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Module 5

Figure 1. Factors Affecting Climate

Photo By: Tausig Gaurav in Slide Serve

Most Essential Learning Competencies

⚫Explain how different factors affect climate of an area (S9ES-IIIe-29)

Expectations To the Learner

The self-learning module is designed to provide students like you with
knowledge and understanding on different lessons in Science 9. It allows you to learn
in your own space and pace. Below are the simple steps to follow in using this module:
1. Read the instructions carefully.
2. Take the pre-test before reading the rest of the module.
3. Answer all activities and use the concept discussed in each lesson to explain
the results of activities.
4. Take the post-test and accomplish the reflection.
5. Affix your signature and your parent’s signature at the last page of the module.
The Writer

Welcome to Module Legend! I am Vale. I

will guide you in this module, Hot N’ Cold:
Factors Affecting Climate. Are you ready to
experience the climates with me? But
first, you need to read the expectations

After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Differentiate climate from weather.
2. Describe the factors that affect climate;
a. explain how altitude and land topography affects climate,
b. explain how ocean surface and circulation directly affect the pattern of
climate around the world, and
c. enumerate and explain how different factors affect climate of an area.

Now that you learn about the

expectations, you will know how to
learn and what to learn on this
module. Use this as your guide.
throughout the learning process.
DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
____1. Which of this best described climate?
a. consists of long-term changes in the atmosphere
b. consists of short-term changes in the atmosphere.
c. depends on the location.
d. depends on the distance on the equator.
____2. Factors that affect climate are the following EXCEPT:
a. distance from the equator c. surface area
b. proximity (closeness) to large body of water d. ocean and wind currents
____3. As you go to the top of a mountain, what happens to temperature?
a. Nothing c. It increases.
b. It decreases. d. It goes up and down.
____4. Why does the windward side of the mountain have a wet climate?
a. rising air compresses and cools, causing the water droplets to evaporate.
b. rising air compresses and cools, causing the water droplets to condense.
c. rising air expands and cools, causing the water vapor to condense.
d. rising air expands and warms, causing the water droplets to evaporate.
____5. What factors greatly affect the climate if you live near the Manila Bay?
I. Altitude III. proximity to large body of water
II. latitude IV. topography
a. I and II c. I and III
b. III and IV d. II and IV

Looking Back
In previous years, you have been presented with bits of different knowledge about
weather and climate and how weather affects your day-to-day activities. You also learn
about the different factors that affect weather. These factors may also affect climate on
certain area. This simple activity will help you recall those concepts.


DIRECTIONS: Fill in the correct letters to complete the anagram of the word given.
Then, write the word/s that describe each given below.


__ L I __ ATE W __ ATH __ R A __ __ __ TUDE


T __ POG __ AP __ Y CORIOLIS __ FF__ __ __

______________1. An overall atmosphere condition of a place for a long period of time.

______________2. A day-to-day condition of the atmosphere.
______________3. A distance usually in the vertical or "up" direction.
______________4. Shape and feature of land surfaces.
______________5. Deflects the ocean currents.

Brief Introduction

In the Philippines, you know you cannot grow an apple in your

backyard. Apples are winter fruits that mainly grow in other countries with
relatively cool climates and locations far away from the equator. It may not be
obvious that a cabbage grows in Baguio City but not in Caloocan City because
it needs plenty of water and a cold rest period. They will not survive in very
hot temperature because they cannot tolerate the months of very hot weather.
Apples and cabbages, like other plants and animals, vary in their adaptations
to temperature, rainfall, and other environmental conditions.
In the atmosphere, several environmental factors combine to produce
weather and climate. Weather is the day-to-day condition of Earth’s
atmosphere at a particular time and place. Climate on the other hand, refers
to the overall weather conditions over long period of time. Variation in climate
is caused by the interplay of many factors, including the amount of solar
energy received from the sun depending on the latitude, the transport of heat
by winds and ocean currents, distance from bodies of water, and the amount
of precipitation that results. The shape and elevation of land masses also
contribute to global climate patterns.

Perform the next activity to learn about the first factor that affects climate.

Activity 1 “When the Sun’s Rays Strike”
Explain how latitude affects climate.

DIRECTIONS: Study the pictures below and read the descriptions to answer the
guide questions.






Photo by: MA. RACHEL B. ESPINO, Fig. 2: Important Lines of Latitude
Polar climate– cold areas Temperate climate – climate Tropical climate – it is
or regions when the sun’s ranges from hot to cold, near the equator, the
rays strike Earth at a very depending on the season (winter, climate here is always
long angle. spring, summer, and fall). warm.

1. Which part of the earth receives most of the sun’s rays? _________________________
2. What is the climate of the area between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of
Capricorn? _____________________________________________________________________
3. Why are the coldest places on earth found near the polar regions?
4. Why are places with high temperature found at the equator?
5. Does the tilt of Earth's axis of rotation influence climate? Explain why.

