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A Project Report On

“Impact of Cryptocurrency on global

financial market’’

Bachelor of Business Administration

Submitted By
Mr. Naveen Rajguru
Roll No. 2151502429

Under the Guidance of

Mrs. Prabha Pal

NRI Group of Institutions Bhopal


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Page 2 of 43
This is to certify that Naveen Rajguru has submitted the project
titled “Impact of cryptocurrency on global financial market’’,
towards partial fulfillment of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS
ADMINSITRATION degree examination. This has not been
submitted for any other course undergone as prescribed by NRI
Group of Institutions Bhopal. It is further certified that he has
ingeniously completed the project.

Xyz xyz

Place: Bhopal

Page 3 of 43
I Here by declare that the project with the title “Impact of
cryptocurrency on global financial market’’, has been completed
by me in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business
Administration degree examination as prescribed by NRI Groups
of Institutions Bhopal.

Place: - Bhopal NaveenRajguru

Date: -

Page 4 of 43

I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone

who supported me throughout the course of this BBA project. I
am thankful for their aspiring guidance, invaluably constructive
criticism and friendly advice during the project work. I am
sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful and
illuminating views on a number of issues related to the project.

I would also like to thank my project external guide Mr.

[SURNAME] and all the people who provided me with the
facilities being required and conductive conditions for my BBA
Place: Bhopal Naveen

Page 5 of 43


1.1 What is cryptocurrency? 7

1.2 Founder of cryptocurrency 8

1.3 Top performing cryptocurrency of 2022 10

1.4 Advantages and Disadvantage of 11


1.5 Journey of cryptocurrency in India 13

1.6 Effects of cryptocurrency in India 15

1.7 Effects of cryptocurrency on global financial 17

1.8 Future effects of crypto on global financial 19
1.9 Current scenario of cryptocurrencies in the 21
2 Review of Literature 23

3 Organizational profile 26

3.1 Bitcoin 26

3.2 Ethereum 28

3.3 Maker 30

4 Research Methodology 32

4.1 Objectives of the study 33

4.2 Sources of data 34

5 Data Interpretation and Analysis 35

5.1 Hypothesis analysis 38

6 Conclusion 39Page 6 of 43

7 Bibliography 40
What is cryptocurrency?
“A cryptocurrency or crypto, is a virtual currency secured by
cryptography. It is designed to work as a medium of exchange, where
individual ownership records are stored in a computerized database.”

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for

security. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized systems that use
cryptography to secure their transactions, to control the creation of
additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies
are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a
subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies.
Bitcoin, the first and most widely known cryptocurrency, was created in
2009. There are more than 4,000 different cryptocurrencies in existence
as of January 2021, with the total market capitalization exceeding $1
billion. Example: - Litecoin, Monero, Dogecoin, etc.
Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography
for security. A cryptocurrency is difficult to counterfeit because of this
security feature. A defining feature of a cryptocurrency, and arguably its
biggest allure, is its organic nature; it is not issued by any central
authority, rendering it theoretically immune to government interference
or manipulation

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Founder of cryptocurrency

The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created by a person or group of

people using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The true identity of
Satoshi Nakamoto is unknown and has never been revealed.

Satoshi Nakamoto

Satoshi Nakamoto published the white paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer

Electronic Cash System" in 2008, which outlined the design and features
of Bitcoin. The first Bitcoin block, known as the Genesis block, was
mined in 2009, and the Bitcoin network officially launched.
Since the creation of Bitcoin, many other cryptocurrencies have been
created by a variety of individuals and organizations. Some examples of
well-known cryptocurrencies and their founders include: -

Page 8 of 43
Created by Vitalik Buterin in 2014
Ethereum is Blockchain development that introduced a built-in Turing-
complete programming language that can be used for creating various
decentralized applications (also called Dapps) .

