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Guidance on Technical

Documentation and Design

Dossiers for non-active
medical devices

Whereas the term “Technical Documentation” or “Technical File“ is used for medical devices of class I, class IIa, and
class IIb, the term “Design Dossier“ is used for class III products.

Technical Documentation is retained in the premises of the manufacturer or the Authorized Representative for potential
review of Competent Authorities and Notified Bodies. Part B of the Technical File may be available at the manufacturer
only, whereas Design Dossiers have to be submitted to the Notified Body for review prior to CE marking of the product
(use form MDD Application for CE Conformity Assessment MED_F_03.15;
products/download-center/applications). We will assign a project coordinator who will entrust one or more further
experts with the review of particular modules. All experts will be at your disposal directly or indirectly through the
project coordinator. After successful review, the Notified Body will issue a design examination certificate according
to Annex II.4 of the Council Directive certifying compliance with the relevant provisions of Annex I of the MDD.
Article 5 of the Council Directive describes the consideration of the European harmonized standards by the manufacturer
in order to demonstrate compliance with the Essential Requirements. This aspect is even more important as international
standard organizations have adopted European norms (and vice versa), and demonstrating compliance with these
standards could be very helpful in international mutual recognition of the CE marking process.
It is not necessary to include all those documents in the Design Dossier which have already been subject to an ISO/EN/
MDD audit by the Notified Body. Examples of documents not necessarily to be included are quality manuals and related
lower level documents.
If the manufacturer of a medical device provides detailed information according to the checklist described below, the
requirements of the Directive are appropriately addressed.
This is even more important in case a Competent Authority or another Notified Body wishes to review the documentation.
Generally, the information should be provided as conclusions, summaries, reports, tables, or flow charts (with reference
to the full documentation in the Essential Requirements checklist).
Special care should be taken to ensure that any information is consistent throughout the Technical File/Design Dossier
(e.g., intended use in the product description, instructions for use, risk management file, clinical evaluation report, etc.).
A complete pagination of the Technical File/Design Dossier or another type of control mechanism is necessary, e.g.,
a revision control of each section. A hard copy of the documentation and an electronic version are required to achieve
an appropriate review time. In general, design changes described in the MDD (93/42/EEC as amended by 2007/47/EC),
Annex II.4.4 shall be reported to the Notified Body. Please use form MDD Application + Appendix D Change Notification
( in order to ensure conformity
with the requirements defined in Annex II.4.4 and in order to ensure that the Design Dossiers retained at the Notified
Body’s archive are complete and up-to-date.

TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH

Furthermore, at least one sample of the device should be provided.
For all data SI units of measurement shall be used.

Please note: Technical Documentation/Design Dossiers that accurately conform to the below
guidance can be reviewed more efficiently!

In this regard it is recommended to compile a Design Dossier or Technical File as follows

(see also NB-MED/2.5.1 and GHTF document SG1 (PD)/N011R20: STED):

PART A: Technical Documentation/Design Dossier

1. Table of content
2. Introduction
3. Design Dossier/Technical Documentation summary information

PART B: Annexes

1. Essential requirements checklist

2. Risk analysis
3. Drawings, design, product specifications
4. Chemical, physical, and biological Tests
4.1 In vitro testing – preclinical studies
4.2 In vivo testing – preclinical studies
4.3 Biological evaluation
4.4 Biostability tests
4.5 Microbiological safety, animal origin tissue
4.6 Drug/medical device combination
4.7 Blood derivatives, human tissue/medical device combination
4.8 Coated medical devices
5. Clinical data
6. Labels and instructions for use
7. Manufacturing
8. Package qualification and shelf life
9. Sterilization
10. Measuring function
11. Combination with other medical devices
12. Compatibility to drugs
13. Other applicable directives and regulations
14. Conclusion
15. Declaration of Conformity (template)
PART A: Technical Documentation/Design Dossier

1. Table of content
Content of both parts A and B.

2. Introduction
ƒƒ Revision history of the Technical Documentation/Design Dossier: change notifications, revision
numbers, and approvals of all documents including all amendments.
ƒƒ Regulatory Information:
-Name, postal address, Notified Body, certifications (valid copies attached!) of:
- the manufacturer (including contact person)
- OEM and critical component suppliers, subcontractors for outsourced critical processes
(e.g., contract sterilizer)
- European representative (if applicable)
- Product and accessory classification, rule according to MDD, Annex IX (including
bullet point chosen), and classification according to EN ISO 10993-1, Annex A.1
- Conformity assessment route chosen
- UMDNS and/or GMDN code
- Product history: approvals (e.g., FDA 510(k) or PMA clearance), market release, status of any
pending request for market clearance; items sold, countries in which product is marketed
ƒƒ Brief description of the product:
- Intended use, model names, configurations, variants
- Accessories for the product, integral parts of the package
- A pplied standards (list or table including the full title, identifying numbers, date, and the
organization that created the standard). Note: Please make sure to use current standards
only or provide a gap analysis and rationale
- Rationale if applicable standards or parts thereof have not been considered
ƒƒ Brief description of the development process:
- Name, postal address of design center
- Certification status of design center
- Flowchart of the development process or process description (e.g., SOP)
- Design input/output, design control, design verification, design validation

3. Design Dossier/technical Documentation summary information

(reference to supporting documents filed in part B)
ƒƒ Comprehensive description of the system and each functional component of the device and the
related accessories including utilized materials or ingredients (animal/human origin, drug device
combination), packaging, method of sterilization, shelf life, combination with active medical devices.
The description should be supported by diagrams, photographs, or drawings, as appropriate.
ƒƒ Basic scientific concepts that form the fundamentals for the device including medical, biological,
chemical, and physical background information
ƒƒ In case of a change notification: description of all changes in comparison with the previous
design or manufacturing process (e.g., tabular format considering all chapters/modules of the
list of contents on page 2)
ƒƒ Summary of the essential data and results as detailed in part B
ƒƒ Information as provided in the instructions/directions for use/manual (detailed in part B):
intended use, indications, contraindications, warnings, adverse events, operation, and use
of accessories
ƒƒ Planned changes
ƒƒ Summary description of the manufacturing process (including a clear description of interfaces
to outsourced processes involved)
ƒƒ Any other important safety/performance-related information

This structure enables efficient project planning and management. Part A can be used for a
pre-review in order to instantly notify the manufacturer of open issues or in case particular
aspects are not covered in the Design Dossier.

