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Deja Vu logo report

The brief was to create logo for a games studio. Firstly, I learnt more about games
and their genres. After that, I had to choose what type of games my company
creates, so I chose RPG. Obviously as for every normal company, I needed to
make up a name or choose from the list. The thought about my company was to
recreate anime as games so it will be something already existed but in a game
format. My first names were Real Illusion, Unreal reality and other strange non-
matching names. Quite stupid, aren’t they? In the end, I got a help from my
teacher, we went to the dictionary to find some synonyms to illusion word, and I
stopped on Déjà vu game studio.
The next step was creating the logo but before that, I needed to find some ideas,
create the mood boards and find some RPG studios and inspire with their logos,
find out what type of logo I want to make and so on. After some time of research,
I made some mood boards according to the word Déjà vu. I looked at different
clocks, vector clocks, sandglasses, eyes, vector eyes and associations to Déjà vu.
Then I had a brainstorming so every minute I sketched one logo and tried
different ideas even ones that I did not think about. Later, I chose some good
ideas and developed them with the studio name in different fonts. It took quite a
lot of time but after some time I realised that my logos suit to the clothes brand
but not for a game studio, so I started again. I sketched a few more ideas using
other shapes and experimenting with colours. Finally, I had 4 main ideas and
chose the most suitable for the name of my studio.
Then the most interesting started. I went to Illustrator and started create my logo.
I made it the same as on my sketches but then I decided to vectorise it more so I
made it from triangles and did not complicate it, kept the shape simple. Then I
added sand and some highlights, but I was not sure about their shape so I copied
my logo and tried various highlights shapes. Moreover, I copied and looked at my
logo in different colours so I could be definitely sure which one I liked more. Then
it was the text time. I tried Déjà vu in several fonts, changed colours, put effects,
made it 3D and changed its location. In the end I came up with a simple font with
a reflection and turned the logo because I liked the text been in the right side out
of the picture but it all looked too horizontal and non-harmonically so I turned the
sandglass 90 degrees.
I think I came out with a good logo, but probably it does not really suit the RPG
type. I looked at many photos from such type games but to be honest it will be
better to have an experience of playing them to deeply understand what logo
there should be. However, I believe the logo good match to the name Déjà vu, so I
did well.

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