Litecoin: Created by Charlie Lee in 2011

“Litecoin is the second-oldest cryptocurrency, forked from the Bitcoin
protocol in 2011,” says Jay Blaskey, digital currency specialist at BitIRA.
“It was engineered to be used for fast, secure and low-cost payments.”
Think of it as a Bitcoin spinoff.

Dogecoin: Created by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer in 2013

Dogecoin founding goal was to advertise digital currencies' virtues,
which it sought to achieve by showcasing itself as approachable and
uncontroversial. For these reasons, the dog’s face from the meme was
immortalized as Dogecoin’s official logo.

Page 9 of 43
Top Cryptocurrency of 2022
Some of the best performing cryptos in 2022 so far are: -

Last traded price Performance (YTD) Market cap


Waves $30.02 97.10% $3.2 billion

Zilliqa $0.1329 74.15% $1.7 billion

Terra $117.49 28.52% $41.3 billion

Ethereum $43.28 $23.85 $5.8 billion


Near Protocol $16.64 $8.76 $10.9 billon

Page 10 of
Advantages of cryptocurrencies

 Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, which

means that they are not controlled by any central authority, such
as a government or a bank. This can make them resistant to
censorship and interference, and can give users more control over
their own finances.

 Security: Cryptocurrencies use advanced cryptography to secure

their transactions, which can make them more secure than
traditional financial systems. For example, the use of blockchain
technology can make it difficult for transactions to be altered or

 Privacy: Some cryptocurrencies, such as Monero, offer a high level

of privacy by using advanced cryptographic techniques to obscure
the identities of users. This can be particularly appealing to users
who value their privacy and do not want their financial
transactions to be easily traced.

 Speed: Cryptocurrencies can facilitate fast, global transactions

without the need for intermediaries. This can be particularly
useful for cross-border payments, which can be slow and costly
using traditional financial systems.

 Accessibility: Cryptocurrencies can be accessed using a variety of

devices, including smartphones and computers, which can make
them more accessible than traditional financial systems that may
require specialized equipment or physical locations.

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Disadvantages of cryptocurrencies
 Volatility: One of the main drawbacks of cryptocurrencies is their
high volatility. Cryptocurrencies can fluctuate significantly in value
over short periods of time, which can make them risky as an
investment and as a means of exchange.

 Lack of regulation: Cryptocurrencies are not regulated by

governments or financial institutions, which can make them
attractive to criminals and can expose users to potential fraud and
financial losses.

 Limited acceptance: While the acceptance of cryptocurrencies is

growing, they are still not widely accepted as a form of payment,
which can make it difficult to use them in everyday transactions.

 Technical complexity: Cryptocurrencies can be complex and

difficult to understand, which can make them intimidating for
people who are not familiar with them.

 Environmental concerns: The energy consumption associated with

cryptocurrency mining can be high, which has led to concerns
about the environmental impact of this activity

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Journey of cryptocurrencies in

 In 2008:- In 2008 cryptocurrency was published by a developer

by the name of  Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a version of electronic
cash which would allow one party to another party without
going through financial institution.

 In 2010:- Cash value was attached to cryptocurrency for the first

time! A user swapped 10,000 Bitcoin for two pizzas marking the
first actual sale of an item using cryptocurrency.

 In 2011:- Other cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, Namecoin and

Swiftcoin emerged in the market. This year also saw a lot of
controversies over claims of cryptocurrency being used on the
dark web to procure drugs, guns amongst other things.

 In 2012:- Cryptocurrency made its subtle entry sometime

around in 2012 when small scale Bitcoin transactions had
already started taking place across the country.

 In 2013:- Bitcoin began gaining some popularity within the india.

 It was in the year 2013, when the vintage era pizza shop known
as Kolonial (Worli, Mumbai) became the first restaurant service
in India to accept payments in Bitcoin.

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 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the country's central bank,
issues a statement warning about the potential risks of using

 In 2016:- Its is the year when demonetization took place , more

investments in cryptocurrencies started so as to lower the
uncertainties. People started buying large orders of Bitcoin and
other cryptocurrencies, which they would sell at a later date.

