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TEACHER’S BOOK John Taylor - Jeff Zeter dod Express Publishing Answer Key . Audioscripts . ‘Answer Koy . Audioscripts ibaiaid Book 1 Answer Key voteweg 1 12 2A 2¢ 1c 2¢ 1 commander 2. surenders 1 pistol 3 handgun 2. sidearm 4 conice pista Round capacity: 15 / fifteen counds Ideal use: close combat Length: 217 millimeters ‘Weight: 952 grams Round: 9 milimeter (possible response responses wllvan) Soldiers eim and fre a pistol with one hanc. Unit. 2 waun unit: 1 Unit 1 it zy F/ 2. F/... used to make the tigges barre! 3 at 1 1 weapon's rateoFfive. range end accuracy © ZA 3D ae A 2€ assautt weapon, rifle, range, accuragy sight, fre, round, burst 1 an M16A2 rifle 2 the effective range is) 460 meters 3 (aim and) fre five rounds into the target {possible response responses will vary) ‘A nfs & a type of firearm, ithasa builn sight and you fire it from the shoulder. The barel’s twisting grooves spin the tule to make it more accurate. A snale pul ofthe tigger ‘Gan produce muitiple-round bursts, 3 indirect fre set up the morar by adustng the angle ofthe tube indirect fre 3 propellants mounted 4 portable D 20 aC se indirect fie to eliminate an enemy position ‘2 portable 120-milimater mortar behind hills approximately 4,000 meters away ‘three times because the firing pin was not working (possible espanse response: vila) To operate a morter one sets the tube at the angle that will ‘ive the desrec range. You then drop a shell cown the tube. 4 1 F/Soldies use the gun fiom a distance. 21 aT 4 F/Gurs ike the howitzer are direct fre or indrect fre weapors. rewserved weegons 3 artillery piece projectles 4 muzile battle 3 breech 5 cannon direct fre 4 Howitzer howrtzer,crewserved, atilery piece, breech, battle, gun 1 theM198 Howitzer §— 330,000 meters 2. through a breech 4 four rounds per minute ‘a the tear of tie weapon 5 detonate A snes ey (possible rerporse resporses wil vary) 1A gun, which & sometimes led cannon is acrew-seved weapon used indattie Frojectles are loaded into the muzzle orbreach ofthe arillary pice and fred on 2 neery fat course, units 18 20 3A 1 a large-calber gun ina rotating turet 2 heavy armor on the hull 3 Tha MI Abrams tank can withstand both armor: heavy armor, hut, armored weaponry: stroothbore,turet, anti-personnel 1A frontline warfare —B combat zone 2 A biological B chemical 3 A turet B_ machine gun 18 2c BA 1 3 machine gun 5 2 4 hull (possible response -responses wil vay) A tank & an armored vehice used in front-line warfare. Its ‘main weapan isa cannon mounted on the rotating turret. In acdlion there's a machine gun mounted on the turret. The main body of z tark is called the hull ad itis moved forwards by tracks on its sices. cannon / mein gun tracks turret Unit 6 prevent the enemy from Istening tothe fullcorwersaton 2 man-pack... handheld 3 date transnsions 4 two-way contact 5. rechargeable Ithiurr-ion batteries 1b 2¢ (possibteresponse - responses wil vay A: How many types of radio are there? 8 There ate two types of radio: the SINCGARS man-pack and the ANPRC-148 thandheld A: How are they used? 8: The man-pack is used for voice and data transmissions. ‘The handheld is used for two-way contact A 2A 28 sayagain 3. Negative 5 Over 4 Wilco Reger 3 You're 4. Goahead afftmative breakingus = 5. Standby Go ahezd, Over, Say again, You're breaking up, Wilco, Out 1. He is requesting new orders. 2 Moye te a new position, 3 He did rot hear the coorcinates. (pnsblerescose respons lay) Delta one three, Dota one-three, this is Tango five-zero, 2B: uated Tango e's. ‘A. Requesting indirect Fire on the tree line at ghd si-two- one, two-one-three. Over Say again five-zero, you're oreaking up. Repeat grid reterence That's id sxctwo-one, two-one-three. Roger five-z2r. Wilco. Out out er # SX WQS unit 7 11 FY. "fort® and “seer”. gartison : 2 3 F/ housing for emrememt.. the one or more urits 4. Fy Thare e-always 2 post may talc) be 2 ces: FAC. pos exchange bares Functions: shelke, command canter, operations 3010 28 3.6 4 tobe checeed:DFAC, post exchance (PX) 5 (posible response -responseswillcry) Here you wil se the post barack. This is where the solders on the bas ie. The barracks ao ao sometime called abit. units 1 inadiing hall or field kitchen ‘one when they are on the move siverware and cookware OTL ES OG LORY Fist Strike Raton ‘A-Ration or gartison ration MRE / Meal, Ready to Eat The platoon will not be suppled with A-Rations. RES 3 Fist Strice Rations 6 (gosiberesponse-responseswil vay AL Asa soldier what kind of meals are you provided with in the fiela? B: Well we gat A-Rations if there is a fld kitchen avaiable. But the standard meal in tie fed is the MRE ~ ‘Meal, Ready to Eat”. When we ate on the move we use Fst Strike Ratons: No wWNe = buns unit 9 WoAlgé Bee 3¢ 2 18 ore 3A ac 41 field dressing 3 gauze 2 nasopheryngealaiwey 4 tourniquet 6 (posibleresponse- responses wil vary) The solders frst checc that the sldie’sainway is lear and that he is breathing. Nex, thay ty to find a pulse to check fer circulation. Lastly they appa ‘eld dressing tothe wound on his le. 7 possileresponse-reszonsesil vay) ‘As a medic my job involves giing first ad to casualties using ‘2 mobile medical kit. The first thing | do is check that the patient's airway is clear. Then | mate sure that they are breathing and have a heart oeat. IF thay do net | will provide cercicpulmonary resuscitation (CPR. Unit 10 118 26 2 1 Kevlar helmet 5 canteen holder 2. webbing & bayonet 3 ammo pouer 2. isto hobter rucksack & canteen 4 tobechecked: Kevlar helmet, ammo pouch, webbing frst ald kt, lsh, fel jacket 5 (possible response ~ responses il vay) ‘Most solders wear camouflage uniforms to help them beng imo the scenery. The main items are trousers, a T-shirt, Boots and scrre head gear: usualy a Kear helmet. n colder wether 3 field jackets also wom. They cay ther equiomantinto battle “ SA RQ iéw°wnuru8 MWK SMA\|_|”VKU’LANUY Book 1 Answer Key using 2 rucksack and webbing. The webbing & used to cary a vatety oF equipment, induding e bayonet, a flashlight, @ fist aid kit and some ammo pouches. A canteen holder's also attached to holda cantaen. Sometimes a hale is atached to the webbing. Unit 11 1 £ Paulie | F/Bresaeies sed by armies . Some rarks 2 F/ Enlisted soldiers have no command authority. 