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Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646


Mechanical simulation of muscle loading on the proximal

femur: analysis of cemented femoral component migration with
and without muscle loading
J.R. Britton, L.A. Walsh, P.J. Prendergast *

Centre for Bioengineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
Received 6 February 2003; accepted 1 May 2003

Objective. This study examines the effect of including muscle forces in fatigue tests of cemented total hip arthroplasty recon-
Design. An experimental device capable of applying the joint reaction force, the abductor force, the vastus lateralis force, and the
tensor fasciae latae force to the implanted femur is described.
Background. Current in vitro fatigue tests of cemented total hip arthroplasty reconstructions do not apply physiological muscle
loads. Experimental and numerical studies report significant differences in stresses obtained in the cement mantle depending on the
loads applied. The differing stresses may alter the outcome of an in vitro test.
Methods. Ten femoral components were reproducibly implanted into proximal composite femurs. Five of these femoral com-
ponents were tested using a loadprofile which included muscle loading, five were tested without muscle loading. The migration of
each femoral component was monitored continuously during dynamic fatigue tests.
Results. Clinically comparable migration amounts were found for both sets of femoral components, with the femoral components
tested with muscle loading experiencing lower mean migration, lower mean inducible displacement, and less experimental scatter.
Conclusions. The inclusion of muscle forces seems to stabilise the femoral component during the test. In vitro fatigue tests of
cemented total hip arthroplasty reconstructions should include muscle loading to provide increased confidence in the results ob-

This study examines how the migration of cemented femoral hip prostheses is influenced by muscle forces. Hip prostheses are one
of the few medical devices for which pre-clinical testing protocols have emerged, and this study ascertains whether or not the in-
clusion of muscle forces is necessary for pre-clinical tests. The conclusion that muscle loading should be included, and that it is
important for the development of a new generation of standardised tests to provide enhanced patient protection against functionally
poor prostheses.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pre-clinical testing; Femur; Migration; Inducible displacement; Total hip arthroplasty; Standards

1. Introduction tests, can be gauged by the low occurrence of implant

fracture; for instance, the Swedish Hip Register (Mal-
Current standards for pre-clinical testing of cemented chau et al., 2002) reports 3.0% of revision operations are
hip prostheses were developed in response to the need to due to femoral component fracture. At present, the
ensure femoral component designs would have sufficient majority of cemented total hip arthroplasties (THA) fail
fatigue strength (Paul, 1997a). The success of these as a consequence of aseptic loosening of the femoral
normative tests, e.g. the ISO 7206 series of experimental component (Malchau et al., 2002). This suggests that
normative tests should be extended to include mechan-
ical loosening of femoral components.
Corresponding author. Previous research has correlated mechanical loosen-
E-mail address: pprender@tcd.ie (P.J. Prendergast). ing of a femoral component and its migration within the
0268-0033/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
638 J.R. Britton et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646


a horizontal distance from line of action of FR FL required loading force, unknown magnitude,
to centre of pin joint acts vertically downwards due to roller
b horizontal distance from line of action of FV bearing
to centre of pin joint FR force of resolved abductor and tensor fasciae
c vertical distance from line of action of FR to latae muscles, known magnitude and direc-
centre of pin joint tion
d horizontal distance from line of action of FC FV force due to the vastus lateralis, assumed to
to centre of femoral component head be acting vertically downward, known mag-
e horizontal distance from line of action of FL nitude and direction
to centre of femoral component head, un- P centre of pin joint of secondary lever, about
known which moments are summed
f vertical distance from line of action of FC and Q femoral component head centre, about which
FL to centre of femoral component head moments are summed for the primary lever,
FC force required to statically balance FV and FR , line of action of FH passes through this point
unknown magnitude and direction, assumed a angle of direction of FC
to act through P b angle of direction of FR
FH hip joint reaction force, known magnitude c angle of direction of FH

