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baa 1 If f(c)=2e—2? find: a f(2) & f(-3) © f(-4) 2 For the following graphs determine: the range and domain ii the x and y-intercepts if they have an inverse function whether it is a function Se-5) 3. For each of the following graphs find the domain and range: a a ’ (3,2) 4 — a 1 GD. co, . = 4 Wf h(e)=7-32: a find in simplest form A(Qr—1) 6 find if h(2r~1)=~2 5 Finda,bandcif f(0)=5, f(-2)=21 and f(3)=—4 and f(x) =ar?+br+c. 1 6 Consider f(x) = a For what value of x is f(r) meaningless? b Sketch the graph of this function using technology. © State the domain and range of the function. 7 We f(w)=2e-3 and gz) =27+2, find: a f(g(a)) & g(s(2)) 8 If f(z)=1-22 and (2) = VE a find in simplest form i (fog)(x) i (go f\lx) ‘© What is the domain and range of fog and go f? 9 Find an f and ag function given that: : a fala) = vine © atta = (24) +l bia 1 If g(r) =2?—3c, find in simplest form a gir+1) b g(x? -2) 2 For each of the following functions f(x) find f(r): 3420 a f(z) bf) 7 2. For each of the following graphs, find the domain and range. a ” o y 5 Find f(x) giventhat f(x) iss a dr+2 b 6 Consider r}+ 22-7. @ On the same set of axes graph y=, f and f-? b Find f-*(r) using variable interchange. © Show that fof"? =f-tof-=e, the identity fumction Sketch the graphof g: c+ 2? +62 +7. Explain why g for x € | — oc, —3] has an inverse function g~? Find algebraically, the equation of g~!. Sketch the graph of g Find the range of g and hence the domain and range of g~?. @ Given hs rp (© 4)? +3, we [A of a find the defining equation of h~*. b Show that hoh*=htoh=a Given f: rj» 3046 and h: ej ? show that (f-!0h-1)(x) = (hof)-}(z). AVY ST 1 Tat +10 Brew pa pyey=t 7 Domain {21 re}. Range {y: y 2 4} Domain {2: 2 #0,2}, Range {y: y<—1 or y>O} 0 f Ta 0b 15 e 3 2 at Range {y+ y > 5}, Domain = fr: 7 sin wh Brin ~1,5, y-int —42 ME is a function no I Range = {y: y= 1 or 3} Domain = {x= risin ®t) W nos-intereepts; y-intecept 1 Wl isafunction WW no 3 a Domain= {r+ 2 > -2}, Range = {y: 10} , wwe have the graph 10 the lef of ot and any horizontal ine cuts € yt ved Ja dtyt & ote binge Ve For fog, Domain {x: 22 0}. Range {u: » <1} For gof. Domain {x: x < $}. Range (y: y 2 0} 2-2 mt 9 2 f(z) = VF gz) = 1-2? & gz) = 24, fla) = 4 Rangeofy {y: y > —2}, Domainofg? (e: 2 > —2} Range of y~! (ys y < -3} Oa he) 4s vend 9 (ftom \@)=2— and (ho fy \(z)=2-2 © A rectangular box has a square base and its height is 1 cm longer than the length of one side of its base. a Ix cm is the length of one side of its base, show that its total surface area, A, is given by A = 6r? +4 cm’. © If the total surface area is 240 cm?, find the dimensions of the box. 9 ‘An open box contains 80 cm? and is made from a square piece of tinplate with 3 cm squares cut from each of its 4 comers. Find the dimensions of the original piece of tinplate. F3em 10 Is it possible to bend a 20 cm length of wire into the shape of a rectangle which has an area of 30 em?? 11 The golden rectangle is the rectangle defined by the following y_oB statement: The golden rectangle can be divided into a square and a smaller rectangle by a line which is parallel to its shorter sides, and the smaller rectangle is similar to the original rectangle. 5 {_. ‘Thus, if ABCD is the golden rectangle, ADXY is a square and BCXY is similar to ABCD, (ie., BCXY is a reduction of ABCD). ‘The ratio of a for the golden rectangle is called the golden ratio. 14+ V5 Show that the golden ratio is (Hint: Let AB = xr units and BC = 1 unit) 12 A A triangular paddock has a road AB forming its hypotenuse. AB is 3 km long. The fences AC and CB are at right angles. If BC is 400 m longer g _ than AG, find the area of the paddock in hectares. 