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 Please, take the time to read through this document to familiarise yourself with the platform.
 Below you will see images the agent chat interface.
 You will be taken to the live site as part of your training.

After logging in and whilst waiting for a session to come through, the image above will be on your screen.

When a session does come through, your screen will look like the image above. Operator (you) on the right and the Client on the
left side. The empty text box in the middle is where you will write your reply. You are replying to the message with the DARK
BLUE CIRCLE next to it on the left. This is the most recent from the client (oldest message at the bottom) Once written click

When you click on the ‘’SHOW ALL FIELDS’’ buttons, this will open up your screen and show you the ‘’NOTES’’ that
have been left about the Client on the left and the operator on the right. You can’t write in there as they are greyed

However, in the ‘’OTHER INFORMATION’’ field you will see basic info about the profile and client - BEFORE you write
your reply and before your click SEND MESSAGE you must add any notes here – beneath ‘’OTHERS’’.

You must also READ the notes before asking the client questions – it’s bad practice to ask questions that have
already been asked and causes the client to think that the Operator profile is not paying attention to him.

The SEND MESSAGE button will only be operational after 75 characters or more have been written in your reply.

REACTIVATION MESSAGE - Bitte User Reaktivieren! - A system prompt to get a client who hasn't spoken for 24
hours or more back to the service [Bitte User Reaktivieren!] Respond to this accordingly - if it has been a few days
then tailor your message to suit this. Ask things like what is keeping him so busy or keeping him away from you - it's
ok to make it fun :) Tell him you’ve missed him – you urgently need to speak – ask questions etc…
Alongside the messages sent you will see colour coded identifiers as shown in the legend above.

These will help you identify the type of message that you are responding too. Please read all replies/automated messages very carefully and be
sure to tailor your reply to their content each time – all messages MUST be original. NEVER Copy & Paste. NEVER duplicate your messages and
be sure to stay in context every time. As explained in your contract – all messages must be original and unique and individual otherwise you
will be removed from the project.

The Panic Room button must ONLY be used under very strict circumstances.

1. The client clearly states that they are underage (under 18) Do not engage in conversation and send straight to the room.

2. The client is talking about illegal activities (e.g. children, animals. rape, drugs, incest – never engage in father / daughter or mother / son
roleplay etc..)

3. The client is talking about suicide and has the means to do it there and then.. If he says ‘’ he feels down’’ or ‘’feels depressed’’ we do not
send him to the panic room. ONLY if he states he has the means / method to carry it out.

Don't worry, these things do not happen often, but I need to make you aware but never engage in Conversation with them – please send the
session straight to the Panic Room to be handled by your Team Leaders.

Do not use the panic room just to get rid of sessions.

When you click on the STATS button you will see the messages sent for the current month and the previous month under SMS – these are the
messages that you will be paid for. The payment period is from the 1 st of the Month through to the last day of the month inclusive.

You also have an optional audio alert which is useful in letting you know when a message comes through to you. You will be working multiple
platforms so it is ideal to have this on so you hear it.

whilst booking your shifts, please email us detailing exactly which shift you need removing with day/date/time zone. If you discover you
cannot attend a shift please use the shift swap function – this requires 2 or 3 days notice to allow another agent to pick up the shift

When the messages queues are over 150 across all platform combined you may help out – we call this freestyling - but please log out when the
numbers fall below 150

• Payment is monthly and usually within the first 10 business days of the month. Please do not contact me asking where you payment is until
after the 10th business day of the month. Be sure that I have your correct payment details.

• Please keep in contact with me about any emergencies. If you are unwell and really cannot work a shift please give as much notice as
possible. Please send me a message regarding any issues as soon as you know.


You are only allowed to contact me regarding work only on We-chat.

The major 10.

Rule 1: Explicit Chat AFTER 10 messages & Meetings

If the client starts explicit chat immediately, then you must steer him away from that – tell him you’d like to get to know him better and there
is more to you thank just sex etc… Also – later in the conversation, the client must start explicit chat and NEVER YOU. We never agree to meet
with the client or tell him we will meet at a later date!

Rule 2: Original and Unique Messages

Please read all replies/automated messages very carefully and be sure to tailor your reply to their content each time – all messages MUST be
original. NEVER Copy & Paste. NEVER duplicate your messages and be sure to stay in context every time. As explained in your contract – all
messages must be original and unique and individual otherwise you will be removed from the project.

