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VarPacker DLL

VC++ Data Type Wrapping Library

Function Reference
@Copyright 1998~2001 ADLINK Technology Inc.
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Manual Rev: 2.30: November 15, 2001
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Table of Contents
Simple Data Type to VARIANT Functions ...........................................2
ShortToVar .........................................................................................................2
LongToVar .........................................................................................................3
DoubleToVar ......................................................................................................3
VARIANT to Simple Data Type Functions ...........................................3
VarToBool ..........................................................................................................3
VarToChar ..........................................................................................................4
VarToShort .........................................................................................................4
VarToLong .........................................................................................................4
VarToDouble ......................................................................................................5
VARIANT to Array Data Functions .....................................................5
VarToArray ........................................................................................................5
VarToArray ........................................................................................................6
VarToArray ........................................................................................................7
VarToArray ........................................................................................................8
VarToArray ........................................................................................................8
Array Data to VARIANT Classes..........................................................9
VarPacker is a function library and class library help user wrap the simple type
variables in the VARIANT structure. In VC++ environment, some motheds of
DAQBench controls need user to pass parameter in a VARIANT structure. Althrough
MFC provides some classes to do that, such as COleVariant, COleSafeArray and so on,
but it only support simple data type and is not suitable for the usage in DAQBench.
Hence, DAQBench provide the VarPacker.dll to provide a more easy way for passing
parameters in DAQBench.
In the VarPacker.dll, it provid 4 groups of APIs :
1. Simple data type to VARIANT
2. VARIANT to simple data type
3. VARIANT to array data
4. Array data to VARIANT
The first three parts are in the function form, comparatively the last one part are in the
class form. The detail description of these function are described as below :

Simple Data Type to VARIANT Functions
VARIANT BoolToVar(bool Data)
Return Value
VARIANT that wrap the bool type data
boolVal: a bool type data

Call this function to wrap a bool type variable in a VARIANT structure.

VARIANT CharToVar(unsigned char Data)

Return Value
VARIANT that wrap the unsigned char type data
charVal : a unsigned char type data
Call this function to wrap a unsigned char type variable in a VARIANT structure.
For wrapping char type data, please cast the char argument as unsigned char before

VARIANT ShortToVar(short Data)

Return Value
VARIANT that wrap the short type data
shortVal : a short type data
Call this function to wrap a short type variable in a VARIANT structure. For
wrapping unsigned short type data, please cast the unsigned short argument as
short before passing.

VARIANT LongToVar(long Data)
Return Value
VARIANT that wrap the long type data
longVal : a long type data
Call this function to wrap a long type variable in a VARIANT structure. For
wrapping unsigned long type data, please cast the unsigned long argument as long
before passing.

VARIANT FloatToVar(unsigned char Data)

Return Value
VARIANT that wrap the float type data
floatVal : a float type data
Call this function to wrap a float type variable in a VARIANT structure.

VARIANT DoubleToVar(double Data)

Return Value
VARIANT that wrap the double type data
doubleVal : a double type data
Call this function to wrap a double type variable in a VARIANT structure.

VARIANT to Simple Data Type Functions

Bool VarToBool(const VARIANT& var)
Bool boolVal;
VARIANT variantVal;

Return Value
Bool value wrapped in the VARIANT structure
VariantVal; the reference of the VARIANT variable
Call this function to extract the Bool value wrapped in a VARIANT structure.

unsigned char VarToChar(const VARIANT& var)

unsgined char charVal;
VARIANT variantVal;
Return Value
unsigned char value wrapped in the VARIANT structure
variantVal the reference of the VARIANT variable
Call this function to extract the unsigned char value wrapped in a VARIANT

short VarToShort(const VARIANT& var)

short shortVal;
VARIANT variantVal;
Return Value
short value wrapped in the VARIANT structure
VariantVal : the reference of the VARIANT variable
Call this function to extract the short value wrapped in a VARIANT structure.

long VarToLong(const VARIANT& var)

long shortVal;
VARIANT variantVal;

Return Value
long value wrapped in the VARIANT structure
variantVal: the reference of the VARIANT variable
Call this function to extract the long value wrapped in a VARIANT structure.

float VarToFloat(const VARIANT& var)

float shortVal;
VARIANT variantVal;
Return Value
float value wrapped in the VARIANT structure
VariantVal : the reference of the VARIANT variable
Call this function to extract the float value wrapped in a VARIANT structure.

double VarToDouble(const VARIANT& var)

double shortVal;
VARIANT variantVal;
Return Value
double value wrapped in the VARIANT structure
variantVal: the reference of the VARIANT variable
Call this function to extract the double value wrapped in a VARIANT structure.

