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In this prototype planet that we are going to make, the planet is twice as big as the earth, has it's
gravity doubled (using the Earth's gravity as a baseline), emits almost twice as much heat (again,
using the Earth's heat as a baseline), has oceans as deep as 40,000 feet, which is deeper than the
Mariana Trench, a ring full of asteroids, and it's surface littered with massive, and dormant


7.4 million years ago, two developing planets suddenly collided with each other and formed a
massive planet, twice as much as the size of the Earth. Because it’s twice as much as the size of
the Earth, the planet’s gravity also doubled, and it’s rotation and revolution around the Sun took
twice as much time than the Earth, making a year last for 731.5 days, and a day last for 48.5
hours on average. And lastly, the planet’s orbit is just as similar to the Earth’s orbit around the
Sun, but the planet takes twice as much time than the Earth to complete one full orbit, as
mentioned earlier.

Then 5.3 million years ago, the leftover debris and cosmic matter and dust formed two moons.
The first moon is named Luna, it has a diameter of 3,500 kilometers, a bit larger than the Earth's
moon. And the second moon is Leviathan, with a diameter of 4,700 kilometers. But somehow,
3.2 million years ago, it was pulled so close to the Earth, so close that it breached the Roche limit
(The Roche limit, also called the Roche radius, is the distance from a celestial body within which
a second celestial body, held together only by its own force of gravity, will disintegrate because
the first body's tidal forces exceed the second body's gravitational self-attraction.) and crumbled
into pieces, turning into the planet's ring.

Then 1.3 million years ago, the massive streaks that you currently see on the surface of the
planet, are formed because of the excessive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that are occurring
simultaneously during the planet's development stage. All of these things happening at once
increased the planet’s surface temperature to rise up to 500°C, and caused the landmasses to have
deep and massive cracks on it, these cracks reach all the way to the Inner Mantle, but is filled up
with water, and these areas are a great source of thermal energy. Because of these cracks
reaching all the way down to the Inner Mantle, the water that is filling up these cracks are
constantly boiling up to temperatures of 100°C up to an astonishing amount of 200°C,
henceforth, these massive cracks are named Leviathan Creaks. These things are called Leviathan
Creaks because of it's appearance, and for the reason that only the Leviathans are able to dwell in
these very hot places. And because of the volcanic eruptions that were occurring during the
planet’s development stage, all of the gas and dust that the volcanoes are spewing out prevented
sunlight from hitting the planet’s surface, and at the same time, trapping the heat inside of the
planet, causing a global greenhouse effect that lasted for a few hundred thousand years,
increasing the planet’s temperature further up to an astonishing amount of 700-800°C.

Then 1 million years ago, the greenhouse effect disappeared, and all of the active volcanoes
around the planet’s surface and beneath the ocean suddenly stopped spewing out magma into the
surface, because all of them exhausted the magma inside of their magma chamber’s. Because of
this, the planet’s surface temperature slowly dropped down after a few hundred thousand years to

Present day, the planet's temperature cooled down to 50°C, it's still hot, but life still managed to
develop and thrive on the planet. Also, the planet finally experiences different seasons, one of the
seasons that the planet experiences and is only exclusive to this planet only, is the solar flare
season. The solar flare season occurs during the start of the year where the Sun’s solar flare
reaches and hits the planet, causing beautiful aurora-like lights appear above the sky, and this
season lasts for ¼ of the year.


The inhabitants of our twice as large planet than earth are, massive humanoids, with their
average height standing at 8 feet, and an average weight of 80 kilograms, And can live up to 500
years in average. These humanoids have evolved their bodies in thousands, if not, in millions of
years in order to survive the harsh conditions of their home planet.
Here are some of the features and evolutionary feats that these humanoids are able to achieve
throughout their evolutionary stage:

Firstly, since their home planet is really hot, the humanoids that live here has a scaly appearance
and a very thick layer of skin in order to survive the harsh conditions of the planet. And their
thick layer of skin can protect them even from the hottest of substances, for instance, lava, they
can swim in lava without burning themselves, but because of their thick skin, there is no way for
the heat inside their body to go out, so they can't expose themselves to lava in extended periods
of time, or else, they will literally cook themselves from the inside.

Secondly, these humanoids are very intelligent, they can easily develop their technology, culture,
and civilization in a short amount of time.

Thirdly, since the planet's gravity is twice as strong, the humanoids legs have evolved to be very
big and strong, and it's appearance is almost of a T-Rex's leg.

Fourthly, their spines have evolved into a thick structure to help them stand upright in the
planet's strong gravity, with spike-like amalgamations protruding around the spine to protect
itself from predators.

Fifthly, their skeletal structure is ten times as strong than of a regular human’s, they can jump
off a height of a hundred feet without sustaining any type of injury or breaking any of their

Sixthly, these humanoids have regenerative abilities, they can grow back severed off limbs in a
matter of weeks, but in order to regenerate, they have to be in a comatose state, because
regenerating a lost limb will cost them a lot of energy, and being in a comatose state minimizes
the energy used in regenerating. But, there is another way for them to regenerate without being in
a comatose state, and that is being exposed in the sun to speed up the process of regenerating,

because these humanoids also have photosynthetic abilities that enables them to collect energy
from the sun, similar to that of a plant.