Rule 3: Forbidden sexual practices and fantasies

As soon as the customer expresses a clear desire for prohibited sexual practices or sexual fantasies in the areas of child pornography/pedo-
sexuality, incest (sex with siblings or relatives), zoophilia/sodomy (sex with animals), the chat process has to stop immediately. Please send the
session to the Panic Room as you read before.

Rule 4: Racist Thoughts

As soon as the customer expresses racist ideas (right-wing or left-wing radicalism, extremist) he is to be pointed out to refrain from doing so.
Should he nevertheless still make statements in this direction, use the panic room.

Rule 5: Intentions to MEET

Never make any concrete intentions or suggestions of meeting the client. If the customer explicitly asks for a meeting, this must not be
answered with an intention of meeting on the part of the operator. Always go about it that you are not ready, want to know him better etc…
Don’t say things like ‘’there are too many rapists and murderers out there – that will put him off.’’

Rule 6: Customer Phone Numbers / Email Addresses

From time to time a client will give you his number / email address – NEVER tell the client that you can’t see it or it is censored – always thank
him and tell him you’ll keep it safe till you are ‘’ready’’ – if he hasn’t given you his name, now is a good time to ask for his name so you can
‘’store it safely with his number’’

Rule 7: External Services

It is prohibited to inform customers of other (chat) platforms and/or communication channels (instant messaging etc.) which are not operated
by this platform owners. NEVER agree to speak to him on whatsapp, ring him when you are free etc…

Rule 8: Sharing and use of customer information

It is strictly forbidden to pass on any customer information (phone numbers, email, personal data etc.) received through the chat conversation
to third parties and/or to use it for own purposes.

Rule 9: Dealing with the customer

Every customer is to be treated with respect and courtesy. He takes advantage of a chargeable service, which should be provided to his
complete satisfaction. Each operator strives to maintain the chat for as long as possible through his or her trained communication skills. Never
be offensive or unkind to the client – but at the same time ‘’keep it real’’ etc..

Rule 10: Identity transparency for customers

If the customer explicitly asks for the identity of the operator or explicitly questions the identity of the chat profile, the customer should be
referred to the platforms rules which he agreed to when he signed up and you refer to the service as a moderated chat service. (Reference to
Chat & Platform Conditions online)

Rule 11: Quality assurance

The operator strives to maintain a high level of chat quality. This includes continuous monitoring of the used operators to increase
performance as well as internal trainings to improve the communication skills of the operators. Always ask questions in your replies and be
sure to refer to ALL the points raised in the client messages. Good grammar, good punctuation, good capitalisation, and NO text speak.
Rule 12. Common Sense.

Please use common sense when assigning the Op Profile things like Profession and Number of kids etc.. If she is 20 years old she is NOT going
to be a lawyer/solicitor at that age. She is unlikely to have 5 kids aged 12 etc.. Always log these details in the notes.

Rule 13. Message Length / Quality

Always answer all the client questions and log in the notes things he has chosen to share about himself. If the client writes a long message to
you then you should write a long quality message in return – answering all his points raised. All messages should be longer than 75 characters
before using emojis.

Rule 14. Check For Errors

Always check for errors before you send. Have you logged notes? Do you have his name correct? All punctuation and spelling correct? Quality
is essential as always.

Rule 15. Explicit Chat.

If you take over a session and it is in the throws of Sexual Activity DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT with a random reply – keep the conversation
flowing and keep the client engaged.

Rule 16. Scam Chat

Please do not say things like ‘’I’ve been scammed here in the past’’ in an attempt to make it sound more realistic – it doesn’t – please avoid this

Rule 17. Age Of The Client

Be aware of the age of the client and the profile he is chatting with. A 89 year old woman wouldn’t necessarily use lol etc.. as a younger person
would. She may not be as tech savvy as a younger person either.

Rule 18. Account Security

Never allow anyone to work on your shift. Any details from the account remains confidential.