VARIANT to Array Data Functions

short VarToArray(const VARIANT var, unsigned char* pArray,
unsigned int DataLength)
unsigned char charArray[100];

short retVal;
//Get an array that wrapped in var
retVal= VarToArray (var, charArray, 100);
Return Value
If succeeded, return the number of elements extracted to the data array. If failed,
return the follow error codes:
ERR_NO_ARRAY_IN_VARIANT : Indicates that there is no array wrapped in
the VARIANT structure, or the memory space of wrapped array is not accessible.
ERR_ARRAY_TYPE_MISMATCH :Indicates that the type of wrapped array is
different from the type of the given data array.
ERR_ARRAY_SPACE_ACCESS_ERR : Indicates that the memeory space of the
given data array is not accessible.
Var: the reference of the VARIANT variable
pArray: the pointer of array where you want to place the extracted data
DataLength: the number of elements you want to extract from VARIANT
Call this function to extract the wrapped unsigned char array from a VARIANT
structure to a given unsigned char array.
The DataLength argument must not be larger that the size you declare for pArray,
or memory access violation may occur.
While no wrapped array is in the VARAINT or the type of wrapped array is not
unsigned char, error code returns.

short VarToArray(const VARIANT var, short* pArray, unsigned int

short shortArray[100];
short retVal;
//Get an array that wrapped in var
retVal= VarToArray (var, shortArray, 100);
Return Value
If succeeded, return the number of elements extracted to the data array
If failed, return the follow error codes:
ERR_NO_ARRAY_IN_VARIANT : Indicates that there is no array wrapped in
the VARIANT structure, or the memory space of wrapped array is not accessible.
ERR_ARRAY_TYPE_MISMATCH : Indicates that the type of wrapped array is

different from the type of the given data array.
ERR_ARRAY_SPACE_ACCESS_ERR : Indicates that the memeory space of the
given data array is not accessible.
Var: the reference of the VARIANT variable
pArray: the pointer of array where you want to place the extracted data
DataLength: the number of elements you want to extract from VARIANT
Call this function to extract the wrapped unsigned char array from a VARIANT
structure to a given unsigned char array.
The DataLength argument must not be larger that the size you declare for pArray,
or memory access violation may occur.
While no wrapped array is in the VARAINT or the type of wrapped array is not
short, error code returns.

short VarToArray(const VARIANT var, long* pArray, unsigned int

long longArray[100];
short retVal;
//Get an array that wrapped in var
retVal= VarToArray (var, longArray, 100);
Return Value
If succeeded, return the number of elements extracted to the data array
If failed, return the follow error codes:
ERR_NO_ARRAY_IN_VARIANT : Indicates that there is no array wrapped in
the VARIANT structure, or the memory space of wrapped array is not accessible.
ERR_ARRAY_TYPE_MISMATCH : Indicates that the type of wrapped array is
different from the type of the given data array.
ERR_ARRAY_SPACE_ACCESS_ERR : Indicates that the memeory space of the
given data array is not accessible.
Var: the reference of the VARIANT variable
pArray: the pointer of array where you want to place the extracted data
DataLength: the number of elements you want to extract from VARIANT
Call this function to extract the wrapped unsigned char array from a VARIANT

structure to a given unsigned char array.
The DataLength argument must not be larger that the size you declare for pArray,
or memory access violation may occur.
While no wrapped array is in the VARAINT or the type of wrapped array is not
long, error code returns.

short VarToArray(const VARIANT var, float* pArray, unsigned int

float floatArray[100];
short retVal;
//Get an array that wrapped in var
retVal= VarToArray (var, floatArray, 100);
Return Value
If succeeded, return the number of elements extracted to the data array
If failed, return the follow error codes:
ERR_NO_ARRAY_IN_VARIANT : Indicates that there is no array wrapped in
the VARIANT structure, or the memory space of wrapped array is not accessible.
ERR_ARRAY_TYPE_MISMATCH : Indicates that the type of wrapped array is
different from the type of the given data array.
ERR_ARRAY_SPACE_ACCESS_ERR : Indicates that the memeory space of the
given data array is not accessible.
Var: the reference of the VARIANT variable
pArray: the pointer of array where you want to place the extracted data
DataLength: the number of elements you want to extract from VARIANT
Call this function to extract the wrapped unsigned char array from a VARIANT
structure to a given unsigned char array.
The DataLength argument must not be larger that the size you declare for pArray,
or memory access violation may occur.
While no wrapped array is in the VARAINT or the type of wrapped array is not
float, error code returns.

