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GCSE PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT ASSESSMENT- Portrait Name: Heidi Bryant Date; Jan Teacher: TSA

Transformation 2023

A01: Develop their ideas through A02: Refine their ideas through AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights AO4: Present a personal, informed and
MARKS investigations informed by contextual and experimenting and selecting appropriate relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other meaningful response demonstrating analytical
other sources, demonstrating analytical and resources, media, materials, techniques and forms. and critical understanding realising intentions
cultural understanding processes and, where appropriate, making connections
between visual, written, oral or other
Ideas from a given starting point are Minimal exploration of resources and processes Inconsistent use of visual/other forms and any Presentation of evidence shows little
L.0-1 partially developed with attempts at appropriate to ideas. Literal and hesitant writing where included, with minimal use of first connection to sources, with partial realisation
1-4 researching the work of others. experimental development hand materials. Recording shows elementary
connection to intentions.
of intentions
through a personal response.
Straightforward ideas are considered from Adequate selection and experimentation, Some focus and relevance to intentions with Deliberate and methodical responses lead to
L.2-3 a few starting points, informed by an Ideas show some refinement through more adequate use of visual/other forms. Recording of adequate realisation of intentions, the
5-8 emerging critical understanding, in appropriate use of resources and processes. ideas, observations and expression of any personal response showing superficial
response to a range of sources. specialist terms often unrefined. connections with ideas and sources.
Own ideas provide a starting point and are Appropriate, sometimes predictable, selection Relevant selection in recording from sources, Work presented shows emerging individual
L.4-5 developed using sufficient skill, based on and experimentation with a broadening range using growing technical control, including qualities and intentions are appropriately
9-12 adequate research. Analysis of own and of resources and processes. expression of specialist terms where included, to realised. Personal responses demonstrate
others’ work shows a degree of critical support and communicate the intention in their connections between sources and contexts.
marks understanding. ideas with visual/ other forms:
A diverse range of ideas is being explored Effective, coherent selection, experimentation Selecting and recording from sources is Produces skilful, personal showing consistent
L. 6-7 with exciting and imaginative and exploration of the potential and purposeful, relevant and clear. Assured use of application, knowledge and understanding.
13-16 developments. Personal, refined judgment limitations of processes and resources. visual/other forms, consistent command of skills, Effective and diverse connections are made in
conveys understanding of more complex techniques. Any specialist terms are expressed realising intentions in a coherent outcome.
marks issues. accurately.
Imaginative ideas supported by perceptive, Insightful and in-depth review, resulting in Perceptive grasp of ideas and issues recorded, Intentions are fully realised through personal
L.8-9 sustained investigations. Independent, creative and imaginative developments. evidenced through sustained, comprehensive and outcomes, demonstrating original, imaginative,
17-18 sensitive insights are supported by skilful Recognises the full potential of materials, creative use of visual/other forms. Any specialist inventive and exciting qualities, with highly
use of critical understanding. techniques and processes selected. terms are used appropriately and are expressed appropriate connections between elements.
marks highly accurately
Mark 10 /18 11 /18 10/18 10/18
Complete all A.O.2 tasks from project task list Complete all A.O.3 tasks from project task list Total Marks: 41/72 Grade: 4+
Complete all A.O.1 tasks from project task Show more evidence of experimentation with Take more photographs relating to the theme Present more final outcomes
list different techniques and processes
Increase the scale of your work
Research a wider range of Use digital processing to refine and improve Make connections to the artist/photographer you
artists/photographers the quality of your photographs have investigated. Develop and improve your skills in:
Your Target to Improve

Annotate contact sheet Use digital processing to create different Annotate and explain the decision-making.  Recording/taking photographs
effects  Digital editing

Use more specialist terms / key words.  Analogue printing and processing
Record camera settings for aperture/shutter
Annotate, evaluate and review your work as it speed, ISO if relevant.  Display your work appropriately to
State your opinion about the develops your chosen theme.
photograph/artwork.  Evaluate your outcomes.
Make connections to your theme when you record
Explain the processes and technical processes your photographs  Create a series of work.
Use your artist analysis sheet to write your you have used
own response to a photograph.
Present your experiments and outcomes.
Try to explain the context of the

Explain how the artist/photographer might

influence you own photographs
Estimated Boundaries Total: L9 = 69-72 L8 =66-68 L7 =61-65 L6 = 56-60 L5 = 49-55 L4 = 37-48 L3 = 25-36 L2= 13-24 L1= 1-12

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