Trigger Message Help

The purpose of these messages is to get the client to start chatting – to get their attention so that they will chat and spend and
strike up a, hopefully, lengthy conversation. They can be tricky to get out of until you have more experience. You will recognise
these as the initial message sent to a client as (AUTO) in some cases

Some things to look at when dealing with these examples of Triggers that have been used on

1. When was the trigger sent? It could be the trigger was sent through the night to the client – in which case you could
say ‘’I sent that at 3am when I was home alone and in bed and needing someone to amuse me 😉 Now I am on my way
to work ☹ Why didn’t you get back to sooner? By the way I am (name) – what’s your name handsome and where
abouts are you? By replying like this you not only get out of the situation but you are asking questions and his replies
can be added to the notes. Or sent days before and the client has only just read it – so tailor your response accordingly.
2. When the trigger is offering sex? It might say ‘’My husband is away on business on the weekend and the kids are at
their grandparents and I am here and looking to make the most of the situation and have as much fun as I can.’’ When
it gets closer to the trigger’s ‘’time’’ for sex – you could say ‘’ The kids are ill and not going away now’’ or ‘’His business
trip was cancelled and I can’t get away’’
3. The profile is offering up her virginity because all her friends have lost it. When the client responds to this you can ask
to be reassured that you are in good hands. You want your first experience to be memorable for the ‘’correct’’ reasons
– ask him if he done this before and to tell you about his exploits ‘’in the field’’ as it were – a delay tactic which will
encourage him to talk more.
4. Offering sex within a small time frame – ‘’I’ve got an hour before he gets home and I’ve got to have you NOW’’ –
sometimes the client will be too far away to make it in an hour – so ask him where abouts he lives and then you can
keep him chatting – don’t give him an alternative date though – make excuses like – my husband/boyfriend is on annual
leave now so it’s impossible and keep the chat going by finding out what excites him etc..
Our (iDates) platform posts Trigger and Automated messages that are a lot more
‘’tame’’ than the other site. Very often asking for phone numbers and alternate methods of contact and can be easier to slip out
of. These examples can be used on also.

1. ‘’It’s so expensive on here – do you have WhatsApp? ‘’ The client will jump at this chance to get of the platform and
save money – you can always explain that ‘’you didn’t mean right now and that you still want to establish that you are a
good match first’’ tell the client things about the profile and log them in the notes too.
2. The client writes to you first suggesting phone numbers etc.. again – always go about it that you are not ready and for
example came here to find the right man and not make the mistakes like you have in the past being drunk in the pub
etc ..
3. The client says ‘’Hey I’m in your area right now for a few hours – want to meet up?’’ You can say you are somewhere
else and ask him where is he actually from and then choose somewhere that is not too far away and not too close –
remember – don’t choose somewhere that will take 5 hours to travel to – he may not want that and it could kill the
convo – not too close either – you don’t want to be in the same village with 100 inhabitants either 😊 This applies to all
platforms and put it in the NOTES!

I am sure lots of you have come up with ingenious and inventive ideas in the past and I would love to hear them from you and
likewise if you see a colleague who has written something that has inspired you too then let me know – send me the message
and the Op ID and I can thank them on your behalf.

Also if you see something that you cannot get out of get in touch and I will help you. Message me on we chat. I hope this helps
you. John.
1 Tips to improve the quality of your messages (for all operators) Your tasks as an operator: As an operator you are
responsible for replying to messages on our platforms. You have two main goals when it comes to replying to
messages: 1. Reply to as many messages as you can and 2. You also need to ensure that you get replies - that’s why
message quality is crucial. Good quality messages? Earn more! When you get a good conversation going with a client
our system re-routes new messages from this client back to you. This means that you can work faster and respond
more quickly, because you don’t need to read back through the conversation each time and ultimately we achieve
better continuity. You can earn more money when your messages are good quality. How can you improve your
message quality? When you receive a message, you have one clear goal: write a message which will get a reply from
the client. Therefore - make sure the client has a good reason to write back! Below you will find some tips on how to
encourage a reply:

1. Show interest in the client and use their profile information Show that you really want to chat with the client and
that you want to keep in touch with them. After all, you DO want to chat with them because that’s how you make
money! Ask lots of questions and use the client’s profile information to make sure the questions are appropriate. Do
not ask questions you already know the answer to. For example: The client has entered London as his place of
residence in his profile description Good question: So what would you show me in London? Do you like living in
London? Bad question: Where are you from? For example: The client has a profile picture showing a well-toned
chest Good question: How did you get a body like that? Do you play a lot of sports? Do you have more photos? Bad
question: What do you think about my photos

2. The ‘last 10’ rule Most of the time you will start chatting after the conversation has already started. You need to
continue the conversation in a way which makes sense. As a rule of thumb: read the last ten messages
sent/received, as well as the last 10 notes saved in the logbook. That way you will avoid asking the same question
again, and the conversation will flow better.

