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Lifelong treadmill training improves muscle function detected by a modified T

grip strength test during aging in BALB/c mice
Yu Zhao , Fei Shen1, Mingkai Gong, Ling Jin, Xiangyu Ren, Kailin Liu, Jian Lu

School of Physical Education & Health, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China


Keywords: Aims: The objective of this study was to establish a more accurate analytical model and method for grip strength
Lifelong exercise test of mice and to investigate the beneficial effects of lifelong exercise training to prevent functional decline of
Training muscle during aging.
Grip strength test Main methods: Fifty randomly selected adult male BALB/c mice (24–56 week age) were used in grip strength
testing periodically with short periods (3 s). Such method was used to detect a modified grip strength test. Then
sixty-four male BALB/c mice (6 week age) were assigned into groups Sedentary (n = 32), Exercise (n = 32,
lifelong treadmill training 3 days per week and 30 min per day). The muscle strength and morphology para-
meters were measured at the ages of 6, 12, 30 and 64 weeks, respectively.
Key findings: The grip strength (peak value and endurance) of sedentary group monotonically decreased in adult
BALB/c mice during aging, while that of exercise group remained a relatively high level even slightly increased
at aged period. Meanwhile, lifelong exercise training could slow down the loss of gastrocnemius muscle mass,
myofiber cross-sectional area, myonuclear number and myonuclear domain. The number of myofibers was re-
latively stable in adult mice.
Significance: Modified analytical method for grip strength testing, with improved accuracy and reliability, may
be an efficient substitute for conventional method in measuring the strength and endurance of mice and in-
vestigating the effect of lifelong exercise on muscle loss. Lifelong exercise training helps prevent muscle loss and
muscle defunctionalization while aging.

1. Introduction meaningful metric for muscle health [12–14]. European Working Group
on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) has recently updated the
It is well established that physical inactivity may result in non- operational definition of sarcopenia, where the emphasis is shifted to-
communicable chronic diseases and death in the world [1,2]. Exercise wards muscle strength [15,16]. The primary importance for body ac-
can improve health as well as alleviate the harmful effects of aging- tivity based successful aging is guaranteeing muscle strength.
related disorders such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, Most studies focus on the impact of short-term (weeks or months)
sarcopenia, and even various types of cancer [2–6]. With regular ex- exercise training on muscle strength [17–19]. Typically, just a few
ercise training, the defunctionalization due to aging can be partially weeks of exercise training can significantly improve muscle strength
recovered leading to medical-cost reduction [2,7]. The mutual promo- and muscle mass. The morphosis of muscle changes accordingly, such
tion between muscle and exercise has been well investigated [8]. as hyperplasia of myofibers [20]. However, for elderly individuals who
Healthy muscle helps maintain a long-term training plan, and exercise may probably be suffering from sarcopenia, short-term exercise barely
improves the function of muscle. Unfortunately, as age increases, the benefits [21,22]. As such, lifelong exercise is expected to reduce the
mass, strength, and/or performance of muscle decreases. Sarcopenia occurrence of sarcopenia. In some cohort studies, cardiovascular and
might occur during aging [9,10]. Low muscle mass was defined as “pre- skeletal muscle health can be improved by lifelong aerobic exercise
sarcopenia”, which is a superior indicator of functional decline with [23–25]. Some spontaneous wheel running intervention mouse model
aging [11]. Whereas other analysis regards muscle strength a studies obtain similar analytical results [14,26]. However, due to the

Corresponding authors at: School of Physical Education & Health, Minhang Campus, East China Normal University, 500th Dongchuan Rd., Shanghai 200241,
E-mail addresses: (Y. Zhao), (J. Lu).
Yu Zhao and Fei Shen contributed equally.
Received 21 January 2020; Received in revised form 15 March 2020; Accepted 24 March 2020
Available online 30 March 2020
0024-3205/ © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Y. Zhao, et al. Life Sciences 251 (2020) 117603

