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Heart-Sergeant Robots

Fourth Industrial Revolution (GEIT 112)

Course Group Project Spring 2022

Heart-sergeant Robots

Instructor: Rola Abdallah

Fatima Albadi 202004595

Shaikha Alketbi 201911675
Aysha abdulla 201901463
Mariam Alkaabi 202006372
Aysha Al Nuaimi 202013738
Azza Alameri 201930814


Heart-Sergeant Robots

Title Page
Cover page 1

Table of Content 2

Introduction 3

Googling 4

Stats 5

Definition 6

Some Issues 6

Advantages 8

Disadvantages 9

Challenges 11

What next 13

List of important success factors 14

Discussion 15

Conclusion 15

Reference 16

Heart-Sergeant Robots

The health sector is the most important sector in the world. It is one of the reasons why the

number of deaths has decreased the last few decades. However, with all of these health care

developments still 55 million people die every year because of illness. Heart diseases are

considered the deadliest in the world, and are responsible for 16% of the total deaths. This is why

we created a little robot that will help with regulating the heartbeat. It can slow the rapid

heartbeats and accelerate the low heartbeats and balance it if it’s unbalanced. Or in another way

it contributes to the doctor obtaining the patient's results if there is something abnormal.

Heart-Sergeant Robots

The main goal of this project is to contribute to saving lives and supporting people's health.

In addition to that, it’s worth saying that this robot will not only be assisting in the healthcare,

but it can also work as a companion robot. Out invention will help families and friends to check

on their patient in daily basis, therefore, they’ll not worry a lot about their beloved ones.

Needless to say it will company the patient too by staying by their side. This way they won’t feel

lonely. And if they needed help, this robot could do the job with the smallest tasks. To

summarize it, our robot will help both physically and psychologically, and if that means

anything, it means that it will benefit in more ways than the patient’s circle of acquaintances and

the patient himself would expect.


The internet introduces individuals to diverse research sources and information on

diseases and medical technologies. Thus, googling has become an integral practice in healthcare

not only because it enables individuals to understand their symptoms and link them to specific

conditions but also provides sufficient information about diseases. For example, googlingheart

sergeant robots have increased access to journal publications outlining how they have created

minimally invasive and technology-assisted/robotic-assisted surgeries to improve the wellbeing

of individuals by supporting faster recovery and minimizing errors (Kothig et al., 2021). The

googling process has also increased access to journal articles on heart sergeant robots'
Heart-Sergeant Robots

application in healthcare, including industrial health. This implies that googling enables

researchers to access academic and health databases to gather relevant information on their

research topic and utilize published literature to support their claims.


Robotic-assisted surgeries have existed since the 1990s, but heart sergeant robots are

revolutionizing the application of robots in healthcare. “The application of robotic surgery

increased from 1.8% in 2012 to 15.1% in 2018” (Akhyari et al., 2022). This implies that heart

sergeant robots are integral in healthcare because they minimize medications errors by increasing

precision during surgeries and heart conditions monitoring (Kothig et al., 2021). It also increases

the accuracy of prescriptions and doses assigned to people with heart or cardiac conditions. Heart

sergeant robots have increased medication effectiveness by eliminating drug administration

errors within hospitals because they facilitate real-time monitoring of patient conditions (Kothig

et al., 2021). Its applications in industrial health have increased because it has been tailored to

monitor the cardiac conditions and heart rates of individuals within various occupations. This has

facilitated the integration of early intervention mechanisms to reduce the severity of heart attacks

and support effective heart conditions management. As such, heart sergeant robots are significant

innovations in the healthcare sector because they will reduce mortalities resulting from heart

conditions and support heartbeat regulations to improve health outcomes.

Heart-Sergeant Robots


As we all know that there are many tasks that the robot performs in health facilities and

institutions. In addition, there are assistant robots for nursing staff the perform most of the

routine tasks that do not require direct communication with patients, so our robot is a Heart rate

robot that controls the heart rate, for example if the patients heart beat is increasing the robot

automatically will control over it, and keep it normal. Also, when the patient’s heart beat is

decreasing the robot will increase his or her heart beat.

Some Issues

The reliance on artificial intelligence robots in the medical fields is increasing in recent times.

On another side, everyone who planned to build a medical robot has been faced a lot of issues,

which implies medical robots are not an easy thing to build. And as we choose to build a heart

rate robot it was a hard thing because the heart is a sensitive place, so this took a lot of time to

build it carefully.

1. Robots consumes a lot of energy:

Heart-Sergeant Robots

Robots are energy intensive and very efficient in their use. In addition, the spread pf the

heart rate robot industry, businesses, and homes will affect the electricity load.