 In 2017:- After the crash of bitcoin in 2017 there were some

apprehensions surrounding the use of cryptocurrencies. The
crash in 2017 happened when the government sent out a
warning against the use of the same and ruled out the possibility
of fraud termed as ‘Ponzi schemes’. The government still holds
the same viewpoint and may continue until and unless the
crypto market gets regulated

 In 2018:- cryptocurrency was involved in a serious legal

procedure .The RBI issues a circular prohibiting regulated
financial institutions from dealing with or providing services to
individuals or entities dealing in cryptocurrencies.

 In 2020:- The Supreme Court of India overturns the RBI's

circular, ruling that the central bank had not provided sufficient
justification for the ban. From 2018-2020 there was some sort of
ban on cryptocurrency. In this period cryptocurrency was illegal
to buy, sell and use.

 In 2021:- The Indian government introduces a bill that seeks to

ban cryptocurrencies, with the exception of those used for
research and development purposes. The bill is currently being
considered by the parliament.

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Effects of Cryptocurrencies in
Cryptocurrencies have had a significant impact on the financial
landscape in India, and their influence is likely to continue to grow in the
coming years. Here are a few examples of the ways in which
cryptocurrencies have impacted India:-

 Financial inclusion: Cryptocurrencies have the potential to

increase financial inclusion in India by providing a way for people
in underbanked or unbanked areas to access financial services. For
example, the use of mobile phones and other digital devices to
facilitate cryptocurrency transactions could potentially allow
people in rural or remote areas to participate in the global
financial system.

 Innovation: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have

spurred innovation in India, with a number of startups and other
companies exploring the use of these technologies in various
sectors such as banking, supply chain management, and

 Investment: Cryptocurrencies have attracted significant interest as

an investment opportunity in India, with many people seeing
them as a potential alternative to traditional assets such as stocks
and real estate. However, the high volatility of cryptocurrencies
has also made them risky as an investment, and investors should
be aware of the potential risks involved.

 Regulatory challenges: The regulatory environment for

cryptocurrencies in India has been uncertain, with the
government issuing a circular in 2018 that prohibited regulated
Page 15 of
financial institutions from dealing with or providing services to
individuals or entities dealing in cryptocurrencies. This ban was
overturned by the Supreme Court in 2020, but the government
has recently introduced a bill that seeks to ban cryptocurrencies,
with the exception of those used for research and development
purposes. This has created uncertainty and confusion in the
market, and it is not clear how the regulatory landscape for
cryptocurrencies in India will evolve.

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Effect of cryptocurrencies on
global market

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have the potential to

significantly impact the global financial market. Some of the ways in
which they could potentially affect the market include:

 Disruption of traditional financial institutions:

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology could potentially
disrupt traditional financial institutions by providing an
alternative way to facilitate financial transactions and store
value. For example, the decentralized nature of
cryptocurrencies means that they are not controlled by any
central authority, such as a bank, and transactions can be
made directly between users without the need for
 Changes to monetary policy: Cryptocurrencies could
potentially affect monetary policy by providing an alternative
to traditional fiat currencies. For example, if a large number of
people were to start using a cryptocurrency as a store of value
or medium of exchange, it could potentially impact the
demand for traditional fiat currencies and the ability of central
banks to control the money supply.
 Increased financial inclusion: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain
technology have the potential to increase financial inclusion by
providing a way for people in underbanked or unbanked areas
to access financial services. For example, the use of mobile
phones and other digital devices to facilitate cryptocurrency
transactions could potentially allow people in developing
countries to participate in the global financial system.
 Increased efficiency: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain
technology have the potential to increase the efficiency of
Page 17 of
financial transactions by eliminating the need for
intermediaries and reducing the time and cost of processing
transactions. This could potentially lead to lower fees and
faster settlement times for financial transactions.
It is worth noting that the impact of cryptocurrency and blockchain
technology on the global financial market is still being explored and
debated, and it is difficult to predict exactly how these technologies will
shape the future of finance.