And lastly, their arms are way much longer than of a normal human, their arms extend all the
way to their knees. And they can grow claws on their feet and hands in order to help them climb
trees, steep slopes, hunt animals, fend off predators, and many more.
But even with all of these benefits mentioned, they still have their weaknesses like requiring to
eat a lot of food in order to fuel their massive bodies, and their regenerative ability.

Also, even though they have photosynthetic like abilities, they can't get nutrients from the sun
just like a plant does, they only get energy from sunlight, they can't convert the sun's energy into
nutrients and carbohydrates.

Secondly, they can keep on fueling themselves with the sun's energy, but doing so, puts so much
strain on their bodies because they can't regulate the heat inside their bodies properly, and their
bodies do not receive any nutrients at all, and their bodies will slowly decay and crumble if they
don't eat food for such a long time.

Thirdly, they cannot properly regulate heat inside their bodies, when they do not eat food, they
experience extreme pain and fatigue, therefore, it drastically decreases their performance and
power output. But there is a way around this weakness, and that is if they drink a lot of water to
help regulate heat around their bodies.


- These beings are massive sea dragons that roam and guard the Leviathan Creaks, they are very
fearsome because of their size and nature. These beings tend to spin around at depths of 10,000
feet during a full moon, creating a massive and boiling whirlpool, And these violent spins last for
at least a month. The Leviathans do these violent spinning to mark their territory.


- These flying creatures mostly dwell on top of volcanoes, bathing in the heat the of volcano,
keeping them very warm. Their bodily composition is mostly made of hollow bones (75%),
making them very light, and enables them to reach altitudes of 30,000 feet.


- These rhinoceros looking like beings, tend to roam the land aimlessly, they never stop for some
apparent reason, they just keep on moving and never run out of energy due to the ability that the
humanoids and plants in this planet also have, photosynthesis. They are very slow, but if you
show aggression towards them, they’ll chase you down at 100 km/h, then crush your skull into a


- If you think these creatures are nice, think again. When they find a prey to eat, they turn into a
ball like shape, and trap their prey inside of them, then acids will start to come out of it’s gills to
digest the creature it preyed on. Yeah, these things are literally a floating foldable stomach (as
the name implies), and its prey won’t have a really fun time inside of it.


A few hundred years in, they developed a vast array of tools and machines to help them with
gathering resources from their home planet, like massive boring machines for mining, and
chainsaw machines to easily cut down trees.

A few more hundred years in, they now developed space travel and have went and constructed
bases on nearby planets to scout for other intelligent life inhabiting the planet, and in hopes of
gathering the planets resources.

Ten thousand years in, they discovered fusion energy and learned how to properly use it, the
planet has finally ascended to the level of a type 1 civilization. A type 1 civilization is usually
defined as one that can harness all the energy that reaches its home and parent star.

And with fusion energy, they practically have infinite energy to fuel their entire civilization to
produce far more powerful and advance technology.

Another ten thousand years in, the humanoids that inhabit the planet has finally improved their
technology into the level of a type 2 civilization, being able to construct a Dyson Sphere in order
to harvest energy from their star, and colonizing nearby planet's and systems. A type 2
civilization is as mentioned earlier, being able to colonize all the planets in its system and being
able to colonize other and multiple systems. And lastly, being able to harness the power of the
system’s parent star using a Dyson Sphere.
And a few more hundred thousand years in, the humanoids finally started to colonize other
systems to gather more resources and find a new home, because they exhausted all of their home
planet’s resources, and is now just a barren, toxic wasteland, full of pollution and waste.

And finally, a million years in, the humanoids have finally ascended to a level of a type 3
civilization, finally being able to colonize the entire galaxy, harnessing the galaxy’s energy, and
using the resources it has to offer. A type 3 civilization is defined as one that can harness the
power and resources of an entire galaxy.


Because of the humanoids fast and nonstop industrial and technological advancements
throughout the years, the planet slowly deteriorated and is exhausted of it's natural resources for
the reason that the humanoids need materials to further advance and develop their technology.
Then, the planet's temperature slowly increased because of pollution from the factories and
power plants they kept on building around the planet, and these factories spew out a lot of smoke
and poisonous gas, causing the sky to be dark and hazy, killing most of the animals on the planet.

(Before the planet is consumed by pollution, the humanoids already left the planet to find a new
home to develop and thrive onto again.)

And because of the smoke and poisonous gas in the planet's atmosphere, the planet's temperature
started to increase again, and on top of this, the volcanoes that did not erupt for a long time
started to get active again, spewing more gas, smoke, and dust in the atmosphere, causing
another global greenhouse effect that ultimately killed all of the animals on the planet's surface
excluding the Leviathans.

But a few hundred thousand years in, the oceans started to evaporate because of the extreme
temperatures caused by the global greenhouse effect, and because of this, the Leviathans slowly
shriveled off and died away after a few hundred years without any water.

And finally, a million years in, all of the oceans on the planet's surface evaporated away,
volcanoes kept on erupting nonstop again, and the global greenhouse effect kept on getting
severe, turning the planet into a barren, polluted and poisonous wasteland, similar to that of
Venus's atmosphere, but a lot more worse and dangerous.

Dyson Sphere:

Double Sized Earth:

Civilization Levels:

Roche Limit:

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