The Way of The Lion

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| “Any man can be prepared to kill. A samurai is prepared to die.” ~ Akodo Toturi ir of Rokugan,FRPG, and Way ofthe Lion Crettts WriTTEN By PaTRick KAPERA, REE SOESBEE AND JOHW Wick ADDITIONAL MATERIAL BY MancELO FicuERoA. RaymonD L/ JenireR Mane, Jim Pinto, Ros Vaux, Davip Wittiams, Game SysTEm By Davip WILLIAMS AND JOHN Wick | Cover Artwork: Ranpy GALLEGos INTERIOR ARTWORK: AUDREY CoRMaN, Liz Danrortu, Cris Dornavs, Jason FELIX, CARL FRANK. SCOTT JAMES, SCOTT JOHNSON, KC Lancaster, Brapiey K. McDevitt, Ramon PeRez, Brian Suoppy ‘Maps: JEFF LANREN Artwork Prepress: Cris Donnas, Steve Houcn Line Error: DJ. Tanote Eprinc: DJ. TRINDLE, REE SOESBEE. JOHN Wick Inremior Lavoun Steve Hoven. Parrick Karena. Ros Vaux 2ND PrinrinG CORRECTIONS: Ros VAUX Marcelo wrote The Art of Wir append and was our itary advisor Jim wrote ate o wo and was a reat Kea trampoline Jenailer defined igo and tured the Katsu om a nebulous ato something spily Dave and Ray ou resident tactics) made Lead inprational rather than Jus nstractoal nally special thanks to the cast and crew of Saving Prcate Ryan. arrived tthe eleventh hour (ith hit seeds to go) and put us Back on he path ‘This book i epetully dedcate to Dave Willams and Dave Sexy — "The firs tut Shins eveything he knows aout seaegy and tactics ‘The scan knows mare about courage han any of ws ever will. Legend ofthe Five Ringsis © and ™ 1998-9 Five Rings Publishing Group Inc andi ed here under Heese Chagtar Ono Phe Noble Don eee cceee § Chagtar Tro The Fambws of the Lion ..... 20 Chapter Ther Character... ...eceee eee ry Chapter Fout: Who's Who... cee cece ee wo Chapter Five Character Templates ......... 0 Aggondx T: The Art of Wak oes eeee ees 94 Apgendx Th The Wars of the Lion ....... 103 Append THY: The Lands of the Lin ...... tio Apggendx FV: The Spintual World oo... 116 Appendx Vi Two Lion Clan Decks ....... 124 Map of Sto ARO... cess eens eee 123 Lun Clan Character Sheets .......... 06 125 coh sky’rigt ble expanse A thousand rars ‘choed, all merging ina seeam of war Armies wth right banners ried a thousand swords to ‘he heavens daring the darkness o oppose them. ae ak ‘That is where tbepns. It isthe middle and the end forall things are a cee. anda lesons «an be sen nthe ftires of our cles aecak [A wart, his ej shining, turned io a Lady. “te wil be glorious, Masa” A thowsand times Ind been sai, anda thousand times she had snovered wih 2 tamoltous seam of war and ride. Akodo looked down, watching his solders ‘march, shaking the earth. His. plumed helm tiple inthe wind ashe held the reins of his horse gh Beside him wate a woman wih ces black as death, her lps sttched In an expect sale ae vok ‘Akodo Arana and Mats Tsako stood on 2 Inde the sun shining down on them. His eyes ‘met ers she ghtened the sap of is hel" wl be a glorious bate” he sd, placing his ‘aan in is bt His eyes were rig with lor his every movement rumbled with pide and cnfdence.Thako’s only response was a. ferce ‘nas she turned to the massed Lion fares on the pai below: The sn rsd thehortzon with ‘blazing fay burning down onthe castle snd is army. Toshi Ranbo wo Shien Shite Reigiho — ‘the Casle of the Lion - stolen by Crane plac. By Crane cowardice. “It ime we took tack the casle of our ancestors” Arai vole was Gea andthe men fn the Held cheered ther weapons catdng the red of the downing sun “Who wil ight at my ‘de is answer was a thunderous bat cy ed by ‘he woman at his ight hand. Before the sun had cleared the hortzon, the Bate was joined ac ek “To the righ” Akodo howled rom his horse, charging beside his legions “They Dank 10 the rie Ske "Te men charged, ther swords ctingblody sats in het enemy. The aberrations called up by Akodot brother, seamed the hard they were trampled underfoot Akodo ooked south nd saw Mats followers making abot tnd again! ised ont ther hands dipping blood land poison. Matsu was a head above them, a tremendous sword in er Rand. Shouting, she charged he largest on Ft othe ight her low parrying its das, and then scat the beasts Teg. Sparks flew as the nodacht bit into the ceatures metal sales, and it eared in pin and fay. Motes ‘Akodo smiled. What a wife she would have rae! Her swordsmanship was unmatched, end ‘every man in ber command would giv his le foe het The Lay of Los indeed. Suddenly, with a roar, ogres burst from a rocky dg. fling upon Akodo and his men ae ek “Tako? Araous shout The dos of dst rated by the horses ake is wie and robbed him of sight “oko Before him, «Daido spear unit charged the kode; there was no tine for thought Arsou leapt oto the fa. his faters katana shining daly through the smoke. The atl was nt fring well Each tine the Lion harged the caste the Crane reais with baring pd and daming ol AS Arasou removed the head of his pponent he saw another Akodo de Hatred tore through his body, and each blow became more rage Asx leap a the Daido searing one man ox his companion yar and pausing to slice the Sands from a second. No mer, Arison thougt. “No mary for hose wha would stand apn me The igh 2 Melon fell back os soother hal of tows rained dowa pon them. Toko and her sald raled and plunged between the eth of more Dado pears. ner ye the f of combat bured with ferenes hat rivaled the explosions of pitch “Mats” She seamed. She lied her sword, her cy echoed ‘om hundred throats The Mais ashe to ‘ht agin Tet armor Blooded, they followed Tako forward int te mass of Cane, stepping ‘rer the bodes fhe kamen ‘Arsou pone with his Kafana “There” he sboued above th our of the Hames. “There is he breach” Behind him, samara uel ito the ‘2p made by the Mas gating the sears of ‘he wounded apd the pes shstering spear ae ek Ako sale ashe wiped the os lod frm is katana Three brave samural had died alan, but they ad sen te dark horde die Ako looked abou rain spatiering his helmet spony was gone, cut fram beneath him, and be cool suround by the dead. “To the Emperor” he erie. and rc tard be bay ofthe bate It had gone poorly. Akodo sow aide of wited figures. churing through chan lke a sor, seating samara ele em. Near the Empero,Kakit’s men deached aha swords covered in Blood. Mats tod alne her honor guard destroyed er amar was tora, ber face a mask of fay. ‘odo charged tober, breaking trough the fray th wide seeping bows rom these, en ont ged him Akodo twisted beneath is grasping 2, ying to die his sword nts ches. It ws fast and is Blow only sed the sure ick blod splashed down on. Akodos face, diag him a the oni laughed. Seing only adows, Akodo pared any movement, saipedaling to gain an advantage as he wiped he arid iui rom is eyes. He heard grant and scream, and Tange toward the hung shadow Fis blade met bone and sine bul was form fom hs hand. Another ‘moment, ut no return stk ‘Akad tried to sce past the pain and blood Standing above hin was a woman, her hat tangled and wih Her eyes narowed, and she lred him is ord “Mats” Akodo cred, sexing that the demon had fallen, heads, to the wound. She reached for his arm and dragged him to is et. eading hi sft. Many ‘times, be heard the ringing sound of atl, but is eyes could make nothing cer, Men rushed pas and he beard Masa scream orders in his name. Tinaly, in the safety of the Emperors encampment healer atended Akos wounds, You wil see agai ror the right eye. ny ld, but the ef" the man's voc faded ener. "Its all ight” Akodo murmured. “I do no eed two eyes to find my enemy” He paused "Mas? “Hire” Her voice had no submision, no reverence. Only the fae tnge of respect ‘marked her poston as hs vasa “sould bea your ide” His ce was harsh, rough with anger and despa “But that canot happen today. Take the armies" Aer a long ‘moment, You wee right” “We can never fight side by side, my Lor No males what you command” Matsa whispered. I was never meant o be” He ead her laugh once, ‘the ake et fp rased and then there was ‘ony sence. Silence, and the eres ofthe distant ttl ack ‘The Daido spearmen fll back behind the casi’s moat, allowing the Lon archers to pepper them’ wih deadly arows. Thuko and ‘Arasou didnot fal, and ther charge oo therm Into the gates. Back to Back, the Akodo and Mats fought ‘her Katana eting through bone andes. A hndred solders charged wih them, down the fale of Toh Rano wo Shlen She Reigisaha “Glorious” Arasou howled at hs betrothed as he wily raed his Katana, “There has never een such a day? A batleery ripped from Tks ps, and her stokes matched Arison vicousnes. Together they fought, Matsa and. Akodo, with deadly efieng Aro of Dad ap fom behind 2 palkade, thie katnas flashing. Tako, with 2 ‘ics roa charged the the, leaping though their guard and sling ove bore they could reac The other two leveled thelr weapons seling wala they appoaied. Behind het Aa pt orwar ot eing ‘Toko pans. He eat into the Crane forces ved sword gleaming with Blood. The Crane ‘ere ft ut he was faster One sack ati Ieee But he pared Arasou Tept forward ‘wining hs sword as passed ough sotber The Crane enatined to back away, and rasa charge fer he cling them altar cowar, dogs