medullary canal (K€ arrholm et al., 1994; Freeman and muscles reduced the peak tensile cement stress in ce-
Plante-Bordeneuve, 1994; Walker et al., 1995), therefore mented THA. They concluded that simulating the ab-
measurement of the migration of a femoral component ductor forces as well as the hip joint reaction force
in pre-clinical tests may be one approach for assessment can reasonably simulate the stress/strain distributions in
of its potential to undergo mechanical loosening. Based cemented THAs. The additional inclusion of the
on this assumption, a testing method which proved ca- adductors, the vastii, and the iliotibial tract had only a
pable of detecting significant differences in the migration small effect. This view is apparently contradicted by
patterns of two designs of femoral components during Szivek et al. (2000) who found, using an experimental
fatigue tests was developed (Maher et al., 2001; Maher model of an intact composite femur, that including the
and Prendergast, 2002): however muscle loading was not abductors, the vastus lateralis and the iliotibial band
included in those tests. To obtain migration levels dur- reduced the peak strains across the bone transverse
ing in vitro tests of similar magnitude to those observed section compared with a model which only included the
clinically, it is reasonable to assume that a loading abductors. However there is considerable experimental
profile more representative of the physiological loading scatter in their results.
of the implanted femur is necessary. The case for in- If the muscle forces stabilise the femur through a re-
cluding muscle loading has been advanced by Kassi duction in bending moments, this would strongly suggest
et al. (2002) using experimental tests, and by Polgar et al. that an implanted femur should also be stabilised in a pre-
(2002) who used the finite element method. Stolk et al. clinical test, and that reduced migration of the femoral
(2001) suggested that loading from the abductor muscle component should be found in such tests compared to
alone with the hip joint reaction force was sufficient to tests without muscle loading. One of the very few exper-
generate in vivo stress levels within the cement mantle. imental apparatus for dynamic testing of femoral com-
In a comprehensive examination of the literature ponents which includes muscle loading is that of Munting
Cristofolini (1997) concluded that it was necessary to and Verhelpen (1993, 1995). Their apparatus consisted of
apply the same bending moments to the test femur as the two actuators and a lever mechanism. It was designed to
intact femur in order to produce similar loading. This apply the hip joint reaction force and three muscle forces;
conclusion concurs with Pauwels (1980) classic work the abductor, fasciae latae, and vastus lateralis. However
where he proposed that muscles act to reduce the one issue of concern with this apparatus is that the lever
bending moments and hence reduce the stresses experi- mechanism may be dynamically indeterminate or over-
enced by the long bones. Further in vivo confirmation of constrained, making it impossible to resolve individual
PauwelsÕ hypothesis can be found in Lu et al. (1997) who muscle forces. Kassi et al. (2002) developed an apparatus
used implanted instrumented proximal femoral pros- that applied forces at a frequency of 0.25 Hz for testing
theses to show that muscles act to safeguard bones from the primary stability of cementless hip prostheses.
excessive bending moments. This concurs with Stolk Doehring et al. (1999) developed a rig to apply abductor,
et al. (2001) who found that inclusion of the abductor extensor, adductor muscle forces, and the hip joint reac-
J.R. Britton et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646 639

