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1. ROE = Net income/Total equity = 12,592,623/108,037,036 = 11.


2. ROA = Net income/Total assets = 12,592,623/821,968,015 = 1.53%

3. Equity multiplier = Total assets/Total equity = 821,968,015/108,037,036 = 7.61

4. Net interest margin = (Interest income – Interest expense) / Average assets = (24,368,947-
11,594,145) / [(743,886,387+821,968,015)/2] = 12,774,802/782,927,201 = 1.63%

5. Earnings base = Earnings assets / Total assets = (Investments at fair value + Due from banks +
Reverse repo + Derivative instruments + Loans and advances + Non-trading investments +
Investment properties) / Total assets =
821,968,015 = 74.00%

6. Burden: (Non-interest expense – non-interest income) / Average assets = [(Fee and commission
expense + Operating expense) – (Fee and commission income + Foreign exchange income + net
gain on investments and derivatives + Oher operating income)] / Average assets =
[(1,561,259+5,498,991) – (4,730,688+2,600,978+1,506,277+197,571)] / 782,927,201 = -0.25%

7. Efficiency ratio = non-interest expense/ (net interest income+ non-interest income) =

(1,561,259+5,498,991)/ [ (24,368,947-11,594,145) + (4,730,688+2,600,978+1,506,277+197,571)]
= 32.37%

8. Total revenue = Interest income + Fee and commission income + Net foreign exchange gain +
Net gain on investments and derivatives + Other operating income = 24,368,947 +
4,730,688+2,600,978+1,506,277+197,571 = 33,404,461

9. Asset utilization ratio = Total revenue / Average total assets = 33,404,461/782,927,201 = 4.27%

10. Expense ratio = Total operating expenses / Average total assets = 5,498,991/782,927,201 =

11. Interest expense ratio = Interest expense / Average total assets = 11,594,145/782,927,201 =

12. Non-interest expense ratio = non-interest expense / Average total assets =

(1,561,259+5,498,991)/782,927,201 = 0.90%
13. PLL ratio = Provision for loan and lease losses/Average total assets = 1,842,980/782,927,201 =

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