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No. Information on Course


2. Course Code: GFMA 2023

3. Name(s) of Academic Staff:

Dr. Norsafinas Md. Saad (Group A & H)
Dr. A. S. A. Ferdous Alam (Group B)
Prof. Dato' Dr. Ahmad Bashawir Bin Haji Abdul Ghani (Group C & K)
Dr. Narentheren a/l Kaliappen (Group D)
Dr. Alisha binti Ismail (Group E & G)
Dr. A. S. A. Ferdous Alam (Group F)
Prof. Madya Dr. Salwani Binti Hj. Arbak (Group I)
Dr. Ooi Shir May (Group J)

4. Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the program:

This is one of the core courses offered for BIBM students.

5. Objective(s) of Course :
Students are expected to
1. Explain International Business concepts and its importance to all countries.
2. Discuss the International Business aspects, which have profound effect on the opportunities and
threats to multinational companies and countries.
3. Discuss the tactical strategies and approaches to manage the International Business operations.

6. Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students are able to
1. Identify the theories, concepts and function of international business operations. (C1)
2. Explain strategies available for companies in order to compete in the global business. (C5, C2)
3. Evaluate business operations for companies engaged in international business. (C4)
4. Interpret complex international business issues from multiple perspectives. (C3, C5)
7. Transferable Skills:
Writing, and discussion.

8. Teaching-learning and assessment strategy:

Mixed method between teacher-centred and student-centred. Teaching incorporate Massive open
online courses (MOOC). For the assessment strategy it is a continuous assessment.

9. Synopsis:
This course is designed to give students a better platform and basic knowledge about International
Business. Students will be exposed to all International Business dimensions, listing from International
Business in the era of Globalization, Country and Cultural Factors, International Trade Theory and
Environment, Strategy and Structure of International Business, Business Operation in Global
Manufacturing, Marketing and R & D. Equipped with the International Business perspectives, students
will be expected to understand the implications of International Business for their future organization’s
strategy, structure and functions, in particular with rapid pace change of globalization era.

10. Mode of Delivery:

Lectures, discussions, online learning, case study, and assignment.

11. Assessment Methods and Types:

Coursework – 100%
- Quiz 1 – 5%
- Quiz 2 – 15%
- Mid Semester Examination – 30%
- Group Assignment (Report) – 30%
- Case Study (Problem Solving) – 20%


1.0 Globalization
1.1 Introduction to international business
1.2 Globalization of markets and production
1.3 Forces driving globalization
1.4 Globalization debate
1.5 Current issues: Globalization of the world economy

2.0 Cultural Influence on Global Business

2.1 Meaning of culture
2.2 Components of culture
2.3 Social structure
2.4 Personal communication
2.5 Cultural impact at workplace: Hofstede’s cultural framework

3.0 Politics, Economic, Law and Business Ethics

3.1 Political systems
3.2 Economic systems
3.3 Legal systems
3.4 Global legal issues
3.5 Ethics and social responsibility

4.0 International Trade Theory

4.1 Overview of international trade
4.2 Theories of International Trade
4.2.1 Mercantilism
4.2.2 Theory of Absolute Advantage
4.2.3 Theory of Comparative Advantage
4.2.4 Factors Proportions Theory (Heckscher-Ohlin Theory)
4.2.5 International Product Life-Cycle Theory
4.2.6 New Trade Theory
4.2.7 National competitive advantage: Porter’s Diamond framework
4.3 Internalization Process Theory: Uppsala Model or Stage Model

5.0 The Political Economy of International Trade

5.1 Government intervention in trade
5.2 Instruments of trade promotion
5.3 Instruments of trade restriction
5.4 Development of the world trading system
5.5 Regional integration and economic blocs

6.0 Foreign Direct Investment

6.1 Pattern of Foreign Direct Investment
6.2 Theories of Foreign Direct Investment
6.3 Management issues and Foreign Direct Investment
6.4 Government intervention in Foreign Direct Investment
6.5 Reasons for intervention by the host country
6.6 Reasons for intervention by the home country
6.7 Government policy instruments and FDI

7.0 International Monetary System and Foreign Exchange Market

7.1 Evolution of the International Monetary System
7.1.1 Gold Standard
7.1.2 Bretton Woods Agreement
7.1.3 Jamaica Agreement
7.2 Importance of exchange rates
7.3 Determinant of exchange rates
7.4 Exchange rate regimes: Fixed and floating exchange rate systems
7.5 Managing foreign exchange risk: Spot exchange rates, Forward exchange rates and Currency
7.6 Current issues: Global financial crisis

8.0 The Strategy of International Business

8.1 Strategy and the firm
8.2 Value creation
8.3 Firm as a value chain
8.4 Global integration versus local responsiveness
8.5 Types of international strategies
8.6 The evolution of strategy

9.0 Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliance

9.1 Exporting, importing and countertrade
9.2 Contractual entry modes
9.3 Investment entry modes
9.4 Strategic alliances
9.5 Strategic factors in selecting an entry mode

10.0 Managing Global Marketing

10.1 Product strategies
10.2 Promotional strategies
10.3 Distribution strategies
10.4 Pricing strategies
10.5 Current issues: International marketing issues and challenges

11.0 Managing International Operations

11.1 Production strategy
11.2 Make-or-buy decision
11.3 Quality management
11.4 Global supply chain: The role of logistics, Just-in-time inventory management and information
11.5 Current issues: Global operations and production management

12.0 International Human Resource Management

12.1 International staffing policies
12.2 Recruiting and selecting human resources
12.3 Training and development
12.4 Employee compensation
12.5 Current issues: International human resources issues and challenges

Course work 100%

Main References:

Wild, J.J., & Wild, L.K. (2016). International business: The challenges of globalization (8th ed.) Boston:
Pearson Education Limited.
Daniels, J.D., Radebaugh, L.H., & Sullivan, D.P. (2014). International business: Environments and Operations
(15th ed.). Pearson Higher Education.

Additional References:

Hill, C.W.L & Hult, G.T.M. (2016). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. (12th ed.).
New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Cavusgil, S.T., Kinght, G., & Riesenberger, J.R. (2017). International business: The new realities (4th ed.).
England: Pearson Education Limited.
Griffin, R.W., & Pustay, M.W. (2015). International business: A Managerial Perspective (8th ed.). Boston:
Pearson Higher Education.

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