difficulties in tracking, observing, and/or operating, the effect of life- measure the fore and hind limbs grip strength of BALB/c mice. The
long treadmill training with rodent model has not been investigated to strength meter was reset to 0 g after stabilization in each test. Use the
the best of authors' knowledge. metronome to give a beat of 3 s (3 s is sufficient to prepare for the next
Hand grip strength is a suitable indicator for human health and test round and compress the recovery time of the muscle). Consecutive
muscle function [13,27]. In experimental studies, grip strength is also measurements were performed at the rhythm, which was modified from
used to evaluate the variation of muscle function [28–32]. The grip previous reports [39]. The mouse's tail was pulled back at a constant
strength test for rodent model takes the average value of the first three speed after it grasped the grid during a measurement within 3 s. The
or five grips as reference [33–36]. However, we observe that, unlike peak force in grams was recorded at the time the mouse released its
human test, the difference between grip strength varies dramatically paws from the grid in each measurement. The test was terminated when
leading to large variance. The possible reason behind may be that the the value of the peak force was lower than 90 g. The order of mice
rodent cannot follow orders to just grip appropriately with pull tested on each day was randomized and the test was only conducted
strength. once within one day. All the tests were operated by one person to en-
Hence, we propose a novel rodent model based grip strength test to sure the reliability.
investigate the effect of lifelong moderate intensity aerobic treadmill
training on muscle strength, endurance and morphology while aging. 2.5. Single myofiber culture and fluorescence imaging
The present study sought to clarify the reliability and validity of the
modified grip strength test. Specifically, in order to detect the effect of Single myofibers were isolated from musculus gastrocnemius of
lifelong exercise training on physiological decline in motor function adult BALB/c mice. Briefly, gastrocnemius muscle were dissected
during aging, the validity of the modified test was investigated. carefully and subjected to digestion with collagenase I (2 mg/ml,
Sigma, USA) in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM, Sigma,
2. Materials and methods USA) for 1.5 h at 37 °C. Digestion was stopped by carefully transferring
gastrocnemius to a pre-warmed Petri dish (60 mm) with 6 ml of DMEM
2.1. Experimental design and single myofibers were released by gently flushing muscles with
large bore glass pipette. Released single myofibers were then trans-
First of all, fifty randomly selected adult male BALB/c mice ferred and cultured in Matrigel-coated (BD Biosciences, USA) 24-well
(24–56 week age) were used to set up a modified grip strength test. culture plates in DMEM supplemented with 3% fetal bovine serum
Then, sixty-four male BALB/c mice (6 week age) were used to measure (FBS, Gibco, USA), 7% horse serum (HS, Gibco, USA), and 1% peni-
the influence of lifelong exercise training on muscle. The mice were cillin-streptomycin (Gibco, USA) for 24 h at 37 °C [40].
assigned into groups Sedentary (n = 32), Exercise (n = 32). We used After fixing with 2% paraformaldehyde for 10 min, the myofibers
the modified grip strength test to measure muscle strength and mor- were incubated with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) for 10 min,
phology parameters at the ages of 6, 12, 30 and 64 weeks, respectively. and taken to microscopic imaging by fluorescent microscopy.
One side of the gastrocnemius muscle of each mouse was used for
transverse cutting after fixed, and then HE staining, scanning cross- 2.6. Histopathology
sectional microscopic image, measuring gastrocnemius cross-sectional
area, myofiber cross-sectional area, myofiber number. The other side of Musculus gastrocnemius was isolated and fixed in 10% neutral
gastrocnemius muscle was used for isolation and culture of single buffered formalin for approximately 24 h, processed and embedded in
myofiber, and the number of myonucleus was counted. paraffin. Embedded tissues were cut into 4–6 micron sections and
stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Stained tissue sections were ex-
2.2. Experimental animals amined microscopically and scanned whole transverse section of gas-
trocnemius muscle for statistics.
BALB/c mice (male, 5 weeks) which are short-lived, were purchased
from Shanghai Lab. Animal Research Center [37]. The mice were 2.7. Statistical analysis
housed in an air-conditioned room with a 12:12 light/dark cycle and
allowed ad libitum access to food and water. All the experiments were Data were compared with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA),
approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of East China Normal with all ANOVA tests followed by an unpaired t-test, as appropriate.
University and conducted in accordance with the U.S. National In- Normal distribution of data was analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov
stitutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. normality test. Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons was
used. Differences were considered statistically significant when
2.3. Treadmill training P < 0.05. Data were assessed using Prism 6.0 (Graphpad Software,
CA). Data were expressed as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM)
Exercise mice were subjected to treadmill training from the age of and statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 23.0 (SPSS, Inc.,
6 weeks to 64 weeks at a frequency of 3 times/week. The first week of USA).
the exercise regimen consisted of a training and acclimation period
whereby mice were subject to running beginning at 10.0 m/min for 3. Results
10 min and gradually increased to 13.3 m/min (0.8 km/h) for 30 min.
In the remainder of the protocol, mice exercised for 30 min at 13.3 m/ 3.1. A modified grip strength test and analytical method
min (0% grade). This intensity corresponds to the moderate aerobic
exercise, which is suitable for the lifelong training of mice [38]. All We randomly sampled and observed the dynamics of grip strength
exercise sessions included brief warm-up and cool-down periods so that during detection in adult BALB/c mice (24–56 week age, n = 50). The
the total treadmill time was approximately 45 min. The sedentary mice grip strength was measured at 3 second interval. The levels of grip
were housed in the same room and were subjected to all identical strength decreased over time in an exponential pattern
conditions, without the exercise training component. (Y = 41.75 × exp(−0.0274 × X) + 98.45) (Fig. 1A–B). Since the
plateau of the curve was near 100 g, a new parameter (Grip
2.4. Grip strength test No.(strength > 100g)) was introduced to evaluate the endurance of the
mice, which was defined as the number of the grips before the strength
A grip strength meter (Bioseb, Model: BIO-GS3, France) was used to drops below 100 g during a test.