18. Find the width of a uniform concrete path placed around a 30 m by 40 m rectangular lawn given that the concrete has area one quarter of the lawn, 14 Chuong and Hassan both drive 40 km from home to work each day. One day Chuong, said to Hassan, “If you drive home at your usual speed, | will average 40 kmph faster than you and arrive home in 20 minutes less time.” Find Hassan’s speed 15. If the average speed of an aeroplane had been 120 kmph less, it would have taken a half ‘an hour longer to fly 1000 km. Find the speed of the plane. 16 Two trains travel a 105 km track each day. The express travels 10 kmph faster and takes 30 minutes less than the normal train. Find the speed of the express. 17 A group of elderly citizens chartered a bus for Sea $160. However, at the last minute, due to illness, 8 of them had to miss the trip. Consequently the = other citizens had to pay an extra $1 each, How im?! many elderly citizens went on the trip? EXERCISE 7) 1. Find the equation of the quadratic with graph: 5 Find the equation of the quadratic given its graph is: (V is the vertex.) ety bop coo ve, 4) vo.) x / x Ve-1) ep ve2,3) 3.1) EXERCISE 7L 1 The height H metres, of a ball hit vertically upwards, t seconds @ after it is hit is given by H(t) = 36¢ — 207. j 2 How long does it take for the ball to reach its maximum height? J What is the maximum height of the ball? f How long does it take for the ball to hit the ground? 2 A skateboard manufacturer finds that the cost SC of making x skateboards per day is given by C(x) =a? — da + 244. a How many skateboards should be made per day to minimise the cost of production? What is the minimum cost? ¢ What is the cost if no skateboards are made in a day? 3. The driver of a car travelling dowahill on a road applied the brakes. The velocity (v) of the car in mvs, t seconds after the brakes were applied was given by v(t) =—32 + d+ 15 ms. 2 How fast was the car travelling when the driver applied the brakes? “ b After how many seconds did the car reach its maximum velocity? Explain why this may have happened. What was the maximum velocity reached? d_ How long does it take for the car to stop? 4 The hourly profit ($P) obtained from operating a fleet of n taxis is given by P(n) = 84n = 45 — 2n? 2 What number of taxis gives the maximum hourly profit? © What is the maximum hourly profit? «How much money is lost per hour ifno taxis are on the road? 5. The temperature T° Celsius in a greenhouse t hours after dusk (7.00 pm) is given by T(t) =F? -—5t+30, (t< 20). 2 What was the temperature in the greenhouse at dusk? b At what time was the temperature at a minimum? What was the minimum temperature? 6 A vegetable gardener has 40 m of fencing to enclose a rectangular garden plot where one side is an existing brick wall. If the width is x m as shown: 2 Show that the area (A) enclosed is given by A = —2c? + 40r m2, Find x such that the vegetable garden has maximum area brick wall < What is the maximum area? Consider the following diagram of priate a bridge: i ABis the longest vertical support of te a bridge which contains a parabolic | \ arch. The vertical supports are 10 eye Ihe m apart, The arch meets the vertical we end supports 6 m above the road. a If axes are drawn on the diagram of the bridge above, with x-axis the road and y-axis on AB, find the equation of the parabolic arch in the form y = ar? +. b Hence, determine the lengths of all other vertical supports. PEW) 1. Draw the graph of 2 Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the vertex of y= —32? + 8x +7. 3 Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the vertex of y = 2x? + 4x — 3. 4. Use the discriminant only to determine the number of solutions to’ a 327—5r+7=0 b 2a? —dr+3=0 5 Show that 5472-432? is positive definite. 6 Find the maximum or minimum value of the relation y = —2? + 4ar+3_ and the value of x for which the maximum or minimum occurs. 