PART B: Annexes

1. Essential requirements checklist


All applied standards
E.R. Applicability demonstrated by Location – Section
(with date of issue)
(referenced documents)

Laboratory test reports:

EN ISO 10993-1:2009,
7.1 Yes - cytotoxicity (report Section 6.1 a) b) c)
EN ISO 10993-5:2009, etc.
 number and date)

See also Attachment I: European norms and standards and other documents supporting Technical
Documentation and Design Dossiers.

2. Risk analysis
The document (risk management file) which describes the result of the risk management process (including
risk analysis, evaluation, mitigation, and overall residual risk evaluation as well as production/post-production
information; see EN ISO 14971, Annex B for an overview) should contain at least the following information:

2.1 General information

ƒƒ Summary
ƒƒ Purpose of the document including all project phase(s)/life cycle phase(s) for which the risk analysis
was performed and reviewed (e.g., design/product, manufacturing process, user/operation); product
identification and description; intended use, shelf life
ƒƒ Risk management SOP and risk management plan
ƒƒ Reference to risk management policy, standards (EN ISO 14971, EN ISO 22442, parts 1–3 strongly
recommended), specification documents, design documents, procedures, protocols, reports, and
manufacturing and production process information
ƒƒ Definition of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms
ƒƒ Participants of the risk analysis team (persons and organizations), their qualification, responsibility,
and authority.
ƒƒ Note: The risk analysis team shall include a medically knowledgeable and experienced expert in the
corresponding field of application.
ƒƒ Note: The risk analysis team in relation to biocompatibility shall include a knowledgeable and experienced
expert in the corresponding field of biocompatibility testing.
ƒƒ Note: The risk management plan according to EN ISO 14971 – especially in relation to risk acceptance
criteria – has to be defined by the top management under consideration of the estimated production
volume to be sold per year and under consideration of regulatory requirements.
ƒƒ Identification of medical device characteristics that could impact on safety, e.g., according
to EN ISO 14971
ƒƒ If applicable, consideration of data obtained from literature review, usability testing, market
surveillance of similar devices, post-market surveillance, or post-market clinical follow-up
(also related to for example change notifications, predicate or otherwise comparable devices):
complaint history, incidents per number of devices sold, analysis of underlying causes and
final outcome, corrective and preventive action including proof of effectiveness
ƒƒ Note: In case part of manufacturing is outsourced, the risk analysis of the outsourced
production step still needs to be provided.
ƒƒ Revision history
ƒƒ Methodology
- Hazards/hazardous situations in normal condition: hazard analysis; patient/user-related
(top-down approach), e.g., fault tree analysis, table format
- Clinical experience and clinical risks
- Method for identification of applicable hazards; sources of information used
- Method for determination of the potential causes of hazards; sources of information used
- System used for the categorization of severity levels (e.g., examples); description of
consequences to patients, users, and other persons
- System used for the categorization of occurrence of each hazard cause (probability estimate,
frequency expressed as for example ‘events per device and time’)
- Method for combination of severity and occurrence to risk level (e.g., diagram, graph, formula)
- Criteria for risk acceptance (e.g., acceptable, unacceptable) under consideration of the risk
management plan and accumulated risks
- Note: If residual risks remain in ALARP region, a rationale is required to substantiate that no
further mitigation was possible according to the risk control option analysis.
- Hazards/hazardous situations in fault condition: e.g., FMEA; device-related (bottom-up approach)
- Method for identification of applicable failure modes; sources of information used
- Method for determination of the potential causes of failure modes; sources of information used
- System used for the categorization of severity levels; description of consequences to patients,
users, and other persons
- System used for the categorization of occurrence of each failure mode (probability estimate,
frequency expressed as for example ‘events per device and time’)
- System used for the categorization of detectability of each failure mode (criteria for detectability,
frequency of in-process testing: 100%, sampling, or no testing, i.e., validated process)
- Method for combination of severity, occurrence, and detectability to risk level under consideration
of the risk definition (see EN ISO 14971; e.g., diagram, graph, formula)
- Criteria for risk acceptability (e.g. acceptable, unacceptable) under consideration of the risk
management plan and under consideration of accumulated risks
- Note: If residual risks remain in ALARP region, a rationale is required to substantiate that no
further mitigation was possible according to the risk control option analysis.
ƒƒ Result (signed and dated documents): risk management report
- Hazards/hazardous situations in normal condition: list of applicable hazards; for each hazard (table
format in hierarchical structure, if applicable):
- List of potential worst case effects (description of consequences to patients, users, and other
- List of potential causes of hazards as appropriate
- Estimation of risk before mitigation (severity, occurrence, risk) including decision on acceptability
- Definition of risk reduction measures including reference to methods (e.g. design, testing,
manufacturing) and results of verification (implementation and effectiveness)
- Estimation of risk after mitigation (severity, occurrence, risk) including decision on acceptability
under consideration of the risk management plan and under consideration of accumulated risks
- Risk/benefit weighting under consideration of the state of the art
- Hazards/hazardous situations in fault condition: list of applicable failure modes; for each failure
mode (table format in hierarchical structure, if applicable):
- List of potential failure modes
- List of potential worst case effects (description of consequences to patients, users, and other persons)
- List of potential causes of failures (as appropriate)
- Estimation of risk before mitigation (severity, occurrence, detectability, risk) including decision
on acceptability
- Definition of risk reduction measures including reference to methods (e.g. design, testing,
manufacturing) and results of verification (implementation and effectiveness)
- Estimation of risk after mitigation (severity, occurrence, detectability, risk) including decision
on acceptability
- Risk/benefit weighting under consideration of the state of the art
- New hazards: assessment of risks associated with new hazards in normal and fault condition
generated by risk mitigation measures; corresponding risk reduction, if applicable
ƒƒ Final judgment, statement of:
- Completeness of risk evaluation
- Effectiveness of mitigation measures including a link to the verification documents
- Overall acceptability of residual risk
- Signed and dated by the team leader or responsible person

