Operative Image

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Rosemary Lee



Visual media is increasingly impacted by algorithmic approaches to image

production, which introduce new modalities into existing notions of the image.
Rather than a fundamentally new phenomenon, current methodologies
instead expand upon the automation of image production described by
previous theories regarding the technological character of the image. The
“operative image” (Farocki) acts as a central theory to describe attributes of
new forms of visual media engaged with algorithmic processes. Introducing
and elaborating on the concept of the operative image, comparisons are
drawn between existing notions of the image and new features which result
from the use of algorithmic processes in the creation of images. This paper
aims to develop an understanding of how algorithmic image production affects
defining aspects of images.

APRJA Volume 8, Issue 1, 2019

ISSN 2245-7755

CC license: ‘Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike’.

Introduction Operative Image

The image has undergone a remarkable The operative image is central to understand-
transformation over the past few decades, ing algorithmic forms of visual media, as it
in large part due to the increasing role algo- departs from previous notions of the image
rithmic processes play in image production. which have tended to prioritise the visual
Harun Farocki’s notion of the “operative attributes of images. Instead, the operative
image” has been especially influential in image considers images in terms of the per-
describing attributes of new forms of images formance of spatial procedures. In Farocki’s
which estrange the point of view from the words, operative images “are images that
human subject and eschew representation in do not represent an object, but rather are
favour of the performance of machinic opera- part of an operation.” (“Phantom Images”
tions. This draws upon changes in the nature 17) This kind of image is concerned with the
of images which had already been ongoing performance of an operation, connected to
for many years before they were highlighted the real by enacting a process, rather than
by Farocki in 2001, but which reached critical representing something other than itself.
mass in the military and governmental use It’s worth noting that the idea of the
of intelligent machines and surveillance operative image was inspired by Roland
technologies in the 1990s. This research Barthes’ concept of the “image-at-one’s
invokes the operative image as a fundamen- disposal,” which he uses to describe the
tal concept to understanding the paradigm potential for images and words to function
shift toward algorithmic approaches to the in an instrumental (Parisi) capacity: “I ‘speak
image. Images are increasingly automated the tree’, I do not speak about it. This means
using machines, and more and more often that my language is operative, transitively
this is done through opaque systems which linked to its object; between the tree and
obscure the process behind the production myself, there is nothing but my labour, that
of the image from human oversight. The is to say, an action.” (Barthes, Mythologies
automation of visual tasks ultimately raises 146) The operation performed when “speak-
questions regarding not only how the image ing the tree,” as Barthes refers to it, is at
is to be defined in light of algorithmic image once an act of conjuring, which performs
production but also as to the autonomy of a representational function, by bringing to
artificial intelligence to produce images. The mind the mental image of a tree by invoking
present investigation begins by introducing it by name, but words also function as instru-
the concept of the operative image, which is ments, ways of interacting with reality. The
then elaborated upon through examination of tree, here, is an implement for performing the
the historical context which has led up to cur- concept of a tree. The image, tree, conjured
rent image production. Following the themes in the process of using that word is opera-
of automation and autonomy, the operative tive in the sense that it is a performative and
image is then elaborated upon with regard functional conceptual image of a tree, which
to these two historical tendencies in imaging is not fixed. Metaphor allows words to per-
technologies. form with a great degree of variability upon
the relations between the sensual proper-
ties of objects and the objects themselves
(Harman). Language, in this instrumental