7 Find the points of intersection of y= a?—3x and y=3z2 — 52-24 For what values of k does the graph of y= —2r + 5x +k not cut the z-axis? % 60 m of chicken wire is available for constructing a chicken enclosure against an existing wall. The enclosure is to be rectangular. a If BC=-rm, show that the area of rectangle ABCD is given by A = (302 ~ $2?) m?. © Find the dimensions of the enclosure which will maximise the area enclosed. existing wall VY 7, vg, 12) 1, (-1, -5) no real solutions two real distinct solutions ste which is >0 and A= —11 whichis <0 2 which is <0 amex wo lsmmsen 7 (A, A)and (-3,18) 8k <—34 9 & 15mby 30m 10, Solve the equation 3 4 Sx (+ 10)§ +10)" x?42x41 Baa [EE 901 simity fut simplify wax xP+xyt+xty pee 2y? + 4y x 9y? — By? +7y+2 3y2—-y [AQA Set 4 Paper 2 Q18] Simplify fully 24m-9m? 64—9m? Write as a single fraction in its simplest form. Aaa aA & i x 3 Bo atm B owi*z 1 1 1,1. x+3 xt1 x?+x o x 3 2 x?+2x41_ x?—25 tai tx+ ————— x = x x xt+5 x+1 [AQA FM June 2013 Paper 2 Q6] a aascte” | et4 [Bj Yan 2012 Paper 1.013} simplify Bo Show that simplifiesto S* x244x-12 x46 a = x?=25 x?—5x B Hence or otherwise simplify fully asco simplify fully 3c43 [AQASet 2 Paper 1.09] Simplify fully: [ES simplify fully: 3x _2 J x8-x oxtl (@=-3)@+6) x+6 Yo eae Give exact answers unless otherwise specified. Find exact solutions to: A x+ie7 Bs; 4 oO Ee Give your answer to 3sf: 2 o FM Jan 2013 Paper i 013] “ees Oto} b) Hence or otherwise, solve + + giving your solutions correct to 3sf. [AQa, FM June 2013 Paper 1 ai7) Solve oa ae =a i Exercise 4 : Laws of Logarithms. 1 Express as the logarithm of a single number: a) log 3 +log 5 b) log 10~ 1g 2 © Slog2 4) log 14 + log 2 €) Hog 16 1) log 27 - log 18 g) -3 log 2 h) ce 1 + log 2. 2 Express as the logarithm of a single number: a) 2log 2 +log 3 b) log 128-4 log 2 ©) 4 log 2-2 log 4 d) 3 log 2-2 log 3 6) 2logVS ~5 log 5 £) log 6-2 log 2 + log 8. 3 Express as the logarithm of a single number: [e.g. 1 + logy 5 = logy 3 + logy 5 =loz3 15] a) 1 + log, 3 b) log, 5 ©) log; 6-2 ) logs $~1 ©) 2+ 3 logy 3 1) 3-2 log 2 8) 1 logy) 2 hy 2+ lowyy 5 i) 1 + logy 3 ~ Lowy 2 4 Express as the logarithm of a single number a) log p + ogg b) 2 log r—log s log t+ dbgu 4) log mm —2log n ©) log xy~ Hog x £ log r +2 log s~ 3 log t 5 Expressas the logarithm of a single number: a) 1 + logy a b) 2-3 logo ©) logo 4+ Hogyy 6-1 6 Solve for x a) log x + log b) log-log 4 ©) log x +2 log a) 3 log ©) log (+1) + log (1) = bogs £1) log x? + log 025 =log 4. Exercise 5 : Further manipulation with Logarithms 1 Express each of the following in terms of log 2 and log 3: a) log 8 b) log 9 ¢) log 12 d) log 18 °) tog } my os } 8) log t h) bg 0-75. 2a) Express logy 5 in terms of logy, 2. 'b) Hence, or otherwise, express each of the following in terms of logy 2-and log, 3: @ logy $ Gi) 10g, 25 Gi) logyy 15 (iv) logy) 20 (9) logic7S Dogo Gg) loo (itt) 1ogy9 06. 3B Ifp = log, x and g = log,» a, find the connection between p and 4. 4B Ifa? =x, a= y and a! = , calculate the value of log, *Y. SB Ifa = log xy and b= log > express log x and log vin terms of a and , 6B If 3log; y= 2 log, (x - 3) + 5, show that 3 = 32 (x 3)? 7 Solve for x,y,2: a) S*=9 b) a =7 oak. 8 Solve for p,qyri a) p= log, 17 b)g= lg, 25 6) logy 03 =r. 1 Solve for x>0: a) log.4-+log.3x= log, 60 b) 2log.3+log.x=log.54 €) log xtlog (x4 =log,2 —— d) log, (2x +1)—log, (x—2)= log,3 2 Solve for x>0: a) loggx= log, 96-2 b) 34109, x= 10,7 ©) lon x= 3-lops5 4d) lorsx—3logs2=1 ©) logi(c+3)+log(x=2)=1 9) log, Be-logy(e—2)=2 8) log, (42+3)-logy(2x-3)=1 hy Logy!6+2l0gx=2 3 Solve for x> 0: 1) 10g,80-log,5=2 b) 2log,S+log,40=3 ©) Hot,16+31og,2=5 4) 2log.6-Flos. B= 2 4. Solve the following equations, ging your answers correct to two decimal places: a) 6'=40 b) 235, «) 385 d) 10'=5, oe) aad f) P27 5 Solve the