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Fractals are a jagged repeating form

- Self similarity is an endless repetition regardless of scale. Whether the scale of the
image or an item is big or small, the pattern remains the same.

Recognition of Fractal Mathematicians

- Georg Cantor invented the Mathematical Monsters, an infinite made points

- Helge von Koch invented the Koch Curve (snowflake) , a paradox. Was called a
pathological curve.

Bonus info
- Emblem of Fractal Geometry, Mandelbrot Set would help see forms that were always
there but were "invisible" to the eye.

Applications of Fractals

- Nathan Cohen CEO of Fractal

- Fractals mathematics were used for electronic communication. A fractal design for
smaller antennas.

- Fractal designs were also used for much wider frequencies,

- Small fractal antennas are used for cell phones and communication devices.

Useful material about fractals >

● Fractals are also recursive or have an infinite image effect.

● And also a loop of a pattern, an iteration.

● The famous painting known as “The Great Wave of Kanagawa” used the concept of

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