2.2 Usability engineering file

- Documentation according to EN/IEC 62366 in relation to the accompanying documents (IFU, labeling)
and use scenario of the medical device
- Comprehensive documentation of usability-related risks of the primary operation functions of the
medical device:
- Risk assessment in normal condition state according to 14971 and for foreseeable misuse in
relation to the intended use of the device
- Link from risk management to the usability validation data as evidence for risk verification
- If applicable, market data on use errors including:
- Number of products sold and complaints received in relation to usability (may be linked to post-
market clinical follow-up)
- Statement if the design of the device in relation to the marketed design has changed
- Usability validation documentation including:
- Statement on usability verification of the final design
- Description of worst case scenarios and frequent case scenarios of the testing environment
and conditions
- Sampling rationale on amount of users and patients used at validation taking into account
the risk reduction stated in the risk management file (shall reflect the occurrence reduction
due to the defined risk control measure)
- Acceptance criteria for pass or fail of the usability study
- Evidence on the competence of the laboratory conducting the study (including impartiality
of the testing personnel)
- Final conclusion and verifiable feedback into the risk management system
3. Drawings, design, product specifications
ƒƒ Comprehensive description of the product
ƒƒ Components and materials: complete chemical, biological, and physical characterization
ƒƒ Photographs, blueprints
ƒƒ If nanomaterials/nanoparticles (with at least one dimension below 100nm) are utilized
in the device, the following characteristics need to be presented:
- Agglomeration state
- Aggregation
- Composition (e.g., chemical composition and structure)
- Particle size
- Size distribution
- Purity/impurity
- Shape
- Solubility (hydrophobicity, liposolubility, water solubility)
- Stability
- Surface area
- Surface chemistry
- Surface charge
- Coating characteristics
- Functional characteristics and technical performance specifications such as mechanical
characteristics, physical characteristics, electrical characteristics, biological characteristics,
chemical characteristics, sterility, stability, packaging, transport, storage, combination with other
medical devices, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity of measuring and diagnostic devices, reliability
ƒƒ Other important descriptive characteristics not detailed above
ƒƒ Final product release criteria including reference to verification the test/validation

4. Chemical, physical, and biological Tests

4.1 In vitro testing – preclinical studies
ƒƒ In general, testing must be conducted to predict the adequacy of the device response to
physiological and pathological stresses, undesirable conditions and forces, long-term use,
and all known and possible or foreseeable failure modes.
ƒƒ Testing: e.g., visual, chemical, biological, physical/mechanical testing (i.e., tensile strength,
durability, corrosion, fatigue, long-term stability), efficacy/performance testing
ƒƒ Simulated use testing:
- Study objectives
- Methodology
- Results
- Analysis
- Conclusions including rationale and limitations for selection of the model
ƒƒ Testing shall be performed on finished products (devices from normal manufacturing and
after sterilization).
ƒƒ Use of semi-finished devices, components, or raw materials must be characterized
and justified.
ƒƒ Finite element analysis, if applicable
ƒƒ Drug compatibility: interaction between drug and device (e.g., adsorption)
ƒƒ Test protocols:
- Purpose and objective of testing
- Standard applicability matrix
- List or table including the full title, identifying numbers, date, and the organization that
created the standard
- List of all sections
- Justification if particular sections are not applicable
- Reference to verification test/validation
- Justification if applicable standards or parts thereof are not considered; if other methods such
as internal standards are used, these methods shall be described in detail.
- Accelerated and real time aging and simulated distribution (package testing) prior to testing;
otherwise, a justification is required.
- Conditions of accelerated aging (formula used to calculate shelf life: e.g., ASTM F 1980)
- For each test:
- Parameters to be measured and test description including reference to test procedure,
if applicable
- Measuring and testing equipment
- Calibration arrangements
- Acceptance criteria
- Number of test samples including sample size rationale
ƒƒ Test reports:
- Deviations and amendments to the protocols and justification
- Reference to raw data including date, laboratory, location, engineer, testing equipment
(device number and calibration date)
- Statistical analysis
- Interpretation of data and conclusion(s)
- Approval signature(s)

4.2 In vivo testing – preclinical studies

Pre-clinical animal studies used to support the probability of effectiveness in humans.
ƒƒ Good laboratory practice (GLP for animal studies)
ƒƒ Objectives, methodology, rationale for selecting the particular animal model including
transferability to humans and limitations
ƒƒ Results, analysis (also statistical) of the functional effectiveness and the device’s interactions
with animal fluids and tissues
ƒƒ Pharmacological, pharmacokinetical, and toxicological studies, i.e., purity, toxicity, ADME
(adsorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion studies, LD 50)
ƒƒ Manufacturer’s conclusions

4.3 Biological evaluation

The structured biological evaluation program within the risk management process shall comprise
the following:
ƒƒ Biological evaluation plan
- Purpose of the document and all applied standards
- Scope, description of the medical device
- Categorization of the medical device based on EN ISO 10993-1, Table A1 according to:
- Nature of body contact
- C  ontact duration (category defines which effects need to be considered at least)
- List of components/materials having direct or indirect body contact:
- Properties and characteristics of the finished product
- A  ll materials used in the manufacturing process, including auxiliary materials, additives,
process contaminants and residues, leachables, degradation products, other components
that interact with the final product, etc., or reference to the applicable section of the
Design Dossier
 here appropriate, mention suppliers (Note: Re-evaluation is necessary if source
or specification of the materials used change).
- Where appropriate, define total surface area contacting the body or body fluids.
- Characterize for the materials used chemical, toxicological, physical, electrical,
morphological, and mechanical properties.
- List all known possible biological hazards
- Description of tested item(s) (finished device, part of device, raw material):
- Testing shall be performed on the final product or representative samples taken from
the final product or from materials processed in the same manner as the final product
(if applicable, provide LOT/REF. No., etc).
- Rationale for the selection of the sample tested
- Statement on the sterile state of the test sample. If the test sample was not sterilized,
a rationale shall be given why sterilization has no influence on the biocompatibility of
the final device.
- Assign appropriate tests to the biological effects. Only such tests shall be performed
which lead to evident results.
- Assure that no residues coming out of packaging may negatively influence the product
performance and safety.
- Overview of biological effects to be considered in the biological evaluation:
- The selection and evaluation of any material or device intended for use in humans requires
a structured program of assessment (refer to EN ISO 10993-1, Figure 1).
- Justification for biological effects not considered or tests not performed:
- The quality and the extent of documentation as well as the assessment in regard to the
intended use determine whether or not biological tests shall be performed with the final
product and to what extent.
- Biological evaluation may include both a study of relevant experience and actual testing.
Such an evaluation may result in the conclusion that no testing is needed if the material
has a documented history of use in a specified role that is equivalent to that of the device
under design.
- Each device should be examined on its own features. Data may be available from suppliers
or in literature. In this case, full transferability is to be demonstrated. Test systems, test
sensitivity, and concentrations used should be taken into consideration.
- Waiving of tests shall be recorded.
ƒƒ Biocompatibility testing
- Qualification of the test laboratory, i.e., accreditation
- Testing should be conducted according to appropriate good laboratory practices followed by an
evaluation by competent informed persons.
- For qualitative data: acceptance criteria
ƒƒ Biocompatibility test reports (copies)
- For qualitative data/results: interpretation
- Positive results – what to do?
- Verification of results
- Chemical characterization of leachables
- Overall interpretation of the biological evaluation of the device
- Relevance of clinical use
ƒƒ Biocompatibility evaluation and summary report
- Review of available toxicity and prior use data for each material/chemical with body contact (where
appropriate, include data on residual contaminants (e.g., cleaning aids), additives, catalysts, solvents
used in the synthesis, sterilization agents and other processing chemicals, mould release agents,
residual monomers, degradation products, experience from clinical use, etc.)
- Toxicological risk assessment of leachables (EN ISO 10993-17)
- Critical evaluation of the literature review (Annex C)
- Compilation of tests performed in tabular form – example:

Report No.
Test Result
Report date

In this study, under the given conditions no

Cytotoxicity test – XY substances with significant cytotoxicity (leading
MTT yyyy-mm-dd to a cell growth inhibition of more than 30%) were
released from the test item.

Further relevant information on the tests:

- Test sample (part tested), e.g., catheter shaft or tip, balloon, whole device
- Specification (polymer type, supplier, trade name, additives), e.g., PUR, Pellethane 2363-90A,
20% BaSO4
- Status of test material (final product, sterile)
- Type of body contact, e.g., circulating blood
- Contact duration, e.g., limited contact duration (24 h)
- Standard/norm, e.g., EN ISO 10993-5:2009
- Extract preparation (medium, surface/mass to volume ratio, temperature, time)
- Action taken on positive results (see above)
- Compilation of tests performed in addition
- The validity of tests performed according to standards which are meanwhile superseded shall
be verified by a gap analysis to show whether the product is still in compliance with the valid
(revised/new) standards.
- Overall residual risk-to-benefit evaluation (Annex B, 2.3)
- Post-production information (Annex B, 2.5)
- Biological evaluation report according to Annex B.4:
- Summary of the results of the overall evaluation
- Confirmation that risk analysis and risk control have been completed
- Final assessment of the data reviewed:
- The documentation should include an appraisal of the toxicological significance of the data.
This shall be done by a person with experience in the assessment of the biological safety of
medical devices. Suitability of the materials for the intended use should be judged on the basis
that there is sufficient information to provide a realistic level of assurance that the risk-to-benefit
ratio is acceptable or that toxicological risks are not higher than those currently deemed
acceptable for existing devices.
- Conclusion:
- A final statement of the manufacturer is necessary. The manufacturer might conclude that
in his opinion, based on the submitted documentation, the product safety is ensured.
- Annual biological risk evaluation

4.4 Biostability tests

Influence of the biological matrix on the device, i.e.:
- Surface stress cracking on polymers
- Corrosion of load-bearing metal screws
- Coating stability
4.5 Microbiological safety, animal origin tissue
ƒƒ Geographical origin and boarding of animals: species, country, herd, feeding, age
ƒƒ Origin of material used/nature of starting tissue:
- Specified risk material: organ, tissue, body fluid
- For TSE-relevant species: if available, certificate of suitability of starting materials with respect
to TSE issued by EDQM
ƒƒ Veterinary controls:
- Certificate demonstrating conformity with veterinary inspection criteria indicating that the
raw material was fit for human consumption
- Certificate documenting that the applied techniques for stunning and slaughtering were suitable to
avoid cross-contamination with specified risk material (references: EN ISO 22442-2, SSC guidelines,
EC decisions)
ƒƒ Risk analysis
- Risk analysis performed according to EN ISO 14971 and EN ISO 22442-1/-2/-3, including
immunological, toxicological, and (chemical/liquid) sterilization risks
ƒƒ Documentation of significant processing steps
- Flowchart including the starting material and all intermediate and relevant process parameters
such as temperature, duration, and pH value
- Detailed description of the manufacturing process including all in-process controls
ƒƒ Procedure for the reduction or inactivation of potentially existing infectious agents
- Documents on the systematic approach to gather information on new relevant zoonoses
and infectious agents:
- Validation study on virus inactivation/elimination including:
- Current literature survey on relevant zoonoses
- Information on the production step with potential for inactivation
- S tudy protocol (including information on the test article, test organism, rationale for the
choice of the relevant or model organism, indicator cell, virus titer, test method, controls,
methods for calculating the results, scaling down, interference and cytotoxicity tests)
- Final test report
- Raw data
- Such a study is dispensable if the inactivation potential of the processing step under
consideration is well established in scientific literature.
ƒƒ Slaughtering, transport, and handling
- Include a statement and respective certificates that the requirements of Regulation 1069/2009
are met, that is: A certificate is required that the animals have received ante- and post-mortem
inspection by a veterinarian and were deemed fit for human consumption.
- Traceability, e.g., a lot-wise documentation of individual animals
- Measures adopted to avoid cross-contamination during slaughter, transport, storage, and
ƒƒ Combination with other medical devices
- Impact on the materials of animal origin
ƒƒ Quantity of raw material per medical product
- Raw material required for one daily dose: amount (mass in grams) used for production
of the single unit equivalent to one daily dose
ƒƒ Possible number of applications of medical device
- Number of daily doses
ƒƒ Route of application
- Product coming into contact with the central nervous system region, central circulatory
system, damaged/breached skin, mucosal membrane, undamaged skin, etc.
- Justification for the use of animal tissues or derivatives in the medical device, including a rationale
for the acceptability of the overall (TSE) risk estimate, the evaluation of alternative materials, and
the expected clinical benefit
ƒƒ Clinical benefit
- Justification for the use of material of animal origin
- Critical discussion of alternatives (e.g., synthetic, allogenic, autologous, or xenogenic material
from non-TSE-relevant species)
- Unique characteristics of the product under consideration
ƒƒ Source establishments and/or third party suppliers for the animal material used;
documentation of the contractual agreements and the procedures in place with regard to
the auditing of source establishments and/or third party suppliers for the animal material