le ct the air as they retreated Sling where aman had ost soo. A ast thy dil not retreat ny more and Arasou found himsl drawn ay. hough th gts, nto the hart of the Dao fre. One ell under his Stik, howling athe Lion merce shed though his chest Another track Aru arm. Jeaving a bloody gash before his own ead was remaved by the Lo’ bade. “Thee more ied befor they coud reac i ther broken tana chitin 09 the sone -Arasou gasped his breath short ad faros 38 cach stoke bed another Crane of if." Are seamed, Tsk” Bo the rest ofthe Lon were ding around im, thee charge destroyed by the, Daido ambush bod poured into the most and more rane came “Tako The pin robbed hs of breath of vison Arson stage swinging his sr ikea yt, hs arm shaking He ke down. at is chest and the bone whispered whily up thi. “Tsu .- ko..." His mouth moved, but no sound escaped. When the sun ded andthe land exploded it darkness, Arasou knew nly age Bec We are newer meant to fight side by ide my Lond Her words echoed fn Akodls rind. watched the monk approach The strange ile tan would ake Mats int he darkness: Akad lowered his head wearily and his ings brshed the puch that covered is lose. “Tis time for ws og my end” the monk ‘murmured. “Wil jou remember everything 1 have aught you?” Akodo nodded weary, his hand fling to his side “a Shine sama Al wl be remembered. By my wor, I sear A pause. Ther Do you wih speak wit er before we go Te monk looked a heal gure ‘Sanding on the hile, her Back bi fanning kee bane in the isk winter bree ‘Akad looked once mor, then ted way “Na She koows my heart No words remain” ‘As the tiny man walled aways words rang in Akod's mind °No pth i 6 naw tht 8 rman. must walk it aloe. Be ope wih your Droers and stan by then te strength you vil find your own Matt” be whispered, bt ty were gone aa ek ‘huko knelt belo the tone of the Akad dingo, oth of ety ticking Uh ra Desh In ber trot Arasous biter sat won 2 be had todo rm Between his shoulders He had no grace, no sll with sword, and ite of ‘Arasous Hereness In fact this Akodo seemed ‘more ofa peacraker than a soldier, and his ees ‘wee thse of a scholar He was afoot ‘The gory Arasou had brought to the Akad ‘bad died wih him. Tks eyes burned as she murmured the ancient phrases binding her and her family 10 the new’ Champion. Bing hee forever to this weakwiled rabbit. Arasou my rae Arasou ts good tha ou re dead. and ail nee see what we hee Become. ‘As she rose and bowed formal, the new (Champion called ober, "Matsa Tks ‘She glanced up at him, and even he ghily ‘nto vl of obedience could not cover the ‘ple hated inher eyes The man on the throne paused “You hive sufieed «pest os. We all have” is eyes caught hers. “Thope tha you and Tan ‘come to an understanding The Clan ofthe Loa ‘mas fight 2s one" “Tao tard in fry, seeing only th usurpers face on ee Lands throne. “No, my Lord” She whispered. with ony the faintest ing of respect. “We wll never fight as one No mater what you command” She bowed again, then and turned tog. “Tsao "he questioned his oie filled with sm Ste turned then, nd her je blak eye cat he bane. “You wil never Be Arson” a’ the new Champion of the Lion si, his solce echoing wih sodden strength. “1 wil be “aur and you wl follow my commands Tals sll you eed to know ‘ako eyes sarowed, and ber lips cue back ina feral snart The, with eft she bowed cry, Behind et, the door sli shut with ‘rhspred ih On the polished throne of his nce the new Champion ofthe Ado house ose his weary ees aevak Welcome tothe sith book in the Wy ofthe Clan series. Wy ofthe Lions designed to help 2 Game Master flesh out his own vison af Rokugan' most honorable clan Devoted 10 has code of behavior called “bushi the Lon ar the quintessential sameral How To Use Twis BooK We donot intend for this toe the “nal word” regain the Lion Clan. Assaf your Game ‘Master has diferent vision ofthe Lio, expect to ‘meet something emily diferent on the ated The first chapier conains aneedotes and sores fom the other dans regarding the Lion rng you a fe forth hosapy adele The second chapter contains information about the vast history ofthe Lon. Nave of the ster dans devote mich tention an etal 0 ther history a8 the Lon You wil arn bout ‘Ado One Hy the valiant and tenacious Mas, the mysterious Kits and the dan historian, the Toma ‘Te third chaper contains all the rules you vl ned to crea a Lion character inoding the famous Matsu bushi cel, ne rls for creating ama bards, and the ancestor mag ofthe Kis shugeia "he fourth chapler deals the most famous ins in