3 F/._ank that eomimtsionet fet olds an anlsted 8 2¢ sergeant major 4 lieutenant cipal 5 lieutenant colone ‘general cobne! major coporal staff sergeant Feutenant leutenart colonel captain raster segeent brigadier general private fist class A\tborne training to increase te effectiveness of en army ‘the Fireteam, ‘4 two ar more regiment 5 an army 5 2D 5c Te 6 aa eF F//Abattalon ised aya lieutenant colonel, while a company sed by a captan oF major. a 1 E/..-48 100,000 trocns. 100.000 troops or more T Alpha Compary 4 Second Squad Second Flatoon 5 Third squed Fst Squad tw destroy a machine gun emplacement {0 pronide suppressive Fire ‘Thicd Squad (pessibleresponre responses vilvary) The army is organized into 2 seres of units, the smallest of which isthe fireteam mace up of four or fe soldiars and ‘commanded by a corporal. Two or more frezeams together {ox a squad (r section) agein commended by acorperal or 2 sergeant. Two or more squat form 2 platoon headed by 2 lieutenant. A company consists of severa platoons and is commended by a captain or mat. The next laval ups the battalion which is commanded by 3 lieutenant colonel and is made up o” several companies, Similarly a regiment s mace Up of several battalions and commanded by a colonel. A brigade isa similar size but 5 serretimes comvnanded by a ‘ceneral rater than a colonel. Two or more brigades make Up a Division and three or more divisions make up a corps. Both of these are commandec by generals. Finlly an ery consists of one hundred thousand ar more troops anc i, cence agan, commanded by a general unit13 1 2 TA 28 3c re 28 Answer Key 5 Book 1 Answer Key oS Suede & 3A 5D 28 ar 6c 4 1 fieldariley 4 Miltary Police 2. infantry 5 Compsof Engineers 3. armored division 5 1 weapors 4 Hoghh-taines 2 frontlines 5 special 3 physical 6 recon 7 (possible response responses vilvary) The advantages of a carees in the infenty are that you get ‘weapons traning, you get to fight on the fent lie and you also get fantastic prysical raining. The advanteges cf 2 iver in the Special Forces are Tet you wil be 2 highy ‘waned soldier and carry cut special missions, for example recon missions. unit 16 1 1¢ 28 2 1 ubn 3 desert 5 mountain 2 hinge 4 arte 1B 2c 3c 1 236meres 2 omeers (graphicresponse) (rohicresporse) Coerdinator: 105583 = 125596 35590 138612 © 163625 (positleresponse-respnseslay) Acilitary map stows the main terrain and key topographical festuresofanaea slr cn deterine the ecators ston on it sing the ge coordinates on the mo, unit 15, 11a 21 fidge 2 hil 3 draw 2 spur A epression 5 saddle valley hill 5 depression ridge 101629 © 137679 © 135605 141605 1 somewhere eround arid coordinates 179589 2 cbserve enemy actuity ane radio in 3 stuation report RQQQL XN RX QS QQ St A&A Unit 1 Nowy, on the left you'lsee the M9 pistol being assembled. Soldiers can load fifteen rounds into it. This makes it vay gcod ‘or cose combat situations. The ful length of the weapon is 217 milimeters, with @ \wagntot 952 orem fees ine-milimeier rounds. This weapon is the op Choice in many miltanes around the wos. One reason fortis fs ncreabe dutelty. unit 2 MM. Goed aftemoon, Private Barnes. Today wel be doing some assault ‘weapon tralnirg. Are you ready to re the MGA r#le? Ws Yes, sergeant! IM. So, what's the masimum effectve range of ths weapen, private? W. 460 mete, sesonent ME Good. Now step up othe ine, private Youllbe surrsed by the ‘weapon's accuracy. Aim down the sight and re Fve rounds into the target. Wellsitch to three-round Durst after that Unit 3 All ght, May Lhave your attention, please? At 0115, the mortar unit (was ordered to use indirect fire o lrinate an enemy positon located Uichind @ hil, Cur unit caried a portable 120-milimeter mortar. was Set up approximately 4,000 mete’s fiom the enemy postion. We ischarged 2 total of three rounds, striding the enemy position once wah each round, However, our fourth round failed to launch from the fe Upon inspection, we found that the fing on was not working Unit 4 Right here youl see the M1198 howitzer, I 4 crew-served artillery piece. Solis loa fe from a large breech 2t the rear of the weRDor. ‘The howitzer serves ar exenely important purpoze in baile. It can strike at targets up to 30,000 meters away using rocket-propelled founds, Perhaps more impressive ig the rate of fe. This gun cay fre four rounds per minute in the hands ofa weltrained crew. unit 5 Right here youllses our main battle tant, the MIA2Abraes. You need to famitaize yourself wah the following pats. Youll notice the main ‘gun, an M256 cannon wich fires a 120-milimeter rund, The man Gur's angle is controled by the turet, which has a full 360-degree range of motion, On tap of the tank youtl see the M2H8 Neary ‘machine gun, The ecteror her scaled the hull tt houses the crew. Lastly, youl sae the tracks her, which move the tank forword. unit 6 Me Alpha one-two, Alpha one-two, this is Foxtrot eightthres. WE Go ahead, Foxtrot eicht-tnee. M._ No enemy sighted in immedate area of cperation Raques: orders, Over ‘Ws Reger standby. Move to orid one-one-fe, two-one-two and held postion. Mz_ Say again, one-two, you'e breaking up. Repeat destination. W. Thats grid one-one-fve, two-one-to, M: Wo. Out. Unit 7 ease diect your atention to the bulldng on the left. This 's where ‘our soles have their meals. We oferalaige variety of foods from all [round the world. You'l als note the lrge building on the gn. F's 3 large tore where our solders can goto shop for just about anything you can imagine. [offers doting, shoes, (000, and even barbers Unit 8 IM: just ated tote platoon sergeant I's 2 negative on gesting any ‘Acrators anytime soon, WW. 50, wel be ‘eying on our MES? Audioscripts ‘The problem is thet we're caning law on MRES too Noone ‘thought tis mission would last so ong ‘Sowhat are we goig to do? Rely on Fst Strkefations? Until we get resupple, ys. Unit 9 Mi: Medic v2: What's the situation bee? Nit: dont tmow He's unconscious A orenade exolod2 near him Dut Ido see any flesh wounds. IN2: OK. Fist, We