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Certificate of Collaboration

This certificate confirms that

Ana Živković
has been appointed as Scientix Ambassador since 2022 until 30 June
During this period, Ana Živković carried out the following tasks:
• Presented Scientix at STEM education events;
• Disseminated Scientix through local and online media;
• Provided content and operational support to Scientix (e.g.
tested and provided feedback on project activities, developed
content for the Scientix, presented Scientix webinars, etc.);
• Reported on the activities carried out.

Ivana Milanovic
Scientix Ambassadors’ Coordinator, European Schoolnet

The work presented in this document is supported by the European Commission’s H2020
programme – project Scientix 4, coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN). The content
of the document is the sole responsibility of the organizer and it does not represent the
opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC is not responsible for any use that
might be made of information contained.

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