Because Earth is a sphere that is titled on its axis, solar radiation strikes
different parts of Earth’s surface at an angle that varies throughout the year. At
the equator, the sun is almost directly overhead at noon all year. At the North
and South poles, however, the sun is much lower in the sky for months.
Therefore, when the place is closer to the equator, the air temperature is
higher. This is because the earth’s rounded surface (curvature) causes the sun’s
energy to be spread out over larger areas towards the poles.

Do you think the altitude of the place might affect the climate? How does the
altitude affect climate? Do the next activities to guide you.
Activity 2.1 “The Higher You Are, the Colder You Feel”
OBJECTIVE: Explain how altitude affects climate.
MATERIALS: pencil or ballpen and ruler
Study Table 1.1 below. The table shows the variation in elevation and average
temperature of different cities in the Philippines.
Name of Place Elevation above Sea level Annual Average Temperature
(m) (˚C)
Bacolod 10 27.1
Baguio 1400 19.3
Laoag 20 26.7
Manila 10 29.3
Tacloban 20 27.1
Tagaytay 640 24.0
Zamboanga 30 27.6 of October 2020)

Construct a scatter graph using the data above. Use the graph below as an
example. Write your answer on the separate sheet of paper.

1. What place is the coldest? Hottest? _______________________________________
2. Based on the data, what is the relationship between altitude and
temperature of a place? __________________________________________________
3. Why is it colder at region with higher elevation? ___________________________

Activity 2.2 “Give Me Rain and I Give You Dry Air”

Explain how land topography affects climate.
The following statements below explain how topography affects the climate of a
certain area. Place numbers (1-4) in the correct sequence of events then
answer the guide questions that follow.


Fig.3: Windward vs. Leeward

______a. The cold air mass starts to absorb heat and becomes warm and dry
resulting to less precipitation on the area.
______b. As the warm air moves up, the water vapor condenses and forms clouds
resulting to precipitation.
______c. The ocean wind is blocked by the mountain, forcing it to move upward.
______d. The leeward side of the mountain becomes dry and it is called rain
shadow wherein vegetation in this region includes desert and grassland.
1. What happens to water vapor as it rises over the mountain?
2. Which side of the mountain experiences low temperature? High temperature?
3. The other side of the mountain is called region of rain shadow, what kind of
air is blowing on the land? __________________________________________________
4. How does topography affect climate? ________________________________________

Baguio City is considered the "Summer Capital of the Philippines” due

to its cool mountain weather because of its altitude. Hence, the higher the
altitude, the colder the temperature.
Likewise, mountains in Sierra Madre Mountain Range affect the weather
because they direct air currents. For example, air is forced to rise over
mountains. Warm and moist air will cool as it rises, and then the clouds release
the water, causing precipitation like rain. Therefore, one side of a mountain
range - nearer the ocean - often gets more rain on the so-called Windward
side. While on the other side of the mountain – the side farther from the ocean
– often does not get rain but dry air in the region called Leeward side. Thus,
altitude and topography can affect climate?

When the sun’s rays strike at different regions, ocean water absorbs heat
resulting to different temperature of ocean currents. How does the temperature of ocean
current affect the wind temperature that also affects climate? Perform the next activity
to learn more about it.

Activity 3 “No one has the power to control the

climate, except for wind and ocean currents!”
OBJECTIVE: Explain how ocean surface and circulation directly affect the pattern of
climate around the world.
MATERIALS: blue and red colored pencils or any markers
PROCEDURE: Refer on the figures below.

Fig.4: Map of Climate Zones

Fig.5: Map of Ocean currents

Trace the blank World Map of Average Ocean currents below using markers.
Use red marker for solid lines and blue for broken lines.

Fig.6: World Map of Ave. Ocean Currents

The red lines (solid lines) are warm currents while blue lines (dashed lines) are
cold currents.
1. What are the different ocean currents that carry warm water?
2. What are the different ocean currents that carry cold water?
3. Describe the direction of global winds from the equator and poles.
______________________________________________________________________________ 5
4. Why do coastal areas have cooler climate than inland areas?
5. How do ocean currents affect climate?

The Coriolis effect is the perceived change in the direction of the

currents caused by Earth's rotation. The wind was moving due to uneven
heating of the ocean current that carries warm or cold water which change the
directions of wind.
The distance from bodies of water may also affect the climate of a
place. Coastal areas are cooler and wetter than inland areas. Since land
surfaces heat and cool faster than water surfaces, land regions experience
hotter summers and colder winters compared to sea regions in the same
latitude. Clouds form when warm air from inland areas meets cool air from the

Remember, because of the Coriolis effect, winds in the Northern
Hemisphere curve to the right while winds in the Southern Hemisphere curve
to the left from the direction that the wind was moving, and the presence of
land masses and bodies of water affect the climate of a place.