ne2c 10 check his aitway and make sure he's breathing lid thst. You check fora pulse M1. OK. I found a pus. M2 Gand. found shrapnel inte oldie’ leg, Lets put field dressing fonte stop the Bling unt wo can get the shrapnel out. Unit 10 Hore you can soe my ful bate rate. I's 50 kilos worth af aba. Ths s fy field Jacke: red my webbing. | Keep ry staid kit, some arr pouches. ad a fashight in there Ths Nea oiece of equipment iy Kevlar helmet, Of cour, al ofthis suffisimportant But canyng alot iton along combat opettio is encugh to tre outeven the bas: soldi. Unit 11 DMT; Lieutenant Tippin, is that you? IMB: Yes. Sergeant Gotenic, i's fantastic to see you agan. Ni: Actaly, its Lioutenant Cone! Golenic now. | stayed in service after left our unit. 12: ‘had ro idea retired raht after we served together Did you stay with the Areorne? a: Yes, but Focused mostly on Laing. Unit 12 Mit: have new ordersfor all of Alpha Company t destroy armachine gun fepacement. We'l sar with second platoon. Ueuterant Smith? Ma: Yes, sir, Captain Garcia? Mi: Here ae you pltcon’s odes. Fist squad wil lnk the enemy on ‘top of hil 121. fell beled by Corporal Davidson, Second squad, led by Sergeant Martin, wil ay coun supprasive fire from the ese ofthe hil Corpora Roberts third squad wail be held reserve unit 13 Based on your information, | think you woul be a good fit fr infantry alow youto get bot weapons taining and engage eremieson the Fron: Ines. Vou ako get Fantastic physcal rain. Aeratvely. yOu ould consder Spocal Forces. These ae highly trinedcldie that cary bet special missions For instance, oul Dé abe t do recon isons. Unit 14 ‘Yul begin the mission at arid 105583 and proceed due east to gid 129568, At this point, maritor the terrain for enemy movernent unt anfdent that the area is secure. At this time, move nerty to grid 4135509, Reman in the cover of te saddle as you move furtes noth toward gid 138612. Final, move northeast down the hill to grid 1163523 and awatt radio contact fram Juliet two-nine. unit 15 ‘We've got enemy activity somewhere in the southeast ofthe combat zone - mest likey nthe depression. f you ook at the map, youl see “rere Ireen, Freteam Echo, you wil provice reconnassance ofthe ‘nemy positon. Stating fiom gid ore zero-ane, sicworniner~ you got thal? Again. i's id one-zero-one, sxtwo-rinar. OK. then head Sceast unl you reach the scand draw Proceed south up the second ‘dean unt you rezch the northwest side of Hil two-two-niner, Work ‘yout way tothe top of the hil. Then observe ener atin. Racho na Situation por ASAP ze x7 Anower Key 7 A Book 2 Answer Key _ cu unit 2 3 1 F/ danger to seleiers clans 2. F/useé as apteare weapons anti-nfitration 1A 20 Uses of land mines: anti-personnel, aree~denil, ant infitration, ambush Detonation methods: command, sof destruct, victim. initiated, time-delay 20 land mine vitin-itiated shrapnel minefeld correrand detonation Clayrore rine plow chain flail anv-infitation anti-personnel ‘ey need to get through the erea quickly attach a mine plow to the front ofa tank by ordering them to folow directly behind the plow in a staggered formation prpr>n 1A 20 3c 1 home 3 freand-forget 2. penetrating weapons 4 man-porteble 1 ERA 2 infrared 3 shoulderlaunched weapon Pros: can be launched from a variety of platforns, doesn’t rely on thermal ves; i fast ‘Cons toobig tobe man portable, isnota fre-end-orget weapon 1 eptical missile 3) Antitank guided missies 2. Thermal weapons 4 guidance system TGs, TOW, viaod Ine of sight, Javelin, ERA 1 TOW 2 optical = 3 Javelin (prsbleespene—respenes ivan) ‘What are the cifferences between the Javelin and the BGM-71 TOW? Wel the Javelin is 3 man-portable weapcn but the TOW isnot ‘re there any other difterences? Yes, the Javelin uses an infrared homing guidance system. The TOW uses an optical guidance system. ‘What does that mean in practice? ‘The Javelin isa fire-and-forget weapon, onceit has been launched the operator doesn’t need anytring else. With the TOW the operator must maintain Ine of sight vith the target. 4 FRA me ee unit 3 1 5 1e¢ 28 1 machine gun 4 suppressive fre 7 2 rounds 5. tngoer 3 caller & recoil ‘Ways to Feed Ammunition into a Weapon: magazine, crum, bet Different Words for Ammunition: bullet, found, cartidoe Different Ways to Support a Machine Gun: bipod, tripod 1 M249IMG 3 1man 5) bipod 2 556mm 4 suppressive fre rate of fre unit 1 (possible answers actual answers my vary) 1 They can expiode next to hidden targets, 2 apstol and a grenade laurcher 3 Iv fres mote powerful rounds, B answer key 5 1B ZA 30 M29 O1cW: aiburst munitions ComnerShot: soecal-purpose weapon MP7: submacnine gun 1 E/frepstol bulets 2. Fralowelocity cannon unit unit Unit APC: B,C, E IEA, F 1D 26 BC 1A 20 1D 28 BA 48 M113, XM734, M73042 1 MI13/ caries troops to battle. 2 KMI34 allows troops to fre on around troops 3 M7Z0A2 /fres suface-to-ar meses (possbleresponse— recone lay So what ae the main differences between APCs and IFS? & wellbore desgned toca Soden toca but the FV s more heavily armed and so able toe used in direcefire battles Ae there ary other ciferences? Yes, some APCs can carty up to twenty soldiers while smost FVS can carty no more then ten In what ways can APCs be madfied to sut different situations? ‘They can be modified to cope witha wide range of combat situations. They can be fited with antitank o antiaircraft eagons. Do you know of any other posites? “fes they can be used in non-combat roles to, as renal vehicles or even as srbulances. = PR ep > F lateral awacks 2 T 3 F/limited protection bulletresstant glass 3 fording kit fourewheel drive A 2d 38 ammuntion 4 30mm rounds 7 Alpha 5 Brno mortar shells 6 restof the (possibteresonse ~ responses wil ary) The mission isto load ammuriton into the Hurwee and deine it to whereitis needed. The 30mm ounds and mortar shells are tobe unloaded at (checécont) Alpha. The solders should then proceed to Bravo Companys postion to urioad the rest of tie ammunition before retuming to base. r 1c ze 3D vehicle commander / Stiyker Brigade Combat Team run-fia ties periscope slat armor all-wheel deve ‘thermal imaging camera /rermote weapon station toretumn tobase {0 