3. Make GOOD conversation If a client tells you what they like in the bedroom it is not appropriate to ignore this and
ask them about their hobbies. The client would not be interested in chatting about their hobbies after they’ve shared
their sexual desires with you! Similarly, if the client is telling you about their job, it wouldn’t be appropriate for you
to suddenly start talking about your favourite film. This is straight-forward – conversations should flow just like they
would if you were talking to a friend in person or via text/social media! 2

4. Ask original questions Ask questions which fit the conversation, for example: Client message: You’re so sexy. I get
so turned on every time I look at your profile pic x Good question: What if I was standing in front of your door right
now, what would you do to me? Bad question: What are your hobbies? What did you have to eat today? Did you
have a nice day at work?

5. Write personalised and tailored messages If the client has the name Peter1980, don’t ask him for his name, but
call him Peter. Good question: Hey Peter, did you sleep well? Bad question: Hey, what is your name?

6. Use names and pet-names Use client and operator profile names to personalise your messages. You can then start
using pet-names e.g. ‘baby, hun, sweetie’ after you have been chatting for a short while, once both you and the
client feel comfortable with it.

7. Use pictures! It is possible for clients to send you photos. When a client sends a photo you must open it. If a client
takes the time to send a photo they are probably proud of it and want you to see it, otherwise they would not send
it! Therefore, reply positively and enthusiastically and give compliments! As an operator you can also send photos of
the player profile. This is a very powerful tool for keeping the conversation going…but don’t send all of the photos at
once! Use them to tease and excite after you have been chatting to the client for a while, building up from the least
to the most explicit photo. Good moment to send a picture: If the client asks for a photo or if the client is questioning
whether the profile is fake Bad moment to send a picture: At the start of conversations and/or without any

8. Reply to questions in detail When a client writes a long message, they expect you to write a long message in
return. The most important thing is that you respond in a detailed and appropriate way to all questions or
comments. If the client gives you a compliment or they express their feelings, pay attention to it. Often clients can
become frustrated if you ignore these things – they might complain that you are not ‘listening to them’. If you
carefully take notice of what the client is saying, your job is much easier!

9. Use smileys, kisses and punctuation to animate your messages Typing smileys/emojis such as winky faces and
smiley faces can work wonders to make your messages pop. Punctuation such as exclamation marks, question
marks, full-stops and commas are also important. You may also end your messages with kisses (xxxx). Never leave
messages blank at the end of finish them with a full-stop because it looks abrupt.

10. Play a role…you are an actor As an operator you are a digital actor playing the role of the player profile.
Whatever the operator profile, always remain fun and flirty, and have fun!

Correct Grammar and Spelling etc…

Lately, the grammar on the platforms has started to slip with things like USA spelling being used etc. I’ve
compiled a few examples below for us all to refer to when we are unsure. When you were hired you were
asked if your written English was on par with a native speaker and you all said yes. However – it appears to
be far from the truth with many of you. I know this does not apply to everyone and thank you to those of
you who take the time to check your messages.
Example 1.
‘’What makes you so busy today?’’
‘’I haven’t heard from you in a day or two, what has been keeping you busy and away from me?’’
Example 2.
‘’Did you take your breakfast already?’’
‘’Have you been out of bed long enough to have made your breakfast yet?’’
Example 3.
‘’And where will you change your mind?’’
‘’What can I do to help you change your mind?’’ or ‘’When do you think you will reconsider this?’’
Example 4.
‘’You are too decided on your actions’’
‘’Are you sure this is what you want?’’ or ‘’ Could you perhaps be more flexible and understanding?’’
Example 5.
‘’Well, I do only had one sister’’
‘’I only have the one sister thank you for asking, and you? Any siblings?’’

To, Too, Two

What’s the difference between to, too, and two? It’s not too difficult to use them, once you take the
time to learn what they mean – and do some practicing, too.


