Neamen - Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design - Solution Manual-McGraw-Hill Education (2000)

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lect tA Desi tiot al Chapter 1 Exercise Solutions ELL ne = (21 10!*)(200)27 o, 14 (22 x 20%} ¢300) + (aetna! MS 18 x 10° em Ge me = (1.65 x 20°*)(300)"7 exp ( ain sHy guy) SET ) ay = 2.40 x 10! cm? E12 Si 25 ¢400)2 La a = (8.23 x 10") (400); ” exp (saecasryaaay) me = 4.76 x 10"? cm GaAs Ld ) SL n= (23 x 10°) 400°” exe (eT Toa) me 2.44 x 107 cm Ge ni = (1.66 x 10!*){400)°? exp ( 0.66 ) (65 = 10-5 }(400) me 9.08 x 104 ema E13 4, majority carrier: pe = 10" cm’ 2.25 x 10? em@? bmg = Ny— Ng = 5x 10? majority carrier: ag = 5 x 20°? cm@* minority carrier: nd _ (1.5 « 1079)? Aes pos Bw Be a 5 x 10t om El4 (a) 7, =Sxl0* em", p,< n= 81x10 om”? p=p+ip> palo! em EL6 Jsc£ =(10)(05) = 1S0A/ cm? E17 Vein (2) (04)(.0" (3% 1087 (0.928) ln vy = 0.89rV (2987)(10"7) ’. Vay = (0.026) 10 [s a Vou = 0.817 V Circuit sk = (0.026) In [Z 7“ an 08 ee(2 + ce) = Cyo(7.61)~ 7 (0.362) Cyo = 2.21 pE Et10 v; ate Tolexe (2) - 4 For ¥p =0.5: 1 5107'*exp For Vp = 0.8: 1= 107 exp For¥p=0.7: {= 107 *exp So we have Yo 1 05 2.25 4A 06 0.105 mA 07 © 493 ma db. -107** A both cases ELl! vi 1 = tafexe (2) -1] so? = (10) fore (3335) — 1] (0.026) In (10 7 BL12 ELI3 ns AT = 100°C AVp = 2x 100 = 200 mV > Vp = 0.650 — 0.2 Vp = 0450 Relka — eb Tp + Voss Wo Vo Tes 1077 A Ves = IpR+ Vo and In = Isexp (2) So 45 1p(4) + Vp 9 ip =(4~Vo)/4 mA and Yo T0326 3 teen (2) = 19 = 10709 ( Ine sexp (12) = Io 107 exp mA By tal and error: Ip = 0.864mA and Vp = 0.535 V EL.14 din; Chapter t: Exercise Soluti ELIS Power dissipation in diode = LoVo . 1.05 mW’ = fo(0.1) > Jp = Lima Veg =¥,_W=07 gy Re TS = Rath « rp * ELIT at 3 Ve | - - e ane BLS Ip = ESE 2 Ot 8 yy 21.08 ma ® ELI . % sono (#2) ecu f le Ye = vein (2) Yo = (a.026)18 ( 22 pr juncsion: Vo = (0.026)in ( 2°; ta vp 0.50 10 oy Schonky Diods: Vp = (9.026) in Ge Ie of Cm) a. ¥p = 6.299 V od oa E120 or the pa junction diode oe a jun a8 ra Geers) vo = vein (2) 0,026) In Ts BIG Vo = 0.6971 V Schorkey diode volige will be smaller R = Vp = 0.5871 0.265 = 0.4221 V — Yo Ip = Ieexe (2 +3; * 2 = leew (#2) Np2 eV \o bein - Ise = les Lot 107 4 CAZIT) oe To) Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2" edition Solutions Manual E20 Power =I. Vz 10 =1(5.6) > P= 1.79 mA 3.6 EL.22 + + Veo a Vz = Veo +lerz So Vzo = V2 -ferz Vz0 = 5.20 — (107*)(20) = 5.20 - 0.02 = 5. ‘Then Vz = 5.18 + (10 x 107") (20) => Ve = 5.38 V Chapter 1 Problem Solutions ul arte hier a icon, T=275K n, = (523x108 Y275)7 9 teeny 18, = 190x10 om? Gy T=325K (5.23xi0')(325)"7 et *tene hm) 7x10" ce? (b) GaAs 4) T=275K 1m, = (24108275) eH eeetrrde) = 134210° am Gi} T=325K n= (21 0x10! )(325)"% po = 4.5 x 10 cm@? lanual Db. Nes Sx 10" cm > n-type to = Ng = 6 x 10" cm? = 18) (390)? agp (et ny = (2.10 « 10!) (300) exp (aa 7 ose) = (2.10 x Lo!) (300)? (1.65 x 107"7) = 1.80 x 10° cm? nd _ (18 x 10°)? wae Moxie a = 6.48 x 107" em 14 10* cm > anupe 0° cm. (a5 x10)" nee tat enn? ee = no 2.25 x 10" om ~ (1.66 « 10) (300)"7* 0.66 ny = (1.66 10°) (300)" oo (een) = (1.68 « 10"*)(300)/? (2.79 x 107%) =2.4« 10 cm 22 at _ 24x?) > 5.76 x 10" cm=* a BAK) as 10 1s (a) 9, 35x10" om? g (5x0) io me Bea gh Pn Asal cat ) n >> p, = mtype (©) n, = N, = 5x10" cm” 16 a. Add Donors Na=7x 10" cm b. Want pp = 10" cm~ = aP/Ng So n? = (20°}(7 x 10") = 7 10" 7 5¢ 10% = (5.23 x 10*)*7° exp (eae) By oral and error, T = 324° K Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2" edition Solutions Manual 17 1=J-A=0BA 13 (2.2)15\(10} = 1 =33mA JacBodsia8 £12 g = 7.08 (ohm ~ em)-" Lo (@) For n-type, oz eL,N,= 6x10 \8S00)N, For 10° Nz $10” cm” => 136< oS 136x10" (Q—cm)" ) J=08 =0(01) => 0136S J $136x10° A/em* 10/7 410" = p= 1.01 x10 om (204) (208) iain | 7 ose 4 Vag = (0.026) al (20!) (10") Tania] > bn = (0. oxi (20°*) 0") (5x10) ce. Vou = (0.026) wf 1.12 {10") (20!) 8 Yes (0006) | Oa => My = 1.05 V (10) 084) (18 x 108)" Va. = (0.026) In oe 3h b. Vig = (0.026) In = Vn = 1.23-V Lav (18 108) 1.13 oon y, (10) ( 15x10") Vy = 01637 ¥ For N,=10" cm, Vy =0817V oxi 0.637 T a ae ar ae NM Cen) Lig wr=tono (2) roe ye 200 0.01733 2528.4 250 0.02167 3952.8 300 (0.076 5196.2 350 0.03033 6547.9 400 0.03467 3000.0 450 0.0390 9545.9 $00 0.04333 11,1803 2.1 x 10") (7°) exp (aes) ) a = vein (& eee Chapter 1: Problem Solutions Tt a, Vin 200 1.256 1.405 250 6.02x 10? 