artempt to find eneny targets in the area because the road is blocked because the sat armor protected the vehicle Return to bate = SO RU Sh \ \ QQ9O AA RAO QA OAAAL RSs Q®6 yr Book 2 Answer Key ROL QQQOO OL SRR TCS unee 8: The convoy commander espns forts safety anc Ve Fy Te Avengers 36 to guard acansturmanned mel a ee beralvoh Tks do coneys fee Bee & They or at si fom enemy atacks and ako diner 3 Fy Tre vengrisaso armed untae Mat fee speeonet mieenntt tate before ‘machire gun is forme nd ow nies? 2 1 launch pod 2 corscledsrly 2 sentence 3 Trelenc vice no coma caled the paceseter and 2) 16 os Dabeeeee Baars 4 * makes sue the paned sched folaned. The rer i Paes (hides atte back ofthe convoy ae tere to Fe wth 2. the gyro-stabilized turret, the missile pods and the maintenance, recovery and medical aid. «aoa ca en i kel fnc tna but Rl need tobe tested nas rie 2c 3D vate oe 210 26 38-465 A Nao ene 3 1 patel 2 semen 2 v Main rotor, Fuselage, Tail rotor, Landing gear Seay 2 BT Cockpit: (small hole in the nose: 5 7 oe eat 7 Sang poe 3 borncbesinde (bole. 30; 6 (possible answers - actual answers may vary) toe 268 1 atracking patol 21 A longbow /B Apache 2. tcc forma tank ead and footrins 2 Tget Acquis and Desineton Sytem / 3 Siewthe enonysmoverent B_ hemet mounted dsolay the TADS and night vision 2 six targets carrying small arms 3 because the pt cannot see the targets 4 (posible response responses wil vary) [RAHS lke the AH-64 were designed to dominate confics Its main armaments are 3 Gating-style auto-cannon and FFARS, the fist of which can be controlled by the TADS display. The AH-64D Is an upgrade of the AH-64 with Acvanced weapons design and tracking systems Unit 12 116 20 30 2 1 disarm 2 ceasefire geet e ZA 41 comefie 3 reconstruction 2 humanitarian 4 Gsengagement 51 because ofghting andpoltcalinsctlty inthe South Poti. 2. peace accord; disarm: demabiize; humanttarian ad Unit 12 1 18 2D 3A 4C 5B 2 14 28 SF Ze ac 6D 31 A convoy commander 8 conwy 2 A release point B headquarters 2A risk management asessrrent —B choke point 4 A. pacesetier B hak 4 convey, headquarters, raloase point, convoy commander, frarch coumn, choke points, pacesetey, rear vehices 5 1 Heedguarters 3 26/twentysk 5 pacesetter 2 Baro 4 choke ports 6 Rear vehicles 6 (posible response ~ responses willy) ‘2: What is the purpose of a convoy? B: A convoy is used to move troops and supplies across highways, road and trails. ‘A: Wiha isin command of a convoy? 4. to folow the enemy's tacks 7 (posible response responses willcry) 1A vihat are the man aiferences between the three sic ‘types of pattl? Viel econnasiance patos simply observe the enemy. Comb patrols, nowever,etack the ene. find what sbour Vaden pao, how ate they ferent? TFacking pats acuall flow th: tel ofa patcdar ney ait They do nat engage ther n combat but inseac note ther routs the terain ad unt iormation unitae 1166. 2 elgg evasion 2 relcopter 900 5 Aphs soi212 6 ESCORT (pessblersponse- exposes wilvar) $Sa% and C3AR misions are carried out by SARTFS. An EPA designed covering every aspect of the operation. They ae escorted ting ther sions by a ESCORT erat. Fe Siioport provided at the rescue Site by a RESCAP are Unit 15 1 oie 2 8 2 eee 8 38 3b 4A 5D distressed personne! 4 poporangesmoke = 7 1130 A D D © 1 rT 2 FY lim or deny access to 3 F/. hasty ereckpaints, Deliberate checkpoint: C Hasty checkpoint 8 Closed checkpoint: A 5 iposublearswe's- actual arswess may vary) There was an explason at a military checkooint. 2 They had been teken to ¢ holding ate. 3 They installed a closed checkpoint Answer key 9 Book 2 Answer Key BORER ROcA HENRIETTE Te TS 6 10 answer key (possible response - responses wil vay) Threat awareness needed tostay alive n ar area of conflict. Checkpoints ere used to make sure that the movernent of Insurgents is contioled. They use obstacles to slow down or ‘Stop traffic, They Feature escape routes for veh ces. as well ‘as. pian of attack ageinst any host element that attempts ‘to go through there. Holding areas ate used to make cose: inspections of ‘vehicles, Occasienally interpreters and interrogator are used there too The three besc checkpoint designs are deliberate chectooints, hasty checkpoints and Cosed checkpoints. The fist isa sem permanent instalation where there is @ medum or high f|mount o’ Vaffic. Hasty checkpoints ae temporary sructures that are set up quickly and may use tre spikes to deter insurgents Finalya closed checkpont is like 2 roadblock SS unit 2 IM: Specials ones! M2: Nes, Sergeant Waran? M1: We're aporazching a krawn minefield. We can‘t dear them by hand. We need to get through this ares quctly M2: Undersone, sergeant. Are they anti-persornel mines or antetark nines? M1: Likely both 1N2_ Wiel, sergeant, my recommendation isto attach a mine plow to the font of one of the tanks Nt: Agreed. Fesse accompany the armored units they olow lloxder the vehicles to fellow in a stright ine benind the plow a Staggered ‘ormation to protect the rest of the venicles. Get to ‘werk, soldier M2: Right aay, sargeart Unit 2 Nt: Sir, ourscouts have spotted armor approaching cur postion from {he west, At leat three tans. M2: Roger that, crgora. We need :o set up 2 defensive positon to repel thar attacks. Were going to have torelyon our ATSMS IMI: Yes, sic How do you want to proceed? NZ: Let'shave fist squad set up @ TOW on a tipod atthe too of the hill Th wil ghve the operator 2 dea line of sght on the targets to.low the aptical ackrg to function I: Yes, sir And what about second squad? M2. Order second squad to set un with the Javan bei the tree ne. ‘We can order them to prove freon the armor ifthe TOW team has to pullback, orf the enemy has FRA. Unit 3 Mt: Good afternoon, solders Welcome to iveagons trang. Todey, ‘ve wil fre the M249 LMG. The M249 sa ight machine gun In fact that's why we cll an LMG. I's a small caliber machine gun, it caver is 556 milimeters. AS you all crow, thiss the same Caliber 2, for example, the N-16. fi’ light enough to be carried by just ene man. Its not used to cause mass cesta. nstead, it's used for supprestive fro against enemy trocps. They're most effective when used on abipod unit 4 W. I