To has two functions. First, as a preposition, in which case it always precedes a noun.

I’m going to the store

He went to Italy

This belongs to David

Secondly, to indicates an infinitive when it precedes a verb.

I need to study

We want to help

He’s going to eat


Too also has two uses. First, as a synonym for "also":

Can I go too?

He went to France too

I think that’s Paul’s book too

Secondly, too means excessively when it precedes an adjective or adverb.

I’m too tired

He’s walking too quickly

I ate too much


Two is a number.

One, two, three…

I have two cars

She ate two pieces of pie

Their, There, They’re

Their is the third person plural possessive adjective, used to describe something as belong to them.
Their is nearly always followed by a noun.

Where is their car?

Are these their pens?

Their books are on the table.

This is their room and this is ours.

What happened to their dog?

Their being here is causing some problems.

There has several different uses.

1. Adverb that means the opposite of "here"

He’s over there.

Stop right there.

Do you want to sit here or there?

2. Pronoun that introduces a noun or clause.

There is something strange going on.

Is there a phone?
3. Adjective that emphasizes which person.

That guy there seems to be in trouble.

Those there look good.

4. Noun that means "that place."

From there, we drove to Boston.

I’m not going in there.

They’re is the contraction of "they are".

They’re going to be late.

Is that what they’re saying?

I think they’re lying.

If they’re ready, we can go.

I can’t believe they’re not here yet!

When they’re older, they’ll understand.

Your vs You’re
Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you.
Your is always followed by a noun or gerund.

What is your name?

Is this your pen?

Your book is on the table.

This is your chair and this is mine.

What happened to your dog?

This is your best work ever!

Your being here is causing some problems.

I didn’t know your working late would be so difficult.

Your cooking is the best!

You’re is the contraction of "you are" and can be followed by a present participle, noun, or adjective.

You’re going to be late.

Is that what you’re wearing?

I think you’re lying.

If you’re ready, we can go.

I can’t believe you’re a doctor!

When you’re my age, you’ll understand.

While you’re at it, change the other lightbulb in the kitchen.

You’re welcome.

You’re the best!

I am and am
The correct grammar is I am there is no such like ‘am’ while referring to yourself
UK vs USA Spelling Differences
This site will assist you – you can also set your keyboards to UK English as this will highlight any
errors that you have accidentally written in your message and allow you to correct them.

Making brief notes helps with the realism of the chat. It prolongs the life of the session. It shows the client that the ‘’profile’’ he
is chatting with is interested in him and is paying attention. And it is part of your role with the company.

Also – not reading the notes before you reply is just as bad. Be sure you are aware of who you are chatting with – many clients
have more than one profile and use the same photo – just because he says ‘’he’s into pegging’’ on one profile doesn’t mean to
say he’s told the same FSP (Favourite Sexual Position) on another.

Likewise, anything we tell the client about the profile needs to be logged too. Overtime, the Profile and Client ‘’grow’’ rather
than just being 2 pictures on a webpage. We MUST make Notes.

1. Start Date – always log the start date of the session in the DESCRIPTION field in WORDS ‘’CS 30 th April 2019’’ This helps
to make a clear to everyone who works that session. Anything else that pertains to her can go in there too. Always
write the newest note at the TOP of the stack. Eye colour, one ear bigger than the other, one boob bigger than the
other etc..
2. Names – always a great place to start when chatting with some one new. Tell him the Profile name and Log it and also
log his name after you have asked him.
3. Age – this is usually filled in already for you. Be mindful of the Profile Age when assigning her employment – saying how
many children she has etc.. An 18 Year Old Girl is NOT going to be a Doctor or Lawyer etc.. and could still be at
university or working in retail etc… Office temp, tanning salon, Nail Specialist etc.. make her girly and feminine ( I don’t
mean to sound sexist or assign gender specific roles here) But you know what I mean.
4. City – this is usually filled in for you too. You can always change that if an error has been made and she is too far away
from him. ‘’I’m in the process of moving’’ or ‘’my ex is so violent I can’t put my real location on here’’ – anything you tell
him – make a note.
5. Other Information – Anything you tell the client about her life can go in there – divorced 5 times / been stalked 3
times / likes Tomato Ketchup on EVERYTHING etc..

Make her appear Human and Real is key here – don’t just tell the client one thing and not log it – that’s no good and that is not
you doing your job as you have been trained to do.