2. Difficulty building the heart rate robot:

We all know that the heart is a main organ in the circulatory system, as it pumps blood to

all the organs of the body by contracting regularly to pump blood and distribute it in the

body through the blood vessels. Therefore, the heart is considered a sensitive and

dangerous place. So, when we were building this robot it took a lot of time from us, and

how we programmed it to follow all the tasks.

As we all know that there are many tasks that the robot performs in health facilities and

institutions. In addition, there are assistant robots for nursing staff the perform most of the

routine tasks that do not require direct communication with patients, so our robot is a Heart rate

robot that controls the heart rate, for example if the patients heart beat is increasing the robot
Heart-Sergeant Robots

automatically will control over it, and keep it normal. Also, when the patient’s heart beat is

decreasing the robot will increase his or her heart beat.


1. Heart rate robot are faster at diagnosis / dealing.

The heartbeat is one of the most significant markers of human health, and it is critical to assure

its safety. This is done by measuring the heart rate, which varies from person to person and is

expressed as the number of times the heartbeat or cardiac contractions are monitored each


2. Doesn't get tired working for hours

Robots perform work that is more precise and of higher quality. They are able to create a larger

quantity in a shorter period of time. They can also labor at a steady rate with no pauses, days off,

or vacations. They can also do applications with more consistency than humans.

3. It cannot transfer any diseases.

Robots eliminate the need for workers to conduct hazardous activities. They may work in

potentially dangerous situations, such as dim illumination, poisonous substances, or confined

areas. They can carry huge things without becoming hurt or tired. Furthermore, because humans
Heart-Sergeant Robots

do not undertake dangerous activities, robots promote worker safety by reducing accidents. Also,

work cells include safety elements that keep workers out of harm's path.

4. Speed of communication with the doctor

In medicine, robots assist by removing mundane duties from medical personnel's schedules,

allowing them to focus on more important activities, and by making medical treatments safer and

less expensive for patients. They can also do precise surgery in small spaces and move hazardous


5. Save a lot of time and effort

Robots save time by being able to manufacture a larger number of things in a shorter amount of

time. Due to their precision, they also limit the quantity of waste material utilized. Robots save

organizations money in the long term by providing early returns on investment, lowering or

eliminating worker's compensation claims, and utilizing less resources.


1. One of the main dangers that can face the heart rate robot is

making mistakes, who is the one will be blamed

Heart-Sergeant Robots

Robots have been designed to be "sensitive," apologizing for mistakes, acknowledging a lack of

self-confidence, cracking jokes, delivering personal anecdotes about her "life," and discussing

her "feelings." Human volunteers and robots who talked rigorously, without emotion, or kept

entirely mute were used as comparative groups in the study.

2. cost of capital

Industrial robot implementation can result in a relatively high capital cost, but it demonstrates

high effectiveness and achieves a high return on investment, so he answers, before you begin this

step, consider the return on both the required investment and the return on investment that you

expect to implement the robot is often the advice that we would like to give you. It is to get the

robot's asset financing and ROI to be greater than the interest on the asset financing, and the

robot programming language can greatly cut manufacturing costs.

3. To restart or restore the robot costs a lot

Robots also have operating and maintenance costs, which we estimate to be around $10,000 per

year. In comparison, depending on the nation, average manufacturing employee hourly pay range

from $2 to $47 per hour.

4. It takes a long time to make a robot

Because software robots do not require physical manufacturing, their creation is generally easy

and quick. It takes one and a half to four months to build a new robot from the ground up. The
Heart-Sergeant Robots

time it takes to recoup your investment might be as little as six months. Coding, on the other

hand, is not the most crucial aspect of the development process. The first step is crucial, since it

involves analyzing corporate operations and mapping the infrastructure and current applications.

After two to seven days, actual development and testing may begin.

5. Mental strength is different

While scientists are still a long way from creating robots with a human-like sense of self, they

are getting closer. Researchers behind a new study, published in Science Robotics, have

developed a robotic arm with knowledge of its physical form – a basic sense of self.


We all know that there are many challenges facing robots in general, due to the fact that

they are not easy to manufacture. And societies face transforming into societies that keep pace

with the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and artificial


1. Advanced recognition and language

understanding was a highly complex process.

Heart-Sergeant Robots

What is meant here is that when we were building the robot, we faced difficulty or some

challenges in understanding the language of the medical robot, and it was a complex process. So,

we have tried to develop this autonomous robot by being characterized by its multiple functions,

through this development a huge amount of robot equipment is used.

2. The ability to recognize the environment and adjust the

behavior accordingly.