1.389 3001.80 x 10° 1370 350 oa xoh 1.349 400 24d 10? 1.327 450 2.80 x10 1.302 50 2.00 x10 1.277 uns vas 200 So zoo AAD Mo 150 Seo Te) Lis va CG =Cn(i+ 74) (2x v= tomas Pa a Va=1V Lyon : c= (1+ she) = CO, = 0.634 9) > Ve=sV¥ s yun : o=t(t+ gig) = comer 116 vy @ ¢ oft) vy For V,=5V. sy C, ={0.02) — = 0.00743 pF in Gr ? For V,=15V, sy" C,=(002{ 1+) =00118 pF { +8) , ogra +0118 (avg) = ; = 0.00962 pF ¥e(t) = vel final) +(ve (initial) — vc(final))er”* where = RC= RC, (avg) = (47110°X0.00962x10"") or T=452x10" 5 Then ve(t)=15=0+(5-O)e™" 3 arn ath( 3] 15 ‘ iS. (b) For ¥,=0¥, 002 pF For ¥,=35V. 35) C, =(0.02} 1+— = 000863 pF ant {+53} a 002 +0.00863 Cow) - Ses 10143 pF T= RC, (avg) =672410 5 Vo(t) = vel final) +(v¢(initial) — vel final))e" 35=5+(0-S)e™" =(1-e**") so that 9x10" 17 _ (2o*) (108) . Vou = (0.026) 10 Pee pee] OT a Ve siv Loyca ¢, =(028)(1+ ste) = 0.164 pF 1 1 1 TURE * eben yale ey fo = 8.38 MHz is a1 ign, 2" edition Solutions Man: bd VR =10V 1.20 an (@) 1 =i,(e" -1) C= (0. as\(i+ 34 +a am) = 0.0663 pF 1 hae V2 x 10 0.0663 x TOY fp = 13.2 MHz 10 evo"? if 25x10" 10" Lis erate (%) <1] ~0.90= 2x0 (72) “1 wx (#2) «1-290 Yo = Vrin(0-10) > Vp = -0.0599 ¥ 0.10 1.21 107 = Igais2x1oP a of 08 b Ips Laz x10) exp (2h) Ip =6.82 mA e = seer ( Ip = 2.03 x 107" A mis 08 To = (2.08 « 10 ox (ae =) Ip = 46.8 mA 1.22 1, doubles for every $C increase in temperature 1,310 A at T= 300K For [;=05x10" A => T=29SK For f,=50x10"7 A, (2)"=50 =n =564 Where n equals number of 5C increases. Then AT =(564)(3)= 282 So 2957 $3282K 1.23 I(T) Satis Fe(-85), . 13(100) is(=35) Vr@100°C => 373°K = Vp = 0.03220 Vr@ — 55°C => 216°K => Vp = 0.01865 OT = 155°C 18/8 2.147 x 10? 0.8 S| dona, = (sas) _ (2.447 x 10%) (1.237 x 10 = (9.374 x 10s) 70100) a.s3 x 10° e558) Jo 1p (100) To! & (2.147 x 10°) x 124 . $e o 10m ep (Water) tn BY> ‘z|n (10) => AVp = 59.9 mV = 60 mV b. AVp = Vpln(100) > AVp = 119.7 mV & 120 mV 1.25 « RetoMn * ay + Mpg 24 Me a Vp 1.5 = [p(10 x 10°) + Vp and Vo t= tele (72) - | 1.8 = (20 x 10*)(30 x 107} [pp (P) - | 4p nisl (2)=i By trial and error, Vp = 0.046 V 1.5 - 0.046 ‘Then 1p =

Vp = -12V ter | lem Solut 1.26 Is =5 x10 A Raw = R,WRye 18.15% + + Ve — | No - Ie - Vew = (qe)on=(F)o 2) = 045 V a ti 0.48 =IpRrx +¥o, Vo =Vrin (2) By trial and error: Ip =2.6 yA, Vp =0.402V 1.27 Ise2x10SAa Vo = 0.60 ¥ . WY 8 ia 107") exp (2:80 tram) =n ($8) = 2.105 mA 0s Ins Dy = 0.60mA Loh +In= 2705 mA AY 05 x 10-7 Vo = Velo (F) = oo2site pea) = 0.6085 Vi = 2Vp + Vo Va 18 Iss5x1077 A 2=0.50 mA 0.3 x 107 ve = oatsia (282082) Yo = 0.479 V SHIR+¥o+V (0.5 x 107) (4.7 « 10°) #0.479 4 Vs2iy (b) P=1,¥p = (05)(0.479) or P=024mW 1.29 (a) Assume diode is conducting. Then, ¥, =V,=07¥ Sothat fq =o = 233 uA 12-07 ft To OHA Then Ip = Te Tq, =50=233 Or Ip = 26.7 WA (b) Let 2, =50k2 Diode is cutott, 30 = -(12) 29450 V0 = 30450 (12}=045 Since V, R, R 1 In = doa = Ip=ta= oes = 0.65 mA Ip. = 1.3 mA Sa 3088) zi Ry 22.351, Ip) = 0.65 mA, Ip =130mA Chapter 1: Problem Solutions V, 30.65 ¥ Power =1-V, = 0.2 mW = 1(0.63) = 0,026 kt = 262 ig = 0.05[pq = 50 uA peak-w-peak va = iata = (26)(50) pA b. Forfog=0.1mA Sra = = 2600 (0.026) ig = 0.05I0q = 5 wA peak-to-peak va = igre = (260)(5) pV => ve =1,30 mV_ peak-to-peak 1.36 Rs u Ml a. dinde resistance re = Ve/i vex (sottge ve (gu). r Vz “= (atm)en b. As = 2602 2.(pe falmds * = (athe) = % 20.0909 eo T=01mA, 0.026 036 + {1)(0.26) (0.26) = 2=080 7 0.07 01 mA. te Ye ~ 0.026 + (0.01)(0.26) oly I = 220909 a 137 13 m0 i neren (2) 100 x 107° pn junction. Vs = (o.026)tn (212°) Vg 30.599 ¥ 7 Schonky diode, V. = (0.026) 1a mee Y= 0.299 ¥ 138 = 0.1796 V Va of pa junction = 0.1796 +0.30 = 0.4796 i 0.5 x 107? igs Tay = ee(Z) op Iga 487x107 A Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2™ edition Solutions Manual 139 pnjunction fp =05 mA fy = 1,6" =V, =V, u(2) Is Theo Vp =(0.026) nf Schottky diode ¥, =(0026)10{ 95207) -o2siv 10" Then R= vA er) ¥ols = 0521 80.2, hheh=05x 107 Ve - 7 - sic10" aap (#2) +10" ep (#2) 205 107% Vp = (0.026) In ) = Ye Schortky diode, J, = 0.49999 mA pn junction, J; = 0.00001 mA &) Lal 1a ap (8) 2st (2) Vr Voi +Vo2 = 0.9 rn -« .9 = Vor 10 exp (Yt) = cso np (22 HE Vr Vr Va = Vzo = 5.6 V at Iz = 0.1 mA 72 =109 Jarz = (0.1)(10) =1mV Vee = 5.599 a Rmos = 110 o50+ 0.01 3.399 + (0,00863)(10} 10 ~ 5.599 fa = 8 