Example. ‘’David, there is this man that I have seen following me about for days. He is everywhere I go. Today, he stopped me in
the shop and complimented me, but then squeezed my bum! I am so lucky I had witnesses as they called the police and I’ve filed
a sexual assault charge on him’’

Great excuse given by the agent for not being ready to meet – but nothing was logged in the notes. You MUST use the notes.
This way other agents will be aware.

I’m visiting my mum, my sisters are here, the girls have just turned up unexpectedly with wine, my boss is being a bastard and
making me work late, I slipped out the shower and now I think my ankle might be broken, I’m so stressed over my neighbours – I
swear he is spying on me, I love Himalayan Salt Lamps and I have 8 of them all over the house, I live in a flat, I have 2 bedrooms, I
live in a small bedsit, I live with my parents, my parents are away this weekend and I have the girls over.

These are all examples of things large and small that you need to log in the notes.
Using The Search Function In Your Web Browser On The Chat Platforms

Pressing CTRL & F together will open a search box in your browser.

Sometimes it will be at the top of page – other times, depending on your browser it will be at the bottom.

This function is particularly useful when looking for information in a session that

(a) has been going on a long time or

(b) to check if the question has maybe been asked before and not logged in the notes.

This function does NOT replace the need to leave notes in your session.

In the screen shot below I chose to search for the word ‘’strawberry’’ and as you can see it found 4 results – pressing
enter will take you to each part of the conversation this was discussed.

You could search for anything pertaining to the client or the operator – be sure to update the notes if you find
anything that has not been logged also.

Reactivation Messages.
As an operator with Cloudworkers, your role is to do your very best to ensure that the client replies to us. When the
client replies, then we have to reply too – it’s a win, win all round I am sure you agree.

When the client has not replied for 24 hours or more, a ‘’Reactivation Message’ prompt is generated for us. ‘’Bitte
User Reaktivieren’’ Very easy to spot as it is not in English.
This is our golden ticket to encourage the client to reply. As you know, the same client is routed back to you when
you are on shift and this will increase the traffic you receive and increase your earnings.

We must try to make these reactivation replies exciting and enticing and encourage the client to want to reply.

Simply writing ‘’Hey Steve, not heard from you for a while. I’m bored’’ won’t work. It’s flat and empty and no
questions asked. There is no excitement or drama or anything there that will make the client want to reply to her.

Instead, we could write – ‘’Hey Steve. What’s going on? I keep checking for a reply from you. But nothing ever in
my inbox. I’ve got some great news to share with you. Will you get in touch?’’


‘’Oh My Goodness, David! You’ll never guess what happened to me in work! I’m at the hospital right now because
Karen attacked me! Please message me. I need someone to talk to’’


‘’I’m having the worst day here. I’ve been called into work. My boss is fuming. Can he sack me without
consultations? I could do with some friendly chat now – are you there Andre?


‘’I can’t believe he just run me off the road! It was my right of way. All of a sudden, BANG and I was on the
pavement! I’m so shaken right now and waiting on the police. I can’t get hold of anyone. Please tell me you are

Another tip is to check the notes – there could be a reason as to why he is not replying – he could be out of coins,
having a family issue, away on holiday etc… Use this in your reply to him, this will show him she is paying attention
and taking an interest in him also.

These are only a few examples – but you can see the difference and the dramatic effect they have.

You can use situations from your own experiences and put a novel twist on them too – they are always unique and
make for interesting reading.

Every reactivation message MUST be different – some clients will have more than one profile and if every Karen is
having a bad Monday in work he’ll suspect something is not right.

Be Creative. Be Imaginative. Be Original. Be Unique.

Using The Search Function In Your Web Browser On The Chat Platforms

Pressing CTRL & F together will open a search box in your browser.

Sometimes it will be at the top of page – other times, depending on your browser it will be at the bottom.

This function is particularly useful when looking for information in a session that

(a) has been going on a long time or

(b) to check if the question has maybe been asked before and not logged in the notes.

This function does NOT replace the need to leave notes in your session.

In the screen shot below I chose to search for the word ‘’strawberry’’ and as you can see it found 4 results – pressing
enter will take you to each part of the conversation this was discussed.

