Draft Story Telling

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Volunteer Service Meeting

Hi, my name is Ardivan. I have experience when carrying out one of the Indonesian Red
Cross events. On December 2nd last week, I participated in one of the activities of the Indonesian
Red Cross. This activity is a gathering of Indonesian Red Cross volunteers throughout the
province of Bali. I was appointed to be a volunteer for the Tabanan regency Red Cross. As a
representative of the Red Cross of Tabanan regency, I am certainly not alone. The Red Cross of
Tabanan regency sent a total of 10 people to participate in the Indonesian Red Cross volunteer
service meeting in the regencies/cities of Bali Province. This activity carried at Lake Buyan and
lasted for 3 days and 2 nights.
On the first day, there were not many
activities that we did, this was because the rain
did not stop until evening. The activities we do on
the first day include building tents, cleaning
ourself, and following socialization about mental
health. In the evening, we rehearsed to perform on
the night of the bonfire the next day. When
everyone was asleep, I couldn't sleep at all,
because the sleeping bag I was carrying was wet
and I was cold because of it. I scrambled all night
and was really uncomfortable when I wanted to sleep.
The next morning, I did morning exercises. this morning exercise really helped me in
warming up after being cold all night yesterday. After doing morning exercises, next we will
divide ourselves, that is, some take a bath, some clean the tent, and some make dishes. After that,
we will conduct the opening ceremony of this volunteer service meeting. In the ceremony,
awards were also given to volunteers who have
helped Jembrana Regency in the disaster they
experienced. Next, we will divide ourselves again,
some follow the sowing of fish fry in Lake Buyan,
some clean the entire Buyan fund area, some
follow the first aid socialization, and some prepare
food for later in the afternoon. In the afternoon, we
do outbound activities, there are many outbound
activities, including tug of war, poisonous balls,
flywheels, and others. The purpose of this
outbound is to strengthen cooperation in the team and strengthen unity as a volunteer of the
Indonesian Red Cross. This outbound activity took place very lively even though it was raining
heavily. After the outbound activities are over, we will then clean up, have an afternoon meal,
and continue the activity. The next activity is
bonfire night activities. at this campfire event,
we will all showcase the creativity presented by
each District representative. There is a lot of
creativity performed, such as joged dance,
singing, colossal dance, and many more. After
the fire activities have ended, then we are
allowed to rest or talk about enjoying the
beautiful night. For this second night, I was not
cold anymore because I was able to sleep using
a sleeping bag that was previously wet due to
On the third day, our activities were only doing morning exercises, tidying up tents, and
taking photos with all participants of the volunteer service meeting. After the activity, we were
allowed to return to each other's homes, however, before returning to each other's homes, we all
participants of the Tabanan Regency Red Cross visited one of the places to eat together. there we
all ate together and joked laughter before finally returning to each other's homes. That's an
amazingly cool experience with the Indonesian Red Cross in the regencies/cities of Bali
Province. thank you for listening to this story and have a nice day. Siamo Tutti Fratelli.

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