thnk you'l be very excted to hear about our new XVT24 prototype assaut rfl. This the mest advanced weapon cf ts fine. uses not only standard rifle cartridges, but abso arburst ‘munitons via 2 fow-réodty cannon on the font. Petheps mast facing is the attachment on the font. A psto can be attached te the font of te fl, and special hinge allows the pstal to amaround comers, Ascraen allows te soicer to vew any threats ‘10und corners Unit 5 MI: We have several APS nour motor poo. OF course, we have the standard M1173 APC that we use for transporting troops to the battle ft doesnt arya latof firepower, butit’s the perfect chasse if you need to get your troops into battle ‘Mz: I'm falar wth tre 113, but ve never seen one with lots on the side. that a variant that allows troops to look outsde? Mi: Actual, you'te referring to the M734, which uses the same piatferm zs the M1/3. The slots allow troops insde the AFC to fire thet ile on troops surounding the venice. MB: Some ofthe APCs have more Frepower, right? MI: AbsoUtely. When we ned to freon ercraft, we use the M730A2, vwhich Fas surface-to-air mses Wt: Do you heve en MTO6AZ2 MI: Ah, the morta-carryng APC? No, we don't. MQ KA MQHQHHQAA RQQAQAAAAA Audioscripts Unit 6 Mtr Your cnt wil be sent on a rsuoply mission for Bravo Company. Fist. [want you to get 2 tear of four togethor anc load six boxes cf ammuntion into the back of the humee. You show have 2 ligt of tho aremunition you need 2: [hare the list ight here. Welload up the ammo first. What's ex? Mt: Ne, youl take two ather seldars with yourself and drive to creckpomnt Alpha. Thee, youll dtp off the mortar shelb and 30 mlmster rounds M2: OX, 30 the mertor shells ard 20 nilimeter rounds go te checkpoint alpha at: Correct. When they've received their supplies, drve to Bravo Cornpany’s postion and crop off the rest of tho ammunition Return to base immediataly afterwards. Mo: Got it Unload the rst of the ammo with Bravo Company anc 6 unit 7 Mr: Reports over there say tat we're Ikely to encounter resstarce vathin the ty ua: Copy that. Should we take a different route back te heedquartes? MI: Standby. scan the areaon the thermal imaging cmera.andleok for threats... Enemy sighted. ..nemy fe fom the side Ma: Roger that, commander The toad i blecked. Wel have to go ad LMI: I'm going te lay dawn sore sunpressing ie with the RWS. Back Up and turn et. Well find an alternate route to cur destination M2: Vlas that RPG fre? IMI: Roger We're good. Damage seems minimal. Must have tthe sat arm. Keep us moving. (M2: Roger that. You don't have to tel me twee! Unit 8 .W1: Unvortunately i looks ite the Avenger system is yong to be out of commission for at least a week Mi: You mean it's norefurctona 2gain? WI: Unfortunately that's right. It took some heavy damage in the frefght yesterday, The gyro-stablized turet is only darraged Signy, but it wil cake at last afl dey torepaic. Wi: OK, undesiood. What about the athe: systems? WI That's where fgets wore, The misile pods are almost completely cestroyed, and they need tobe replaced completely. The console splay was ako damaged, theugh replacing it should’ take too Tong. think the RCU i operat} util Rave to test it cut once Ive made al of the other repars. IMI. Well just get it done. We nse ths back in our FARD as soon 25 possible unit 9 LW: Allright, let's do the pre-fight checkist and get underway. IM OK. Fist of, the main rotor ooks good. Just some minor damage, but nothing that would affect fight i Check. And the fuselage? ME Left side of the fuselage looks just fe. Ad... no problems with the aght sie... Moning on tothe tai rotor it ook Fine We Good, Lending gear isin good condition... tes re frm ard everything se0ms secure IME allright, now there’ just the eocit, which & holein the nose? arma one, yes. But wo can't Fy tke that [Lo9ks tke We'Tthave to keep this one grounded val, that a ze answerkey 11 elias Audioscripts Unit 10 (M1: Possble enemy actwty ahead. Mz: Roger Stay on a heading of two one zero. take a look with TADS.... Got one. Next tothe two-story bulding, Take us ight 2 bit ight 2b. ant 2D. Good, right zhere ts Fm not seeing the carers m2: Theyre n font of the bulking. Ihave them on night vision. At least sx, carving small ams. \e'l engage with ai-t0-around, Mts [tl Fave ne sua. You" have to direct me. M2: Stayon ths neading. They' out oF range. Contact in about ten seconde Mt [ase them, Keeping this heacing. Engage when ready IM: Engaging. That's hit. Teroeteiminated. Mts Copy that. Keep an eye cut forosher targets inthe area, Unit 11, Wi: Thank youl forcaming In response to the fighting inthe South Peciic end reports oF politcal instability in the regen, we have announced 2 new UN deacekeeping mssion effective today. The Iission, to Be krown as the UN South Fac Aid Misson, wll De ‘Governed by the following mandates. Frst, UN peacekeepers wil [sist the plementation ofa peace accord to stop all ighting inthe ares. Tho misson wil iso disarm and demonitze nsurgent forcesin the region. Lastly, peacekeepers vil rovide humanitaron aid to civtans who Have been impacted by the fighting. Unit 12 MI: The mission of this convoy willbe to move fro teadauarters to the release point, wich is Alec Checkpoint Bravo, about forty miles away M2: Undestocd, What's the siz ofthe conoy, and who's the comoy commander? IMI: Captain shepard willbe in charge of the convoy. Twenty sit ‘hile wil ben the march column, IM: Bre we expecting resistance? MI: Affrmative, We'te passing through some tertary occupied by tenesry forces, £0 we nae to move quickly and plan out coutes Carefully. Choke points are going tobe common within the ci Ma: Understood. We'll ensure that the paceseter keeps a quct nd sleedy pace and thatthe rear vehicles aro ready to offer support in the event of an attack 12 answer Key N WN AR AAA RQ KK Unit 13 IMT: Wie should have encountored soma signs of the enemy by now Check te mp. IMB: Were atthe thed rally point. Let's scout over tha il M1. Gh, check cut the tra atthe base ofthe hil. Those ae definitly tvacks froma tank ead, They look flesh. Lets get a cese ook. v2: Benty of feoipsnts, too I'l radio over to the paiel leader. ‘Victor two-or, this s Bravo onefive, Come in. 13: Go ahead, Bravo one-fve V2: Objective Whisky complete, We've found the enemy’ tral IM: Roger iat. Enemy sighted? 