Rokugan, induding ther Tras end ‘Skil. ‘The ith chepter lists five rendy-io-play Saracters. All you hive to do is photoopy the character sheet tof the book nd youre ready om. Tasty, weve induded 2 whole bunch of Information on Rokugan's famous bates, [Akodos book Leadership, the history and evelopment of Rokupan tactics and strategy, ‘i magi ems Hon ancesiers and more TCs much easier to speak of Lian poopy than t Ive i Foe Len there is 0 value in materia) wealth o& politcal power; thse are Aeting and temporary. Wht samara owas will be whated down by the winds of ine, but what besays and does... thse things Ive on orev Shins said “Choosing betwen two evils is sill choosing ev” To a Lin, thee are no truer ‘words The Lon’ path isthe mest demanding the ‘most unforgiving, and. Sometimes, the ost ‘unrewardng of al the dans Buti you are wing to walk 1 wl show yon the way, “And by the end, you wil earn Akos frst eso: A samarais rates strength is ot what he is, ut hat he can be 2 Waal ical eS) IES IE The Noble Lion rs = LS) C > = 3 X\ FROM THE JOURNALS OF SHINO GAEMon, Daimyo OF THE Unicorn For seven weeks the toma have led among. ‘a hearing our stores ofthe Burning Wastes ad teaching us the ways of combat witha this foreign nation. We have been ordered by the Emperor to make peace withthe Lin afer cur ‘ood Dates of recent years It has been a brather wil cme 10 understand sd e wl xh wal ance 1 walked with ott today, a Toshimoko ‘made the arrangements with the Akodo fay ‘or my brother tile here, The Lion Champion took me to the ret Hall of Ancestors, a sacred ‘lace within the Lon place, which few visors ‘bide their dan have Been pried o ent. He epoke fo me of each one as we pased thet statues, ther shining blades of war hanging in loves, tended by the Mats family. Asif they ‘wee alive, Tot gently touched each tate face and bowed im honor af dees both brave and vallant ‘As oked at Tour could see his ancestors mired in his brown ees: Despite her ware ‘ature, tis dear ome atthe ears poses ‘mote than simple, brats souls AL las, Tour toad before the great central state its massive rmable hand outsuetchd asin warning Iwas the Lady Mats, whose body was never recovered from the Shadowlsnd. The Lion Champion sid nothing 1 stood beside him, gazing into ber proud fae. Her white mableejes laoked at 2 Plat of ight far beyond the palace, never otng the visors tbe feet seemed as if she stared to the heavens themselves. ready 10 challenge ther might At that moment sadden Chil swepthrough me and could almost the seat tone lips move in benediction. The weight ff thousand sous pres closet ny ova, and Tend not move for fear of awakening thet voles When we let the hall 1 dasped Tus Soaldr with my hand “When we soo i rat ofthe Lady Matus satu, fet something... 2 strange presence” “Did you, my rend” he sail, and tured his face aay "I that what you fel each time you eter the Hal of Ancestors” asked him awed He looked up tthe darkening shy for along moment bore he answered ‘When he spoke agi, his words suck me 10 the beart Many times they have cme tome in the night and 1 do oot know i 1 can ever understand the depth ofthe meaning “his what ee." he sad loys" As the un st below the mountains ofthe wes ill breeze tugaed at my white bale andthe sky rew as dark as an caten om ON A PEDESTAL WITHIN THE LION are things designed to draw your soa! to the HALL OF AncesToRs surface, make you compliant Thumb screws, What you ste before you isa sep of silk broken bones; her pain coniwed through the tained and tor the ater faded aif wom for hous and her screams grew hoarse and col. AL ‘cunts years tn fth and darkness On it las. without a word the Dak Mas had her ed ‘ait the died Blood of am unknown over 2 al pillar of sharpened tron, i point ‘Phoentsis the acounting of on Lion death 11 placed agaist her bel. Her own weight dew te found onthe steps of Akodo palace Tong ag, hex down upon and her seams soon became smuggled thereby an wre str srg choked with lod The Man never spoke, and het ‘re uniraceable. The tom remnant les tn agony toe the breath fom ber bd simple alcove within the Hall of Ancestors the He the there. piecd on the spike yt sill ‘only tribute 10 the last moments of « Lion’ lve, snd tok His ssa to sunt lands far course howe us When they had gone heard her ery donot know her name nt know my outa | had never beard bear. singe word ~ wa name anymore ~ but I know that Tam a “Masa she cred. drew my altered courage baa remember the mage only saw he once, and pressed my facet the cold bars sae