Page 18 of
Future effects of crypto on global
financial market

1. Disruption of traditional financial institutions: Discuss how

cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology could potentially
disrupt traditional financial institutions, such as banks and
payment processors, by providing an alternative way to facilitate
financial transactions and store value.
2. Changes to monetary policy: Explore how cryptocurrencies could
potentially affect monetary policy by providing an alternative to
traditional fiat currencies, and how they could impact central
bank's control over the money supply
3. Increased financial inclusion: Discuss how cryptocurrencies and
blockchain technology have the potential to increase financial
inclusion by providing a way for people in underbanked or
unbanked areas to access financial services.
4. Increased efficiency: Analyze how cryptocurrencies and blockchain
technology could potentially increase the efficiency of financial
transactions by eliminating the need for intermediaries and
reducing the time and cost of processing transactions.
5. Security and privacy: Investigate the potential advantages and
drawbacks of the security and privacy features of
cryptocurrencies, and how they compare to traditional financial
6. Investment opportunities: Investigate the potential of
cryptocurrencies as an investment opportunity, and how they
compare to traditional assets such as stocks and real estate.

Page 19 of
7. Regulatory challenges: Examine the regulatory challenges and
uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies, and the potential
implications for the global financial market.
8. Impact on traditional financial instruments: Analyze the impact of
crypto-assets on traditional financial instruments such as cash,
stocks, and commodities, and how they might change the way
people invest and manage their wealth.
9. Impact on economy: Look at the economic implications of crypto-
assets, including how they may change the way economies work
and what the future of money could look like.
10.Future outlook: Assess the current state of the crypto market and
make predictions about how it will evolve in the future

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Current scenario of
cryptocurrencies in the world

The current scenario of cryptocurrencies around the world is marked by

a growing interest in these technologies and increasing acceptance by
governments, financial institutions, and the general public.
In recent years, the value of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and
Ethereum, has seen significant growth, with many investors viewing
them as a potential alternative to traditional assets such as stocks and
real estate. This has led to a growing number of companies, institutions,
and individuals investing in cryptocurrencies.
Several governments around the world are also exploring the use of
blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to improve financial
services and increase financial inclusion. Some countries are also
working on creating their own central bank digital currencies (CBDC).
However, there is also growing regulatory scrutiny on the use of
cryptocurrencies. Many countries have introduced regulations to control
the use of cryptocurrencies and to protect consumers from potential
fraud and financial losses. Regulators are working to balance the
benefits of these technologies with the need to protect consumers and
prevent illegal activities.
Despite the regulatory challenges, the use of cryptocurrencies is growing
in popularity and acceptance. Cryptocurrency exchanges, crypto wallets
and various other related service providers are also evolving, and
institutional investors have also started to invest in these assets.

Page 21 of
Overall, the current scenario for cryptocurrencies around the world is
one of growth and increasing acceptance, but with regulatory challenges
and uncertainty. As the technology continues to evolve and
governments and regulators gain a better understanding of the
technology, it is likely that the global financial market will continue to
see greater integration of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

Page 22 of
Review of Literature

Wu et al. (2022)
Cryptocurrencies are an area of heightened pecuniary, numismatic,
technological, and investment interest, and yet a comprehensive
understanding of their theories and foundations is still left wanting
among some practitioners and stakeholders. Given the surge of
literature on cryptocurrencies (both academic and practitioner), the aim
of this brief thematic review is to bring to light several areas of interest
where both generalist and specialist attention is required and
warranted. It synthesizes and summarizes this salient literature on
cryptocurrencies thematically with a view to advancing a more general
understanding of their order and purpose.

Chohan, U.W., 2022. Cryptocurrencies: A brief thematic review.

Available at SSRN 3024330.