2. Negative M3. roceed with caution along the enemy's trail. nce youhave unt intormation, we'll send a combat patrol M2. Wice. Brave one-fve out Unit 14 Me Here's the situation’ at aporoxmately 0900 Hours at ard (€vi901212 the enemy shot dewn ane of our elcopters. We have radio contactwith Te Ce. The cw lve bt pinned cown by tem fie. Team Alpha, you wil pick up the Gowned crv with Support fiom RESCORT. Scheduled pickups 1130 hows. Thebice's Crew chiet On the ground wil pop orange smoke when he hes visual. Hoavy enemy pretence is expected. Plan to encounter enemy infant. Yau may be going in Fo, so exeice ceuion Unit 15, |W. An explosive device wes detonated today at oro of the army's permanent checkpoints, aus seveveinutles co three soliers tnd structural damage to the checkscint. |An am spokesperson said that tw insurgents were taken into holding area tebe questioned when an explosive dence on teir verde detonated. The nsurgents were berg intercogeted at the ‘ime and were not inure. The woundee solders were taken toe nearby medica! hosptal and are expected to recover from their yes | closed checkpoint has been instaled on the road until the heccooint i fully operational again unit 110 28 2 1¢ ZA 38 3018 2A 3D 4c ao1c 2 5 1 grenade launcher 4 shoulderaunched 2 assautt fle ‘missile weapon 3 snper ile 5 M249 5.56 rem SAW 6 attack team provides suppressive fre sharnshoote takes position on il unit 2 ona 20 1c pea 38 2 3 ahesty attack 41 reconnassance 2. There's not enough time for a deliberate attack. 3 wth superior fireponer unit 3 118 2A 1c 28 3 ¢ 2 3 He's probably a forwerd observer. 4 1 settpropeliedatilery —3-_by giving instructions 2 preparing to move to thea strke plot Unit 4 1910 28 Pere 2k 38 Byte Se 28 3D aa 5 1 The crews objective isto car obstacles 2. an abandoned vehicle (nd some tank traps) 2 AEVs 6 (possible response ~ responses wilvary) 2 Military enginee's are response for building (and destroying) war svuctues, such as minefields and forifcations, which ate Used for defensive purposes & Combat engineers area particular type of military engineer who work in the theater of war. They are ‘sometimes known a5 appers ‘A: A sapper has four main tasks. Ther fist task s to increase the force's mobility by destoying enemy obstacles. Their sacord task isto stop the enemys movement. Their tid tain ask is to ensure survabily by bulding structures ‘such as venches and bunke's in the battle zone. Ther final ‘Ek 5 general engineering work vich incudes the sence and maintenance of suppies equipment. 8; Miltary engineers use a variety of equipment to do their {obs for example buldozers, cranes and dump trucks unit 5 11 Ff, collecting Hfonmetionatoutdetainess cectionic and communication inteligence 2T ean Pieded. 28 1 MI=Miltary Inteligence - military branch thar collects inteligence 2 HUMINT— Human Intelligence ~ sub-branch that moritors human activities Book 3 Answer Key 3 SIGNINT Signals Intelligence —sub-branch that collects elecronic intelligence 4. ILS Integrated Logstcs Suppert~ military service involved in plaming and management 5 ININT ~ Imagery Inteligence ~ sub-branch that uses satelite photography fone othe intercent teams the enemy plans to move infantry The lieutenant will el them in person. oe: 3 wg eins A 3 abombing by haurgents 41 atabasein Herat 2. whether they know which groups resporible forthe attack 3 finding ane punishing the people responsible 118 28 2 1C¢ 28 3A 3 areporter and aloadmaster 4 1 roads in the area have been destroyed 2. food and medical supeles 3 over the diop ste unit 8 wot 8 20 21 As toroxst call Braid 2 A-countertertoisn — 8-drug trafficking 3. Achighvaluetarget —_B- prsoners of war 3. tofree prisoners tothe Cabana prison camo 2 with spke siris 3 recover the POWs: T 2 FU. to protect hetaneattaciies cvllans, military personnel, and property 3. F=..norvletha’ force beforestherenetived after other methods fai mob 3 passive obsenation 1 nonethal force 2 1a 2D a¢ aA 1 1 c 236 D 28 ree passive observation, open channels of communication (posible respons responseswilvery) Tfwould recommend opening an alternative communication ‘channel with the crowd before thas exczlate out of conto. unit 10 1 1A 28 2 1 A-coverof darkness 2 A-opticsystem 3 As flares 83 - element of surprise 2 - battlefield ilurinaton B= night wsion goggles Answer Key 13. Book 3 Answer Key SV SV S @©@“: S |e ATS aoic 3A SF Unit 14 20 40 BE 1128 ac 4 1. F/Image-intersification devices are 2 1 delibeateattack 3. ection on the abjectine i, 2. F/... levels of heat that sources areas 5 168 2A 3 1 fent 2 counterattack 3 raid 6 starlight scopes, thermal goggles, thermal weapon sght, 4 1 A-command and control locaton night vision goggles, night sights B - probable line of depioyment 7 (esse response ~ responses wil va) 2 A-fent.— B- counterattack [\would take the staright scopes an the thera goggles to 3 A-rad 8 -celberate attack hap with bated lamination 5 deliberate tack unita1 6 1 suppressive fre 5 fight fark 2 moar 6 Breach de db. 230, 3 left flank 7 reserve 2 1¢ 2 38 4 fent 8 310 squad 2 1A 20 a4 ik 3A 5B onae ac ar 6D 1 oto 2¢ 51. sharpshooter 4 collateral damage. 2 4A 28 3¢ ac 2. machine gunner 5 deterrent fra 3° asiner 3 antitank gunners 41 bysocing the communications wire 2. left the observation past bain se rat 3. ithasa better vantage point. 26 40 5 Wosileresronse-responsesulvay) ; 2 ‘What ian observation 2051? 21 biectve rally point return fre tee enrich 2 fall beck 5 apa, ‘enemy targets and movement. They are sometimes calied 3 vantage point oa 31. Spatialreconnaisance ‘A: How 6 the location of a ride chosen? 