t= "Rez Vz = Vao+lzrz Vp = Vy = 5.685 28.63 mA ’ VesallVelze= Vg = Vy = 5.389 + (0.01059)(10) = 5.705 V Veg = 9 V = Iz = 2a 88 = 6.669 mA. 051 Vz = Vo = 5.399 + (0.006669)(10) = 5.1 AVs = 5.708 ~ 5.666 > OV; = 0.039 V ) Chapter 1: Problem Solutions. eo lath Ye 12 Yes-V Leg ad = Ve _ %~5.599 | 050 ~~ oo +2 10 | 5.509 1 rae 330 * D010 alae Toro * 4] 20.0 + 559.9 = ¥o(102.5) HssssaV 1.42 als a ig=1) mA Pz = (11)(6.8} = Pz = 74.8 mW » = Bo, pms = RaU 5 300 = 135% Pz = (26)(6.8) = 176.8 mW 76.8 — 74.8 % Tae * 100 = 136% 1.43 Iarz = (0.1)(20) = 2mV Vio = 6.8 - 0.002 = 6.798 V a Re 10 ~ 6.798 5 = depbor 7 fe 6158 A Vo = Vz = Veo + Lore = 6.798 + (0.006158}(20) Mo = 6.921 V da bb fslzeth We-0.798 | % v0 + 1 6.198 toa ao [fata +4] 459.9 = Va(53) Ye = 6.791 V AM = 6.791 - 5.921 y= 013 V El uit, Is. Chapter 2 Exercise Solutions #23 mI v, = 120 sin (27608), Vs Pull-wave sectier Tums anol: 2 sos = Vy = 120-67 = 119.3 ¥ Vy, = 119.3 - 100 = 19.3 V Von Hg.3 SoC= spar, = WeONES x IO NISAT C= 2.06 x 107% = 20.6 x 107% > C= 20.6 wF 2 in(peat) = 22228 aig ms B24 be Valmas) = 24412 = 18. by = SO sin (2r60¢), Vy = 0.7, R= 10 KD . ‘a(max) = 4 +12 = Full-wave rectifier ca a a) = FFRV, ~ 260\(A0 x 102) C= 2.025 x 107? = 20.25 x 107% => C = 20.3 nF mee 2 mS we Using Bq. 2-10) we, we a worm fe = Usinwt = 12.6 “ - 126 ». wats fm = 569 ty = sn (BS) oon - Vow By symmeny, wt = 180 — 31.7 = 148.3° (Sa #2 TSsin (2608) Ym Vee Se FRO Von 5 oR Fey, = Ga TH Ra 6.2540 he (8) X 100% = 18.1% _ fe. Pea. cc uat= lz =Vae= Hom (S22) x 100% = ase 287 10 < Ves SAV, Va #56 20. < Ri 100 Te(max) oa 28 A, f.(min) = B = 0.086 A Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design. © in Solutions Manual iz(max) Vz (min) = Vi (nominal) + f2(min}rz ____(rs(max) ~ Vaile (max) - . “Vps(min) — 0.9Vz — 0.1Ves(max) - $5 (lamin (.5) . [Vesmin) ~ Vz}! (min) Ta(min) = = — 0.280 Vps(min) — 0.9V2 — 0.1Vps(max] = 00885 A — D4 = 5.6)(280) — [10 ~ 5.5](56) Velmin) = 5.6 + (0.088 <3 = 9 00.996.6) — (0.14) ‘e(min) ae OO888)(1 8) = 688 = 7352 = 246.4 % Rog = a = 0.143 = 14.3% 356 Ia(max) = $91.5 mA Power( min) = f2(max)- Vz = (0.5915)(5.8) Power = 3.31 W a = Vesa) Ve E210 (Minimmurn Zener current is zero.) For Vp,(mex) and J, (min), then 136-9 ) 1,{max) = > 230 mA “The characteristic of the minimum Zener current being one-tenth of the maximum value is violated ‘The proper circuit operation is questionable E28 (ain) = een) =e, mate (aux) E29 Vi(max) — Vi % Regulation = nominal) Vi (nominal) = 5.6 Ve (max) = Vi(nominal) + [2(max)rz = 5.6 + (0.5915)(1.5) = 6.487 solu Vv, =07V ELIS Por ur <3. Dron = Vy = -8 Ve 43 Vo s-06V. In =O. Dy gums on whea vy = 23> Y= 18V Dy fon = 1 = 4.27 mA os Sel, For v1 > 25, t=ge a +R =2R E22 For F, =0, vo{max) Now, Av =87, so that yo(min) = -10¥ 20 B2.13 AS vs goes negetive, D tums on and vo = +5 V. ‘AS vs goes positive, D mums off, as Qurput, « square wave oscillating between +5 and +35 volts. B14 ° 10- w= 4d, Fe 70-5895 mA Set I = Ip, v1 = 44 = 0.6 — (0.5895)(0.5) by = 3.505 Summary 0S 4) $3.5. mm =44 For vy > 3.5. D2 auns off and when vr > 9.4 = 10 nal Solutions Manual E218 a I = eA Ten = (0.8)(1.8 x wo), 6.4.x 107 Tas x 10-7} ic 8) py = 12.8 mA b. We have vo = (12.8)(1) = 12.8 volts, The diods must be reverse biased so that Vps > 12.8 volts. E219 ‘The equivalent circuit is +sv Nye hy | bnew \Sm¥ a2 S-17-02 ore = sma S17 -02- 13 Is 31 ytR= ue 1+ $2 = 0.207 kA =n R= 207 ~ 15> R120 Elects jute ual Chapter 2 7 23 Problem Solutions (@)vs(max)= 160 =40V ui uy Us (b) PIV =|v.(max}=40V Reax © oe he ~~ es 19 ° =z + z ° 10 Vq = 08 V, ry 200 Pot v7 = 10 V, vy = (gop )eo- 98 = (Hm) eo 24 by = vg — 2% = vs(max) = va(max) +2V, 4. For vo(max) = 25 V => vs(max) = 25 + 2(0.7) = 40 Bb. For ve(max) = 100 V = vs(max) = 101.4 ¥ M160 0M Mora > y= 8 From part (a) PIV = 2v,(max)-V, = 2(264)-07 or PIV =S21¥ or, from part (6) PIV =2{1014) -07 PIV =2021V. uit Analysis and Design, 2™ edition lutions Manual 25 4 ve(max) = 24 V = ys(max) = 24 + 2(0.7) vs(max) = 25.4 ¥ vs(rms) = Sd = ve(rms) = 17.96 V = tu TVR C= c= 2567 at 7(60)(0.5)(s0) ~ <== ee Vow S) iDmax = elm ae 24 1D max = 5.08 A 26 (a) vj(max)=24+07 =247V or C= 5333 pF © For the half-wave rectifier or 28 v(t) = 24sinax Now iolavg) = Fhe (at We have for x, < at 0, (Vj, = 0) “ == (ql) RalfRe = 2.2]16.8 = 1.86 kO i w= (qgittgg)eenean y Vps63V, R= 120, Ve = 48 ttre SSS osm