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32. Associate Degree (AD) in Journalism & Mass Communication

Semester/ Name of Subject Total

Course code Marks
FIRST Semester
JMC-301 Introduction to Journalism & Mass 3 100
English Composition & comprehension (E-1) 3 100
Introduction to information & Communication 3 100
Islamic Studies 3 100
Political history of Pakistan 3 100
Everyday science-l 3 100
Cr. Hr 18 600
SECOND Semester
Pakistan Studies 3 100
Communication and presentation Skills (E-2) 3 100
Basic Mathematics 3 100
JMC- 351 Introduction to Media in Pakistan 3 100
Introduction to Law andHuman Rights 3 100
Cr. Hr 15 500
THIRD Semester
ENG- Technical report Writing 3 100
Islamic History 3 100
Pashtun Language and Society (Title to be 3 100
suggested by the board of faculty )
JMC- 401 Intro to New Media 3 100
JMC- 402 Interpersonal Communication 3 100
Cr.Hr 15 500
FOURTH Semester
Everyday Science II 3 100
JMC-451 Intro to Reporting 3 100
JMC-452 Photo Journalism 3 100
JMC- 453 Mass Communication Theories-l 3 100
JMC- 454 Communication Research Methods 3 100 15 500
Total Credit Hours 63 2100

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