APRJA Volume 8, Issue 1, 2019

sense, grants different access to interacting what appears to be the system’s assess-
with the real tree one encounters, and may ment of features in its environment. Different
transform those encounters conceptually, as coloured, crudely drawn marks on the video
well as ontologically (González Valerio). designate the edges of the road or various
In his seminal essay “Phantom Images” obstructions in the path of the vehicle. And in
and associated trio of video works, Eye/ scenes which Farocki mentions in “Phantom
Machine I-III, Farocki introduces the terms Images,” footage taken by drones navigat-
“operative image” and “operational image.”[1] ing autonomously in search of targets is
An operative image, he explains, results from alternated with a human operator tasked with
the performance of an operation (“Phantom watching the footage and overseeing remote
Images” 6). Performing an operation through missile strikes. The contrast between human
or as an image, Barthes notes, makes it into and machine vision is highlighted by these
an action, rather than an object or mere rep- examples, which point to the autonomous
resentation. The operative image, thus, is not quality of performing visual processing tasks
to be thought of as necessarily representative automatically by computers, robots and
of something else. Rather, it exists for itself, drones.
to the degree that it is concerned with the
execution of a spatial task, and may not point
to something beyond itself. Additionally, the
performance of an operative image tends to
prioritise the machine as the producer of this
kind of image. This takes a radical departure While the process-oriented and non-optical
from the representational paradigm, as the aspects of algorithmically-produced images
outcome of the performance of an operative are contemporary issues, this shift is also
image may or may not be visible to humans. deeply rooted in historical developments
The point of view, thus, is shifted from the in the automation of image production.
subject’s eye, to being situated in a machinic Automating aspects of the creation of images
performance of an operation. The ‘I’, as well, through various techniques and machinery
is displaced from the human subject to the has a long history, which has contributed
viewpoint of an apparatus. to the context surrounding current forms of
Farocki describes machines as pos- image production. In this section, a review of
sessing a “sightless vision” reliant on compu- key examples helps to develop a background
tational processes, such as the programmed against which to compare current trends in
navigation of robots and drones. In his video image production.
trilogy, Eye/Machine I-III, viewers are faced Algorithmic procedures have come to
with several examples of what he means be a defining aspect of current visual media,
by operative image. One scene features a especially due to the amount of visual pro-
robot performing tasks autonomously, cutting cessing tasks are now commonly delegated
between shots of the robot moving around in to computers. They are encountered fre-
a room and shots taken from its point of view, quently, playing a role in the creation of con-
highlighting written numbers in colour as if to tent, in determining what is visible to whom
indicate the robot’s reading those as salient on the web and in governance through mass-
features. In similar fashion, video clips from surveillance. In light of this shift, the nature
what appears to be a navigational assistance of the image can no longer be solely under-
system are overlaid with markings indicating stood in terms of previous formulations which


frame the image as a fixed, visual outcome, to film, or “pre-cinema”, saw the creation of
such as a developed and printed photograph. a variety of optical gadgets and machines
A digitised version of the same photograph, which activated images in various ways, from
for instance, is easily recognisable, but it is illumination to animation. Cinema set the im-
a product of drastically different technologi- age in motion through variations of multiple
cal conditions, governed by computational images, simulating movement: the “move-
processes in lieu of the mechanical, optical ment-image” and the “time-image” (Deleuze).
and chemical processes employed in analog Digital images allowed the electronic coding,
photography. In this sense, algorithmically- display and circulation of images, and this
produced images expand upon existing was pushed even further with the use of the
forms of automated production, placing em- internet. Networked images, as Alexander
phasis on the execution of formal procedures Galloway points out (94), may be displayed
in addition to their optical properties. An on innumerable computers simultaneously,
algorithm, it is worth noting, is a “process or adding to the mass-transmissibility and intan-
set of rules to be followed in calculations or gibility of the image. Generative art went on
other problem-solving operations, especially to consider the artistic potential of employing
by a computer” (“Algorithm”). The operative autonomous systems to produce images.
image takes a fairly broad interpretation of In addition to the technical modes of the
this definition, which is useful as we expand automation of image production previously
our approach to image-production processes described, formalising processes of artistic
that at first glance may not appear to be al- creation in terms of algorithmic behaviour also
gorithmic in the more familiar, contemporary explored the dynamics of human-machine
sense of complex computational processes, relations. Rather than a fixed outcome from
but instead embody procedural processes image-production processes, the operative
toward the execution of an image. image may be performed or it may be trans-
The problem that automating pro- coded as sets of instructions. Several artists
cesses of image production posed to existing who were early-adopters of using computers
notions of aesthetic value in images was in their work also experimented with taking
famously wrestled with by Walter Benjamin on a performative role in the production of
in his essay “The Work of Art in the Age of images, placing the emphasis on process.
Mechanical Reproduction.” Mechanising the Vera Molnár, for example, is known for her
production of images enabled multiples to “machine imaginaire,” which implemented
be produced quickly via technologies such instructions for the production of visual
as the printing press and the photographic outcomes, the artist herself taking on the
process, and also enabled the mass-dissem- conceptual role of a computer, one which (or
ination of images. The facilitation of the serial whom) computes, performing tasks based on
reproduction of images undermined the aura a set of predefined rules (“Image Machine”
of the original artwork, which had been a 141-142). Taking on this kind of instrumental
mainstay of artistic valuation up to that point. role has been a recurring theme in several
Artists including Andy Warhol and later the avant-garde movements in the 20 th century,
art and design group Superflex have played importantly the Surrealists’ engagement with
upon the aspect of seriality, making multiples the concept of automatism. They approached
of images to undermine the notion of the the mechanisation of art by advocating that
copy as inferior. In other developments in artists relinquish conscious control over the
the mechanisation of the image, precursors artistic process so as to arrive at art produced