Ay stp—fe = 128-12 25 < In £120 mA > 40 < Ry <:1920 db. Pz = IaVz = (100}(48) = Pz = 460 mW Py = [,¥q = (120)(4.8) = PL S575 mw 2.13 r= Bo neoes t= Be ysis Ia=Ir— hy > [pelt mA jit An: is and b Pemex) = 400 mW = fr(max)= 2? = 40 ma = Ia(min) = fy = Te(max) = 45 — 40 = lelmin) = Sma = = Rya2ko For R, = 1752 IsStimA [,=263mA [2 =305mA Tz(max) = 40 mA > [z(min) = 57.1 — 40 10 Rus ayy Aes S852 24 4. From Eq, (2-23) $00(20 ~ 10] — $015 — 10 15 ~ (0.9){10) ~ (0.1)(30) 3000 ~ 250 = eee Ta(max) = 1.1875 A iz(min) = 0.11875 A From Bq, (2-21(b)) 20-10 = Tareas 7 BH h000 Ta(max) = b. Pe = (1.1878)(10) =» Pz = Pi = [e(max)Ve = (0.5)(10) =» Pras W 2.15 (@) As approximation, assume £,(max) and {,(min) are the same as in problem 2-14. Vo(max) = Vo(nom) + Iz(max)rz = 20 + (0.453)(2) = 20.906 Va(nom) + I2(min)ra = 20 + (0.0453)(2) = 20.0906 Vo (asia 20.906 — 20.0906 >’ %Reg= x 100% = % Reg = 4.08% 26 V, (max)-¥; (min ¥,(nom) (nom) + 1,{enax)r, ~(V, (nam) + 1,(min)r.) ¥, (nom) Reg = 100% So 4,(max)-1,(min)=0.4 4 ign, 2 edition lutions Manual ~~ = 0.006 A 1000 280: Taso? 2,{min) =0020 4 Then 1,(max)=0.1+0.02=012 4 and Vp (max)-V,_ " de{max) + 1,(min) or o(max 012+0.0006 ~ 217 Using Figure 2.17 a Ves = 20£25% = 18 < Ves < 25V Po Ves (min) : I: = La(min) + fa(max) = $420 = 25 mA ‘es(min)- Vz'_ 15-10 7 FO > Rag 25-10 R Pot I1(min) = 0 = Iz(max) = 75 mA Veo = Vz ~ Iarg = 10 —(0.025)(5) = 9.875 V Vo(max) = 9.875 + (0.075)(5) = 10.25 Vo(min) = 9.875 + (0.005)(5) = 9.90 AM = 0.35 V = Ir(max) = = Emax) = 75 mA _ 4M & FREE = Tom) * 100% = % Rog = 3.5% 218 Brom Equation (2.21¢a)) —_Ves(min)-V,_ _ 24-16 “T,(min)+f,(max) 404400 or R= 182 Also , ¥, ale cote Yo Re? oO" 2 pv, RER +r, =1824+2=2022 Then C= _ => C= 9901 Heayiyanay =? C= wr 2.19 Va=Veo+lferz Vz(nom)=8V 8 = Veo + (0.1)(0.5) > Vag = 7.95 V 1, = Yelmax) = Ve(nom) _ 12-8 Por ly = 0.2A % Iz = 1.133 4 Foc, = 1A = [230.333 A ¥_(max) = Vzo + Jz(max)rz = 1.3334 = 7.95 + (1.133){0.5) = 8.5168 Vi (mia) = Vzo + Iz(min)rz = 7.95 + (0.333)(0.5) = 8.1165, av, =04V Ove ¥e(nom) V, v, ame? o* aa, R=R +7, 234052350 Then % Reg = => % Reg = 5.0% C= FaayaSeR > C= 00238 F 220 (a) For -10S v, $0, both diodes are conducting=> vy = 0 For 0S y, $3, Zener not in breakdown, so ni, 22, acy, he lov, i, mA For v, 23.43, At v, =10V, i, =035mA Chapter blem Solution: 221 a) ws ® Us +s % Via fa SV for S51, wy a0 = 407) 16H 1 2 vice, oim=07) mnt 2 or ft tat an({+5+q) =e vr + 8.55 = o9(2.5) 9 0 = Pye + 3.42 vr 5.7 mw =5T p15 yg = 9.42 o 7 — uw) (b)ip =0 for O<¥, £57 Then _ 06v, 342 t For v,=15, ip =558mA ircuit Aj is and i lutions jx 10210.7 Fon = 30V, i= TMT 0175 A vy = i(10) +10.7 = 1259 b. St win 'F # % 2.22 weal, wor (a) For Doff, vor (B)e9- 10 333V ® Taen for v, $3334.07 =4.03V = v,=333¥ For v,>403, vg =¥y-07; “2. For v, #10, v9 =93 UV) asp = — - 2.24 +S uy HT Ve REGRK vy =05V vy = sin at {b) For v, $4.03V, f) =0 i For v, >4.03, ip +2 ¥>403, ip +7 ‘Which yields i, =3" 0.605 For v,=10, i, =089SmA 2.25 a V0 1a apy te ° = Vv, 206 sad 2.26 One possible example is shown. L.will tend to block the transient signals D, will limit the voltage to +14 V and ~0.7 V, Power ratings depends on number of pulses pet second and duration of pulse. 227 v= 0 ow 4] o b lem. For circuit in Figure P2.27(b) @ @ For ¥,=43¥ 231 For Figure P2.27(a) Vo = [n{9.8) = Yo S418 V Same as (6) a 10= Dos) +06+1095) => 120.964 mA Ve = 119.5) > = 9.16V toy = Toa = 5m Loy m Tp = 0.482 mA 2.33 a leime=in=t %=10 b. 10 = 119.5) +0.6 + 1(0.5) = ip, =094mA Ip, =O Vo = 10 = 1(9.5) > HB =LOTV & 10 = 19.5) $0.6 + 1(0.8) +3 => Leip =0smA Ip 50 Vo = 10 — 1(9.5) => Ve = 5.82 V ad = 19.5) 406+ fe) = Le 0.364 mA Ip: = 102 = ah 1.482 mA Yo = 10 - 119.3) » we = 0.802 V 2.34 a West Dy Da, Don Weaey 10 L 38 = Inelp = 16 mA f= for = Ion = 4px = for +102 — = 2(7.8) ~ 0.589 = Ing = 14.6 mA b YWeasV Di and Ds on Ds of 10 = 19.5) +0.6 + Fos) +5 L=0s8i oA To: = Tor = > dove tp = 0206 Ing =O Vy = 10 ~1(9.5) = 10 — (0.451)(9.5) > Mesny ce W=sSV. 4 =0 Di off, Ds, Dion wet 130589 mA py = 7.6 mA for = Ips = Iya = f= 7.6 - 0.589 => Ip = 7.01 mA & YW=SV,% =2V Di off, Da, Ds on La0s89 mA Jy, = 3.6 mA In=a Ips = [px - 1 = 3.6 0.589 > [py = 3.01 mA 235 (@) Dion, D, off, D, on _ 10-06-(-06) 10 “Rak 246" Toy = Igy Lp, = 22-125 Ly, = 095 md (b) Don, D, on, D, of So I =0 10-06-44 Wa44v, 12 4 fo. R or Loy = 0833 nd 44-(-5)_ 94 =o 28 L094 mA In= RR 10 Tg = Iga ~Ioy = 094-0833 Toy ¥, = Ly. R,-5=(094X8)-5> Chapter 2; Problem Solutions (©) All diodes are on W=4AV, V,=-05V 10-05-44 Ty =0Smd = => R= 10k0 Inq =05405= 1 md = 247 R,=5KQ Ip, = 1S md 2.36 For v, small, both diodes off vee -(&). 