4.6 Drug/medical device combination

Considerations for the consultation procedure to the competent bodies of the member states or the
EMA regarding the assessment of usefulness and safety applied to a medicinal substance, which is
of ancillary purpose, in a drug-device combination.
ƒƒ Guidance documents and regulations:
- 2001/83/EC
- 2004/27/EC
- MEDDEV 2.1/3
- Clinical Safety Data Management (ICH E2)
- Dose Response Information to Support Drug Registration (ICH E4)
- Good Clinical Practice (ICH E6)
- Investigation of Drug Interactions (CPMP/EWP/560/95)
ƒƒ The documentation for the drug to be consulted should be provided in CTD format.
A guideline to the contents is to be found in MEDDEV 2.1/3, part B (see also 4.7)
ƒƒ Bench testing:
- Demonstration that the drug and device neither chemically nor physically interact adversely
with each other
- Assessment how the application of the drug and the drug-carrier to the device may affect its fatigue
and corrosion properties, coating integrity, durability, and any other relevant product-specific
ƒƒ Pharmacodynamics (proof of concept)
ƒƒ Non-clinical pharmacokinetic testing:
- In vivo pharmacokinetic studies to quantify the duration of drug exposure
- Drug concentrations to be measured at local (tissue), regional (organ), and systemic levels
in animals
- In case of very small drug doses, time-release profiles usually suffice to demonstrate safety
for human trials.
- Determination of the quantity of drug remaining on the device
ƒƒ Pre-clinical toxicity studies: dosing studies to establish an efficacy margin between the sub-therapeutic
dose and the therapeutic dose, and a safety margin between the therapeutic dose and the toxic dose.
When polymer of carrier is present, additional controls to evaluate the carrier alone, without the
drug, must be included.
ƒƒ Clinical testing of the active substance if not an approved medicinal product: additional animal
toxicity and human phase I studies are to be expected if the drug component is not approved.
ƒƒ Clinical data:
- Clinical pharmacokinetic testing: human toxicity phase I studies are to be expected to determine
the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) if the drug component is not approved.
- Confirmatory clinical trials: When the medicinal substance of the combination is known to the Competent
Authority and already registered in the setting of a DES, and the applicant claims comparative medicinal
substance release characteristics, the use of clinical surrogate measures in the setting of a non-
inferiority study against an approved device may be acceptable, provided that long-term safety
concerns can be clearly ruled out for the claimed target population.
- For further requirements regarding clinical data see section 5.

4.7 Blood derivatives, human tissue/medical device combination

ƒƒ Human blood derivatives as specified in Annex I of the MDD, section 7.4 – only where the
substance is liable to act upon the body with action ancillary to that of the device.
ƒƒ Guidance documents and regulations:
- 2000/70/EC
- 2001/83/EC
- 2002/98/EC
- 2004/33/EC
- Note for Guidance on Plasma-Derived Medicinal Products (CPMP/BWP/269/95)
- Note for Guidance on Assessing the Risk for Virus Transmission – New Chapter 6 of the NfG on
Plasma-derived Medicinal Products (CPMP/BWP/5180/03)
- Guideline on the Scientific Data Requirements for a Plasma Master File (PMF) (EMEA/CPMP/
- European Medicines Agency Recommendation on the Procedural Aspects and Dossier Requirements
for the Consultation to the European Medicines Agency by a Notified Body on an Ancillary Medicinal
Substance or an Ancillary Human Blood Derivative Incorporated in a Medical Device or Active
Implantable Medical Device (EMA/CHMP/578661/2010)
- Note for Guidance on Virus Validation Studies: the Design, Contribution and Interpretation of Studies
Validating the Inactivation and Removal of Viruses (CPMP/BWP/268/95)
- Relevant European Pharmacopoeia monographs
- Guideline on the Investigation of Manufacturing Processes for Plasma-Derived Medicinal Products
with regard to vCJD Risk (CPMP/BWP/5136/03)
- CHMP Position Statement on CJD
ƒƒ The documentation should be provided in CTD format. A guideline to the contents is to be found
in MEDDEV 2.1/3 part B:
- General information:
- Description of the device (components, intended use)
- Justification for the use of blood derivatives (intended purpose, suitability of the substance,
critical evaluation of alternatives)
- Critical evaluation of the results of the risk analysis (potential risk in relation to the expected
- Qualitative and quantitative particulars of the constituents:
- Description of the substance
- Amount included in the device
- If modifications were introduced, adequate description required
- Description of method of manufacture:
- Overall description of the device manufacturing process
- Process description for the substance
- Controls of starting materials:
- Specification of the blood derivative
- EU Pharmacopoeia to be referenced (if applicable)
- National references (if applicable)
- Plasma master file(s)
- Control tests carried out at intermediate stages of the manufacturing process
of the medical device:
- In-process controls (if applicable)
- Control tests on finished products:
- Qualitative test(s)
- Quantitative test(s)
- Stability:
- Desired function to be maintained during shelf life
- Recommended storage conditions
- Toxicity:
- Toxicological profile of the substance
- New substance: results of toxicity tests (EN ISO 10993)
- Reproductive function:
- Toxicological profile of the substance
- New substance: results of toxicity tests (EN ISO 10993)
- Embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity:
- Toxicological profile of the substance
- New substance: results of toxicity tests (EN ISO 10993)
- Mutagenic potential:
- Toxicological profile of the substance
- New substance: results of toxicity tests (EN ISO 10993)
- Carcinogenic potential:
- Toxicological profile of the substance
- New substance: results of toxicity tests (EN ISO 10993)
- To be considered: genotoxicity, chemistry, duration of exposure
- Pharmacodynamics:
- Intended action of the substance with regard to the medical device
- Pharmacokinetics:
- Description of the pattern of local and systemic exposure to the medicinal substance
- Maximum level and duration of exposure tod be considered
- Is the potential level of exposure a safety concern?
- New substance: release characteristics, subsequent distribution, and elimination
- Local tolerance:
- Relevant results from EN ISO 10993 to be provided
- Where appropriate: relevant literature

4.8 Coated medical devices (biomimicry) requirements on performance and product

safety to be considered
ƒƒ Stability of coating in biological matrix
ƒƒ Microbiological evaluation
ƒƒ Fibrinogen adsorption
ƒƒ Platelet adhesion/activation
ƒƒ Contact activation tests
ƒƒ Examples:
- Hydrophilic coating
- Heparin coating
- Silver/gold coating
- Pyrolytic carbon coating
- MPC/ML coating (methacryloyl phosphorylcholine/lauryl methacrylate)
- Parylene polymer coating
- Collagen/gelatine coating
- PEG coating (Polyethyleneg lycol as lubrication)
- Titanium/HA spray coating