2 fal back B Wel itis necessary to keep constant visual contact with 3 vantage point the target aes, soon elevated vantage points general 5S ae‘ econ: provider detailed photographs ‘Hosen, Usvaly ade § conducted in 3 rel, meaning F faieson special equipment that a hidden path must be avalaole fr reinforcemierts ii OO awe een A. How do the solders in the hide communicate with the recon a fore: reveals enemy ste to tea 1A ecules lnprweckgeOteneay postions B. Usually 8 wie is used because tis harder for the enemy to recon by ke reveals enemy postions detect communications trat way. These communications 2 breaks steath include stuaton reports GITREPS) back toa commander recon patrol; allows information gethering semen some vial information has been gathered onthe ‘wathoutreakingstskth nem 1 takes. lot of time ‘Unit 13 11 Ffwotktogether 4 T at 3. F/edvance guard 21 flankattace 3 movement to contact 2 resene 4 ements 318 2A 28 44 asceut platoon 2. Uothele'tand ight of the main body 4 Thay are not expecting resistance and they don't have much oom to ranetnet 4 wintereseve 14 srower Koy SS KV XX v“i Oss nny Unit 1 IMI: We're taking fre trom a lone snooter inside the farmhouse uo ead. Here's hour well proceed, We nead to get a sharpshooter {pon the Fill. Coporal Jones, that's you M2: Yes si IN The rest ofthe attack tear wil lay down suporessve fire while Corporal Jones taces position. We need to get the shooter to ley Towrand keep Jones safe is that understond? Jones, once you have sssumed your positon, take your shot. OK? Lets take care oF the stuation. unit 2 INI: Duting @ recon mission, the armored cavalty spotted an enemy unit just west of here. At ths time, we know that the located tener is wuherable and we can't alow fer them to send for reinforcements. Time is ofthe essence hese. We won t get this chance aga M2: You're talking ebout a hasty attack, si? M1: That's right. We don't nave time fora deliberate atack. By our esimation, we neod to ht the objective by 0900 hours MZ: Sir, Pow should we proceed? IMT: Orde the fark platoon to close non the ener Wel ey onthe superior Fre power a the platoon to destioy the enemy Unit 3 87, FB7. Tiss CO1_ Ready to send stuation report. Over 60 ahead, CO" Enemy spotted and is located at crid CD 216504 (We got wore that there was an anti-aircraft battery that area Istnatwnet youre looting ar? Negative. They've got self-propelled artery Looks like 2 battery fsx guns. Over Are they moving? Negative, oUt it looks lite the gun crew is breaking down the postion ard preparing to move out \We can get them if we act fast Roger that. I'm going to cal in an ar stike. Keep this chanel open. We'll ed you to direct the ait when hes in postin, Unit 4 IM: We've been called in to ivestgate and neuwaiize a number of traps in 3 no-go ares Ma: OK, sic What's the objective? MME Our objective ' 10 clear ary obstades to mobiity 2d allow cur ‘woops to passthrough safely Ma: i, are tere any bait objects? MI: Yes, we've spttad an abardoned vehicle onthe side ofthe oad. ‘Thete ate abo some tank traps up ahead. We'l use the AEVs to destoy the tank traps. unit 5 LUeutenant Garca ~ we got something. What iit, Sergeant Jones? Enemy voice taic? ‘That's right, One of our intercept ‘eams picked up some enemy radio traf Let's hoar it~ what do you have? ‘According 12 the intercepted transmission, the enemy plans to ‘move ts forward infanty battalion tomorrow at caw, Did you hea” where shay plan to move to? Yes, theyre moving very se tothe tor of Trt. Sounds ike theyre planing an attec. il take this uo tobattalon right nom {can radio it in, ma'am. No, lm heading that way now Idee it in person ant Mejor ‘rely to understand how serious ths is, Good jab en ch, sergeant Thank you, mata. eSe2 gee 52 5 = 3 S35 S5 sss Audioscripts unit 6 IM: Yesterday at 5:30, agroupofirsurgerts bombed basein Hort Fist fal, ould ke to end my deepest condolences to the faniles (of thoxe ho wore jure lst inthe attack yesterday. urdestan that the pubic wants te know exaty what bappenee, but allan Say tight row & that we re sillin the proces of investgatng the ‘tac Attacks or bases on frsign sols real thes, and esters ‘bord en ersphaszes the nee for greaes secu on our bases (0%. Fm going ta take a question fom the press 1W. Thankyou Since the bombing, a number of inaurgent groups have _lamed responsi for the attack. Can you te! us f your ofc hes ‘anf which of thas groups were actualy inlved inthe attack) Mi That's cassied information, fut | asure you that finding and punshing thas esocnsbe fo the attack sour top proty Unit 7 IM. This Tenotny Johnson withthe World Nens Network, contruing the coverage on the hurricane that ravaged the cy of Cancun eater this week, The roads nthe city have been destroyed, and ‘ad operations have reled on arcreps to get focd and supols to the people who need ft The succes of these operations depends (0 the hard work of mary people, including the loacmaster. Right ‘row, Im taking to Sergeant Decker a lozdmastr forthe arcraft that wil be aicropping food and medical supples shortly ‘Sergeant Decker, wrat exacty are your duties as a loader? W._ Wel, Defore the plane tates of supervise crews a they load the ‘ego, Then make sute thatthe lead is secured tothe plane and that the wets distibuted soi safe forthe plot to manewves nce we get nto the air, t's the Isadmastar's ob to stay are (of our surourcings. Ife were ina combat zone, it would ke my job to scan for enemes. However since ths s 2 nutranitanan tnision, that's not an cus. Fall, | am also responsible for ‘ascharaing the loac over the drop se. Units INI aries today an LAS tear spotted the enemyloading fifteen fierdly FOWS into an APC. At 1900 hours, tne APC was sen leaving the compat LosBatosard traveingsourhwest We believe the prisoners ‘re bang transpored tothe Cabena prison camp, where there have ‘been nurs reper of inhumane condtions. \Werneed to work fst we're going to save tho pisoress. We'll intercept the transport conoy ence it enters the valley. We need ‘tp get 3 sharpshooter on the ridge to provide cover We have hidden spike siros on the raed, so the lead vehicles will be disabied, which wl prevent the transport corwoy trom achancing, ‘Once the enemy hae been neutaizd, we must rexover the PON. Unit 9 Mi: Lioutenant Peters what's the current stuation in Greeley? M2. Sir, power ard water lines have been down since the tomado struck. People are gettin desperate II: We need to encourage the clans to stay inside theirhomes uni the power i restored Na: Fm ata i’ too late for that. Weve