tion force but it was only used to apply quasi-static the known design variables were FH , FR , FC , and b. The
loading for 75 cycles at 0.05 Hz. unknown design variables were b, e, FC , FL , a, and c. The
The objective of this work was to design an experi- variables a, c, d, and f were set by the geometric con-
mental device for applying the hip joint reaction force in straints of the experimental device (Fig. 2). It was as-
conjunction with muscle forces. Because pre-clinical sumed that the pinjoint at P , and the pinjoint on which
tests were to be carried out with it, the device had to be the rollers were mounted, were frictionless, allowing the
sufficiently robust to endure in excess of 1 million cycles equilibrium equations to be written as:
of loading at 5 Hz. This device was then used to test the For the secondary lever;
hypothesis that muscle forces serve to reduce the bend- X FR sin b
ing moments in the implanted femur relative to applying Fx ¼ 0 :) FC ¼ ð2:1Þ
sin a
the hip joint reaction force only. If this hypothesis is X FV þ FR cos b
confirmed then it has important implications for the Fz ¼ 0 :) FC ¼ ð2:2Þ
development of pre-clinical testing procedures for ce- cos a
mented hip prostheses. MP ¼ 0 :) FV b ¼ ðFR sin bÞc þ ðFR cos bÞa ð2:3Þ
Therefore, from Eqs. (2.1)–(2.3);
2. Methods FR sin b
a ¼ arctan ð2:4Þ
FV þ FR cos b
2.1. Loading profiles ðFR sin bÞc þ ðFR cos bÞa
b¼ ð2:5Þ
The muscle loading profile was developed based on
FC can then be solved from either Eq. 2.1 or Eq. 2.2
the work of Bergmann (2001), which also appeared
For the primary lever;
as Bergmann et al. (2001), and Heller et al. (2001). It
consists of three distinct cyclic forces, see Table 1, X FH sin c
Fx ¼ 0 :) FC ¼ ð2:6Þ
having been deduced from a profile which originally sin a
consisted of 46 muscle forces (Bergmann, 2001). As the X FL þ FC cos a
tensor fasciae latae and the abductor forces act at the Fz ¼ 0 :) FH ¼ ð2:7Þ
cos c
same location (Bergmann, 2001), these forces were ad- X
MQ ¼ 0 :) FL e ¼ ðFC cos aÞd þ ðFC sin aÞf ð2:8Þ
ded to generate the applied loading profile. The muscle
forces are applied in phase with the hip joint reaction Therefore, from Eqs. (2.6)–(2.8);
force. Although the tensor fasciae latae does not attach  
FC sin a
to the femur (Paul, 1997b), it does wrap around the c ¼ arcsin ð2:9Þ
greater trochanter and hence must exert a force on the FH
femur. The second loading profile consisted of the hip FL ¼ FH cos c  FC cos a ð2:10Þ
joint reaction force without any muscle loading. ðFC cos aÞd þ ðFC sin aÞf
e¼ ð2:11Þ
2.2. Design calculations for application of muscle forces
2.3. Physical embodiment of the design
The experimental device was based on two linked
levers acting in series (Fig. 1). The hydraulic fatigue The primary lever could translate within limits in the
testing machine applied the required load to the primary transverse and coronal planes on polytetrafluoroethyl-
lever (FL in Fig. 1), and the femoral component head ene (Teflone, DuPont Co., Delaware, USA) pads, i.e.
acted as the fulcrum for the primary lever. The sec- the head of the femoral component was not constrained
ondary lever distributed the muscle forces (FR and FV in in the horizontal plane. This was to avoid creating a
Fig. 1) in the appropriate ratios. Referring to Fig. 2, statically indeterminate system. The secondary lever was

Table 1
Simplified musculoskeletal loadprofile used for experimental tests
Force x [N] y [N] z [N] Acts at location
Hip reaction )405 )246 )1719 Femoral component head centre
Resolved abductor and tensor fasciae 485 114 605 Greater trochanter
latae force
Vastus lateralis )7 139 )697 Anterior and inferior to greater tro-
A protocol was developed to apply the coordinate system developed by Bergmann et al. (1993) to the synthetic composite femora used in this study,
to allow accurate location of the muscle insertion, origin, and wrapping points.
640 J.R. Britton et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646

2.3.1. Verification of muscle application device

Foil strain gauges (FLG-02-11, Tokyo Sokki Ken-
kyujo Co., Gunma, Japan) were attached to the screw
connecting the secondary lever to the primary lever (this
screw is visible in Fig. 3). A femur implanted with a
femoral component was loaded statically and strain
measurements taken. This process was repeated several
times. A mean axial force of 1.32 kN (standard devia-
tion of 0.49 kN) was measured compared to the desired
force of 1.49 kN from the design calculations.
To ensure that the secondary lever functioned as in-
tended, a dial gauge was mounted on the primary lever,
and its probe brought into contact with the secondary
Fig. 1. Simplified two-dimensional schematic of experimental rig lever. We measured relative motion of several microns
showing basis of operation. between the two levers during cyclic loading, indicating
that the secondary lever was rotating on its pin joint,
maintaining the required distribution ratio of FV and FR .