5. Clinical data
5.1 Clinical report
A clinical report for a medical device calling for CE marking shall fulfill the requirements of MEDDEV
2.7.1. The following hints which are generally checked during an in-house review of a clinical report
are based on our experience with submitted documentation in the past; they should give additional
advice for the demands outlined in the MEDDEV.
ƒƒ Content-related aspects
ƒƒ The report should contain a technical description as well as a detailed description of the intended
use of the device. A pure reference to the technical documentation cannot be regarded adequate.
ƒƒ Any clinical risk associated with the use of the device and the medical procedure during which the
device is used shall be identified and assessed in the clinical report. In that context, the severity
of any hazard as well as the probability of occurrence of the harm shall be characterized. A pure
reference to the formal risk analysis cannot be regarded adequate.
ƒƒ The acceptability of any identified risk shall be assessed adequately. Such a process may include
a systematic literature review, bench testing, pre-clinical or clinical studies.
ƒƒ In case the literature route is used, transferability of device technology used in publications to the
device under assessment is often critical.
ƒƒ Notes:
- In the majority of cases, a pure literature review will not be sufficient. Rather, the equivalence
shall be demonstrated.
- The adequacy of methods used in the discussed publications shall also be taken into account.
ƒƒ In case a clinical study is performed, attention should be paid to:
- Fulfillment of requirements outlined in EN ISO 14155-1 and -2
- Adequacy of study follow-up regarding the evaluation of safety and performance of the device
- Adequacy of primary and secondary objectives regarding the evaluation of safety and performance
- Adequacy of inclusion/exclusion criteria regarding the evaluation of safety and performance
- Adequacy of statistical methods employed, including sample size estimation
- Intent-to-treat and per-protocol analysis
ƒƒ Bench tests, pre-clinical and clinical studies, if used for the demonstration of safety and
performance of the device, shall be detailed and discussed in the clinical report. A pure
reference to the technical documentation cannot be regarded adequate.
ƒƒ Notes:
- The adequacy of pre-clinical or clinical testing is dependent on the novelty of the device or
treatment procedure, compared to established devices or methods.
- It should be taken into account that statistical issues might also be relevant for the assessment
of adequacy of such tests.
ƒƒ In that equivalence with the current state of the art shall be demonstrated for any medical
device calling for CE marking, not only the identified risks of the device itself may be evaluated
for the overall risk-to-benefit assessment of the device. Rather, an adequate state-of-the-art
review shall be included in the clinical report.
ƒƒ State-of-the-art review:
- “State of the art” is understood as detailed description and discussion of all currently available
treatment options and medical devices for the same intended use as the device calling for CE
marking, reflecting current medical practice and the acknowledged technologies.
- To document a systematic state-of-the-art review, a protocol for the identification, selection,
collation, and review of scientific literature including search databases, search terms, selection
criteria, and rationale shall be attached to the clinical report.
- Reasons for believing that all relevant references, both favorable and unfavorable, are included
in the review shall be given.
- Also, the acceptability of publications quoted (i.e., reviewed journal, publication year, qualification
of the author) should be included in the discussion.
ƒƒ In case there are comparable or predecessor devices, this clinical experience should also be
included in the report.
ƒƒ The overall risk-to-benefit assessment of the device shall include the comparison of the device
under assessment with the established treatment options/medical devices mentioned in the
state-of-the-art section.
The author’s conclusions shall be substantiated by the presented data:
ƒƒ Formal aspects
ƒƒ The quotation index of the referenced literature shall be attached to the clinical report.
ƒƒ Intended use/indications/contraindications shall be conclusive in the different parts of
the documentation.
ƒƒ Every claimed intended use/indications/contraindications shall be substantiated by the
provided clinical data.
ƒƒ Relevance of the background and expertise of the author of the clinical report in relation to
the particular device and/or medical procedure involved shall be demonstrated by a scientific
curriculum vitae.
ƒƒ The data provided in the different parts of the documentation should be consistent
(e.g., indications, technical parameters, etc).

5.2 Other documents to be included in the clinical data documentation

ƒƒ Copies of the publications quoted in the clinical report
ƒƒ Reports of all bench tests quoted in the clinical report
ƒƒ Study protocols and study reports in the case pre-clinical or clinical studies were performed.
In case a clinical study was performed, the “letter of no objection” from the Competent Authority
as well as the Ethics Committee opinion have to be included.
ƒƒ Instructions for use, including indications, contraindications, risks/side effects/adverse events
ƒƒ Risk analysis, including clinical risks
ƒƒ Post-market experience data of predecessor devices, if applicable
ƒƒ PMCF plan, if applicable

6. Labels and instructions for use – patient information – advertising materials

ƒƒ Demonstration of compliance with MDD, Annex I.13, EN 980, EN 1041, EN ISO 15223
ƒƒ Sample of labels (shipping labels, sterile package labels) – instructions for use – patient information
ƒƒ Submission of labels/IFU in German or English only is acceptable, but verify compliance with
European language requirements!
ƒƒ Label and IFU content shall be consistent.
ƒƒ Instructions for use:
- Description of the device
- Indication for use (disease or condition that the device will diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, or
mitigate, including target patient population)
- Contraindications (disease or condition and patient population for which the device should not
be used because the risk of use clearly outweighs any possible benefit)
- Warnings (specific hazard alert information)
- Precautions (special care necessary for the safe and effective use of the device, e.g., actions
to be taken to avoid effects on patients/users, adverse effects of use or misuse on the device)
- Adverse events (potential undesirable and serious outcomes under normal conditions)
- Operation (directions for use)
- If applicable: specifications/variants/individualization of treatment (e.g., procedures, methods,
frequency, duration, quantity, preparation)/alternative procedure (for diagnosis, treatment, or
therapy)/patient Counseling information/instructions for any procedure the patient is expected
to perform/how Supplied/storage/accessories/sterilization information/patient registration/
magnetic resonance environment/installation and maintenance/requirement of user training
prior to use
ƒƒ Where appropriate, the instruction for use must contain the following particulars:
- Clause 13.6(h): if the device bears an indication that the device is for single use only, information
on known characteristics and technical factors known to the manufacturer that could pose a risk
if the device were to be re-used
- Clause 13.6(q): date of issue or the latest revision of the IFU