short VarToArray(const VARIANT var, double* pArray, unsigned int


double doubleArray[100];
short retVal;
//Get an array that wrapped in var
retVal= VarToArray (var, doubleArray, 100);
Return Value
If succeeded, return the number of elements extracted to the data array
If failed, return the follow error codes:
ERR_NO_ARRAY_IN_VARIANT : Indicates that there is no array wrapped in
the VARIANT structure, or the memory space of wrapped array is not accessible.
ERR_ARRAY_TYPE_MISMATCH : Indicates that the type of wrapped array is
different from the type of the given data array.
ERR_ARRAY_SPACE_ACCESS_ERR : Indicates that the memeory space of the
given data array is not accessible.
Var: the reference of the VARIANT variable
pArray: the pointer of array where you want to place the extracted data
DataLength: the number of elements you want to extract from VARIANT
Call this function to extract the wrapped unsigned char array from a VARIANT
structure to a given unsigned char array.
The DataLength argument must not be larger that the size you declare for pArray,
or memory access violation may occur.
While no wrapped array is in the VARAINT or the type of wrapped array is not
double, error code returns.

Array Data to VARIANT Classes

ArrayToVar Class:
The ArrayToVar class to help user to wrap a 1-dimension array in the VARIANT
structure. The polymorphism feature in C++ language provide users different class
constructor according to different arguments. This class is useful for the controls need
1-diemnsion array as its argument, such as DChart, DGraph, and DXYGraph.

class ArrayToVar : public tagVARIANT


ArrayToVar(unsigned char* pData, int DataLength);
ArrayToVar(short* pData, int DataLength);
ArrayToVar(long* pData, int DataLength);
ArrayToVar(float* pData, int DataLength);
ArrayToVar(double* pData, int DataLength);

The member function of ArrayToVar Class :

ArrayToVar(unsigned char* pData, int DataLength)
There are two ways to use the ArrayToVar class. You can:
unsigned char charArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in charArray
DChart.PlotChart(ArrayToVar(charArray, 100));
unsigned char charArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in charArray
ArrayToVar var(charArray, 100);
pData : the pointer of the array to be wrapped in a VARIANT structure
DataLength: number of elements of the array
Call this function to wrap the unsigned char array in a VARIANT structure.
The DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller than the actual size of the
array. DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var=ArrayToVar(charArray, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

ArrayToVar(short* pData, int DataLength);


There are two ways to use the ArrayToVar class. You can:
short shortArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in shortArray
DChart.PlotChart(ArrayToVar(shortArray, 100));
short shortArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in shortArray
ArrayToVar var(shortArray, 100);
pData : the pointer of the array to be wrapped in a VARIANT structure
DataLength: number of elements of the array
Call this function to wrap the short array in a VARIANT structure.
The DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller than the actual size of the
array. DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var=ArrayToVar(shortArray, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

ArrayToVar(long* pData, int DataLength);

There are two ways to use the ArrayToVar class. You can:
long longArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in longArray
DChart.PlotChart(ArrayToVar(longArray, 100));
long longArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in longArray
ArrayToVar var(longArray, 100);
pData : the pointer of the array to be wrapped in a VARIANT structure

DataLength: number of elements of the array
Call this function to wrap the short array in a VARIANT structure.
The DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller than the actual size of the
array. DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var=ArrayToVar(longArray, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

ArrayToVar(float* pData, int DataLength);

There are two ways to use the ArrayToVar class. You can:
float floatArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in floatArray
DChart.PlotChart(ArrayToVar(floatArray, 100));
float floatArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in floatArray
ArrayToVar var(floatArray, 100);
pData : the pointer of the array to be wrapped in a VARIANT structure
DataLength: number of elements of the array
Call this function to wrap the short array in a VARIANT structure.
The DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller than the actual size of the
array. DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than

VARAINT var=ArrayToVar(floatArray, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

ArrayToVar(double* pData, int DataLength);