her a they cried ert he chambers of “Tell Him =" I whispered to ee, “Tell Him the Dark Man beneath the palace. She was as what He wats to know andi wil be ore YOu beaten 2s rained and pale rom captivity. They wil ve, andthe pain wil end?” hated msl for tagged her down the all and threw her upon saying the words, but deep in my sou T knew that butcher table them abe tue. Her hair was long and golden dity and "She sid nothing. trying otto move otto twined_with its of straw. Her hands were drive the on bar deeper ito he stomach, but | Deeding. and her fae id been shed and heard her weep. A Lion ears. | have heard ears ‘lsd. Sil, she fell upon thei able with no belore I ave beard weeping, walling Dogging. sured and they chine er tothe sod rock the true ples of men dying in ways 0 dung tothe brs of my cage and watched as they horrible to remember. But her tears... 1 fees the sting of the whip acoss her back swallowed my words For hous, twas the oaly ‘tearing through the lst remnant of her knena, sound ia the bod vere chambers 1 bar het ‘Preparation. Iti all preparation for the Dark gasp oce, te tht night as sbe sid downward, ‘Man. Thave ben there myself - wating for Him. and held ry head i my hands and vocked ox ‘She didnot scream, oly groaned asthe pain the coll stone foo of my’prisn ell. Janced through her She saved er seam forthe” When He returned te burly tartare ited sal the placed upon her besding gsbes aller her from the pillar of sharpened io, and nd the whipping. was done. When He came, the hea the wet sound of blood sping upon the torturers threw ber upon the flor before Him, low. People can Ive for days with a wound {0 ad she strug to ise thet belly = T kaw his Taw my rather de ‘They lnughed at er lo, and kicked her legs that way. Was he my brohe? Ino longer knox. ‘rom beneath ber But they dragged he, insides dipping upon the ound, before the Dark Man “Speak "He whispered, and elt my own lips wanting to answer “ell me wha I wish to Koow, and the pin wil be ove® A moan escaped ors pased beneath the watchful gaze of the me, but the Lian was sent keeling o the Hoe Dark Man, the Master ofthese chambers His In ont of the finely dressed soreee. fe alone makes my wracked body sake, and She raed her ead the, and looked nt is Should He have passed near my’ cage I would ees. saw her face, and! knew that she ad once ave allen tomy knees. hd been tsined well been beau -belre the pain, beloe the dit. snd I despise mpl! or it and blod before the trae of ving nis foul Her screams = high pitched and anguished ~ place. Within her eyes I coud sil ee ber bent. rocked the sone cords Ech hot ion was a “Why do you inst on continuing thi tle memory to me, a familar pain Every sading Akodo?” the Master suid. “There is nothing 10 ow and piercing ct -I know them well These gain frm defiance save your own deuh. Even e Bie i a at Lean gre you The song 1 not ge ou, iyo ony do | ak” ne was cl athe to omy ad ney eared hit Tea ber hand cing ea ely ait bold er. Sane bared es a8 to aighen Soy yer ds Med pa cohen dl fr he rk Man. ar ae led wih rg “hs your at cane” he sed oa dae ad menor st hope forte. Do Tk ad Th ge oe Saying you wich “ying: isn etd a on ued er acted ek" men: alm Ms oF toed ny fet el hil al be oes Aaphig you wih cn be ous ‘het ep nh ed lak eT wh Wi nh ord my body soe arp pen mon forts eat Hs pve Her ret oked nd rv Then wala eer she Sd be ad alt nt a" wh wre bck ee” She ded theron on of th atarts teat. Bol she beet ‘cme gt neve pred er ‘rd The spe ol san ne Mites per era ar 8 suttnoe wy Iw a tno howl veel Ber eb lm ‘ol and oe dy pas esa wil nd ret ie org i en yO th oe id felon te guar prating Te Det Mn hse of oy T el rer ern th il. Be if hey te nya ea ear opt eh yo Sneeaelenpas The itr soc aps of Rue ‘tm by on sk urd ho brow inmate of te Lin Sea 1 aay har ner bon pron loogh te ‘Da Me ofthe of he design of te Bodie Soe nc crm scien The om rent of oh nw hs on snp pol te hen of tee fa Mata inthe tnd ofthe Sacred Hal of ‘lies A LETTER WRITTEN BY AKODO RuJO TO WIS YOUNGER BROTHER Huu at THE site OF THE BATTLE ‘OF BLooD AND SNOW My brother Tam on al ill ovedoaking the remains of the bated our army has sucesso acquired Irom the Senrpin I lic for met believe tha only five Jers ago, was where you are 0%, reading alee rm my older betes. writen on 2 batik Reading the sare words Tam about Think bck now, ememberig the voles of ‘our ancestors, singing i my mind: 0 beatiful 0. powerful, so overwhelming. ‘There are countess numbers of them, a pret chorus, ad thei words sem