You could search for anything pertaining to the client or the operator – be sure to update the notes if you find
anything that has not been logged also.
‘’Report’’ Button Function on

In the previous agent message box, you will see a ‘’Report’’ Button next to the Session Number.

The purpose of this button is to report issues created by other agents.

At present, you send me screen grabs of issues that have happened. There is no need to do this now – use the
Report Button.

When you press the button the pop up below will appear.
1. State your reason for the report.

Some examples of agent misconduct are…

 Rudeness towards the client

 Aggression towards the client
 Racist comments / inappropriate comments to the client
 Bad English
 Bad Grammar
 Writing nonsense/out of context messages
 Not reading the notes
 Not making notes
 Not logging the start date
 Not asking questions
 Not answering the client questions
 Using another agent’s message as their own
 Short replies to long client messages
 Arranging meetings / dates
 Letting the client book hotels
 Telling the client, they will ring them / email them
 Telling the client, they are in love with him
 Telling the client, they are off to bed and ending session
 Ending a session for any reason
 Using the wrong geographical location
 Using the wrong time zone
 Asking for gifts and offering alternate contacts
2. Leave a short message if you need to. Very often the ‘’Reason’’ for the report will be enough but do feel free
to leave a short message if you need to.

REMEMBER. This is ONLY to report agent issues. This DOES NOT replace the Panic Room – that is for client
misconduct only as you know.

ONLY report agent issues using the report button.

Reactivation Messages.
As an operator with Company, your role is to do your very best to ensure that the client replies to us. When the
client replies, then we have to reply too – it’s a win, win all round I am sure you agree.

When the client has not replied for 24 hours or more, a ‘’Reactivation Message’ prompt is generated for us. ‘’Bitte
User Reaktivieren’’ Very easy to spot as it is not in English.

This is our golden ticket to encourage the client to reply. As you know, the same client is routed back to you when
you are on shift and this will increase the traffic you receive and increase your earnings.

We must try to make these reactivation replies exciting and enticing and encourage the client to want to reply.

Simply writing ‘’Hey Steve, not heard from you for a while. I’m bored’’ won’t work. It’s flat and empty and no
questions asked. There is no excitement or drama or anything there that will make the client want to reply to her.

Instead, we could write – ‘’Hey Steve. What’s going on? I keep checking for a reply from you. But nothing ever in
my inbox. I’ve got some great news to share with you. Will you get in touch?’’


‘’Oh My Goodness, David! You’ll never guess what happened to me in work! I’m at the hospital right now because
Karen attacked me! Please message me. I need someone to talk to’’


‘’I’m having the worst day here. I’ve been called into work. My boss is fuming. Can he sack me without
consultations? I could do with some friendly chat now – are you there Andre?


‘’I can’t believe he just run me off the road! It was my right of way. All of a sudden, BANG and I was on the
pavement! I’m so shaken right now and waiting on the police. I can’t get hold of anyone. Please tell me you are

Another tip is to check the notes – there could be a reason as to why he is not replying – he could be out of coins,
having a family issue, away on holiday etc… Use this in your reply to him, this will show him she is paying attention
and taking an interest in him also.

These are only a few examples – but you can see the difference and the dramatic effect they have.

You can use situations from your own experiences and put a novel twist on them too – they are always unique and
make for interesting reading.

Every reactivation message MUST be different – some clients will have more than one profile and if every Karen is
having a bad Monday in work he’ll suspect something is not right.

Be Creative. Be Imaginative. Be Original. Be Unique.

Duplicated / Copy & Pasted Message Prohibition.

As you know, all messages must be unique and individually tailored to each client.

This has been explained in training and regularly in emails from us and forms part of your contract.

Every week, we receive a report which shows us messages that have been used more than once – in part or wholly.
ALL agents that appear on this report receive an email from us showing them the messages they have used
repeatedly over and over. This includes reactivation messages also.

If you have never received one of those emails, well done – your messages have not appeared on the report.

You must NEVER use any part of a previous message in part or in whole.

You must NEVER reuse another agent’s message in part or in whole either.

Going forward, ALL agents who appear on this report, as we have said, will be emailed with the details. The
messages that have been used more than once will be logged and REMOVED FROM THAT MONTHS EARNINGS. No

When writing your message to the client, use his name or pet name and alternate your opening statement.

