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Test Student’s name and surname

Date / /
2A __________________________ Total score: 60
Vocabulary 4. you / breakfast / where / yesterday /
score: did / have ?
1 Complete the phrases 5

with some of the verbs below.

invent • collect • arrive • cross • discover •
5. did / time / begin / lesson / this / what ?
explore • introduce • land • sail • travel •


1. at an island/in a city/home
2. an island/a new country/the truth score:
4 Complete the email with  10
3. a story/an excuse/a game
the missing verbs in the past.
4. stamps/coins/souvenirs
5. to Europe/to the moon/ New message
to another city
Recipients: Martin
2 Match natural disasters score: 5 Subject: Last Saturday

1–5 with definitions a–e. Hi Martin!

1. drought How are you? I’m fine. I’m writing to tell you about
Last Saturday. It (1) my birthday and
2. hailstorm
I had a great time.
3. earthquake
My parents (2) not at home so
4. floods I (3) some friends. They (4)
5. hurricane home at midday. They gave me a beautiful
present: a box full of sweets and chocolates.
a. A sudden movement of the ground.
We (5) a very good film and then we
b. A storm in which small balls of ice fall all played video games.
like rain. In the evening, my parents came back home
c. A violent storm with strong winds and rain. with a big cake.
d. A long period of time when there is little Well, I miss you. Please, write soon.
or no rain. Alice
e. A lot of water covering an area that was
dry before.

3 Order the words to make score: 10
questions. Then answer them.
1. you / what / did / leave / time / home /
yesterday ?

2. did / friend / your / you / what / give / for /
birthday / last / your ?

3. cake / you / a / make / chocolate / last /
did / Saturday ?

© Macmillan Publishers S.A., 2019 This test has been downloaded from
Reading Listening
5 Read the text and answer score: 10 6 03Listen and complete  score: 10
the questions. with only one word.
1. The weather is not good. It’s raining
Amazing Gift-Giving Stories 2. David his umbrella on the bus.
Today, we have Christmas, birthday, baby shower, 3. The umbrella was a from his
wedding and anniversary gifts. But there are other grandma.
occasions on which people receive presents.
4. David took a number bus.
During the Third Crusade, Richard I of England
gave some birds to Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt, 5. After school, he to McDonald’s
as a present. Once, a lady called Mrs Baker from with Peter.
a small village in England sent a little cat in a
basket as a present to Queen Victoria before her
coronation day. The people in the village laughed Writing
at the lady. Surprisingly, a few days later a letter score:
7 Write about 40 words  10
from the Queen arrived including two £5 notes.
In Hollywood, British actor Richard Burton bought
about what you did and
a 69-carat diamond in the shape of a pear for didn’t do last weekend.
British-American actress Elizabeth Taylor. She
wore this diamond in a necklace to the 1970
Oscars Ceremony. Pop star Katy Perry once
surprised Russell Brand, at that
time her husband, with two
tickets for a trip into space to
celebrate his 35th birthday.
Katy spent US$200,000
on the tickets
and fourteen
months later
they divorced.

1. What did Mrs Baker send Queen Victoria

before her coronation?

2. What did she receive from the Queen?

3. What present did Richard Burton buy for
Elizabeth Taylor?

4. When did she wear it?

5. Did Katy Perry spend a lot of money on
the two tickets to travel into space?

© Macmillan Publishers S.A., 2019 This test has been downloaded from

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