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Question Bank-2

School of Basics and Applied Science

Course Name: Discrete Mathematics Course Code: E1UJ204T


Serial Questions Bloom’s Difficulty Competitive Unit

No. Taxonomy Level Exam
Level Question
1. Define sum rule with an example. K1 Low N 2

2. Define product rule with an example. K1 Low N 2

3. Three cards are chosen one after the other from a K2 Medium N 2
52-card deck. Find the number m of ways this can
be done: (a) with replacement; (b) without
4. A hotel offers 12 kinds of sweets, 10 kinds of hot K2 Medium N 2
beverages (hot coffee, hot tea, ice cream, juice,
coke) and 5 kinds of fruits. The breakfast consists
of a sweet and beverages and fruit. How many
ways the breakfast can be ordered is?

5. Find 𝑟, if 5 𝑃𝑟4 = 6 𝑃𝑟−1 . K2 Medium N 2
6. Suppose a bookcase shelf has 5 History texts, 3 K2 Medium Y 2
Sociology texts, 6 Anthropology texts, and 4
Psychology texts. Find the number n of ways a
student can choose:
(a) one of the texts; (b) one of each type of text.
7. There are 12 students in a class. Find the number K2 Medium Y 2
n of ways that the 12 students can take 3 tests if 4
students are to take each test.
8. A history class contains 8 male students and 6 K2 Medium N 2
female students. Find the number n of ways that
the class can elect: (a) 1 class representative; (b)
2 class representatives, 1 male and 1 female;
(c) 1 president and 1 vice president.
9. A box has 6 blue socks and 4 white socks. Find K2 Medium N 2
the number of ways two socks can be drawn from
the box where:
(a) There are no restrictions. (b) They are
different colors. (c) They are the same color.

10. How many different license plates can be made if K2 Medium N 2

each plate contains a sequence of three uppercase
English letters followed by three digits (and no
sequences of letters are prohibited)?
11. A class contains 9 men and 3 women. Find the K3 High N 2
number of ways a teacher can select a committee
of 4 from the class where there is:
(a) no restrictions; (b) 2 men and 2 women; (c)
exactly one woman; (d) at least one woman.

12. A class contains 8 men and 6 women and there is K3 Medium N 2

one married couple in the class. Find the number
m of ways a teacher can select a committee of 4
from the class where the husband or wife but not
both can be on the committee.
13. Define Pigeon-hole principle. K1 Low N 2
14. Define Generalized Pigeon-hole principle. K1 Low N 2

15. Define Inclusion and exclusion principle. K1 Low N 2

16. Find the minimum number of students in a class K2 Medium Y 2

to be sure that three of them are born in the same
17. Find the number m of committees of 5 with a K2 Medium N 2
given chairperson that can be selected from 12
18. What is the minimum number of students K2 Medium N 2
required in a discrete mathematics class to be sure
that at least six will receive the same grade, if
there are five possible grades A, B, C, D, and F?
19. Suppose that a “word” is any string of seven letter K3 High 2
of the alphabet, with repeated allowed.
i. How many words end with the letter T?
ii. How many words begin with A or B?
iii. How many words begin with A or end
with B?
iv. How many words begin with A or B and
end with A or B?
v. How many words begin with A or B or
end with A or B?
vi. How many words begin with a vowel and
end with a vowel?
20. A box contains 10 blue balls, 20 red balls, 8 green K2 Medium N 2
balls, 15 yellow balls and 25 white balls. How
many balls must we have chosen to ensure that we
have 12 balls of the same color.
21. Define permutation of n objects taking r objects K1 Low N 2
at a time.
22. Define combination of n objects taking r objects K1 Low N 2
at a time.

23. Define relation between permutation and K1 Low N 2

combination of n objects taking r at a time.
24. Find the number of permutations that can be K3 High N 2
formed from all the letters of each word: (a)
25. Find the number m of permutations of six objects, K2 Medium N 2
say, A, B, C, D, E, F, taken three at a time.
26. Find the number m of seven-letter words that can K2 Medium N 2
be formed using the letters of the word
27. Find the number of combinations of 4 objects, A, K2 Medium N 2
B, C, D, taken 3 at a time.
28. Find permutation of the letters of the word K2 Medium N 2
29. The English alphabet has 26 letters of which 5 are K3 High Y 2
vowels. Consider only 5-letter “words” consisting
of 3 different consonants and 2 different vowels.
Find the number of such words which:
(a) have no restrictions;
(b) contain the letter B;
(c) contain the letters B and C;
(d) begin with B and contain the letter C.
30. In how many ways can 4 red, 3 yellow and 2 K3 High Y 2
green discs be arranged in a row if the discs of the
same color are indistinguishable ?
31. In how many ways can the letters of the word
PERMUTATIONS be arranged if the (i) words
start with P and end with S,
(ii) vowels are all together, there are always 4
letters between P and S?
32. Find the number of ways a coin can be tossed: K3 High N 2
(a) 6 times so that there are exactly 3 heads and
no two heads occur in a row.
(b) 2n times so that there are exactly n heads and
no two heads occur in a row.
33. A committee of 3 persons is to be constituted K3 High N 2
from a group of 2 men and 3 women. In how
many ways can this be done? How many of these
committees would consist of 1 man and 2
34. A group consists of 4 girls and 7 boys. In how K3 High N 2
many ways can a team of 5 members be selected
if the team has (i) no girl? (ii) at least one boy
and one girl? (iii) at least 3 girls?
35. A box contains 12 lightbulbs. Find the number n K3 High N 2
of ordered samples of size 3:
(a) with replacement; (b) without replacement.
36. A class contains l0 students. Find the number n of K3 High N 2
ordered samples of size 4:
(a) with replacement; (b) without replacement.
37. A restaurant has 6 different desserts. Find the K3 High N 2
number of ways a customer can choose:
(a) 1 dessert; (b) 2 of the desserts; (c) 3 of the
38. What is the number of ways of choosing 4 cards K2 Medium N 2
from a pack of 52 playing cards? In how many of
these four cards are of the same suit.

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