s frightening and yet. there ‘8 something ese. Something 1 could not find Something Vou nt expres. Atleast nt unt this very momenta wile these wor to you ‘The bate agains th Scorpion wasnt as we ‘planed it The valle fered uit cover from thei rows, as they eld the hl that now i ‘pon. As our fst ie marched orm aling thelr shields up again the arow fire, tht shagenja sen down fire that blasted them bock ‘neki many ofthe men nto the ground Eves ‘more were seared fom thet arma, and heard the nap of bons andthe screams of young men ~ younger even than myself = asthe bes were ‘burned bythe mystical fire “Then the second rank advance, th spears leveled and thee ips as Upht as taps. As they ‘marched, the arows fll I saw one man 50 fiddled wih rows that is fae was ppd rs ‘is shall Another was faling backward towards ‘his movements pushing the arrows even ‘deeper ino his boy. His seams echoed in my ‘At that moment heard the gener cll our Ttaons ame. On pure ining 1 fell into prston, bu then looked tothe le the row of ten who sod with me. For five years T have trained and fought with these men, and as we Tooke up a the hil at those who had fallen ‘efor el something surge inside of me. Twas fea, Pre, hat! fea, pling at my ‘its and my legs uring me to stand til lsd though my body ikea disease cling me 2 fool, teing me that po man woud be stupid enough to charge up a hill where hundreds of hers had already fallen. Bt I looked at those ‘men who stood beside me, and 1 suddenly reaaed they were loking a me "They were looking a me ‘They were looking at me Swddeny[remembered who I was. Not who va at home, wih ou and mother and fae, but tho {vaso them And what Imesat other "ead the generals order for charge, but even though heard the words Il something ese 1 fet my soul fl wth a song A beat and tere song Iwas a sang of wars long gone, and of deaths tat no man wil eve ember twas song of fatty and of pain. So many dead. So litle accomplished heard the song of Akodo Jing, and the three handed men who ded to hold 9 mountain pas 0 a hand of Scorplon spies could pass through onthe way o paso lachbas’ sesad ewesant ea the sng of Mats Hak, ad the two ‘thousand Matss who cared agains the gaijin at the Bale of White Stag ll en, ke by ‘magic we ell do nt understand. "ear he sng of Akodo Rina. andthe five tuned who cared against the Uniorn and es ll poet he villages om a thea they (id ot wnderand. ‘And al the songs made oe great Song. and it sang o me this We have blad We have sfered We have burned Ana we did this all, Foryou ‘Avhunded thousand souls al singing. alin puna walching I is «Song whose words are foo much for any man to heat A Song whose demand i too much to as any man. ‘But Ta not aman. am a older ook athe men next ome, the men who call me fuse. Who folow my orders obey my ‘mmands and lok to me for the courage they ‘anor nd ‘eannot show them my fea cannot el them my fear If they fel even a hit of what is ubling through me, we will never make i up ‘hat hl and we wil ein our brobers bleding and dying and seaming Tok them and let my eyes show them the fre they Know is there The Song resonates ‘trough my su and int my vice as call ut the command Isnt my ve that Speaks: the Song The hundred thousand vies that they all hearin their own hears resonating om the ‘teil They hear that Song and thei own ye shine wi the same bilance ee growing in my stomach, ‘he Song fils the air and echoes in thelr voices. And sudden 1 cannot contol my ow heart pounds beneath my chest wih paint, ache, My feet move without any command! fom ‘me My hands grip my spear and the man beside ‘me lifts our alors high into the smoky ac They Soar out above us and our ey is in wisn; the ‘oes of every Li hat has eer ved cries with ‘Ad we care remember the sand sipping beneath my feet and remember clawing tthe earth with my let hand wie pushed myself with he spear in my righ Men ell hind us and men fl beside ws, bat whenever ne of ws fell another was threo standin his place The Song filed my hea, and 1 ‘hough my ears wou bled with the sound fet two arows hit my boy but the Song would bot etme all Nor wou 1 et me fal The clin led forever. For evry step we ook it seemed the Seorpions aed two more to our aseat We pushed, we fought. we screamed tach others names. fl tears volng down my cheeks. Even fed er even if my soa were ured hy the Scop fis, {knew thes ght then that would never again ve a moment ke ‘his one. Death was there before me, ooking me inthe face and hee wee fears In my eyes and 1 Sangin my bear