0905, When v, -¥, =06,D, tums on. So we have 00909», =06=>v, = 066, v, =006 For D, on Se he a Oe whieh yields vy, 224206 oo When ¥, =06, D, tums on. Then 06= 241-98 -5y,=394 Now for v, >39 %=06~% ,Y~Ve _ My, Ye 06 $ 50S" 05 ‘Which yields y+ For v, =10=> vg =LISV 237 stov For v1 > 0. when D; tums of = 0.465 mA vo = 1(10 kM) = 4.65 ¥ Ry =SkO, Ry = 10kN Dy and Da on > Yad toy BEE PI ag 1p, = 0.86 mA b. By = 1DKM, Rp = SKM, Di off, Dy on Ip=0 d= RESET EN) Ler 2.39 ween +07 Ve 2 * 30 OT Lia To 7 20 (hake da Vo = 6.975 V Yo In = 75 > po mA ‘ = Na, 10%? Siok 4 Ws V, Y= 0V Diode off Va =T5V, Vy =S VS Vp = -25V Ip=o bY =10V, = 18 V Diode on Ww _ 1 * io 10 ww >a -06 10 Tt ey (Lyd w(b+d) +“(5+ 5) Lid -08(5+%) 4 2s1=1(4) M3655 158.55 _ 6.55 Ib —T7 pp 72 = 0.19 mA Vp =o0ev 241 v1 =0, Dy off, Da on Tm WEBS cas ma 18 vo = 10 — (0.5)(S) => yy = 7.5 V ford sur For vr = 30 V, Dy off, my = 10 Determine vr when Vs = 10 yn 25 t= Vq = 10 = 1(10) $2.5 = 150.75 mA v4 = (0.75)(25) + 2.5 = 21.25 2.43 «© Ysva=sv b Vis06V, Vg=12v ce Vs06V, Vaai2V Logic “0” signal degrades as it goes through additional logic rates, 2.44 ( ANDY.) OR(Y, ANDY) 2.45 1-15-90. eee Te mA 0.012 8.3 1 R410 = pip = 697 R= 681.79 2.46 rao 75 Vr = 10 - 1.7 - 8(0.7) > Vp = 2.3V 247 ReaK Va=1V,[=08 mA Ves = 1+ (0.8)(2) Veg = 2.6 V 2.48 Irn = 900A 0.6 1077 = (2)(1.6 x 107) (10) xi ic Circuit E34 Bs Fora = 0.980, 6 = For a = 0.995, 8 49 8 < 199 de s(itAlle so.ta)= 7 =o 3 geo asrt o> Taps aa 7 ake 0.780 .00960 80.3 81.25 > 6 Je = Ble = (80.3)(9-60 xA) => Ie = 0.771 mA E34 E36 AtVee= lic = a Va = 75 b(t+%) 2h AtVce #10. fe = cossss}(1 + g 2 0.9868 mA. igs li2ma Solu Manual ba = 150 1 To sls h(i+—} = bp = 0.9934 ms le (+5) Te = 0.9934 mA . 10 Ver =10. fe = +i)e AtVes =10. Ie canes : =m) Ie = 1.06 mA E37 BYeeo = oop ~« co = 40.5 volo B38 BV cs, BV cy “e BV cy, = (N100}{30) = 139 V B39 4‘ 0.2 < Vez(on) = fe = fo =0, Ye Pao b. Vj = 2.6 Transistor is driven into saturation. Note that 22 = 12:3 < 2.41 < 8 which shows Tp = 433 that the mansistor is indeed in saturation. P= leVer + leVae = (10-9}(0.2) + (4.53)(0.7) 18 + 3.17 P 3.33 mW E310 For Vac = 0 > % =07V = 0.195 mA rR + Vez(on) = (0.195)(0.54) + 0.7 = V; = 0.625 V Power = IcVce + IaVae = (9.77)(0.7) + (@.295)(0.7) Power = 6,28 mW Electr: ics alysis and Design, 2 edition uti 3.11 To = 81g = (7S)(15.1 uA) > Lo 113 mA For Ve =4V and fog = LS mA Tes (14 aa = (76}(15.1 vA) > de = 113 mA pew Wate ae wana Ver = Veo + Vee ~IoRe~ tee Ts 7 Acs Ako th —Vac(on) 3} S84 2 (113/25) 1.15)) = Re 101) sys tem (Fap)fe = 1515 ma _ W070 Re= Re = 618k 53.16 E312 Ves +25 2 Ve =25V = leRe = 8 re 20.915 mA Vee = [eRe + Veclon) + Ve 4 “ ¥ Vaston) - Vs 07-23 7 -(- ~o7 q B e _ SOF 25 fe = Haslem =(o10) = 98 3 a - e Ta Ip = 0.18 mA = Ie = fe = 0.930 mA a fe = (101)(0.18) fe _ 0.813 = Te = 18.18 mA lomale sas = Sop = a= 09859 2 So Re = syoy > Re 30.138 k= 138.0 Je = fe — Ie = 0.930 ~ 0.915 => Lp = 0.0150 mA ale _ 0.818 8-7, ~ 008 7 SS E317 Vor = Ve ~ Ve = 6.34 -(-0.70) > Vao = lef + Ven(on) + lah Veg = 7.04 ¥ [p=22 mA = Ip = = 0.0001 mA 3.13 Io= (45) te= (Sea = le=216mA [p= Vow = (2.2)(1) + 0.7 + (0.0431)(50) lew wif = Vag = S06 V e = T+A Veo = 5 -JnRe =5 -(2.2)(1) Io= ol = Vac =28V Ve = Ie Re — 10 = (1.14)(4) — 10 = -5.44 E318 Vac = 0.7 — (-5.44) Vec = 6.14 V ee (S44) Veo GUY (1) 6 = fa Re + Vec(on) + [eRe (2) $= oR + Versa) + eRe ES.14 In=latle lee —Ves(on) (1) 6 = 10f9 + 0.7 + (Ze + fe)(1) Re (2) S=Ale 40.24 (Ip + Ie) = Rew tot = Rez 3dko (1) B32 fes Mig] x3— 26.5 = Sle +55l0 Ie = ole = (0.9920)(1.0) => Io = 0.982 mA (2) 48=8ictIs 48=Sle+ Ip Ig = Te — Ie = 1.0 0.9920 > Ip = 0.0080 mA ate Sly Ver = -Vae = eRe - Veo = {0.992)(1} — 5 => [p= 0.402 mA => Veo = 4.01 V Prom (1), fe = 5.3 — la = {¢ = 0.880 mA fe=izema, Veg =Vep(sat) = 0.2V E319 = IaRa + Vaclon) + eRe Yee = Vec(sat) = 0.2 0.2 — (-5) 5-02 = IpRa + Vas(on) + (1 + 8a Rs fen EC - pt = fc =040mA Ip = ee Ver _ 207 te _ 048 Ba++ ake 10+ (te)I) fen Gat noma ip = Ip als nA Vi + Ie Ry + Ven(on) = 0 = Vy = ~(0.24)(20) ~ 0.7 > Vy = 5.8 lerstandin| E3.20 awe bv. ¥; = —2.5 V Transistor is active. V, =1eRe + Veelon) +feRe —5 5-35 =19(10) + 0.7 + (76)da(4) $a35— Tos (raya Je= = 0.00255 mA. = Ig 32.53 eA Te = Bg ={78)(2.55 HA) > Le = 0.191 mA Te = (1+ B)Iy = (762.55 wA) = [g= 0.194 mA Vex =10-IcRc -leRe = 10 = (0.191)(2) - (0.194)(4) Vox =8.86¥ cc. Vi = 43.5 V Transistor is in sacuration. (1) 3.5 = IpRe + Vec(on) + le Re ~ (2) 8 = TeRe + Vee(sat) + [eRe -5 (3) le = ln tle Q) 3845-07 = 10le + 4(fe + Ic) (2) 545-02 = 2c +4(le + Je) (1) 7.8 = 14le + tle (2) 9.8 =4l5 + 6lc Bx() © 2342425 + 12c 2x (2) = 1962 Bip $126 38 = Mle = Ig =0.12 mA 7.8 = 14(0.112) + 4fe = 1.568 + df = fe = 156 mA SE = 13.9.4 = in sarwaton Tes latte = te TmA Vee = Ver(sat) = 0. 