7. Manufacturing (description of the manufacturing process)

ƒƒ Multiple facilities, critical suppliers, contract sterilizer, etc.: quality assurance certificates
issued by an accredited third party inspection body for each facility
ƒƒ Flow charts including inspection and preventive monitoring steps
ƒƒ Control specifications for incoming critical material/components, in-process controls
ƒƒ Final product release criteria
ƒƒ Summary of manufacturing methods (molding, extrusion, chemical processes, assembly, etc.)
ƒƒ Manufacturing conditions (compliance with for example FS 209E, EN ISO 14644, EN ISO 14698)
ƒƒ Quality management (EN ISO 13485) certificate issued by Notified Body or other registrar for the
manufacturing plant
ƒƒ EC certificate according to Annex II, 3 (Full Quality Assurance System) for the legal manufacturer
ƒƒ Labeling control
ƒƒ Traceability
ƒƒ Product and environmental bioburden, particles
ƒƒ Pyrogene testing
ƒƒ Preventive monitoring of processes (e.g., SPC)
ƒƒ Viral/prion deactivation steps

8. Package qualification and shelf life

ƒƒ Physical package qualification
ƒƒ Performance of the product after real-time and/or accelerated aging
ƒƒ Shelf life: maintenance of sterility and performance over the shelf life of a product, for example per:
- EN 868-2 et seqq., packaging materials for sterilization of wrapped goods
- EN ISO 11607-1-2 and referenced standards therein
- ISTA 2A for transport validation
- Real-time aging,
- ASTM F 1980 Q10 – accelerated aging test
ƒƒ The following documents are required for the evaluation of sterile devices:
- Summary report according to EN ISO 11607
- Detailed description of the packaging and packaging materials
- Supplier certificates
- Compliance of the packaging material with the proposed sterilization method
- Biocompatibility of the packaging, if necessary
- Each test method has to be validated and a rationale why it was chosen including a rationale
for statistical compliance of the sample size has to be provided.
- Packaging integrity test (including visual inspection, dye penetration test, creep and burst
testing, bubble emission testing)
- Microbial barrier test
- Labeling compatibility
- For aseptical presentation, if applicable: peelability and seal strength test
- Real-time aging study
- Accelerated aging study, if applicable
- Shipment simulation test (vibration, drop and roll test): transport validation report
- Packaging process validation report including definition of the packaging and
sealing equipment

9. Sterilization
9.1 Terminally sterilized medical devices
ƒƒ Ethylene oxide: EN ISO 11138-2, EN ISO 11135, EN ISO 11737, EN ISO 10993-7
ƒƒ Moist Heat: EN ISO 11138-3, EN ISO 17665-1, EN ISO 11737
ƒƒ Irradiation: EN ISO 11137, EN ISO 11737
ƒƒ EN 556-1
ƒƒ Brief description of the installation qualification and validation summary (method shall
assure at least a SAL of 10 -6)
ƒƒ Process validation report with physical performance qualification and microbiological
performance qualification
ƒƒ Sterilization plant certified by a Notified Body (EN ISO 13485 with EN ISO 1113x series)
ƒƒ General information:
- Reason for validation (initial validation/revalidation, change of product, etc.)
- Manufacturer (name, address), operator of facility (name, address)
- Date of validation, approval of validation, date of next approval of validation report validity,
date of next validation (if applicable), criteria for revalidation
ƒƒ Product:
- Description of the product (if applicable, drawings/samples), evidence for the usability for
the respective sterilization method
- Short description of manufacturing conditions (cleanroom with classification)
- If applicable, transportation specification (from the manufacturer to the sterilization facility)
- If applicable, product family specification of the product with the greatest challenge to the
sterilization process („worst-case product“) with rationale; if applicable, evidence by
experimental data (link to data)
- If applicable, average bioburden and bioburden trending data, bioburden recovery, bacteriostasis
and fungistasis, endotoxin, objective evidence for validated microbial methods according to
EN ISO 11737
- Statement on functional product qualification
ƒƒ Load description:
-D  escription of the most challenging position; if applicable, evidence by experimental data
(link to data)
-S  pecification of bioburden with limits and, if applicable, justification of upper limit in relation
to endotoxins
ƒƒ Sterilizer:
- Cycle name (e.g., vacuum cycle no. 9); sterilizer description (type, manufacturer, volume)
- If applicable: preconditioning room (type, manufacturer volume), conditioning (type, manufacturer
volume), aeration room (type, manufacturer volume), transportation route through the sterilizer
(e.g., at irradiation sources)
ƒƒ Statement on commissioning/installation qualification:
- Date of last commissioning, specification/statement that at the time of validation all measurement
and control equipment was maintained and calibrated (with date of last maintenance/calibration),
specification where data of commissioning can be reviewed
- If applicable, statement on steam quality
ƒƒ Specifications of physical performance qualification:
- Packaging including transportation package and sterilization containers
- Specification of loading including position in preconditioning, in sterilizer, aeration (including
drawings, maps), amount of packed products and, if applicable, process challenge devices
- Description of the distribution of sensors (e.g., thermal, humidity, dosimetry, etc.) including
positioning at/in the product/in product load under consideration of the critical positions,
description of reference measurement point and relations to its position
ƒƒ Sterilization cycle description (set-point specification):
- Sterilization cycle validation approach according to a harmonized standard (e.g., method A, B, C
(ethylene oxide), overkill (steam), etc.
- Preconditioning (if applied):
- Minimum temperature of the product load at entering, temperature, relative humidity, time,
description of conditioning as far as applied, maximum elapsed time between preconditioning
and commencement of the process
- I. Ethylene oxide:
- Sterilization cycle as defined in EN ISO 11135-1 9.5.4:
- Temperature, relative humidity, time, concentration of ethylene oxide (including course
of pressure, ethylene oxide volume/weight – reduction at exposure), description of the
ethylene oxide exposure time, description of flushing and aeration
- Aeration:
- Temperature, amount of air exchanges/hour, pressure (if applicable), time
- Ethylene oxide residuals according to EN ISO 10993-7
- II. Moist heat:
- Type of process, temperature, pressure, z-value, F0-value, time, D121°C
- Temperature during holding time, maximum temperature difference, fluctuation of
temperature, equilibrium time, F0 measured, chamber leak test
- III. Irradiation sterilization:
- Type of process, transportation route through sterilizer, irradiation dose, pass mode, verification
dose, verification dose range, accomplished verification dose, amount of samples, assigned dose
map including: nimum/maximum dose (and positional data, e.g., drawing/scheme), correlation
to worst-case position and routine measurement, dosimeters (type and manufacturer, tracing
to national standard calibration institute)
- If applicable: conveyor speed, scan height, electron acceleration
- Special requirements:
- SIP description (sample item proportion), product/load density, product materials,
dimension of product and load and its orientation in relation to the irradiation source,
sterility testing, allowable maximum dose
ƒƒ Specifications of microbiological performance qualification (if applicable):
-S  pecification of the applied procedure (e.g., method A, B, C for ethylene oxide), specification of the
applied bioindicators (BIs), if used (strain, lot code, manufacturer, CFU, D-value; if applicable: z-value
and conformity to EN ISO 11138; incoming BI inspection after purchase and before release
-A  mount and distribution of the BIs (including positioning in product and use as spore strips and
spore suspensions)
- Description of the extraction of BIs (time of extraction)
- T imes/temperatures between extraction and incubation, storage in-between (if applicable),
extraction method
-S  pecification of incubation procedure (media, media volumes, incubation time, and temperature);
if applicable, results of surviving organisms (method A, sec.
- If applicable, evidence of suitability of the process challenge device
- If applicable, endotoxin measurements
ƒƒ Summary/result of validation:
- Summary of the physical performance qualification (PPQ has demonstrated that all parameters
were in the limits of their specifications; explanations for possible deviations and their impact)
- Summary of the microbial performance qualification (MPQ has demonstrated a SAL of 10-6 was
reached; explanations for possible deviations and their impact)
- Specification of control parameters including limits for routine processing
- Documented evidence of compliance to the specified ethylene oxide residuals (including also
resterilization, if applicable)
ƒƒ Description of routine monitoring:
- If applicable, parametric release, amount/distribution of BIs, bioburden
- Link to essential control parameters/release criteria