There are two ways to use the ArrayToVar class. You can:
double doubleArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in doubleArray
DChart.PlotChart(ArrayToVar(doubleArray, 100));
double doubleArray[100];
// fill the value of elements in doubleArray
ArrayToVar var(doubleArray, 100);
pData : the pointer of the array to be wrapped in a VARIANT structure
DataLength: number of elements of the array
Call this function to wrap the short array in a VARIANT structure.
The DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller than the actual size of the
array. DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var=ArrayToVar(doubleArray, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

_2DimArrayToVar Class :
The _2DimArrayToVar class helps you to wrap a 2-Dimension array in the VARIANT
structure. We provide this class dedicatedly to DIntenChart and DintenGraph controls.
Because these two controls need (x, y) coordinate to plot z value, they need a
2-dimension array as argument. We also take the advantage of polymorphism in C++ to
provide overloading constructors.

class _2DimArrayToVar : public COleSafeArray

_2DimArrayToVar(unsigned char* pData, int Dim1DataLength,
int Dim2DataLength);
_2DimArrayToVar(short* pData, int Dim1DataLength, int Dim2DataLength);
_2DimArrayToVar(long* pData, int Dim1DataLength, int Dim2DataLength);
_2DimArrayToVar(float* pData, int Dim1DataLength, int Dim2DataLength);
_2DimArrayToVar(double* pData, int Dim1DataLength, int Dim2DataLength);

The member functions of _2DimArrayToVar Class :

_2DimArrayToVar(unsigned char* pData, int Dim1DataLength,
int Dim2DataLength);
There are two ways to use the _2DimArrayToVar class. You can:
unsigned char zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
DIntenChart.AddPlane(_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100));
unsigned char zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
_2DimArrayToVar var(zData, 100, 100);
pData : the pointer of the 2-dimension array to be wrapped in a VARIANT
Dim1DataLength: number of elements of 1st dimension of the array
Dim2DataLength: number of elements of 2nd dimension of the array
Call this function to wrap the 2-dimension unsigned char array in a VARIANT
The Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller
than the actual size you declare in the array. Dim1DataLength and
Dim2DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
Remember that in VC++, you can not dynamically declare a 2-dim array. If you
want to do so, please use a dynamically allocated 1-dim array as the pData, and

still pass the Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength arguments (size of array
equals to Dim1DataLength* Dim2DataLength). You can view the IntenGraph
sample program for detail.
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var=_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

_2DimArrayToVar(short* pData, int Dim1DataLength, int Dim2DataLength);

There are two ways to use the _2DimArrayToVar class. You can:
short zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
DIntenChart.AddPlane(_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100));
short zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
_2DimArrayToVar var(zData, 100, 100);
pData : the pointer of the 2-dimension array to be wrapped in a VARIANT
Dim1DataLength: number of elements of 1st dimension of the array
Dim2DataLength: number of elements of 2nd dimension of the array
Call this function to wrap the 2-dimension short array in a VARIANT structure.
The Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller
than the actual size you declare in the array. Dim1DataLength and
Dim2DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
violation. Remember that in VC++, you can not dynamically declare a 2-dim array.
If you want to do so, please use a dynamically allocated 1-dim array as the pData,
and still pass the Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength arguments (size of array
equals to Dim1DataLength* Dim2DataLength). You can view the IntenGraph
sample program for detail.

The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var=_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

_2DimArrayToVar(long* pData, int Dim1DataLength, int Dim2DataLength);

There are two ways to use the _2DimArrayToVar class. You can:
long zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
DIntenChart.AddPlane(_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100));
long zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
_2DimArrayToVar var(zData, 100, 100);
pData : the pointer of the 2-dimension array to be wrapped in a VARIANT
Dim1DataLength: number of elements of 1st dimension of the array
Dim2DataLength: number of elements of 2nd dimension of the array
Call this function to wrap the 2-dimension long array in a VARIANT structure.
The Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller
than the actual size you declare in the array. Dim1DataLength and
Dim2DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
violation.Remember that in VC++, you can not dynamically declare a 2-dim array.
If you want to do so, please use a dynamically allocated 1-dim array as the pData,
and still pass the Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength arguments (size of array
equals to Dim1DataLength* Dim2DataLength). You can view the IntenGraph
sample program for detail.
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than

VARAINT var=_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

_2DimArrayToVar(float* pData, int Dim1DataLength, int Dim2DataLength);