5-15-02 {e(oat)= 5-15-02 i 15 1,=22=B.07 = 39 29 0754 or Ry 6k .8 V = Vee < Vaz(on) => Transistor is cutotl. Ip =Io=le=0. Veg = i0Y apter ns = 0, fa) = lar = for = ler = Ia 30 3 |. ex = lor = 0 = 453 mA sla=8mA Tay = Jae = 4.53 mA In=8mA, Io. = lor = 4 mA, Y= 0.2V £3.23 Yo =SmigRy =5~ Big and Avo _ =ARe. ay, Ry Let #2100, R.=5k2, Ry= 10042 Then Ave _ ~(100X5) Ay, 100 Want Q-point to be vg(Q- pt) =25 =5~(100)Iyq(3) ‘Then Veg - 0.7 oq = 000510 , Tyg = 0005 = 207 or Vag =12V Also Leg = Alag =(100{0.005) Or Teg =05mA E324 b. Tag is independent of 8. For Veeg =1V, Io = lect Desi 2 a= t= dors 7 A= 160 Fe Vesa 4 te = Sot cosma a5. a= ee dos 73> 40 So 40 << 160 £3.25 = Teg = 0.008375 mA 3 tno = oe 8 = 75 = [oq = (75)(0.005375) = 0.403 mA = 150 = Jeg = (150)(0.005375) = 9.806 mA Largest foo => Smallest Veeq 3-1 9s 10 Re = T= 496 kD = 414 = Re For Icg = 0. Veeg = 5 ~ (0.403)4.14) = 3.33 V For Jeg = 0.806, Veeg = 5 —(0.806)(4.14) = 1.66 V So for Re = 4.14, 1.66 V < Vee $3.33 V 3.26 Rey = Ril] Re = 92.25 > Rey =1.8 kN =(~2_ = (238 Vee (atm) = (sk @) => Vex =10V b. Ing Wen=Vex(on) | _1~07 * Bra ++ A)Re 18+ (181)(0.2) = Tog = 9.375 uA 1eg = Bing = (150}(9.375 wA) = leg = 141 mA Jeg = (1+ 8)log = Isq = 1.42 mA Veeq = 3 —IeqRe —IsqRe = 5 = (2.41)(1) — (1.42)(0.2) Solutic =07 Iaq= renaey Ing = 17.6 uA dog = Blag = (78}{17.6 uA) = leg $1.32 mA Jeg = (1+ 8¥leq = Teg = 1.34 mA Verg = 5 = (1.32)(1) ~ (1.34)(0.2) = Verg = 341 76M(17.6 wA) 3.27 area Ry + Ry = 10.25 kD, # = 150 Je = Ia. Veg =25V 5-25 So leq = Isa = TT a5 2.081 mA lag = 138 pA Taq = ETH Vael0n 20" Rew + (1 + A)Re Re Vee - Vag(on) sav» ee) 5 t+ a)RE ee T2sy + (181}(0.2) Ry = 11.25~ Rj, 50 0.0139[Ay(11.25 — Ry) + (151}(0.2)(11.25)] = 5Ry ~ (0.7){11.25} (11.25 — Ry} - (0.79(11.28) 0,1S6R, — 0.013923 + 4.72 = 56.25 — 5K, — 0.0139} ~ 5.156, + 43.66 = 0 $.156 & /(S.156)? — 4(0.0139)(43.56) FC cc > Ry 8.87 KM and Ry = 2.58 KO ‘est, lerst: hapter 3: Exercise S 53.28 120 = Fry + (1+ Bye Set Rr = (0.1)(1 + 0)Re 2) : (10) -5 45-07 Iq = 0.0278 = (qitm)oi-s+s-04 TATA) (0.0278)(1.1)(121)(0.3) = ( fa a9) - Rit Ra Rr \_ (qt) <008 — RR - Rea = ogy = Ra(0.n82) = (0.1)(1219(0.3) => R= 20.1 kd Ra = (0.181)(20.1 + Ra) => 0.81922 = 3.63 k2 => Res hee Set Rr# = (0.1) +8)Re Vp = -IgqRe = ~(0.0099)(50) Vn +43 = Wes nts Too = Taye dae ves ave (12 ain (22821072) ee =Vr (#2) = (0.026) In as) = Vee = 0.830 V Ve = Ve — Ver = —0.495 — 0.630 Vee “1 Ve = 10 ~ (0.99)(5) = 5.05 vo — Ve = 3,05 —(-1.13) Rik =6.18\V = al = 3) = Rre hah (0.1)(151)(0,.2) = 3.02 kD ‘Then Ry (0.1806) = 3.02 —> Ry = 16.7 kA 1 Ry = (0.1806}(16.7 + Re) = 0.819482 = 3.02 b Teg si mA 1p = 37 = 0.0196 mA = B= 268 53.29 Ve “rons = 0.98 Vs ve 8120. Verg = 8V feo = ($f) =as8 ma . Ry . €.98 x 107% . = View = (<8) 10) - Ver = (0.0% a Rew = RillRa, Yew (qBe)on s oe = a6 ae } 529 Teg = Ize Ve = 0.98 - 0.629 = -1.61 $e feo = = Hees Ve = 10 ~ (0.98)(5) = 5.19 wes Verg =5.1—(-1.61) > Vorg = 6.71 ¥ lea = Fpagy + fog = 3.4. mA ‘iccuit Anal E331 -/2 212 ye fe= yeaa Ve = [q{0.168) +0.7 leq = (-4q) 00 = (3) Tq = (0.992)fq Ve = leqRe = 5 = (0.992)Ig(4) —5 = 3979-5 Vecg =Ve-Ve = [9(0.165) +0.7] = [3.97fg — 5] = ~3.805lg +5.7 =3.805[q +5.7=3 = Iq =0.710 mA E332 Rr = 50/100 = 33.3 k2 : 30) Vea = (Sas 2 Sabin o7 _ 283 SET+ (OIG ~ 235 Toy = 12 mA, Je = 1.1 mA Vin © Jey Rei — 5 = (1.13)(2) = 5 == Vert $3.28 V = Vo. 3 0.51¥ 21v ~187V I sles Tay = 1.12 = 0.0188 = 1.10 mA a 3051 - Rev = Sao = Rep S408 ED Veer = 2.5 = Vex = Vea — Vices =12-25 Jq{0.165) Solutions Manual £3.33 Rpg BRR Ve Q& Vex Re, 2bser toy = MtecMes(on) 4-07 TS Reet take 333+ ida) f 4 tA, fey S140 mA, Te 42 mA, Ven — (0.014)(33.3) = Vp e3sV. Veazey Int Tar = ler wo Ba Ves , = (Wer +07) 3 ton, 7h 12) 2-9 Wer