinder, sup-
a system in which: pression device, and piping.
(o) Final discharge pressure is 1 O00 pounds per square ( h ) determination and controlof acoustical unbalanced
inch gage (69 bar effective) or more; forces produced within the pulsation suppression devices,
( h ) Driven power is 500 horsepower (373 kilowatts) piping, heat exchangers, or vessels with internak. Loca-
or more; or tion of inlet and outlet nozzles and internal baffles and
( c ) Service alternatesbetweengases of significantly choke tubes shall be arranged to minimize these forces.
different molecular weights; or See,, and 3.9.4.
( d ) Two or more machines discharge into or take suc- ( c ) determination and control of significant pulsation
tion from the same pipingsystem,andinteraction of amplitudes at the compressor cylinder valves that fall
pulsation is anticipated (including most compressors of within the range of the mechanical natural frequencies
more than I50 horsepower [ 1 12 kilowatts] operating in of the valves. The mechanical natural frequencies of stan-
parallel). dard compressor cylinder valvesare generally in the range
Number of Two Three or More
of 50 to 1 O0 hertz. Acoustical responses within this range
in the valve ports or at the valves have been known to
__ Cylinder
_ _ _ _Cylmders
_ Cylinders
cause valve failures.
One 2 2 3 (ci) for Design Approach 3, determination of the me-
Two or more - 3 3 chanical response of the pipingsystem,includingme-
chanical natural frequencies and mode shapesof the com- Pulsationsuppressiondevices used in pressor cylinder-manifold system.This analysisshall also
accordance with Design Approach 1 shall limit peak-to- establish allowable limits for pulsation-induced shaking
peakpulsationlevels at the line side of the pulsation forces in the piping system based on thecyclicstress
suppression device to a value determined by Equation 6. levels they can produce.


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( e ) for Design Approach 3, determination of the re- inch absolute (3.45 bar absolute). For pressures greater
quired pulsation suppression based on acoustical and me- than 3000 pounds per squareinch absolute (207 bar abso-
chanical responses and their interactions. To obtain the lute), the corresponding calculated cyclic stressesshall be
desired vibration/pulsation control, selective use should carefully evaluated to assure compliance with
be made of both acoustical and mechanical control tech-
NOTE: Pulsation limits may exceed the levels defined by How-
niques. These techniques include the eliminationof coin- ever, it must be demonstrated that all other requirements in are
cidences between acoustical andmechanical resonant fre- satisfied.
quencies, the use of acoustical filtering techniques, and
changes in mechanical configurations. the compressor unit is to be installed
in parallel with other compressorunits, an interactive
NOTE: When evaluating the need for possible modifications to the acoustical simulation study should normally be specified.
piping and/or pulsation suppression devicesduringan acoustical simula-
If the interactive study indicatesrequirement
a for
tion study, consideration should be given to acoustical shaking forces
and the effect of pulsations on compressor performance. When Design modifications to piping or pulsation suppression devices
Approach 3 is used, consideration should alsc be given to mechanical to meet the requirements of, modifications shall
system responsesand the use of mechanical vibration control techniques.
Pulsation levels (expressed as a percentageof line pressure) should not
be based on mutual agreement between the purchaser and
be used as the sole criterion for making modifications to the piping the vendor.
and/or pulsation suppression devices.
3.9.3 Pulsation Suppression Devices Design Approaches 2 and 3, based on As minimum,
a pulsation
normal operating conditions, the peak-to-peak pulsation
equipment shall be designed and fabricated in accordance
levels in the initial suction, interstage, and final discharge
with Section VIII, Division 1, of the ASME Boiler and
piping systems beyondpulsationsuppressiondevices
Pressure Vessel Code. Pulsation suppressorsshallbe
shallsatisfy the requirements of
stamped with the ASMECode symbolandregistered
operating at line pressures between 50 and 3000 pounds
with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
per square inch absolute (3.45 and 207 bar absolute) this
Inspectors when specified on the data sheets. If another
requirement is usually satisfied when the peak-to-peak

code is required,this code shall be noted on the data

pulsation level of each individual pulsation component
is limited to that calculated by Equation 7. maximum allowable working pressure
for any component shall not be less than the setting of
the relief valve serving that component. Unlessotherwisespecified on the data
sheets, the corrosionallowance for shell andinternals
P I(%) = maximum allowable peak-to-peak level of indi- shall be '/8 inch (3.2 millimeters).
vidual pulsationcomponentscorresponding to
the fundamental and harmonic frequencies, ex- specified, all butt welds shall be 100-
pressed as a percentage of average absolute line percent radiographed.
pressure (see
PL = average absolutelinepressure, in pounds per flanged branchconnectionsshall be
square inch absolute reinforced in such a way that the reinforcement provides
ID = inside diameter of line pipe, in inches a metal area equal to the cutaway area regardless of the
metal thickness in connection
the wall. Stress
.f = pulsation frequency, in hertz, derived from the
following equation. in which rpm is machine concentration factors shall be considered in the selection
speed and N = 1 , 2 , 3 . . ., corresponding to the of branch connections to assure compliance with
fundamental frequency and harmonics thereof When specified, the
suppressiondevice(s) shall includea final moisture
removal section as an integral part of thevessel. The
moisture removal section shall have a reservoir extended
below the suppressor shell and shall be equipped with a
For pressures lower than 50 pounds per square inch drain connection of atleast I inch nominalsize. The
absolute (3.45 bar absolute), use the peak-to-peak levels moisture removal section shall remove 99 percent of all
in pounds per square inch (not percentage) of individual droplets of I O microns or larger. Pressure drop shall be
pulsation components calculated for 50 pounds per square as defined in


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
. . .. .