APRJA Volume 8, Issue 1, 2019

by the subconscious mind. Automatic writing, as being critical to their technical character.
drawing, and painting led artists to develop Flusser describes “technical images” as
methodologies seeking to elude their own those images which have supplanted texts,
consciousness, often by employing highly not only those which owe their existence to
systematised, rule-based techniques to sur- technical apparatus in a direct sense (7). In
render creative control by engaging with ser- addition to their technical mode of produc-
endipity and randomness. In many instances, tion, the codification and instrumentation of
the artist expressly sought to hand over images also adds to their technical and tex-
agency, intentionality, or control to a process, tual character. Ingrid Hoelzl and Rémi Marie
machine or system. One of the most famous make a correlation between the algorithmic
and influential methods to materialise from nature of digital images and the history of
this kind of aleatory approaches (Carvalhais) cartography (99), which shifted from thinking
is the “cut-up method” which Brion Gysin is of maps as representations of the world in
credited for,[2] a process in which a linear pictures to such a representation instead
text would be dismembered at random and taking the form of a data set. Cataloguing the
rearranged by the artist, influencing the crea- systematised coordinates marking the loca-
tion of a new work from the rearrangement tions of geographic features and their relative
of an existing one. Conceptual artists such spatial relations as an index of mathematical
as Sol LeWitt, Yoko Ono, John Cage and information made it possible for Ptolemy’s
Lawrence Weiner have similarly employed atlas of maps, Geographia, to be saved,
sets of rules in the creation of their works. transmitted and later reconstructed. The pro-
Thinking of the process as a form of machinic cess of transcribing a visual representation,
or programmed image-production grasps the in this case, a map, from image to numerical
operative property of performing algorithmic data and back into an image allows us to see
processes. Implementing rule-based sys- a close parallel in other image processes,
tems such as in LeWitt’s instruction-based namely, the digital. Considering this index of
drawings, the artist gives directions for the coordinates as a set of instructions or source-
construction of the work, which may be ex- code for the reconstruction of the maps,
ecuted with some degree of variation. though simplified and analogue, is much like
Returning to the importance of text to the instructional aspect of digital images. In
the origins of the operative image, as was a similar fashion, the canon of proportions
apparent in Barthes, several thinkers have outlined by Vitruvius in his De architectura
explored how relations between images and describes representation of the human body
texts contribute to their algorithmic qualities. geometrically, as if to function as instructions
In his enquiries into what he terms “image- for its reconstruction: “The length of the
texts,” W. J. T. Mitchell demonstrates the foot is one sixth of the height of the body;
various modes of interrelation between im- of the forearm, one fourth; and the breadth
ages and texts. Rather than merely referring of the breast is also one fourth.” (Vitruvius)
to reality, as the image functions in represen- In this and the previous pre-digital
tational terms, imagetexts consider the inter- example, mathematical formulae and the
relation between objects, texts, and images, systematic cataloguing of the internal rela-
and their potential to be enacted through tionships within images enabled them to be
various forms of mediation. Similarly, Vilém transcribed, stored, transmitted and reiter-
Flusser explored textual aspects of images ated. Not only did this enable a great deal of