Vow rama, ~'“°= "5" * Tone) 2.4-+0.0559 — 1.40 = Vou(0.2 + 0.00495) Kove te esisV) Ve: = 3.85 tes = 2S of wate md, lop =3.04mA. Jpp = 304 nA Veo = (3.04)(1.5) > Ver = 4.55 V Electronic Ci and D. "4 editi Chapter 3 Problem Solutions 31 9 fp => p,=35 ie Be 83 = Ae 85 =0988¢ ep ee o98s ip =(14 Belly = (86) 6) fy = 516 uA as B80 ® 2,-2.5 Tee A > 2H 0.9836 oe few Sw Bo ip wustt ma FS] = Tess ~ = OSA mA tym Ew 2 os yw uta 3.6 32 ® For # = 110 B no o = Toe ar 7099098 Por § = 160: 180 @ = Tey = 0.99448 47 0.99099 < o < 0.99448 ~ Device l: ig = O)le = Aly =K{50 pA}=> I, =550mA So that or Ig, = 694x10" A Tq = 180(50 A) =>. I, = 9.00 mA Device 2: 12.2x10" = 7,,es%™ 30 $505, $9.0 m4 33 S=IeR+ Vor ~ Ver = Io(2) 41-07 = Ie = 2.35 mA Je _ 2.38 te Teey @ e239 mA 34 Same Figure as Problem 3.3 3.40 BYc zo BYom = 862 ae ipa 3.12 BVcoe Vero = BVcee = Sr BVe po = (BVex) YB = (50) Y50 BYcgo = 184 V (@) 1,222 5 Ip=1i3md Ie -(2yun =U2mA Vyg = 24—(113)(10)-(1.12)R, = 6 so that Re = S98 KD e) 1,= = 00132md ¥, = -1,Ry = ~(0.0132)(50) => ¥, =-0658 Ign (20 = 0.987 mA 5-2 Resta? Re = 304K §=0.7 ~{~2) 10+ (76)(10) « Ip= oles i21 pA Jc = 0.906 mA Ve = 0.7 + (0.0121)(10) ~ 2 Ve=-118V Ve = Ie Rc — 8 = (0.906)(3) — 8 = Ve = ~5.28 V Vac = Ve — Ve = -1.18 ~ (—5.28) = Veg S41 @ $= (14+3)fp(10) + L0(20) + 0.7 + (1 + 3)Ja(2) 5 = [n{T60 + 20 + 152) +07 = Ja = 4.61 pA Ie = Bla = (73)(461) > Io = 0.346 mA Vo =S—(1 + S)faRe = 5 - (76)(0.00461)(103 = Yo = 1.50 3.43 (a) Figure P3.12(¢) 8 =(76)1,(10)+07+ 1,(10)-2 10-07 © 10+(76\(10) Then Te = (75), = Le = 0.906 mA and [,=0918mA = 0.01208 mA Vee =8~1gRe—TeRe -(-8) Voc = 16 -(0.918\(10)- (0.906) Re) Vee = 682-~(0.906)R Re =3IES% = BSS Rl SHISKA ‘Then 397 S Vee S4.24V (b) Figure P3.12(¢) Sa (1+ B)lgRe +f (20)+0.7 +(1+ P)1,(2) 5=(76)I,Re + [y(20) +07 + (76)! (2) Now Re =10KQ45% = 95S Ro S10SER Then 0.004435 1, 0.00481 m4 And Vo =5-(I+B)IgRe Sothat 146 <¥_153V 3.14 Ry = = R,=12012 hh o0is 2 req == (70X(ES UA) = 1.05 mA p, = Nero 5-25, g or 3810 Teg bs a Ve=-Iekep > le= Tg = 2.0 pA Ve 21-07 =-17V le = Bly + Le = 0.269 mA Ver = 3- Ve =3~(-1.7) > Vor =47V b tps Stet w05 ma 4=0.7 + leRe + (Ie +lc)Rc-$ Tat+ic=le 4 = 0.7 + f9(100) + {0.5)(8) ~ 5 Jp = 0083 3 HE = (tas =“ eoe A= 10,63, ona te 0.9140 =O = Cutoff =» Ip=0, Vo=6V =07 bv Ve =a, le = —— = Je 30.3 mA lexle > Ve ~ (0.3)(10) > Vo=3V e Ve =2V. Assume active-mode 2-0 Iga 2S a tea ia aAnic Ve = 6 = (1.3)(10) = ~7 VI ‘Transistor in saturation: tex? = Ipsl3ms Vp = 1.3 V, Veo(sat) = 0.2 Ve = Ve + Voa(sat) = 1340.2 = Ve esv Chapter 3: Problem Solutions 3.18 @) B, =100 ( Ig =01md 1. (12}on= 0.0990 ma Vq=5-(0.099\5)> Vo 505 (ii) Ig =05mA t=(1@ (05) = 0.495 mA V, =5-(0.495)(5) => ¥, =2525¥ Gi) tan3m4 Transistor is in saturation Vy =Vg_(sal)+Vz_(sat) =-08+02 => Vy = —06V @)B, = 150 150 @l,=0lmdA ip= (eho: ¥, =5~(009934\5)=> ¥, = 45037 ‘Ye change = S5 ASS c100% = 0.040% (i) 1g =05mA 1, = (#}o5- 0.4967 mA V,=5-(04967\5)=> ¥,=25174 2517-2535 PAUP A 2S? 100% = 032% 2525 (iil) Jy =2.mA_ Transistor in saturation =~0.6V Nochange = 0.09934 md % change = 3.19 s=% % noan(}+) owaussy ¢, ‘Transistor in saturation Ma = Voo(sat) = 0.2 01) =6-Vp + (0.19(9.80) = Yes 119 Lis-07 few EEE oy, wo anma 3.20 Veg =05V > Vy =05V, I, $25 - 090m rol q 0. = la (= 190) => Ly = 0.909 mA Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2™ edition Solutions Manual 3.21 10-Vs _ 10 fe ap ag e080 ma Ve =Ve-07=2-07 213 V L3 Sp 7 2 =0.025 mA Bs Ie alg ~ [a = 0.80 ~ 0.026 > Lo = 0.714 mA Ig _ 0.174 a = 026 * B _29at cog = far 7 2 =0.8505 Vsc = Ve ~ Ve = Ve ~ (Ie Re — 10) = 2 = ((0.774)(19) ~ 10] Veo = 4.26V a 9.57 Load line developed assuming the V, voltage can change and the Ry resistor is removed. 3.22 50) =(22\u)=098 ma fe 0 Vi = 1gRe -9 = (098K 4.7)-9 or ¥, = ~4394 h -t- 0196 mA Vz = 1,Ry +¥gq(on) = (0.0196)(50) + 0.7 or V, = 168¥ 3.23 te=(Bhos)=049ma 1, = 3 = 00098 mA 31 31 Ve Ry +Veq(on) = (0.0098)(50) +0.7 or V,= 119 Vz = [gRe -9 = (0.49\4.7)—9 = -6.70¥ Then Veg =V_ —Ve = 119-(-6.7) = 789V Py 1 Mog +1 Veq = (0.49)(7.89) + (0.0098K0.7) or Py=387 mv Power Supplied = P, = f(9-V,) = (05)(9-119) Or P,=391mv 3.24 For [y= 0, then ?, 50" For 1g =05mA, Io -(2}os = 0.49 mA V, =(049)(4.7)-9=-6.70¥ > V,.=789V Ps lV eq = (049789) => P= 387 mW For Jg = LO md, Using the same catculations as above, we find P= 595 mi For [p= 15 mA, P= 626m For [g=2mA, P=480mi¥ For [9 =25mA, P=1S7mW For [, =3 mA, Transistor is in saturation. 