following equations giring your answers correct to two decimal places: a) p=log,2! b) q=logd9 6 Find the coordinates of the points where the following curves cross the x-axis: @4a) a) y=logyx-2 b) y=logs(x-4)=1 ©) y=log,(x+)+ Exercise 8 : Exponential Growth and Decay 1 The intensity, fy units, of a source of light is diminished to £, units on passing through 4 metres of fog, according to the law 1, = ye“ 54, 2) Calculate the intensity of illumination 20 metres sway from a 250 unit light source through this fog. >) At what distance from this source will the intensity of illumination be 56 units? ‘The current, 1, amps, in a telephone wire d kilometres along the wire from where the initial current strength is J, amps, reduces according to the law J) = fy -'34, a) Calculate the current at the end of a 10 km wire with inital current 10 amps. ') Atwhat distance along this wire has the current fallen to 6 amps? 3 A number Nj of radioactive nuclei decay to N, after ¢ years according to the law N= Ny et a) Find the number remaining after $0 years if the original number Ny was 500. b) The half-life of « radioactive sample is defined as the time taken for the activity to be reduced by half. Calculate the half-life for this sample. 4 A tractor tyre has a slow puncture which causes the pressure within it to drop.The Pressure, Punks hours after inflaton to units governed by te relationship B= Fe. a) The tyre is inflated to a pressure of 50 units."Twenty-four hours later the pressure has dropped to 10 units. Calculate the value of f to three decimal places. b) ‘The tyre manufacturer advises that serious damage to the tyre will result if when the pressure drops below 30 units. If the farmer inflates the tyre to $0 units and uses the tractor for four hours, will he have caused any serious damage to this tyre? is used 5A mug of tea cools from an initial temperature of 7,2C to 7,°C in fminutes according to the law 7, = Tye“, a) A mug of tea cooled from boiling (100°C) to 75°C in 7 minutes. Calculate the value of & to three significant figures. +b) How much longer did it take for this mug of tea to cool to the room temperature of 20°C? 6 The intensity, /) units, of a source of light is diminished to J, units on passing through a filter of thickness £ centimetres, according to the law J, = Je“. a) If the intensity is reduced by one quarter on passing through a filter which is 4 cm thick, calculate the value of & to three significant figures, b) By what percentage would the intensity be reduced if the light passed through a filter of the same material which was 10 em thick? 7 ‘The atmospheric pressure, P, millimetres of mercury, at a height of h kilometres above sea level, on a day when the atmospheric pressure at sea level is P, mm of mercury, is given by P,, = Pye, If, when the pressure at sea level is 760 mm, the pressure at a height of 1 km is 670 mm, calculate the pressure at a height of 2 km. Factor the expression on the left side of each equation. Then solve the equation. 5. 4x°-32=0 7, 64x°-1=0 9. xA- 5x24 450 11. x 10x +16 =0 13. x4 9x74 14-0 Solve each equation. 33. x4-x=0 35. 2x*— 26x7- 28 =0 6. 27x'+1=0 8. x°- 2750 10. x4— 12x7+ 11=0 12, x*— Bx +16 =0 14. x44 13:74 36 = 0 34, 3x4 +185 21x 36. 5x‘ +50x*+ 80=0 9. Use the Remainder Theorem, find the remainder when x® + 3x” + 10 is divided by x - 2. 10. Find a if the remainder is a when x* + 3x? - ax + 3 is divided by x - 2. 11. If the polynomials ax* + 4x? + 3x - 4 and x® - 4x + a leave the same remainder when divided by (x - 3), find the value of a. 12. Find the value of k if the remainder is -3 when kx? + 8x? - 4x + 10 is divided by x +1 divided by x - 2, find a. 10. 3% 12. 25 13. If both ax* + 2x? - 3 and x? - ax + 4 leave the same remainder when 3 13.3

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