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Y. Zhao, et al. Life Sciences 251 (2020) 117603

Fig. 1. The temporal dynamics of grip strength in adult mice.

A. Typical temporal changes of fore and hind limbs grip strength during a test. B. The levels of grip strength decreased over time in an exponential pattern. The
strength levels from 4 to 15 grips (9–42 s) were shown in right (range of modified grip strength test). Data are mean ± SEM. C–F. Histograms and Gaussian fittings of
Grip No.(strength > 100g) (C), Y0 (D), slope (E) and average value of grip strength (F) calculated from the strength levels from 4 to 15 grips. n = 50.

Gaussian fitting to Grip No.(strength > 100g) histogram revealed that strength and grip strength/body weight ratio at age of 30 and 64 weeks
the levels of Grip No.(strength > 100g) in adult mice was centred at 29.2 in mice (Fig. 2C and I), and it increased the Grip No.(strength > 100g) at all
with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 24.7 (Fig. 1C). Specifi- ages detected (Fig. 2B). For the slope, it was worth noted that most of
cally, the first 3 grips (0–6 s) during a test were highly variable. This the values of slope were negative in mice, but the values of the slope
range of value was within the scope of traditional grip strength test could be positive and were near 0 at the age of 12 weeks, suggesting
(average of the first 3–5 measures, red rectangle of Fig. 1B). And, that the capacity maintaining a constant grip strength was highest at
modified test of the strength levels from 4 to 15 grips (9–42 s) displayed the age of 12 weeks (Fig. 2E and H). The lifelong exercise showed no
a significant linearity (the right subgraph of Fig. 1B). To simplify the significant effect on the values of slope in mice (Fig. 2H), but it in-
calculation, the data from 4 to 15 grips were used for further analysis. creased the values of Y0 at the ages of 30 and 64 weeks in mice (Fig. 2J).
Following a linear fitting of the data from 4 to 15 grips, the Y0, slope, These results suggested that lifelong exercise training enhanced muscle
and the average strength were calculated. The Y0 indicating the fitted strength in aging.
maximum value of grip strength was centred at 134.3 g with an FWHM
of 50.2 g (Fig. 1D). The slope representing the change of grip strength 3.3. Effect of exercise training on muscle morphology while aging
over time was centred at −1.145 g/s with an FWHM of 3.58 g/s
(Fig. 1E). The average grip strength representing the average value of The lifelong treadmill training showed no significant effect on body
grip strength was centred at 119.2 g with an FWHM of 32.0 g (Fig. 1F). weight of the mice (Fig. 3A) but delayed the muscle loss during aging
The results show that the modified method provides some important (Fig. 3B–G). Although lifelong exercise training showed no effect on
parameters for grip strength as well as some interesting observations. gastrocnemius muscle mass at age of 12 and 30 weeks, it increased the
The modified method is expected to be an efficient substitute in in- muscle mass at the age of 64 weeks (Fig. 3B). For musculus gastro-
vestigating the possible effect of lifelong exercise training on muscle cnemius, the number of myofibers remained constant during aging, but
function during aging. the cross-sectional area of myofibers decreased during aging
(Fig. 3D–G). Lifelong exercise did not increase the number of myofibers
3.2. Effect of exercise training on muscle strength while aging but increased its cross-sectional area during aging (Fig. 3E–G). These
results suggested that lifelong exercise delayed muscle wasting during
To investigate the effects of lifelong exercise training on muscle aging by enlarging the cross-sectional area of the myofiber.
mass and strength in mice, a lifelong treadmill training protocol was
designed. Muscle strength, mass and some morphological parameters 3.4. Analysis based on myonuclei
were measured at the ages of 6 (the beginning of the training), 12, 30
and 64 weeks (Fig. 2A). Freshly isolated gastrocnemius myofibers were used for quantifica-