Wu et al. (2021)
The work in this paper is focusing on the effects of cryptocurrency. We
find that literature of computer sciences and interdisciplinary fields
mainly research the technologies’ effects on the economic phenomenon,
the technique progress in overcoming the negative economic effects of
cryptocurrency, and appeal to establish a new payment system based on
the underlying technologies. Based on these findings, this paper holds
that the macroeconomic effects of cryptocurrency, the influence
mechanism of cryptocurrency and legal digital currency will become
research hotspots in the future.

Yue, Y., Li, X., Zhang, D. and Wang, S., 2021. How cryptocurrency
affects economy? A network analysis using bibliometric
methods. International Review of Financial Analysis, 77, p.101869.
Page 23 of
Wu et al. (2020)
Transaction history in the current centralized banking system has the
ability to reveal a lot of private information for each spender, both to
the banking system itself, but also to those entities that surround it (e.g.,
governments, industry etc). Examples of leaking information constitute
the amounts spent, the goods on which the amounts were spent, the
spending locations and the users we exchange money with. This
knowledge is powerful in the hands of those who have it, and can be
used in multiple ways, not always to our benefit. Cryptocurrencies, such
as the famous Bitcoin, were proposed as a means to address the
limitations of centralized banking systems and to offer its users privacy
with regards to their transactional data. In this work, we perform a
systematic literature review on the realm of privacy for electronic
currencies. We present the development of digital money from
electronic cash to cryptocurrencies and focus on the techniques that are
employed to enhance user-privacy.

Herskind, L., Katsikouli, P. and Dragoni, N., 2020. Privacy and

cryptocurrencies—A systematic literature review. IEEE Access, 8,

Wu et al. (2021)
Technological development has affected the global financial industry.
The use of digital currency is increasingly gaining a place among the
world’s population, so much so that there are 2486 types of digital
currency on record.
The findings show that digital currency is classified into coins, currency,
tokens, payment tokens, utility tokens and security or asset tokens.
Coins function as a medium of payment and store of value that was
developed using its own blockchain. Currency is a medium of exchange

Page 24 of
and can be exchanged with any form of money, including the crediting
or debiting of an account. Tokens represent services, financial
instruments or infrastructure that is developed using the blockchain
technology of other digital currencies. Tokens are divided into three
types according to their function, namely payment tokens, utility tokens
and security or asset tokens. The classification of digital currencies
provides a guideline for the public who wish to carry out transactions
using digital currencies. It is important to ensure that transactions
carried out in accordance with the syarak will help alleviate cases of
fraud related to investment and sale of digital currencies.

Fokri, W.N.I.W.M., 2021. Classification of Cryptocurrency: A Review of

the Literature. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics
Education (TURCOMAT), 12(5), pp.1353-1360.

Wu et al. (2019)
The purpose of this paper is to identify the applications and
contributions of blockchain technology in finance in general, and to
identify areas where the technology can make a larger impact in
payment systems. Cryptocurrency is the first successful application of
blockchain technology and can be used as the main fuel of the global
money transfer network. Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that
can change the world with its convenience, transparency, accuracy and
efficiency in speed and cost. The growth of blockchain usage in finance
depends on further familiarization and trust gained by an increasing
number of proven successful usage cases and testimonials as well as
appropriate legislative changes.

Joo, M.H., Nishikawa, Y. and Dandapani, K., 2019. Cryptocurrency, a

successful application of blockchain technology. Managerial Finance.

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Organizational profile

Overview: - Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system.
It is the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without
a central bank or single administrator. The network is peer-to-peer and
transactions take place between users directly through the use of
cryptography, without an intermediary.
Type: - Private
Status: - Active
Founded: - 2009
HQ: - Las Vegas, NV, US
Website: -
Mission: To provide a decentralized, digital currency that allows for fast, secure,
and anonymous transaction.
Vision: To become the global standard for digital currency, providing a financial
system that is accessible to all.
Products and Services: Bitcoin, the first and most widely used cryptocurrency,
which allows for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries.
Management Team: Bitcoin is decentralized and operates on an open-source,
decentralized blockchain network, and no specific management team. Instead, it is
maintained by a network of volunteer developers and users.
Market Position: Bitcoin is the first and most widely used cryptocurrency, and it
has the largest market capitalization of any digital currency. However, it faces
competition from other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum and Litecoin.
Financial Performance: Bitcoin has seen significant growth in value since its
creation, with its price reaching all-time highs in recent years. However, its value is
also highly volatile, and it has been subject to significant price fluctuations.

