Basic German Travel Phrases

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12/23/22, 11:18 PM Basic German Travel Phrases | Study.


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Basic German Travel Phrases

In this lesson, we will learn basic phrases that will be very useful while traveling. Whether you are trying to
find your way around, checking in to the hotel, or need help, knowing a few key phrases can go a long way in
making your travels smoother.

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Welcome to Germany!
German is spoken by about 95 million people, and it's the official language of Germany, Austria,
and Liechtenstein, as well as one of the four official languages of Switzerland. While most
people in these countries know at least some English, having a good German travel vocabulary
can make your trip much less stressful. It also makes a good impression to make the effort to
speak their language.

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Finding Your Way

This first list consists of words and phrases that will help you find your way to different

Entschuldigung, wo ist ...? (Excuse me, where is ...?)

das Hotel (pronounced: HO-tel): hotel
der Bahnhof (pronounced: BAHN-hof): train station
der Flughafen (pronounced: FLEWG-haf-in): airport
die Toilette (pronounced: toy-LET-tuh): restroom
das Restaurant (pronounced: REST-air-ront): restaurant
die Bank (pronounced: bahnk): bank
die Bushaltestelle (pronounced: BUS-hahlt-uh-STELL-uh): bus stop
die U-Bahn (pronounced: UH-bahn): subway
die Post (pronounced: post): post office
die Bäckerei (pronounced: BEK-air-eye): bakery
die Tankstelle (pronounced: TANK-stell-uh): gas station
das Krankenhaus (pronounced: KRANK-in-house): hospital
die Apotheke (pronounced: AHP-o-TAKE-uh): pharmacy

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Translation: Excuse me, where is the train station?

If you are asking for directions, it helps to be prepared for the answer:
Um die Ecke (pronounced: uhm dee EK-uh): around the corner
Nach links (pronounced: nak leenks): to the left
Nach rechts (pronounced: nak reshts): to the right
Geradeaus (pronounced: ger-AH-duh-ows): straight ahead
Oben (pronounced: OH-bin): upstairs
Unten (pronounced: UHN-tin): downstairs

It never hurts to flat-out say that you are lost:

Ich habe mich verlaufen. (I am lost.)


Here is an example of a tourist asking a native German for directions:

Tourist: Entschuldigung, ich habe mich verlaufen. Wo ist das Hotel? (Excuse me, I am lost. Where is
the hotel?)

Native: Gehen Sie geradeaus und dann nach links. Das Hotel liegt um die Ecke. (Go straight ahead
and then to the left. The hotel is around the corner.)

At the Hotel
Once you arrive at your hotel, you will need to check in and find your room. Here are some
useful phrases for doing just that:
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Ich habe eine Reservierung. (I have a reservation.)

Haben Sie noch ein ZimmerI frei?

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12/23/22, 11:18 PM Basic German Travel Phrases |

Ich hätte gern ein Zimmer. (I would like a room.)

Ich bleibe eine Nacht / zwei Nächte / drei Nächte. (I am staying one night / two nights / three

Ist Frühstück inklusiv? (Is breakfast included?)

Können Sie mich um _____ Uhr wecken? (Can you wake me up at _____ o'clock?)

Um wie viel Uhr muss man auschecken? (What time is checkout?)

If all else fails and there are no rooms available, you can always ask:

Können Sie mir ein anderes Hotel empfehlen? (Can you recommend another hotel?)

Translation: I would like a room.

Hotel Nouns
Here are some helpful hotel nouns to know:

der Zimmerdienst (pronounced: TSI-mer-deenst): room service

die Dusche (pronounced: DOOSH-uh): shower

das Einzelzimmer (pronounced: EYN-tsel-tsim-mer): single room

das Doppelzimmer (pronounced: DUH-pol-tsim-mer): double room

die Klimaanlage (pronounced: KLEE-mah-ahn-lah-guh): air conditioning

der Schlüssel (pronounced: SHlOO-sel): key

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In the following conversation, Jake is at the reception desk of his hotel and is checking in. Listen
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for the key words and phrases from our vocabulary list: 3/4
12/23/22, 11:18 PM Basic German Travel Phrases |

Jake: Guten Abend, ich habe eine Reservierung. (Good evening, I have a reservation.)

Reception: Name, bitte? (Name, please?)

Jake: Mein Name ist Jake Miller. (My name is Jake Miller.)

Reception: Wieviele Nächte bleiben Sie? (How many nights are you staying?)

Jake: Ich bleibe eine Nacht. (I'm staying one night.)

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Basic German Travel Phrases

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