new possibilities, for instance making itera- of that visual data, as well as the procedure
tions of an image, it also allowed a degree which governed the end result is obscured.
of faithfulness to be maintained within the In situations such as when a camera or
copies. other instrument serves as a stand-in, taking
the place of the eye, technology enables
humans to see in ways impossible to the na-
Discussion ked eye, but also steals away other aspects
one expects in an image. What is apparent
to human viewers observing input intended
To speak of automation begs the question of for machines is that operative images func-
autonomy. In this case, one must ask what tion based on different parameters and are
the operative image means not only for the not necessarily burdened with any need to
production of images by machines, but also communicate with human vision. This quality
with respect to the sharing a viewpoint with makes them decidedly different from previ-
the inanimate (Virilio 59). In what has been ous conceptions of images. Not only has
referred to as the “algorithmic turn” (Ulricchio, the machine been thoroughly accepted as
Hoelzl and Marie), what is visibly apparent on a surrogate for the eye, but in some cases,
the surface of an image is only one aspect of such as the instances covered by Farocki’s
the processes at work in algorithmic media. Eye/Machine, the eye may be dispensed of
The information content of a digital image, entirely. A consequence of distancing visual
for example, is largely unvisualised, acting perception from the eye through apparatus
as the code for its enactment, often through is articulated through operative images as an
screens, and the image takes on a more dy- ever more blurry boundary between human
namic quality than a static entity. The visible and nonhuman agency. Not principally of the
surface of the digital image is subjugated to human, by the human, nor for the human
the invisible “subface” (Nake) behind it, for (Zylinska 5), nonhuman forms of images fulfil
instance, in contexts involving the automated Virilio’s prediction regarding the automation
processing of spatial data, where it may or of perception through cameras controlled by
may not be necessary to visualise the end computers (59). The result of this automation
result, in looking at the metadata attached of vision, a splitting of the viewpoint with the
to an image, or in comparing two seem- inanimate (Virilio 59), entails that these im-
ingly identical images which were produced ages are far from being self-evident. Looking
using different algorithms. The algorithmic alone is not sufficient to thoroughly grasp
processes responsible for what is eventu- what is at stake in the output of algorithmic
ally visualised as a digital image may vary modes of image production. As a conse-
greatly, whether or not those differences are quence of the operative image, the range of
visibly discernible to the human eye. But what may be considered to be an image is
especially notable here is that when using expanded to include non-optical, algorithmic
algorithmic approaches such as machine processes, prioritising process over the im-
learning to generate images based on vast age’s visible qualities.
amounts of training data, entire databases The operative image is significant, not
of images are subsumed by the resulting only because it alters what, ontologically
images. In a sense, such images are similar speaking, may be defined as an image, but
to composites merging the numerous images it also extends the role of image produc-
which an algorithm was trained on, yet much tion beyond the human to autonomous (or

APRJA Volume 8, Issue 1, 2019

semi-autonomous) enactment by machine.

Automating aspects of the creative process
calls into question some of the entrenched
value systems surrounding images, namely Much as historical reckonings with tech-
authorship (Ward and Cox). The aura of au- nological modes of production such as the
thorship remains an enduring issue at stake advent of the printing press, photography
in the production of images by machines, as or cinema led to reevaluations of the image,
evidenced by the current hype around works the current gravitation toward algorithmic
of dubious artistic quality (Obvious) which processes has led to new understandings
make claims to the autonomous creativity of of the defining attributes of images. Rather
machines. Concerns around authorship are than a fundamentally new phenomenon,
never far behind discussion of automating current methodologies instead expand upon
the production of images by machine, the the automation of image production which
potential of autonomous artistic creation has been in progress for decades and even
by machines threatening the “death of the centuries. Reformulating the image as an
author” (Barthes). Curiously, Harold Cohen operation which is performed as opposed to
alternated between signing images produced the fixed outcome of the creative process,
using the artificial intelligence software he the operative image offers an entryway to
created with his own signature (Amsterdam rethinking the context surrounding the au-
Suite A) and that of AARON (20:28). This tomation of image processes which current
lends the artworks a sense that Cohen may media build upon. Developing the concept
have either felt conflicted as to his role in cre- of the operative image through an overview
ating the artwork, and that there may have of historically-significant theories and exam-
been a feeling of competition for authorship. ples, this research aims to develop an under-
In a general sense, the images produced standing of how the concept of the operative
using machine learning, too, carry with them image contributes to a reevaluation of the
a spectre which has haunted technologically- image in light of new modalities introduced
engaged images throughout the past century, by algorithmic media.
what Andreas Broeckmann calls the myth of
the machine as artist. The persistent curios-
ity surrounding the creation of autonomous
agents which in turn create art relies upon
the tradition of conceptually separating sci-
ence and the humanities. While machine
learning enables the automation of certain
tasks, it also lends itself to a mystification
of the process of image production. Image
production by intelligent machines offers new
technical and conceptual possibilities, it also
brings to light certain existing issues which
have persisted throughout the past century,
including automation, seriality, transcodabil-
ity and human-machine relations.

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