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B V Raju Institute of Technology

Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering

2.6.1: Programme and course Outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution

are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students

1. Display of Vision and Mission of Institute and Department on Website and Physical
2. Display of Programme Outcomes of Department on Website and Physical Locations
(Classrooms, labs)
3. Display of Program Educational Objectives and Program Specific Outcomes of
department on Website and Physical Locations (Classrooms, labs)
4. Syllabus copies

Locations (Website, Classrooms, labs, corridors)

 Vision and Mission of Institute and Department are displayed on website

 College link:
 Department link:
 Department Curriculum link:

Fig: College page displaying Vision, Mission Fig: Department page displaying Vision, Mission,
PEO’s, PO’s and PSO’s

Fig: Department page for curriculum

 Department Corridor

Fig: Department Vision, Mission Fig: POs & PSOs

Fig: Quality Policy Fig: College Vision, Mission

 Department Labs

Fig: IMA Lab– Department Vision, Mission Fig: MB Lab – Department Vision, Mission PEOs

Fig: PHE Lab College Vison, Mission Fig: IIPC Lab – POs & PSOs
 BME Classrooms

Fig: 3rd Year Classroom with Department & Fig: 4th Year Classroom with POs & PSOs
college Vision, Mission

Fig: 2nd Year Classroom with Department & Fig: 3rd Year Classroom with POs & PSOs
college Vision, Mission

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