2.4. Test details

Proximal synthetic composite femora (Model #3103

Sawbonese, Pacific Research Laboratories, Washing-
ton, USA) were implanted with cobalt-chromium
Lubinus SPIIe (Waldemar-Link GmbH., Hamburg,
Germany) femoral components. This femoral compo-
nent was chosen because comprehensive data on its
clinical migration has been reported by K€arrholm et al.
(2000). A purpose-built insertion machine (Maher et al.,
2000) was used to ensure repeatability and accuracy
of stem placement, using vacuum mixed bone cement
Fig. 2. Schematic of experimental rig showing variables used in the (Cemexe RX low viscosity, Tecres S.p.a., Verona, Italy).
design calculations.

free to pivot on a pin joint; this ensured that the ex-

perimental device was not over-constrained.
Both ends of the secondary lever were attached to the
implanted femur by woven ultra-high strength polyeth-
ylene straps (Dyneemae, Toyobo Ltd., Osaka, Japan).
These were bonded to the femur using a high strength
epoxy adhesive (Aralditee Precision, Bostick Findley
Ltd., Leicester, UK) [note: several trials of various
material/adhesive combinations were carried out to find
one with suitable bond strength and fatigue properties].
Adhesion of straps was choosen as the method of at-
tachment, rather than wires, as it better mimics the non-
localised attachment of muscle tissue to bone. A pulley
was used to ensure the vastus lateralis acts downwards,
as depicted in Figs. 3 and 4.
To tension the straps prior to the commencement of
testing, they were clamped to the secondary lever and
the screw connecting the secondary lever to the primary
lever was advanced until the primary lever was brought
into contact with the testing machine. A spirit level was Fig. 3. Posterior view of experimental rig showing application to an
used to ensure the primary lever was aligned vertically implanted proximal femur. The migration measurement device is also
and horizontally. shown––this is described in an earlier paper (Maher et al., 2001).
J.R. Britton et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646 641

National Instruments Corp., Austin, USA), which

sampled the LVDT readings every 10,000 cycles at a
frequency of 100 Hz for 3 s. Once the raw displacements
were logged, a locally weighted robust regression
smoothing procedure (Cleveland and Devlin, 1988) was
performed to remove any random noise. The measured
migrations were used to compute the migration (per-
manent change of position) and inducible displacement
(elastic deflection) of the femoral component head

2.6. Post-fatigue test examination

After the fatigue tests, the implanted femurs were

sectioned in the transverse plane using a diamond blade
saw at three locations along the longitudinal axis of the
femoral component. Each section was embedded in an
epoxy resin, and the surface of interest was then pol-
ished with increasing fine grades of sandpaper and dia-
mond suspensions. The final polish used a diamond
suspension of 1 lm. After this, a red dye penetrant
(J.A.P.e, Johnson and Allen Ltd., Sheffield, UK) was
Fig. 4. Lateral view of implanted proximal femur showing applied applied to the specimens for 24 h in a vacuum chamber.
muscle force directions, note pulley to direct the vastus lateralis force The specimens were then removed, cleaned, dried, and
downwards (migration measurement device removed for clarity). examined under a microscope at 30· magnification to
search for microdamage. Damage was quantified as
follows: a high resolution image of constant magnifica-
The similar structural behaviour of these composite fe- tion and size was taken of each sectioned surface, a grid
mora to human femora has been confirmed by other pattern was laid over the image and the number of grid
researchers (Szivek et al., 1990; Cristofolini et al., 1996). squares in which damage was visible was counted. The
After a seven day curing period, the stems were sinu- damage rate was then found by dividing the number of
soidally loaded with either (a) the loadprofile which damaged squares by the number of cycles.
included muscle forces or (b) the loadprofile without
muscle forces, at a frequency of 5 Hz, for 1 million cy-
cles. Humphreys et al. (1989) found only small temper- 3. Results
ature increases in bone cement during cyclic tests at a
frequency of 6 Hz. The duration of 1 million cycles was All prostheses migrated medially, distally (i.e. sub-
chosen because Maher and Prendergast (2002) found sided), and rotated into a varus position, Fig. 5. Con-
that differences in the migration of two different pros- siderable variation in migration was observed in all tests.
thesis designs were apparent after 1 million cycles of a The heads of three femoral components tested under
fatigue test. muscle loading migrated anteriorly, whereas the heads
of three femoral components tested without muscle
2.5. Migration measurement and calculation loading migrated posteriorly. One femoral component
tested under muscle loading underwent negligible rota-
The migration of the femoral components were tion about the x (medial–lateral) axis or about its lon-
measured using the method described in detail by Maher gitudinal axis (z axis), the other femoral components did
et al. (2001). The operation of the migration measure- experience rotation about both these axes, but not in a
ment device can be briefly described as follows: a target manner that allows differentiation between the loading
device consisting of three spheres mounted on a cruci- with and without muscle loading. Although the time
form structure was rigidly press-fitted to the femoral series behaviour of all measured migrations was highly
component. Six linear variable differential transformers non-linear, the majority of the femoral components
(LVDTs) were in contact with the spheres, and the experienced rapid early migration to approximately
changes in voltages of the LVDTs as the femoral com- 500,000 cycles and, thereafter migrated at steadier rates.
ponent migrated were recorded using a data acquisition Less scatter and lower absolute migration was ob-
card (AT-MIO-16XE-50, National Instruments Corp., served with muscle loading compared to without muscle
Austin, USA) and software package (LabVIEW 5.1, loading, Fig. 6. However P values for mean difference
642 J.R. Britton et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646