9.2 Aseptic filling

ƒƒ EN 556-2
ƒƒ Validation plan, risk management strategy, identification and evaluation concerning
contamination risks, monitoring and evidence/prevention of contamination, definition
of aseptic process according to EN ISO 13408-1
ƒƒ Description of manufacturing environment according to EN ISO 13408-1 (e.g., facility layout,
cleanroom concept, infrastructure, material and personnel influence, filter systems, cleanroom
qualification, media, manufacturing aids, environmental and personnel monitoring systems,
equipment (qualification, service), personnel (training, cloth change, manufacturing)
ƒƒ Validation report on three media fill runs according to EN ISO 13408-1

9.3 Reprocessing of resterilizable medical devices

ƒƒ Documentation according to EN ISO 17664 and EN ISO 15883
ƒƒ For sterilization and packaging see applicable sterilization and packaging standards in section
8 and 9.1
ƒƒ IFU: clear description of the reprocessing process and of related parameters and tolerances:
point of use, cleaning, disinfection, packaging, and sterilization
ƒƒ Risk management discussing:
- Initial contamination at point of use
- Explanation for each step of reprocessing how the related contamination is removed (e.g., µg or
log reductions) with a clear link to validation documentation giving evidence on compliance
- Usability-related topics on the reprocessing process
ƒƒ Validation documentation for each reprocessing step
ƒƒ Evidence on product conformity after the maximum reprocessing cycle stated: including
mechanical testing and biocompatibility of the medical device
ƒƒ Evidence on validated test methods for life cycle reprocessing simulation and validation
(e.g., certification status of applied laboratories)
ƒƒ If applicable, evidence on the effectiveness of the applied disinfectant to achieve the claimed
disinfection at the defined conditions
ƒƒ If applicable, scientific evidence on the effectiveness of the applied cleaning agent and
process to remove prions

10. Measuring function

ƒƒ 80/181/EWG, MEDDEV 2.1/5
ƒƒ Sufficient accuracy and stability within appropriate limits of accuracy

11. Combination with other medical devices

ƒƒ The whole combination must be safe and must not impair the specified performances of the
devices (e.g., electrical safety when combined with active medical devices).
12. Compatibility to drugs
ƒƒ Devices must be compatible with the medicinal products concerned according to
the provisions and restrictions governing these products.

13. Other applicable directives and regulations

ƒƒ Brief description of applicability and summary of compliance with regulation

ƒƒ Personal Protective Equipment Directive (89/686/EEC)
ƒƒ Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals – REACH
(Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006)
ƒƒ Dangerous Preparations (1999/45/EC)

14. Conclusion
ƒƒ Summary of the Design Dossier data
ƒƒ Risk vs. benefit statement
ƒƒ Date and signature of company representative

15. Declaration of Conformity (template)
















Attachment I
Example: European Norms and Standards and other Documents supporting Technical Documentation
and Design Dossiers

Document number Title of document

Medical devices – Quality management systems –

EN ISO 13485
Requirements for regulatory purposes

EN 556 General requirements for medical devices to be designated ”sterile“

EN ISO 14155 Clinical investigations of medical devices

EN ISO 11134 Sterilization of health care products – steam sterilization

EN ISO 11135 Sterilization of health care products – EtO sterilization

EN ISO 11137 Sterilization of health care products – radiation sterilization

EN ISO 10993, part 1 Biological testing of medical devices – general requirements

EN ISO 10993, part 5 In-vitro tests for cytotoxicity

EN 980 Terminology, symbols for use in medical device labels

Symbols to be used in medical device labels, labelling and information

EN ISO 15223
to be supplied

Terminology, symbols and information provided with medical devices –

EN 1041
information supplied by the manufacturer of medical devices

EN ISO 14971 Application of risk management to medical devices

EN 868-2 to -10 Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices

Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices – requirements

EN ISO 11607-1
for materials, sterile barrier systems and packaging systems

Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices – validation

EN ISO 11607-2
requirements for forming, sealing and assembly processes

EN ISO 14644 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments

EN ISO 14698 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments – biocontamination

USP United States Pharmacopeia

Ph. Eur. Pharmacopeia Europaea

EN 45014 General criteria for supplier’s declaration of conformity

MEDDEV 2.12/1 Guidelines on a medical devices vigilance system

NB-MED/2.5.2/Rec2 Reporting of design changes and changes of the quality system

2016 © TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH I PS-MKG/MHS/medinfo/21.1/en/DE

MEDDEV 2.7.1 Evaluation of clinical data

Borderline products, drug-delivery products and medical devices

MEDDEV 2. 1/3 incorporating, as an integral part, an ancillary medicinal substance
or an ancillary human blood derivative

See also ISO 16142: Medical devices – guidance on the selection of standards in support of recognized essential
principles of safety and performance of medical devices.

TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, Medical and Health Services, Ridlerstr. 65, 80339 Munich

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