Page 26 of

LAST 7 DAYS +$453.72 +2.00% ↑

LAST 30 DAYS +$6,580.46 +39.64% ↑

LAST 6 MONTHS -$149.13 -0.64% ↓

LAST 1 YEAR -$15,005.14 -39.29% ↓

LAST 2 YEARS -$11,082.78 -32.35% ↓

LAST 3 YEARS +$13,672.51 +143.79% ↑

LAST 5 YEARS +$13,146.24 +131.00% ↑

LAST 7 YEARS +$22,814.10 +6,214.09% ↑

Page 27 of
Overview: - Ethereum is a foundation that provides technology for building apps
and organizations, holding assets, and transacting. It offers wallets,
cryptocurrency, decentralized applications, finance and social networks, and other
Type: - Non - Profit Organization
Status: - Active
Founded: - 2013
HQ: - 7A , Zeughausgasse, Zug, Switzerland
Website: -
Product and Services: - The Ethereum network operates using its own
cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), which is used to pay for transactions and
computational services on the network. The Ethereum network also features a
built-in programming language, Solidity, which enables developers to write smart
contracts and dApps that run on the network.
Market Position: - Ethereum is also considered as the second most valuable
cryptocurrency by market capitalization, after Bitcoin.
Mission: - Ethereum's goal is to provide a decentralized platform for the creation of
any decentralized application and will continue to evolve and expand in the future.
Financial Performance: - Ethereum is second most popular cryptocurrencies and
reliable crypto in the crypto market and has market capital of over $250 million US

Page 28 of
Price Performance

Period Period Low Period High Performance

1,077.410 2,028.650 
6-Month -2.263 (-0.14%)
on 11/22/22 on 08/15/22

1,191.123 1,677.735 
YTD +401.615 (+33.53%)
on 01/02/23 on 01/23/23

883.159 3,579.866 
52-Week -759.664 (-32.20%)
on 06/20/22 on 04/04/22

883.159 4,865.426 
2-Year +322.343 (+25.24%)
on 06/20/22 on 11/10/21

89.505 4,865.426 
3-Year +1,418.504 (+784.18%)
on 03/09/20 on 11/08/21
82.409 4,865.426 
5-Year +709.105 (+79.65%)
on 12/17/18 on 11/08/21

Page 29 of
Overview :- Maker DAO was founded in 2015 by Rune Christensen, a Danish
entrepreneur and software developer. The organization is based on a set of smart
contracts that are executed on the Ethereum blockchain. These smart contracts
govern the issuance and redemption of Dai, as well as the management of the
collateral that backs it.
Type: - Private
Status: - Active
Founded: - 2015 and launched on 2017
HQ: - Santa Cruz, California
Website: -
Mission : -Maker DAO's main goal is to provide a stable store of value for users of
the Ethereum ecosystem. To achieve this, the organization uses a system of
collateralized debt positions (CDPs) that allows users to borrow Dai in exchange for
posting collateral in the form of Ether (ETH), the native cryptocurrency of the
Ethereum blockchain.
Management team : - The organization is run by a group of community members
who hold MKR tokens, the native token of the Maker DAO ecosystem. These token
holders can vote on proposals for changes to the organization's governance and
Partnership :- It is widely used in the Ethereum ecosystem and have a strong
partnerships with other platforms such as Kyber Network, Uniswap, Compound
and more. The organization is also supported by a number of wallets and payment

Page 30 of
Maker Price 666.159 USD

Market Rank #76

Market Cap 651,257,941 USD

24h Volume 8,718,312 USD

Circulating Supply 977,631.04 MKR

Max Supply 1,005,577 MKR


Page 31 of
Research Methodology

Objectives of the study

Cryptocurrency has become much popular in recent years throughout

the global but specially in India. Now people were trying to get more
and more knowledge about cryptocurrency. The primary objective of
this research is to get the complete information about the
cryptocurrency and its advantages, disadvantages and there working. To
add more knowledge about cryptocurrency the following are secondary
objectives of this research study.