You learned that continents and other landmasses affect winds and ocean
currents as well as the curved paths of some ocean currents and winds are the results
of earth’s rotation. On your final activity, you will enumerate the factors that affect
climate and explain how these different factors control the climate of an area.

Activity 4 The “X” Factor

OBJECTIVE: Enumerate and explain how different factors affect climate of an area.
Write the factor being described on the second column and tell its influence on
climate on the third column.
Picture Factors Affecting Climate Influence on Climate

1. Gives the location of place ________________________

on earth, north or south of ________________________
the border. ________________________
_____________________________ ________________________

2. Patterns of water movement ________________________

that influence climate zones. ________________________
_____________________________ ________________________

3. Shape and feature of land ________________________

surface that gives ________________________
precipitation and dry air. ________________________
_____________________________ ________________________

4. A height or elevation of an ________________________

area. ________________________
_____________________________ ________________________

Check Your Understanding

DIRECTIONS: Underline the correct word item that completes the statements.
1. (Climate, Weather) is an overall atmospheric condition of a place of 30 years
and more while (Climate, Weather) is a condition for a short period of time.
2. (Climate, Weather) is influenced by latitude, altitude, ocean current, and
3. The (higher, lower) the altitude, the (colder, warmer) the climate.
4. (Windward, Leeward) area of the mountain forms precipitation while (Windward,
Leeward) gives dry air and warm weather.
5. Ocean currents bring (cold, warm) water and rain from the equator to the
poles and (cold, warm) water from the poles toward the equator.

Always keep in mind…the ALTO!

A – altitude
L – latitude
T – topography and
O – ocean currents

1. Climate is the overall condition of a place for 30 years or more while weather is an
atmospheric condition for a short period of time.
2. Climate is influenced by latitude, altitude, distance from bodies of water, ocean
currents, and topography.
3. Air temperature decreases when altitude increases. Thus, the higher the elevation,
the lower its temperature.
4. Bodies of water help regulate the climate of a certain area.
5. Mountain ranges affect the formation of precipitation.
6. Ocean currents will either cool or warm the air above them.
7. Cold currents bring cold water while warm currents take along warm water.
8. Coriolis Effect deflects the ocean currents due to earth’s rotation.

Post test
DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
____1. In the atmosphere, the main difference between weather and climate is _______.
a. climate is a long-term change while weather is a short-term only.
b. weather is a long-term change while climate is a short-term only.
c. climate depends on the location while weather depends on the surface area.
d. weather depends on the location while climate depends on the surface area.
____2. Factors that affect climate are the following EXCEPT:
a. distance from the equator
b. proximity (closeness) to large body of water
c. surface area
d. ocean and wind currents
____3. As you go to the down of a mountain, what happens to temperature?
a. Nothing changes c. It increases.
b. It decreases. d. It goes up and down.
____4. Why does the leeward side of the mountain have warm and dry climate?
a. already-dry air descends, it warms and expands.
b. already-dry air descends, it warms and condenses.
c. already-dry air ascends, it warms and expands.
d. already-dry air ascends, it warms and condenses.
____5. What factor greatly affects the climate in Tagaytay, Cavite?
a. Altitude c. proximity to large body of water
b. latitude d. topography

Write a reflective learning about this topic on the space provided below. Use
the following phrases to complete your reflection:

1) importance of learning about factors affecting the climate,

2) applied learnings gained in this module, and
3) the difference between climate and weather.


Ocean currents

_______________ Latitude ________________

_______________ Topography ________________
_______________ ________________

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

You have done a great job

in finishing the module.

1. Alvarez, L. et al., (2014). DepEd Material: Science 9 Learner’s Module pp. 182-195
2. Miller, K., & Levine, J. (2002nd Edition). Prentince Hall Biology. (Student Ed.). pp. 206-211
3. Expert Guides Tutorial Services College and University Entrance Exam Review. (2010).
Science and Languages Module pp. 38
4. Wiley, J. (2021). Article: Going with the Flow in Geography: Ocean Currents. Trademark by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Internet Websites:
5. Espino, Ma. R. (2014) Climate: Grade 9 Module 3. (Teacher’s Guide to Discussion). Sorsogon City, Phil.
f13835453856&v=&b=&from_search=2-(Ocean current picture and when sun’s rays strike)
6. Wiley, J. (2021). Article: Going with the Flow in Geography: Ocean Currents. Trademark by John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
7. Unit: What Factors Affecting Climate in Canada (Student). (2013-2021).
8. Factors that Influence Climate –L.O.W.E.R.N. (2013-2021).
9. Retrieved from

Illustrator: Annarose R. Anastacio


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