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Lesson 1.2: Grammar

By the end of the lesson, Ss are expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary to talk about routines.
- Grammar: Present Simple
• I clean the kitchen.
• My sister doesn’t like washing the dishes.
• What chores do you do?
2. Competencies:
a. General competencies:
Develop collaboration skills in the 6Cs of the 21 st century skills framework: group work, independent working, pair work,
and cooperative learning.
b. Specific competencies:
Improve communicative competence related to the use of language (vocabulary, phonetics, grammar)
● For a language lesson: Ss are expected to know the meaning of the keywords used to talk about routines and
understand the main grammatical points, then do the tasks assigned in the textbook.
● For a skills lesson: Ss are expected to use the grammar structure to practice talking about routines.
3. Qualities:
- Being hard-working and attentive in class
- Have a positive attitude about the lesson
Teacher: Textbooks, PowerPoint slides, TV, projector, loudspeaker

Students: Textbooks, notebooks

Language analysis

Present simple
1. Form (+) S + V(s/es).
(-) S + do not/ does not (don't / doesn't) + V.
(?) Do/Does + S + V?
2. Uses We use present simple to talk about habits or things we do
Example: My mother cooks every day.
3. Time usually, always, every day, often, never, seldom… - adverbs
expressions of frequency


Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Ss may not remember the forms of Remind them quickly the forms and use of each tense.
present simple tense.
2. Ss may not have sufficient speaking Give clear instructions, give examples before letting Ss work in groups.
and co-operating skills. Provide feedback and help if necessary.
Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 1.2: Grammar
* WARM-UP: Guessing game
I. Grammar: Present simple
Activity 1: Listen and tick
II. Practice:
Activity 2: Complete the sentences and tick (√) true or false
Activity 3: Read and give the correct forms of the verbs
Activity 4: Make questions
III. Production:
Do a survey
IV. Homework:
- Do exercises in the workbook page 6.
- Prepare for Lesson 1.3: Listening.

In each activity, each step will be represented as following:
* Task delivering
** Task performance
*** Judgment
**** Report and discussion
Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time
WARM-UP - To activate Game: Guessing Game
students’ prior - T divides Ss into 2 teams. T-S 4 mins
knowledge and
get students - T explains the game rules then checks
involved in the instructions.
lesson. Game rules:
 Look at the pictures.
 Fill in the gap with the suitable words
 1 correct answer = 1 point.

- T corrects Ss if necessary.
- T set the scene for the new lesson: T tells Ss
that these are activities we do regularly. Today
we are going to review the Present Simple
LEAD-IN - To revise the Activity 1: Listen and tick
previous lesson. - T plays the audio and asks students to tick the
housework task that Lan and Ðào do.
- To lead into the T-S 5 mins
new lesson. - T asks Ss to talk about when you do them and if
you like them or not. T-S
- T puts students in pairs and gives them two
minutes to talk about the chores they do at
- Ss do the exercise and talk to each other as
guided by T.
- T checks the performance with the whole class.
- T develops further discussion if needed.

Exercise 1:

PRESENTATIO - To revise Present Grammar: 8 mins

N Simple.
- T revises the formation of Present Simple tense. T-S
- T asks Ss to read the example sentences in the
GRAMMAR FOCUS box. Refer to the words
in green and draw their attention to when a verb
ends in -s.
- Explain that if the subject is he, she, or it then
the verb ends with the final -s.
- Draw students’ attention to how we form S-T
negatives in Present Simple. Point out that if the
subject is third person singular do not becomes
does not.
- T explains the use of auxiliary verbs (do, does,
is, are) to form Yes / No questions.
- T refers to the REMEMBER THIS box. T T-S
points out the spelling rules as well as the
irregular form of have.
- To lead into the
next activity. - Ss listen to T.
- T check understanding by asking some
questions about the formation of Present
- T develops further discussion if needed.
PRACTICE - To practice using Activity 2: Complete the sentences then tick (√) true 6 mins
Present Simple or false

- T guides Ss to do exercise 2.
- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 individually.
- Ss do exercise 2 individually. S-S
- T checks the answer with the whole class.
- T randomly chooses students and ask them if
the sentences are true for them or not.
1 waters
2 takes
3 does
4 washes
5 does
6 dries

5 mins
Activity 3: Read the text and give the correct forms
of the verbs

- T explains how to do exercise 3.

- Ss read the text and provide the correct forms of
the verbs. S-S
- T checks the answer with the whole class.
- T asks Ss about the roles their mothers and
fathers take doing household chores.
- T asks them if they think it is the same in other

1 does
2 washes
3 irons
4 helps
5 cleans
6 washes
7 clean
8 vacuums
9 makes
10 fixes
Activity 4: Make questions:
7 mins
- T asks Ss to do exercise 4.
- T puts Ss in pairs to interview each other.
- Ss form questions.
- T asks some pairs to speak in front of the class
and gives feedback.
- T develops further discussion if needed.
1 Does your dad water the plants at your home?
2 Does your mum take the rubbish out?
3 Does your brother do the laundry every week?
4 Does your dad usually wash the dishes?
5 Does your grandmother do the cooking?
6 Does your sister dry the dishes?
PRODUCTION To help students Activity 5: Do a survey
applying the - T gives Ss handouts of a survey about T-S 7 mins
vocabulary items household chores
and grammar
points related to - Ss work in groups of four.
the topic in - T asks some Ss to speak in front of the class and T-S
communicating. gives feedback.

WRAP-UP To consolidate - T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the T-S 2 mins
what Ss have lesson. S-T
learnt in the ✔ The present simple tense: form and usage
lesson. ✔ The adverbs of frequency
HOMEWORK To review the - Do exercises in the workbook page 6. T-S 1 min
lesson and prepare - Prepare for Lesson 1.3: Listening.
for the next lesson.

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