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Name: John Robert Segurigan Section: C2

Course: GED109 – Gender and Society

1. The film’s main character is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an attorney and a mother.

A feisty and strong-willed woman, she doesn’t easily back down and stands

up to uphold her rights and exact right justice. Together with her husband,

they took cases that eventually made waves in society and the justice system.

2. As a woman living during her era, women are still considered as second-class

citizens, not getting the right recognition they deserve. Even if she has the right

credentials and obviously have the skills to be competent in her chosen field, it is

mostly for naught since most companies still do not recognize women as equals

and will often treat them differently. This inequality eventually pushed her to fight

against gender discrimination and make changes to people’s mentality.

2. The best example of gender oppression in the film is when she tries to apply

to various companies and gets rejected every time because she is a woman.

She may be qualified for the job, but those companies just do not like the

notion of having a female work among them as equals. Those moments truly

show how society back then treats women, as nothing more than

homemakers. The discrimination is blatant and unapologetic.

4. As of now, we do not have enough important laws that protect women’s right.

Even now, certain parts of society still believe in the Patriarchy and follow that

ideology. Most lawmakers are men, unable to completely comprehend what

women deserve and need. Various politicians are still fighting on the topics of

abortion, reproductive health, and divorce. Relevant and truly important laws are

not enough as the times march on.

5. There are a lot of points and lessons that can be learned from the film that all

of us should take to heart and understand. The most obvious point is that women

are equal to men and can even go even greater. The notion that they are not is

something we inherited from older generations and is also something that must

be left behind. Secondly, we still have to improve on our judiciary system in order

to create more laws that protect women’s rights and everything that concerns

them. And lastly, our society needs to respect women and those who truly

support gender equality.

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