Toxocara To Anisakis

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Toxocara spp. Gnathostoma spp. Trichostrongylus spp. Angiostrongylus Anisakis spp.

Drancunculus medinensis
Common T. canis - Hairworm Initally called: - • Guinea worm
name • Dog Ascarid Hemostrongylus • Fiery serpent of the
• Werner & Johnston Family: Strongylidae ratti Israelites
T. cati • Medina worm
• Cat Ascarid Trichostrongylus Habitat: • Serpent worm
• Ascaris cati  T. cati: tenuis pulmonary arteries • Dragon worm
Schrank (1788) and Trichostronglyus axei of rats
Brumpt • Stomach
• Bankrupt worms,
black scours

Less frequent
• Trichostrongylus
• Trichostrongylus

Infective Embryonated egg with larva L3 larvae L3 larvae L3 larvae L3 larvae Cyclops & larvae
Definitive: Dogs & cats Intermediate: Strongylidae: Definitive: • Planktonic Definitive: man
Host Accidental: Man • Copepods • Affects cattle, Rats crustacean Intermediate: cyclops
• Fish & sheep, goats, • Sea fish
amphibians pigs, horses & Intermediate: • Sea mammals
poultry Snails
• Also affects
wildlife (deer, Incidental:
antelopes, Man
camels, monkeys,
wild boars &

• Poultry and other
birds worldwide
Trichostronglyus axei
• Infects cattle,
sheep, goats,
pigs, horses &
many wild
• Found worldwide
• Infects cattle,
sheep, goats,
pigs, horses &
many wild
• Found worldwide
Color: cream to pinkish Color: rust-colored - 3 outer protective -
collagen layers

The worms are

long and slender
Female: Length: 2-3 cm Female:
Length: 10-12 cm Length: 21-25 mm

Morphology Vulva “Barber pole”

• Occurs about 25-40% of shape down the
the body length middle of the body
• Found behind the which is created by
anterior end the twisting
together of the
intestine and
uterine tubules.
Male: Larva: Males:
Spicule: 1.7-1.9mm 4 rows of hooklets Length: 15.9-19
extruding from the mm
surface of the cephalic
bulb (helps in lodging Small copulatory
into the tissues of their bursa at the
host) posterior end
Tiny, cuticular spines
run along the length
of their bodies

2 types of papillae
extend from the
• 1 cervical papilla –
main body
• 2 labial papillae –
cephalic bulb

4 sac-like openings in
the cephalic bulb
(generate worm
movements by
expanding &
displacing nearby
Adults: Eggs/ova:
Distinct cervical alae
(wing-like appendage) Released by adult
that are short and wide worms into their
giving the anterior end hosts’ digestive tracts
the distinct appearance from which they will
of an arrow be excreted with the
Caudal alae – wing-like host feces
appendage that gives
Toxocara spp. an arrow Ovular with a mucus
appearance plug at one end

Esophagus 40-70 um
• Around 2-6% of the total
body weight
• Terminates in a glandular
ventriculus that
measures around 0.3 to
0.5 mm long
• 65x77um (T. canis)
• With pitted eggshell
(typical of the eggs of
• T. cati pits are smaller
than T. canis
Toxocariasis Gnathostomiasis Trichostrongylosis / Angiostrongyliasis Anisakiasis or Dracunculiasis /
2 major forms: • Causative agent: Trichostrongyliasis Herring Disease Dracontiasis
Disease 1. Ocular larva migrans Gnathostoma Eosinophilic
caused (OLM) spinigerum meningitis
2. Visceral larva migrans • Most common • Southeast Asia
(VLM) disease caused by in the Pacific
Gnathostoma basin.
spinigerum • Self-limiting
• Most commonly
found &
diagnosed in
Southeast Asia
Other terms:
• Choko-Fushu Tua
chid or chokofishi
• Consular disease
• Shanghai
• Tau-cheed
• Woodbury bug
• Yangtze River
• Clinical grounds (Triad) • Migratory lesions • Detection of • Lumbar • Gastroscopic • Made from the local
o Marked eosinophilia • Patient history of characteristic puncture examination blister, worm or larvae
o Hepatomegaly eating raw fish eggs in the feces • Brain imaging • Histopathologic • Outline of the worm
o Hyperglobulinemia • Determination of • Serology examination under the skin may be
• History of exposure to the species • Diagnosis is revealed by using
dogs, cats & of dirt eating requires post usually made by reflected light
Diagnosis • ELISA mortem upper • Dead calcified worms
examination of endoscopy may be located by
Stool examination is useless adult worms after • Exploratory Roentgen-ray
since Toxocara never necropsy laparotomy examination
complete its life cycle in
Ingestion of dirt Eating contaminated Water or vegetables Ingestion of larvae Ingestion of 3rd
contaminated with dog or cat undercooked or raw contaminated with in raw or stage larva in the
feces that contain Toxocara freshwater fish, eels, infective larvae undercooked snails flesh of raw fish
eggs frogs, birds & reptiles or other vectors, or
Poor sanitary contaminated
Drinking conditions water and
contaminated water vegetables

MOT Rare instances: larvae

skin penetration upon
exposure to
contaminated food
sources or freshwater.

Prevention Good hand hygiene Avoid eating No true vaccines Educating persons Freezing the fish at - Protection of drinking water
undercooked or raw against residing in or 20°C for 24 hours
Deworming dogs and cats freshwater fish, eels, Trichostrongylus traveling to areas Fishermen are
regularly frogs, birds, and worms so far where the parasite required to
reptiles is found eviscerate the fish
soon after the catch
Not ingesting raw
or undercooked
snails and slugs,
freshwater shrimp,
land crabs, frogs,

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