Below are some examples of Duplicated / Copy & Pasted Messages.

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you are alright, you haven’t replied to my last

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you are alright, why have I not heard from

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you are alright, it’s been a few days, why have
I not heard from you?

In these examples, the agent has reused part of their message over and over and only changed the last few words.
This is still classed as copy and pasting / duplicated messages and will be removed from that agent’s payment.

The message should have been re-written in full and NEVER reused. The messages could have contained the client
name or a different pet name to provide variety and originality. They could have rephrased ‘’hope you are good’’ to
something akin to ‘’I hope all is well with you’’ etc…

EVERY message MUST be different. EVERY message must be UNIQUE.

All agents that freelance for the company confirmed beforehand to have a high level of written English prior to being
hired. Saying ‘’I’ve run out of ideas’’ is not acceptable either. Or, ‘It was busy and I was trying to get as many
messages out as possible’’ – again, NOT ACCEPTABLE. Or, ‘’I didn’t know’’ – NOT ACCEPTABLE.

All agents who appear on this report again after being emailed by us and shown their errors, will have their contracts

This is a very serious matter and not to be taken lightly. We ask you to provide a high standard at all times – that
same high standard you showed in your training / assessing, constantly and consistently.

The only factor that is acceptable are messages that are well written, uniquely written, are individually tailored and
show imagination.

Thank you for understanding and if you have any questions, need further clarification, please email me.

Duplicated / Copy & Pasted Message Prohibition.

As you know, all messages must be unique and individually tailored to each client.
This has been explained in training and regularly in emails from us and forms part of your contract.

Every week, we receive a report which shows us messages that have been used more than once – in part or wholly.
ALL agents that appear on this report receive an email from us showing them the messages they have used
repeatedly over and over. This includes reactivation messages also.

If you have never received one of those emails, well done – your messages have not appeared on the report.

You must NEVER use any part of a previous message in part or in whole.

You must NEVER reuse another agent’s message in part or in whole either.

Going forward, ALL agents who appear on this report, as we have said, will be emailed with the details. The
messages that have been used more than once will be logged and REMOVED FROM THAT MONTHS EARNINGS. No

When writing your message to the client, use his name or pet name and alternate your opening statement.

Below are some examples of Duplicated / Copy & Pasted Messages.

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you are alright, you haven’t replied to my last

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you are alright, why have I not heard from

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you are alright, it’s been a few days, why have
I not heard from you?

In these examples, the agent has reused part of their message over and over and only changed the last few words.
This is still classed as copy and pasting / duplicated messages and will be removed from that agent’s payment.

The message should have been re-written in full and NEVER reused. The messages could have contained the client’s
name or a different pet name to provide variety and originality. They could have rephrased ‘’hope you are good’’ to
something akin to ‘’I hope all is well with you’’ etc…

EVERY message MUST be different. EVERY message must be UNIQUE.

All agents that freelance for the company confirmed beforehand to have a high level of written English prior to
being hired. Saying ‘’I’ve run out of ideas’’ is not acceptable either. Or, ‘It was busy and I was trying to get as many
messages out as possible’’ – again, NOT ACCEPTABLE. Or, ‘’I didn’t know’’ – NOT ACCEPTABLE.

All agents who appear on this report again after being emailed by us and shown their errors, will have their contracts

This is a very serious matter and not to be taken lightly. WE ask you to provide a high standard at all times – that
same high standard you showed in your training / assessing, constantly and consistently.

The only factor that is acceptable are messages that are well written, uniquely written, are individually tailored and
show imagination.

Thank you for understanding and if you have any questions, need further clarification, please contact me.

The contents of this document, especially texts and graphics, are copyrighted. Any use of this document is only
permitted within the limits of the copyright law. Anyone who violates the copyright (e.g., copying pictures or texts
without the authorization of the copyright holder) is liable to prosecution according to §§ 106 ff. UrhG, will be
warned with costs and must pay damages (§ 97 UrhG).

The information contained in this document is confidential and is intended for the information of the intended
recipient only. It may not be otherwise used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or
by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
the company.

First name, Surname -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date ---------------------------------------------

I hereby certify that I have read and studied this training document and will abide by the rules of my employer. If
there are any problems or uncertainties, I will always contact the team leader.

Signature ---------------------------------------------

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