The robot needs a lot of work in order to understand the environment with which it coexists and

to act in the required and correct behaviors. Therefore, there was a difficulty in building this

feature because each place is different from the other. In addition, robots are tricky because they

don’t need only to feel and. Understand. The environment, but also, they need to communicate

with other robots while working independently.

3. The expansion in the roles and capacities of robots.

The idea here was to expand the building of a robot that is not usual by working in the effective

systems that exist in nature, but because of the lack of change for a long time in this field, this

was the main challenge, so we had to develop materials that combine sensing, operation and

Heart-Sergeant Robots

4. Privacy and data protection in care and clinical settings.

5. Not drawing attention be dealing with robots, the people who

need to use the robot are already faced with significant societal

stigma, so they often avoid using it.

What next

we hope to provide a smartwatch that can give the best health care choices at the lowest

price possible, the best quality, and the availability to everyone.

 Can help people who suffer from heart illness.  

 Available anytime. 

 Anyonecanuseit (because it’s cheap ).

 Avoid heart attack or stroke.

by calculating and majoring the heartbeat,

we can assume if the user is in a dangerous

state or not then the watch will immediately

call the Ambulance and send the location to

the staff with the user's medical file. 

Heart-Sergeant Robots

List of important success factors

When employing the da Vinci Surgical System for robotic surgery, the surgeon controls

miniaturized instruments mounted on three robotic arms to make microscopic incisions in the

patient from a computer interface in the operating room. The surgeon examines the operation site

with a 3-D camera attached to a fourth robotic arm, which magnifies it. The surgeon's hand,

wrist, and finger movements are transferred to the tools attached to the robot's arms via the

computer interface. The replicated movements have the same range of motion as the surgeon,

providing for the most precise control possible. At the patient's bedside, the surgical team

supervises the robot.

The main advantage of robot-assisted cardiac surgery over open-heart surgery is that it is less

intrusive. Smaller incisions mean you'll spend less time in

the hospital, heal faster, and get back to your normal routine


If robot-assisted cardiac surgery is right for you, it will be

determined by your healthcare professional. It can be used

for a variety of purposes, including:

Heart-Sergeant Robots

* Replace or repair stiff or leaking heart valves * Treat atrial fibrillation, a common kind of


* Remove a heart tumor 

* Replace or repair stiff or leaking heart valves 

* Treat atrial fibrillation, a common kind of arrhythmia


One of the problems that face making the robots is the money and how expensive it is to

program and mack the robots. Many business owners that want to deploy robots in their factories

or operations must pay a high upfront investment. After all, robots aren't cheap, especially when

they're high-tech, cutting-edge, and required for a certain duty. An organization may face severe

financial strain as a result of this. Because of the electricity and people necessary to keep robots

functioning, the operating expenses are very considerable. so we can use the solar system to

reduce the power expense and make sure we have the budget to invest in the robots


Robotic surgery offers an interesting alternative to traditional surgery, with the possibility of a

hybrid bypass procedure. It also offers a minimally invasive option in cases where traditional

endoscopic surgery is technically impossible. However, in randomized control trials, it would

Heart-Sergeant Robots

have to show that it is not inferior than traditional surgery in terms of short- and long-term

outcomes. Then it would have to show that it is a financially feasible choice.


 Braunwald, E. Heart disease. Third edition. United States: N. p., 1988. Web. 

 Akhyari, P., Bonaros, N., Belluschi, I., Kempfert, J., Herzzentrum, D., Oosterlinck, W.,
& Bonatti, J. (2022). Robotic Cardiac Surgery in Europe: Status 2020.Frontiers in
Cardiovascular Medicine.

 Kothig, A., Munoz, J., Akgun, S. A., Aroyo, A. M., &Dautenhahn, K. (2021, August).
Connecting humans and robots using physiological signals–closing-the-loop in HRI.
In 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive
Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 735-742). IEEE.

 Weinstein, GS, O’Malley, BW, Snyder, W. Transoral robotic surgery: radical

tonsillectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.

 Boehm DH, Reichenspurner H, Gulbins H, et al. Early experience with robotic

technology for coronary artery surgery. Ann Thorac Surg
Heart-Sergeant Robots

  Sackier JM, Wang Y. Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery. From concept to

development. Surgical endoscopy.  1994 Jan

 Camarillo DB, Krummel TM, Salisbury JK. Robotic technology in surgery: Past, present,
and future. The American Journal of Surgery.  2004 Oct

 Mack MJ. Minimally invasive and robotic surgery. JAMA : the journal of the American
Medical Association. 2001 Feb 

Pellico, William, Curfman, Noah, and Wong-Squires, Mayling. Argonaut - A Robotic
System for Cryogenic Environments. United States: N. p., 2021.

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