Fig. 5. Migration of the tested femoral components.

tests failed to reject the null hypothesis of no difference Some cement mantle cracks were found originating from
in population means. Negligible differences between pores, or from the cement-bone interface. Additionally
steady-state migration rates were detected for muscle signs of debonding were observed, particularly at the
loaded versus non-muscle loaded, where the steady-state mid-stem level. An apparent trend of inverse correlation
migration rate is defined as the slope of the straight line between the resultant translation (i.e. the resultant of the
between absolute migration at 500,000 cycles and at 1 medial, posterior, and distal translation) and damage
million cycles, Table 2. was found, Fig. 8, and this inverse correlation was again
Inducible displacement is the displacement recovered suggested by Fig. 9 for the resultant inducible dis-
when the load is removed (Maher and Prendergast, placement. However the R2 values for the fitted line in
2002). Femoral components tested with muscle loading both graphs were extremely low.
had less inducible displacement at 1 million cycles than
femoral components tested without muscle loading. In
particular the distal inducible displacements appeared to 4. Discussion
be significantly different, Fig. 7.
When the cross-sections of the specimens were ex- In this study a mechanism capable of applying the hip
amined after fatigue loading, damage was observed in joint reaction force and muscle forces simultaneously to
the cement mantle of all specimens. The majority of the the proximal femur over several million cycles of loading
damage consisted of partial cement mantle cracks which was designed and fabricated. It was used to load a
usually originated at the cement-component interface. proximal composite femur implanted with a femoral

Fig. 6. The average and standard deviation migration values of the Lubinus femoral components, with and without muscle loading, after 1 million
cycles. Rotation directions defined as follows: hx ––head translates posteriorly and tip anteriorly, hy ––into valgus (head translates laterally, tip
medially), and hz ––longitudinal rotation (medial face translates posteriorly and lateral face translates anteriorly).
J.R. Britton et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646 643

Table 2
The average (standard deviation) steady-state migration values of the Lubinus femoral components, with and without muscle loading per cycle
Lubinus with Lubinus without One-sided P value for
muscle loading muscle loading mean difference test
Medial translation 0.04 (0.04) nm 0.03 (0.02) nm 0.44
Posterior translation )0.01 (0.04) nm )0.03 (0.03) nm 0.25
Distal translation 0.01 (0.01) nm 0.01 (0.01) nm 0.37
hx rotation )3.6 (12.7) n )11.0 (8.8) n 0.17
hy rotation )11.3 (13.2) n )14.1 (10.6) n 0.36

Fig. 7. The average and standard deviation inducible displacement values of the Lubinus femoral components, with and without muscle loading, at
1 million cycles.

