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From the list of words or group of words lettered A to D choose the one which

is NEAREST IN MEANING to the underlined word or words as they are used

in the sentences.

1-It not always good to believe all newspaper accounts.

A-cartoons B- headlines C- reports D- columns

2-Everybody should have a goal in life.

A-a choice B- skills C- an opinion D-an aim

3-Konan was worn out after walking up the hill.

A-tired B- sweating C-sleepy D- hungry

4-Elephants are becoming rare in some parts of Africa.

A-unimportant B-uncommon C-unknown D-exposed

5-On the doctor’s advice, Mr. Yao cut out smoking all together.

A –stopped B-dismissed C- postponed D-decreased

6- The man told us a tall story about a soldier who fought a war with a spoon.

A-a sad B- an adventurous C- a funny D- an incredible

7-All my clothes are outmoded.

A- worn out B- old-fashioned C- hand-made D-ready-made

8-The girl is spend-thrift; she used all her pocket money to buy a pair of shoes.

A-careless B- bold C- extravagant D- kind

9-Ana’s mother prepares very palatable dishes.

A-expensive B- rich C- tasty D-interesting

10- Moses was brought up by a very strict woman.

A-saved B-reared C- born D- beaten

11-Alice is an inquisitive child.

A-active B-determined C- intelligent D- curious

12-We were advised to make our hand-writing legible.

A-crooked B- clear C-straight D- deep

13-Meetings have been banned in Cote d’ Ivoire because of covid-19.

A-encouraged B- forbidden C- discussed D- introduced

14-The penalty for stealing is dismissal from school.

A-trouble B- cause C- foul D- punishment

15-The talking ceased as soon as the teacher appeared.

A-changed over B-dragged on C- stopped D- increased

16- Meiway is a renowned Ivorian singer.

A-strict B- humble C- brave D- famous
17- She gave a precise definition of the word.

A-learned B- hasty C-accurate D-short

18- The excessive speeding made the accident inevitable.

A-fatal B- certain C- likely D- unfortunate

19- Most doctors are cautious in treating covid-19 sufferers.

A-careful B- good C- experienced D- friendly

20-Abass was not selected to play because he had little stamina.

A-love B- potential C- endurance D- skill

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