220 65 2 Task-1-Worksheet

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Task 1: Critical reading and summary 25%

1. Students work in pair and choose a 500-700-word article related to the topics in Unit 1
(Happiness) or Unit 2 (Inventive solutions). Page | 1
2. Ask their teacher to approve it.
3. Identify the purpose, main ideas and important supporting details of the article. Then
combine them as a 1-paragraph summary.
4. Students complete the worksheet provided and submit it in week 5.

Part I: Reading for main ideas and important points

Instructions: Read your selected reading text carefully and your selected reading text carefully
and analyze the text structure using the notes given as a guideline.

Main idea of the article: Happiness is a choice. Many happy people realize that happiness is a
choice and that they have to choose it every day on purpose.

Supporting idea 1 : Emphasizing the positive aspects of life. Suggests focusing on the positive
aspects of life as a way to increase happiness.
Supporting idea 2 : Practicing habits that contribute to well-being. Mentions several habits
such as eating healthy meals, treating others well, and meditating as ways to improve physical,
emotional, and spiritual well-being, leading to increased happiness.
Supporting idea 3 : The importance of having control over one's life by choosing to wake up on
your terms, embracing self-discipline, and completing important tasks as a way to experience and

Part II: Critical reading (10%)

Instructions: Read your selected reading text carefully and answer the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of this article? (4%)
To provide ways for individuals to choose happiness in their daily lives. The
happiness is a choice and that by embracing certain actions, such as counting blessings,
smiling, using affirmations, practicing self-discipline, and treating others well,
individuals can experience and fulfillment in their lives.
2. What can be inferred from this article? (4%)
The article is meant to serve as inspiration for individuals to make conscious
choices towards happiness.
3. What is the tone of this article? (2%)
Page | 2
Optimistic is the tone of this article.

Part III: Summary (15%)

Instructions: Write a 1-paragraph summary based on the selected article.
According to the article “Happiness is a choice” the author to provide ways for
individuals to choose happiness in their daily lives and tone is optimistic. That many happy
people realize that happiness is a choice and that they have to choose it every day on purpose,
suggests focusing on the positive aspects of life as a way to increase happiness, practicing habits
that contribute to well-being much have eating healthy meals, treating others well and the
importance of having control over one's life by choosing to wake up on your terms, embracing
self-control, and completing important tasks as a way to achievement and happiness.

Evaluation of the summary
1. Contents 10%
1) Identifying a purpose of the article 4%
2) Identifying a main idea of the article 3%
3) 3) Identifying key supporting ideas 3%

2. Language 5%
1) Comprehension 3%
2) Organization 2%

Parintorn Chaiyo 65070500629 CVE

Thanawit Baiya 65070500675 CVE

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