 Journey of cryptocurrency in India throughout time

 Effects of cryptocurrency in India
 Effects of cryptocurrency on global market
 Helps to understand, what are the future effects of crypto on that
affect global finical market
 Help to know about, Current scenario of cryptocurrencies in the

Page 32 of
Sources of Data

1. Cryptocurrency exchanges: Cryptocurrency exchanges are a major

source of data on cryptocurrencies, as they track the trading of
cryptocurrencies, including price data, volume data, and order
book data.
2. Surveys and surveys: Surveys and polls of cryptocurrency users
and stakeholders can provide data on attitudes, behaviours, and
opinions related to cryptocurrencies.
3. Social media data: Social media data, such as posts on forums,
blogs, and social media platforms, can provide insights into the
perceptions and attitudes of cryptocurrency users and
4. News articles and reports: News articles and reports on
cryptocurrencies can provide information on trends, events, and
developments related to cryptocurrencies.
5. Government and regulatory data: Government and regulatory
agencies may provide data on cryptocurrencies, including data on
regulation, enforcement, and taxation.

Page 33 of
Data Interpretation and Analysis

In January 2023, a pilot study was conducted to collect data on various

aspects of cryptocurrency. Research has attempted to quantify the
increase in cryptocurrency use to provide a clearer picture of the active
scenario and their knowledge. Check out what cryptocurrency
participants are using, how often they use it or not and how they use it .
In addition, the study examined participant about their knowledge and
there will to invest in cryptocurrency. The study also looked at
participants' expectations about the future of cryptocurrency and there
thought about it.
The study questionnaire consists of 10 questions that need to be
answered in a short time to save participants time and encourage them
to participate. I distribute surveys online using social media networks.

Page 34 of
The research method used was survey through Questionnaire
A sample size of 25 people was taken
These are the questions asked in the questionnaire and the results are







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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Column3 Column2 Column1



5%7% YES

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Chart Title




Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

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Hypothesis analysis

Testing of Hypothesis

Hypothesis: -
There is impact of cryptocurrency on global financial market. According
to research analysis hypothesis stand trues and verifies that
cryptocurrency can create impact on global financial market. Through
there are no drastic changes as such but there might be in upcoming
10-12 years, we can see the affects and change in the environment.

Page 39 of

In conclusion, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have the

potential to significantly impact the global financial market. These
technologies offer a number of potential advantages over traditional fiat
currencies and financial systems, such as decentralization, security,
privacy, speed, and accessibility. However, they also have some
potential drawbacks, such as high volatility, lack of regulation, and lack
of consumer protection.

The future of cryptocurrencies and their impact on the global financial

market is uncertain. Some experts believe that cryptocurrencies have
the potential to completely disrupt traditional financial systems, while
others believe that they will eventually be absorbed into the existing
financial infrastructure. Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that
cryptocurrencies have already had a profound impact on the financial
world, and their influence will only continue to grow in the years to

But for now It is clear that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology

are still in the early stages of development, and it is difficult to predict
exactly how they will shape the future of finance.

Page 40 of

Page 41 of


1.Name __________________________

2.Age __________________________

3.Do you know about cryptocurrency?


4.Do you invest in cryptocurrency?


5.How much do you know about cryptocurrency?


6.From which of these cryptocurrencies do you heard about? And you

can choose multiple?

Page 42 of

7.How likely are you to invest in cryptocurrency?


8.Do you think cryptocurrency has a future?


9.If you get a chance to shift from paper money to crypto, do you shift?

10.If you want to invest in crypto how much do you invest in it?

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