There are two ways to use the _2DimArrayToVar class. You can:
float zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
DIntenChart.AddPlane(_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100));
float zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
_2DimArrayToVar var(zData, 100, 100);
pData : the pointer of the 2-dimension array to be wrapped in a VARIANT
Dim1DataLength: number of elements of 1st dimension of the array
Dim2DataLength: number of elements of 2nd dimension of the array
Call this function to wrap the 2-dimension float array in a VARIANT structure.
The Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller
than the actual size you declare in the array. Dim1DataLength and
Dim2DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
violation.Remember that in VC++, you can not dynamically declare a 2-dim array.
If you want to do so, please use a dynamically allocated 1-dim array as the pData,
and still pass the Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength arguments (size of array
equals to Dim1DataLength* Dim2DataLength). You can view the IntenGraph
sample program for detail.
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var=_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

_2DimArrayToVar(double* pData, int Dim1DataLength, int

There are two ways to use the _2DimArrayToVar class. You can:
double zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
DIntenChart.AddPlane(_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100));
double zData[100][100];
// fill the value of elements in zData
_2DimArrayToVar var(zData, 100, 100);
pData : the pointer of the 2-dimension array to be wrapped in a VARIANT
Dim1DataLength: number of elements of 1st dimension of the array
Dim2DataLength: number of elements of 2nd dimension of the array
Call this function to wrap the 2-dimension double array in a VARIANT structure.
The Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength argument can be equal to or smaller
than the actual size you declare in the array. Dim1DataLength and
Dim2DataLength greater than the actual size of array may cause memory access
Remember that in VC++, you can not dynamically declare a 2-dim array. If you
want to do so, please use a dynamically allocated 1-dim array as the pData, and
still pass the Dim1DataLength and Dim2DataLength arguments (size of array
equals to Dim1DataLength* Dim2DataLength). You can view the IntenGraph
sample program for detail.
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var=_2DimArrayToVar(zData, 100, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

MultiArrayToVar Class
The MultiArrayToVar class helps you to combine two or more 1-Dimension arrays into
one and wrapp it in the VARIANT structure. This could be useful for DChart, DGraph,

and DXYGraph. For example, if you get three individual arrays and want to plot these
arrays, you can use MultiArrayToVar class to combine them into one and pass to
DChart.Plot(). Notice that we only provide double type array as argument, this is
because double type array is most common data type and acceptable for DChart,
DGraph, and DXYGraph. We also take the advantage of polymorphism in C++ to
provide overloading constructors.

class MultiArrayToVar : public tagVARIANT

MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, int DataLength);
MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, double* pData3,
int DataLength);
MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, double* pData3,
double* pData4, int DataLength);
MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, double* pData3,
double* pData4, double* pData5, int DataLength);
MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, double* pData3,
double* pData4, double* pData5, double* pData6,
int DataLength);
MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, double* pData3,
double* pData4, double* pData5, double* pData6,
double* pData7, int DataLength);
MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, double* pData3,
double* pData4, double* pData5, double* pData6,
double* pData7, double* pData8, int DataLength);

The member functions of MultiArrayToVar Class :

MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, int DataLength);
There are two ways to use the ArrayToVar class. You can:
double dataArray1[100];
double dataArray2[100];
// fill the value of elements in these arrays
DChart.PlotChart(MultiArrayToVar (dataArray1, dataArray2, 100));

double dataArray1[100];
double dataArray2[100];
// fill the value of elements in these arrays
ArrayToVar var(dataArray1, dataArray2, 100);
pData1: the pointer of the 1st array to be wrapped in a VARIANT structure
pData2: the pointer of the 2nd array to be wrapped in a VARIANT structure
DataLength: number of elements of the array
Call this function to combine two arrays into one and wrap the combined array in a
VARIANT structure. While 1st and 2nd arrays are in the format : {P1-1, P1-2,
P1-3, … , P1-n}, {P2-1, P2-2, P2-3, … , P2-n}, the combined array is in the
following format : {P1-1, P2-1, P1-2, P2-2, P1-3, P2-3, … , P1-n, P2-n}.
The DataLength argument should be equal to or smaller than the minimal value of
(data number of pData1, data number of pData2). DataLength greater than the
expected size may cause memory access violation.
The array data wrapped in a VARIANT is only accessible during the lifetime of the
class object. That means, after the object destroyed, accessing the array data it
contains will cause access violation. That’s why we suggested you to use this class
in above two ways, rather than
VARAINT var= MultiArrayToVar(dataArray1, dataArray2, 100);
Please do not use ArrayToVar in this way to avoid error.

The manipulation of the rest overloading constructors of MultiArrayToVar are the

same as MultiArrayToVar(double* pData1, double* pData2, int DataLength).


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