For muscle strength, the characteristics of the grip strength at dif- tion of their myonuclei content by DAPI counterstaining (Fig. 4A). The
ferent ages were different (Fig. 2D–G), the grip strength was largely myonuclear number of sedentary group decreased in two stages, 6 to
age-dependent. In addition, the lifelong exercise training showed dif- 12 weeks and 30 to 64 weeks, respectively. The number was stable in
ferent effects at different ages, and its effects were more significant as adulthood (12 to 30 weeks). The myonuclear number for exercise group
age increased. The best muscle strength was observed at the age of peaked at 12 weeks and exceeded that for sedentary group (Fig. 4B).
12 weeks, and its performance decreased gradually during aging The length of gastrocnemius myofiber barely varied. Myofiber cross-
(Fig. 2B–J). Specifically, lifelong exercise training increased the grip sectional area/myonuclear number can be used to estimate the changes

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Y. Zhao, et al. Life Sciences 251 (2020) 117603

Fig. 2. Lifelong exercise training improves muscle function.

A. The experimental design of lifelong treadmill training. B. Grip No.(strength > 100g) (muscle force endurance) C. Average value of grip strength. D–G. The dynamics of
fore and hind limbs grip strength measured at ages of 6 (D), 12 (E), 30 (F) and 64 (G) weeks using the modified grip strength test in sedentary and exercise mice. H–J.
(H) Slope, (I) grip strength/body weight and (J) Y0 in sedentary and exercise mice during aging. Data are mean ± SEM. Sedentary group: 6 weeks (n = 8), 12 weeks
(n = 8), 30 weeks (n = 8), 64 weeks (n = 8); Exercise group: 6 weeks (n = 8), 12 weeks (n = 8), 30 weeks (n = 8), 64 weeks (n = 8). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.

in relative value of myonuclear domain [41]. Though the myonuclear variable iterations to learn and accommodate the movement with all
domain for both exercise and sedentary group maximized at 12 weeks, four paws while testing. At the beginning of test, the variation is larger
we observed that the myonuclear domain of exercise group was always since the mouse is over-forced due to fear or mis-operation. After the
larger while aging (Fig. 4C). Lifelong exercise training helped maintain stable range including several grips, the variation increases again be-
the myonuclear number and myonuclear domain at a higher level cause of the fatigue and impatience (Fig. 1B). Some studies improved
during aging. methods by increasing the test intervals, repetition times, or changing
the direction of force measurement [39,42,43]. Our modified test
eliminate the first three grips, instead taking 12 consecutive measure-
4. Discussion ments to reduce the average error. Finally, the trend of changes is
continuous measured and statistically analyzed, which provide us more
We apply periodical testing with short periods to effectively im- insights. Although the traditional test method is more convenient, our
prove accuracy and curve fitting to investigate the biological meaning modified grip strength test with more parameters is more preferable as
behind mathematical models. Although the details varies with subjects, an animal model for the exercise research.
the fundamental steps can be summarized as: The modified method provides more measurement parameters.
Besides the average value, Grip No.(strength > 100g), defined as the
1. Measure the grip strength with short period until the result is less number of the grips before the strength level dropping below 100 g
than predetermined threshold, and count the Grip No. during a test, reflects the strength, as well as the endurance of the
2. Analyze the dynamics of the grip strength and fit the decay curve. muscle force. Slope reflects the combination of the endurance and the
3. Obtain the optimal parameters (i.e. average value, Y0, slope) with adaptive capacity of muscle performance during a test. Y0 reflects a
the most stable portion of grip. fitted maximum grip strength, which is much similar to the average
value measured by traditional methods. The modified grip strength test
We find the first 3 grips (0–6 s, Fig. 1B) during a test are highly