And the Song wast preter than the et Bat | was ight then, a that moment | was. We were ‘We bit the Scorpion wal ike stm. They ropped ther bows and picked up thelr swords and steel seed through Tesh ad men fe, szasping atthe eal ht bois shy id so The Solos reteated a ep and we pushed on. The Song tn my head burst through my ips and T heard my men’ ees miror my own. The ‘Song it the Scorpions, basting them back ke the shugenj fre. My katana sliced throw tree men before anther ow fund my svord arm. I seamed and charged the man wth the ‘ow, the ear making his ves gle ike the skin falls One slic He el 1 never pas More bland More bodies The hugena thew hier again Half my men were consumed. But then the Scarpion lines broke and they ‘wee divided Th men behind us aged up the Hl and the men tothe left and right flanks followed thir moverent in 2 mater of minats, itwas over. The Scorpions fell under our Blades. Then. a sudden as it entered me, the Song as gone. Gone fel my hoes asthe carnage continued round mT felt hands on my shoulders and ‘ny lp. “Drink hs it” T heard vloe say and I looked up. 1 Sew Masu.Uinoko nel abore me, er eyes mois “You rest hook my head. No, Call an oma Now” ‘That was nearly fve minutes ogo have reed all of hs o him a he Hslened tnd nodded He will remember my words that smack know. Then, he wil waite them down for you toread Tum almost inshed now, Ales read o join the Sog that cated me here. Almost, have ane at hing ty. One last git to sire you my brother. You ae almost ready to become a man. Almost ready. But even afer the ceremony, you wil not have achieved tht. No there is mach more. C8 » mach longer ourney than ha The Seng. Someday, you too will add your sole fo the corsa our ancestors When you de, yu wl ela do now thal what you ais ot enough The vie you bring with you wl sound leeble and ipoter when compared othe great horas tha sings ous ram beyond his word of tes ‘But alo remember this No man could have linbe tht. What Ii hs dy was gree ‘han anything I hae ever done nd its because the men sanding beside me woud not show me ‘hat fear They loved me too much ‘When you bring your viet the Song. i wil sound ikea erik chirp But when you sing vith i. my brother there so sand in ‘he world that cam compare "go now. My ast breaths 1am so pov of you Do not ogee am watching ~ ‘And waking = Foryou The House o¢ the Loon ‘he Lion Clan was founded neal thousand ‘years ago, whea the Kani fl fom the sk. At that time, the numberof men and women "okugan was smal and the sven Kam! searched ‘among them fr "the fest Shiba chose the ‘wisest da the stongest and soon but Akodo ‘Hood alone“ do nt look forme fort follow tm” e sid.“ look for men worthy to standby ny side” "Te fais of the Lien derive ther names from he men who std beside Akodo. The stories of the founders of each family are heralded in the Clan histories ~ from the Inslgha hona othe bold Mats — but al Lions ‘hose to est thei tee against the daimyo of hel fay onthe day ofthe gmp Fr them te moe han a i eran of the courage in thelr eats and a pat of becoming tre Lee For owsand yer he Lin Cl bas been the wet hand of he Enpea rerng the pola od tary inracions between ane Farber the ole she rest standing ay in Ratngan as gen them ttle prowess tk ay oer an in the pe, Whe the Aloo an the Mab gain yon he Bel ofa te a eco all eves and the es all th the power he ances sd the clan in times of need. “othe Lon thee ancestors are mare than spits of pact they ae ging ein tet trey be, wang bese thr denn, Shopng er deinen They are more han igen roe than yh or parle They are tore han pat ol the ca past ty a so 2 profs prea and fate "he fans of te on dee det ames fom he lowes Aon OF hem al ey the Mats can cam that Ado asked the on tis cn Alfie al alles sere the tanner with qual devoton and fro he Ma tose bes bre remained te Ak swt Second Behind th Akad sad he at the Sect ying deve ty reais ae ‘Axopo AND Marsu ‘Akad went oti the wold to seek men to stand esd him 0 Deme sama those who were wailing to dle to protect the Emperor. Far every man who stood up to Akodds challenge. there were one hundred who met tht ate atthe dof his blade Unsortiy Weak ovary. ach man who ded beneath Akodvs blade became a testament tothe rigors of bat. For realy te years. Akodo traveled though the Jands testing each mortal who came to him ye ‘ne were worthy in his yes "Those who watched Akodot blondy search ‘wee sid to ave chastised him inthe Emperors ‘ort procaiming him a scourge wpon the land ach year, Akado woul return to the