Fig. 8. Plot of resultant translation versus cement mantle damage at 1 million cycles with a straight line fitted.

component; this advances the pre-clinical tests devel- cycles. It was concluded that the inclusion of muscle
oped previously by including muscle forces. In this forces acts to stabilise the prosthesis within the medul-
paper, the device was used to experimentally test whe- lary canal by reducing the bending moments relative to
ther or not muscle loading affects the migration rate and the situation where only the hip joint reaction force acts.
inducible displacement of the implanted femoral com- Regarding the limitations; gait was the only loading
ponent under cyclic loads. Ten Lubinus SPII femoral activity simulated and it was assumed that all the muscle
components were tested, five with applied muscle forces forces were in phase with the joint reaction force. The
and five without. It was found that inclusion of muscle experimental tests were conducted at room temperature
loading slowed the rate of prosthesis migration, and also in air; higher migrations might have been measured if
resulted in lower inducible displacement at 1 million the tests were carried out in physiological environmental
644 J.R. Britton et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646

Fig. 9. Plot of resultant inducible displacement versus cement mantle damage at 1 million cycles with a straight line fitted.

conditions (as the material properties of bone cement that torsion of the femoral components experienced
have been found to decrease with temperature (Lee et al., during stair climbing can significantly exceed experi-
1977)). The design calculations for the experimental mentally determined torsion resistance limits of the
device were carried out in the frontal plane, neglecting femoral component (Bergmann et al., 2001; McCor-
the out-of-plane forces as these were generally small. mack et al., 1999), with the torsion value being 23%
greater during stair climbing than walking.
4.1. Comparison of results with clinical findings
4.2. Differences in results between muscle loaded and non-
One of the reasons for including muscle forces in a muscle loaded implanted proximal femurs
pre-clinical test was because the rates of migration
found without them (as reported in Maher and Pren- Although there is a definite trend for reduced mi-
dergast, 2002) were found to be different than those gration when muscle loading is applied, a statistically
observed clinically. In the clinical studies of K€ arrholm significant result was not found. Specific trends found
et al. (2000), the subsidence (i.e. distal migration) of were:
Lubinus SPII femoral components relative to the femur
was, after a period of two years, approximately 50 lm. i(i) the femoral components tested with muscle loading
This is of similar magnitude to the distal migration had lower mean migration at 1 million cycles than
measured in these experimental tests, even more so when the femoral components tested without muscle load-
the number of gait cycles per year of a typical person is ing
considered, a figure which ranges from approximately 1 (ii) both sets of femoral components had similar steady-
million cycles per annum (Zahiri et al., 1998) to in excess state migration rates at 1 million cycles.
of 3 million cycles per annum (Morlock et al., 2001).
Indeed if the measured mean distal migration was ex- Therefore the differences in migration result from the
trapolated to 6 million cycles, using the steady-state rate different rates of the early, more rapid migration mea-
of migration value from Table 2, it was found that the sured in our tests. The measured migration time series
extrapolated value was 66 lm for the femoral compo- curves resemble dynamic creep curves of polymethly-
nents tested under muscle loading, and 70 lm for the methacrylate (bone cement) as determined by Verdons-
femoral components tested without muscle loading. chot and Huiskes (1994). There is an initial phase of
K€arrholm et al. (2000) also observed rotations of the rapid increase followed by gentler, more steady-state
femoral components of median ranges 0.1–0.5 posterior behaviour, implying it is possible that the migration
(corresponds to hx ), 0.2–0.7 valgus (corresponds to hy ), curves are caused by creep, with the femoral compo-
and 0.0–0.2 retroversion (corresponds to hz ). These nents tested with muscle loading experiencing less pri-
clinically observed rotations are an order of magnitude mary creep as a result of the reduction of bending
greater than the rotations measured in this study. A moments, and hence stresses in the cement mantle.
possible reason for this may be due to the exclusion of It was found that the femoral components tested with
loads due to activities other than normal gait in the muscle loading had lower mean inducible displacements
experimental tests. There is strong evidence to suggest than those tested without muscle loading, furthermore
J.R. Britton et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 637–646 645

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