already dispatched a contol force team to the covntown area to keap an oye on things. We honed that rasive observation would help Keep the mob urder ‘ontiol, but the stuation saoms to be ascalating fest (M1: Have thee been any reports of ooting? NZ: Yes sit Several tore cress reporied locters entering by force and takieg upplis Mit Fm affel force's our only option. Advise the team to use force as needed M2: Sir I don’ thine force is necessany | recommend communicating ‘witha certain Mi Yarborouch. He may oe helpful. He's a respected rmerrber of the community ard he may be able to encourage the mobs to cooperate |: You wart to-anen different channels of communication? Good ‘dea, Have the eam locate Mr. Yarborough and sat up a meeting, answer key 15 Audioscripts _ TT Unit 10 Mt: We'l depart at 2200 hous for aighttme operation. The mission of the operation isto destroy the enemy baze cm. Ma: Si, wouldnt be bette to enter te daytime when the vsibilty ‘ebetter Mi: Negative. We nesd to move under the cover of darkness twill alpw wstoenter witout bina detected and achieve aneement ofsurprio. Mz: Then we can catch the enemy wile they are unpreparec? Mt: Precsely. However to take acantage of the iow visit, we must prepare ourselves Prvete Kell’ wit collect the STANO. Let's go ver what that wil nude. Fist let's take the right vsion goggles ard night sight attachments. We'l also need thestafight scapes M2: How about thermal devices? IMT: Good thincing. We'll ne=d the thermel weapon sight and the tharmal goggles 2s wel. M2: Siz should prepare te fares? M1" No, we won't need any equipment fo battlefield urination, Unit 11 ‘Mz According tur reports, there are sb enemy tanks aperoachna the ciy now Itercapad radio wanemiscons indicate that they plan on traveling through in the doantown area. This gives us the ‘gportunityt9 ‘ate them out before they enter resdental ares The meson of she operaton wil be to dive the enemy aut ofthe iy Here's whet we'll do. Split up into teams of four Each team vil niduce a sharpshooter, a machine-qunner and two antitank gunness. Machine-cunres wil be your job to provide cover fe Attank urna, ou need tobe at flere castors. ihen you sea the tance aporoaer, aim forthe dae and top. that clear? Since this an urban operation, well have to stick to our rules of ‘engagement. Our ob sto take out the enemy and t0 protect liars. That mears ne collateral damage. Do net fire urless you are certain that the target i esolier wth an enemy army f you S28 movement on the ground, provice deterrent fire. Again. do not engage uness you are certain that the person san enemy, Unit 12, Mit: We nendto gather some intaligence on the enemy pesition. Some agi recon would be perfexthere M2: True It would give us detaled ahotos, but that relies on having spec equipment that we don't have. It fon about eco nf? That woud ews toute rey’ stongt NZ: Negative. We don't know where the enemy postions are. We eed ths information for reccn in fore. Mt: in thatease, what about recor by fie? It would revel the aremy/'s pasion. M2: Yes, but then we would be giving up the element of surprise. The enemy has no ida that we're here. ike to Heep it that wey. IMI: 50, wrat should we co” M2: (ets son out a recon patra M1: Wor't that take too long? NZ: it’s 2 time-consuming process, yes. Butit will Give us plenty of information without breacing stealth 16 Answer Koy RARE SS OSS RO OAAAAQKQAAY ROYAL Unit 13 Mi: Looks tke the element of surprise is on our side. We're not ‘erpecting to erccunter any resistance during our movement to comact M2: All the same, we'd batter deploy at least a scut unit up esc to serve asa tecomeissence force Mi: Agreed. Let's put the scout platocn up ahead of us, and in case of enemy patrols, ft'sput a freteam on each of our ans, They bbe ur moving fank screen M2: Wat about the advance guard? IM: They won't need to nerform any reconnaissance duties, but there ‘may be enemy otstaces on the tal tat out venices wor't be able to ass though. They ned to dastcy thase if necessary Ma: And the maia body? we're nat expecting resistence should we {wea tight formation? Mis This forests thick, so we don't have 2 lat of room to maneuver aznynay.5o, yes, et'skeep cur units the main body dose tagethe ‘Well nave the tesere ata ditance behind vs f necessary. IMB: Any specific orders we should give them? IMI: Not 2 ths time, but | woul like the reartar unt to stay with she reserve. Its unlit butif we enccunter a large enemy force, we ‘ed the exbily to move the mertarinio@ sveteyic lacston. Unit 14 M1: Captain, our patrol has spotted an enemy positon on Hill 301 ‘Woops in the open. Recommend we hols postion here and plan cr attack Mo: Therell be heary enemy resistance, so we'l split up into four ‘squads. Suppressive fire going to be key het. Mi: Agieed. Wiha ae your orders? Mz: iell move as 4 company to the PLD. 1st squed wil set up ‘defensive poston and lay down suppressive fire. We'll ave them srart withthe most casualy-prodcing weapon that they have IM: That would be te mortar. MD: Great As con 2s the mortarhits hae the ret ofthe squad open fre. 2nd squad will rove to the enery’s left flank 2nd sque!’s attack wil be 2 fert This wil help lear out some enemies end ‘low 3rd squad to get into positon. MI: Vie coud ave 3rd squad circle around to te rea M2: Negative, lieutenant. We need them on the right flank. We don't ‘want them caughtin 1st squad's cossre, Once 3d sauadis nplace ‘tthe breach st, they breach the songhole and move in. Mi: And Ath squad's mission? M2: 4thsqusd wl be eld in serve Freeded, they'll move to support 3rd scuad. unit 15 FO: E21, £21. This is POI. Ready tosend STREP. Over HO: Go ahead, FOr FO: At 0860 hours, the location of the observation post was ‘compromised. | Deieve that enemy forces spottes the wie HO: Did you make concact with the enerry? FO: Negative | spotted two sole eointing in my directon end | eared out. HO: Have you estaolehed « new pest? FO: affrmatne, Ths hae has a better vantage pai. HQ: Any other changes ance the last report? FO: Negative HO: Your reinforcements willbe arving within the hour.

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