ASME 919.1 95 U 0759670 0573395 265 II The nozzle length from the shell of the designed to minimizeoverhungweightandshallbe
pulsation suppression device to the cylinder flange shall gussetted back to the main pipe or reinforcing pad in at
be held to a minimum, consistent with thermal flexibility least twoplanes to avoid breakage due to pulsation-
and misalignment. The nozzle area shall be at least equal induced vibrations.
to the area of the nominal compressorcylinder flange
size. Adequate space shall be allowed for access to and Mainconnectionsfor the compressor
maintenance of the cylinder’sworkingparts.Suction cylinder and line shall be fitted with weld-neck flanges
suppressors shall be designed to prevent unless otherwise specified by the purchaser.Pulsation
trapping of liquid that can be carried over into the suppressors 18 inches (457 millimeters)andgreater in
cylinder. diameter shall have studded pad-type inspectionopenings
at least 6 inches (152 millimeters) in diameter, complete Manufacturing tolerances
and fit-up with blind flanges and gaskets, to provide access to each
procedures for pulsation-suppressorkompressor-cylinder compartment. For suppressors less than 18 inches (457
nozzle connections and line connectionsshall be adequate millimeters) in diameter, 4-inch (102-millimeter) studded
to allow bolting of flanges without the use of extemal pad-type inspection openings are permitted.
forces such as jacks and come-alongs, which may result
in excessive stresses, misalignment, or rod runout. When Pulsation suppressorconnections other
two or more cylinders are to be connected to the same than those covered by be flanged or
pulsation suppression device, the flanges shall be fitted threaded as specified on the datasheets. All threaded
to aligned cylinders and welded in place to assure proper fittings shall have a minimum rating of 6000 pounds per
final alignment andminimize residual stresses. This square inch (414 bar).
procedure is especially important for ring joint flanges. Flanges shall be in accordance with ANSI Orientation of the pulsation suppression B16.5, except that lap-joint flanges shall not be used
devices andtheirnozzles shall be specified by the unless specifically approved by the purchaser. The finish
purchaser, subject to practical limitations imposed by the of the gasket contact surface of flanges other than ring-
joint type shall be no less than 125 microinches (3.2

vendor and dynamic design requirements. Ratings, types,
and arrangements of all connections shall be agreed upon micrometers) and no greater than 250 microinches (6.4
by the purchaser and the vendor. micrometers) R(,. Either a serrated-concentric or serrated-
spiral finish having 24 to40grooves perinch (0.6- Three-quarter-inch
pressure test millimeter to 1.0-millimeterpitch)shall be used. The
shall be provided
at pulsation surface finish of the gasket grooves of ring joint
suppressor inlet andoutletnozzle. An external drain connections shall conform to ANSI B 16.5.
connection of atleast 1 inch nominal size shall be
provided for each compartmentwhere practicable. Where When specified, provisions shall be made
multiple drains areimpracticable, circular notched for attaching insulation. All connections and nameplates
openings in the bulkheads extending to the vessel wall shall be arranged to clear the insulation.
may be used with the purchaser’s approval. The effect of All intemals of pulsationsuppression
such drain openings on pulsation suppressor performance devices shall be fabricatedandsupported considering
must be considered. Arrangement of intemals shall ensure the possibility of high acoustical shaking forces. Dished
that liquids will flow to drain connectionsunder all baffles in lieu of flat baffles shall be used. Thesame
operating conditions. welding procedures as applicable to external welds shall Thecylinder nozzle of eachdischarge be followed.
suppressor shall be provided with two All butt welds shall be full-penetration
connections located to pennit, without interference, the welds.
purchaser’s installation of thermowells of at least I inch
nominal size for a high-temperature alarm or shutdown 3.9.4 Supports for Pulsation Suppression
element and a dial thermometer.Whenspecified, a Devices
thermowell connection of at least 1 inch nominal size If specified, supportsfor the pulsation
shall also be provided for thecylinder nozzle of each
suppression devices and piping shall be furnished by the
suction pulsation suppressor.
vendor.Thesesupports shall be designedconsidering Flanged connections I ‘/2 inch and smaller, acoustical shaking forces and mechanical responses and
although reinforced in accordance with, shall be shall not impose harmful stresses on the compressor,


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

ASME BIS-3 95 0759670 0573396 3TL

piping system, or pulsation suppression devices to which

they are attached. In calculating stress levels, compressor
framegrowthas well as crosshead-guideand branch
connection flexibilities shall be considered. When
adjustable supports are used, they shall be adjusted by
the purchaser at normal operating conditions.
NOTE:To the extent possible, the support foundation should always
be integral with the compressor foundation. The mounting plate for the
support should be anchored in the foundation. Springs or resilient mounts may be used

for pulsation suppressor or piping supports if analyses
indicate that they will not adversely affect system stress
and vibration.



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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

ASME B 3 7 - 17 5 M 0759670 0573377038

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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