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Y. Zhao, et al. Life Sciences 251 (2020) 117603

Fig. 3. Lifelong exercise delayed the muscle loss in aging.

A. Lifelong exercise showed no significant effect on body weight of the mice.
B–C. The effect of lifelong exercise training on (B) gastrocnemius muscle mass, (C) gastrocnemius muscle mass/body weight. D. Typical gastrocnemius muscle
morphology as detected by H&E staining, (E) the number of gastrocnemius myofibers, (F) myofiber cross-sectional area and (G) the density of myofibers. Data are
mean ± SEM. Sedentary group: 6 weeks (n = 8), 12 weeks (n = 8), 30 weeks (n = 8), 64 weeks (n = 8); Exercise group: 6 weeks (n = 8), 12 weeks (n = 8),
30 weeks (n = 8), 64 weeks (n = 8). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.

provides more useful parameters and improves the accuracy of the re- body mass [48]. Surprisingly, our study found that lifelong moderate
sults. aerobic training can help maintain weight and muscle mass, as well as
Lifelong exercise is a relatively new and evolving area of study with muscle strength in elderly mice. This may be due to the fact that ex-
information. Some studies have suggested that lifelong aerobic exercise ercise promotes the development of skeletal muscle in growing mice
can improve cardiovascular health in the elderly, but the effect of and the maintenance of muscle structure and function by long-term
lifelong exercise on skeletal muscle is still lack of comprehension exercise.
[44–47]. Therefore, we carried out the observation and study on life- While observing and comparing the parameters (Grip
long exercise training, and focus on the effect of muscle strength on No.(strength > 100g), grip strength, myofiber cross-sectional area) of mice
preventing muscle atrophy on aged mice. To our knowledge, aerobic at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 30 weeks, and 64 weeks, with and without life-
exercise can help control or lose weight, while leading to a loss of lean long treadmill training, the peak value appears at 12 weeks, in this

Fig. 4. Effect of exercise training on myonuclear number and myonuclear domain while aging.
A. Gastrocnemius myofiber from a young exercised male mouse, myonuclei counterstained with DAPI (blue spots). B. The average number of myonuclei in a single
myofiber changes during aging. Data are mean ± SEM. C. The myonuclear domain changes in sedentary and exercise mice during aging. Data are mean value.
Sedentary group: 6 weeks (n = 8), 12 weeks (n = 8), 30 weeks (n = 8), 64 weeks (n = 8); Exercise group: 6 weeks (n = 8), 12 weeks (n = 8), 30 weeks (n = 8),
64 weeks (n = 8). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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Y. Zhao, et al. Life Sciences 251 (2020) 117603

phase, the strength grows mainly because of body development. We Declaration of competing interest
also observe from Fig. 2B that the difference in force endurance be-
tween exercise group and sedentary group is larger since maintaining The authors declare no competing interests.
force endurance depends more on regular exercise. After 12 weeks, the
grip strength of sedentary group monotonically decreases, while that of Acknowledgements
exercise group remains a relatively high level even slightly increases at
aged period (Fig. 2B–C, I). The observation shows that lifelong regular We thank the Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and
exercise training is helpful in keeping muscle function while aging. Exercise Intervention Ministry of Education, East China Normal
As for the muscle morphology, declines in muscle mass and myo- University for supporting this study.
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