palace for ns hrethers coronation anniversary No llwers came with him, mo generals to Fad the armies ‘which waited for bis command. "Ido not sek he be would yo those who dared mention itm is presece. They must eek me” ‘Slowly, Akodos can pew. Led by Doma and ts his troop began frm an amy of great proportion Ye Akodo sill was sais. Alter A is searching and vals ded, the Cady ats, poly the pretest moral war ithe land ad il not come ob ese by is ade When be od covince her fo ih, ho bat a aldo hae shaken teeth and he ky. "the rary between Akola and Mats bss long ben poplar theme in plas and ong. The kama historians tel the ‘le each year o the fa day of wine Frm Mati refs o fight Alo, to her violet rection of his wedding propos and final, wen she turned to leave fim aod follow Shins, Masa hasbeen prayed sanding alone sacrcing her Me for the fate af the Clan Akad, on the ther hand, ‘rollen sown wh is men sanding among Iya feilower and sory companions THE Liow THUNDER ‘When the fat bate wih the forces of Fa Leng was fought the ist monk Shins gatheed seven men and women 10 follow him no the bear ofthe Shadowiands. Their purpose was 1 Ske atthe el within is a and each cans sat have sens greatest mori: When the ‘on Clan was fist asked koma stepped forward. efor e coud follow the monk, te Lady Mats felled him with tothe face She stood blo ‘Ako and Shins! wih fein er ep, daring ‘snyone eet deny ber right Nove id Saco Dawn cred the peaks ofthe southern il seting eigen no Otaku ablaze with the trilance of another dy. Akodo One ye hated ‘moment to exhale in rele! ~ no ost fom the naturally cold night, but lo from the plague spreading across Rokugan behind him. a Leng had survived his plummet ito the Festering Pit and made an uly pac wth the fore that he had discovered there. Now. under his wile leadership they swep cos the fice of the wrld with all the contagion of the worst tpidemic ever known. Akodo himself had seen hs rind host in at, only to ise again beside his allen bother ‘Death isl had berayed the Empl Niko Akos wile, was sequsred at an wtp hat had been besieged by the foes of ‘he Shadowlands sce one week ef Ako ‘ad returned and engaged them hoping to stave the ff ong enough fr Cb rnforement ative Bt nal to ys pri, that ay hope tes exiguel Word hd ce at the Crab tad been ambushed en rote and would no se met do any ad. ne ls raat fort Akodo and is remaining bokagered ops cared no the tna des etwen the and the dvi ion the post Sere of the corps they eat down wre the omer een, compaions = ve overs Hono ed nthe ac ch ato, bat Akodo would no be denied. Those win tea ie within the pst woul be ave ot he woud de othe ater 1a ayes hh are upon the on thelr brethven and many ofthe weaker races ‘owes in feat of deste the sone enti, ‘nly fo be saghered by the stoner beast. ‘Akio spate uit shed ough hem wih ‘be pres of te es tan ane by man Seater monsters on all ie, Ako and ‘he few ale Boies tht had sured with fim post and cast rant ares af the yojinbo ly horebly rounded a he tesa and » handle dled efesiey sear the cares Newly denen women md dient fans of se ‘ho now fought te fr of He Wo NT BeNamed Manly gazed back at their savor, shock ro dep nth sah etre. ‘Woot «word Niko wrested to and the ture fe Monn bel fgg to weigh er down Her yoimbo made to gasp ber shoul. but her peng countenance cused im to pas. Ut, be stood tation etre edo as be appeoched hs sponse wine Stvging trea shuddered Uowgh tie rom ‘hth slow meandering oa dg sma. Turing at he all foe of his men. Akado soddenly realized how quit had become king pst thse gathering atthe dove be ocd that the legions of Pu Leng, were fevsng. ol the ds of te pang vale ‘end tht cage Step out rr bodies tht ad oo jel ere. Abdo winced. hy” was the only response he could ae ae ek Soon, he thought. Very soon. they would be forest to stand thelr ground. and allow the women their rest. ive were hear with cil Niskthe worst o al. Ako shoal! have fered forthe hie a his unborn son, and thse of the fons of his clansmen arms. He should have feared forthe ves af all Brn into this dark age. He should have feared the Tle of all the groans 1 ene But he was a Lon, and be euld not afford to fea He eould ot stand down even if they tok ‘is son. is le, and his dan. He wou fight ‘ntl his blood stained thei bes and his ast ‘ath crept nt ther eats and possned them, "et his ert was a burdened his we, and ‘ne haped forthe a ofthe Fortunes in ths gave time. He bad a few’ more hours to plan. The

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