Soal B. Inggriss Mi

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 08 Desember 2022

Kelas/Semester : VI (Enam) Waktu : 10.00-12.00

I. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan cara menyilang (X) huruf a, b, c, dan d pada lembar jawaban yang telah tersedia!
Look at this map below! (Question number 1 -5)

1. Where is the School?

a. It is on Kamboja Street c. It is on Mawar Street

b. It is on Melati Street d. It is on Anggrek Street
2. At Jalan Mawar, there is a . . . . on the right side
a. Andi's house b. Bank c. Hospital d. Post Office
3. The hospital is . . . the post office
a. Across from b. Between c. Next to d. Behind
4. Andi go to a post office to send letter. He go ahead on Kamboja Street. After meet T-junction,
he . . . to Melati Street
a. Turn right b. Turn left c. Turn around d. Go straight
5. How many crossroad in the map above?
a. None b. One c. Two d. Three

6. We not allowed to turn ...

a. Left b. right c. forward d. Around
7. Timoti is sick. He have to go to. . .
a. Post office b. School c. Restaurant d. Hospital
8. Adit want to buy science book. He go to. . .
a. Bus station b. Laboratory c. Hospitak d. Bookstore

9. Hotel is . . . Airport and Supermarket

a. Across from b. Behind c. Between d. At the corner of
10. It is in the south of Bali. In bahasa means. . .
a. Ini di sebelah selatan Bali b. Ini di sebelah utara Bali
c. Ini di sebelah barat Bali d. Ini di sebelah timur Bali
11. Where are they studying ? They are in the...
a. classroom b. canteen c. library d. Office
12. He is ... in Kelud mountain.
a. fishing b. climbing c. cleaning d. Traveling
13. Nonik is ... in the bed room
a. sleeping b. eating c. traveling d. swimming
14. Moslems pray in the...
a. mosque b. church c. temple d. airport
15. The doctor works in the ....
a. school b. garden c. market d. hospital
16. The library is behind the school. The
antonym of behind is ...
a. in front of b. next to c. between d. Beside
17. The opposite of south is ...
a. south west b. south east c. west d. North
18. A : “Whose ring is that ?”
B : “That ring belongs to Yusi. That is ...
a. his b. hers c. yours d. Theirs
19. Elma : "Where do you live?"
Okta : ".......................".
a. I'm fine thanks c. I live in Kediri
b. sit down! d. Thank you very much
20. The queen lives in a ...
a. kingdom b. hospital c. temple d. Hotel

II. Terjemahkan kalimat berikut ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia !

1. They want to go to the market
2. The market is on Jalan Pahlawan
3. Andi lives on Jalan Garuda.
4. The market is located between a school and hospital
5. My house is beside the school

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