0.7 +/,(50)=02+1,(47)-9 Tp slg =lytle ly =3-le Then, 0.7 +(3~1,\(30) = 02+J¢(4.7)-9 Which yields Z,=2916md and 1, = 0.084 mA PHLV ey + 1Vge =(0084)(0.7) +(2916)(0.2) or P= 0642 mv 3.28 Im = Ia = 5 > Ig im 50S mA Tex Ter = 0.8 mA Ver = Vex = 5 = (0.5)(4) > Vor = Veg = 3 V 3.26 Ie: Ing = 2 = pa = 240.7 Ra = Soy 7 Ae asooKo Veo - Ye Jog = Beets & Re = > Rc s8kn Tag = Veen Ves(on) | 40.7 aa = Re 699 0.0333 mA (Unchanged) Jeg = Alaq = (100)(0.0333) = fog = 3.33 mA . Veeg = Veo = IegRe = 24 ~ (3.33)(6) = Vero = 4.02V (©) Yee = Vee ~feRe = 24 = (6) Selma) 3.27 = Lp = 2.075 mA Je = ale = (0.9920)(2.075) = Io = 2.06 mA Vac + loRe = Vee Var = 9 ~(2.06)(2.2) > 3.28 Veo ~ Ve Tog = SS 5 Mere BW 8 aay 0.081 mA 0.7 (-12) 100 Ira + [ng = 0.127 + 0.091 = 0.218 mA = 0.127 mA mx Ry +0.7 = (0.218)(15) +0.7 = Yeast 3.29 For Vor = 4.5 Teq= 5 =05 mA lag = at 0.02 mA Ia = HED) 9.057 ma Too In = Ina + tng = 0.087 +0.02 = 0.077 mA VY = Im Rs + Vaz(on) = (0.077)(15) + 0.7 =186V For Veg = 1.0 Jeqs Sah atma 4 Tog = 3 = 0.16 mA lem Tra = 0.057 mA Tm = Ire + Leg = 0.057 +.0.16 = 0.217 mA Vy = (O-217)(18) +0.7 = 3.96 V So 1386 (ws) =419V 1 Vin ~ Vez{on) 419-07 99 Ree Hil +B)Re 7.67 + (61) Tag = 0.0595 mA Jeg = Blag + Ig = 2.97 mA Ieq = 3.03 mA Vorq = Vee -feqRe — Ings = 18 = (2.97)(2.2) = (3.03)(2) = Verg S844 ¥ 3.31 Tog =1201A, Fesp=9V, Rry = 50K 2 Also fy = G5" 0015 md Fear = Lege +Vne(0r) (14+ ag Re zon = (0.015{50) +07 +(81K0.015\{1) 338R, 2338 AQ. Th = or R, re eed R=587Q Leg -(S hoa 1218 mA 182 LegRe +Veng + Lag Re 18=(12)R.+9+(1215I}> Rp = 6.49 3.32 a Ara = Ril Re = 58/42 = 24.36 kD RY 2 =| ssa vec = (aez) Ver Ina = 0.00653 mA 154 $0 0.817 < leq ¢ 1.02 mA and 14.2 € Verg S154 V 334 a. Rr = RillRs = 25])8 = 6.06 kA - R_),. 8) Ven = (=) vee = iu = (gan) vee = (Tig) a0 = 5.82) Vrw ~Voe(on) _ _5.82-0. 100 = Be ¥O+aRe 806+ (76)0) Jeg = 0.0624 mA. fog = 4.68 mA Jpg = 4.74 Veg = Vee = legRc -legRe = 24 = (4.68)(3) = (4.74)11 2V Vez 5.82 -0.7 & Tea= Seet ~ Jeg = 4.89 mA 4.92 Vong = 24 = (4.89)(3) = (4.92)(1) Vero =441¥ Jpq = 0.0326 mA 3.35 @ eq 3 fg = 04 mid 3 Rea age Rea 75s Re= => Ry = 751. 04 9 Ler crane Von = (lig Pen *Valod (+ Ala (12s m)R, 12s : ) = (oem HERI) +07 +{(101K0.004)(7.5) R,{0.08) = 0.0042, -356x10 From this quadratic, we find R,=48iQ => R=64SED ‘We obtain +373 (b) Standard resistor values: Set Rp = R= 7540 and R= 62k, R= 47K Now Rp, = AIR, = 62]47 = 26.7 Yo = “(goa a): (< Tig isav = LagRrm + Var (on) #61 + Bi ggRe a 388-07 "FET e(ongTy | otoomd Then Tq = 0.406 mA Fae =Veq = (0.40675) = 3.057 4&0 Rr = Ri||Rz = 12))2 = LTkN = Are Ven = (xem) or-s = (hg) a -s = =4.57V = Ver Vig ~Vas(on) ~ (-5) Rr + (+ A)RE ~35T-0745 0.73 = T+ (onto) ~ B22 => Inq = 0.0140 mA Jeg =1.40 mA. Ieq = 141 mA Vee =10~leqRe = Inq Re = 10 = (1.40)(5) ~ (2.41)(0.5) Vere =230V tpg = a Fo Ra =IEN+SHO2IED Ra = 12 k= 5% = A Rg = 05 kN- 5% = 0.475 Bre = Ryle = 1.77 Chapter 3: Problem Solutions 2 Vow = (stta)eo -S=~3M4V Wh4d- 0.745 _ 0.86 LIT + (HOIV(.478) — 49.7 Jog =1.13 mA, [eq = 1.75 mA Por Re =i kR+ 8% = 5.25 kN Vegg = 10 = (1.73)(5.25) = (1.75)(0.478) = Vexq = 0.0863 V (Samuration) faq = = 0.0173 mA Por Ra = 2kN-S% = 19 kD Rs = 1ZkN4 5% = 12.6 EN Re =0.5k24 5% = 0.525 kQ Rr = RillRe = 165k Vee = (ata)eo- S=-3.69V =369-0.7+5 0.61 Jog = TEP RUDGE) = HF = ONE A LIZBA, Teg = 1.13 mA For Rc = SkI-S% = 4.75 kN Veeg = 10 — (1.12)(4.75) ~ (1.13)(0.525) = Verg =4.09V $01.12 € Jeg < i,74 mA and sh . 0883 < erg $ 4.08 V. Saturation 337 Rrw = Rill = 91 = 0.90 kn vers (gig ico (rig) 12V feqRe + Vea(on) + IsqRry + Vrx =0 ~Vrn -Ven(on) 1.2 Bra 0 +A)Re ~ 080+ (7A) Inq = 0.0588, Jog = 4.41 mA Teg = 447 mA Teq Center of loud line = Veco = 5 V Tage +Vsca + leqRe - 12 =9 ATO.) #64 (4.41)Re = 12 = Re = 1.26 kD lectronic 3.38 @ Fn = (01X1+ AR, = (O1101X05) =5.05 42 Van = zoe Voc = FaqRrn +Vee(on)+ (I+ B) gh, Teg _ 08 =i = = 0,008 mA Nig B10 Then <6 :05){10) = (0.0085.05) + 0.7 + (101{0.008X05) or R= 44th, IE 5055 R,=570K0 SO ade, st Now Leg =! (08) = 0.808 ma v, = legRe Voc leghe 10 =(08)R, +5+(0808\(05) Re SQ (b) For 755 Bs 150 =(—2_|y, ed=(a eo L14sV RR, Tai meetin atte duck, 1145-07, For #=75, 00 55-(76(03) 10103 mA Then Leg = (75)(0.0103) = 0.775 mA 1145-07 For B= 150, Iy, = — 1148-07 _ B=150. Tag $.05+ (15105) Then fgy = 0829 mA = 0.00552 ma Aleg _ 0829-0775 = Seo. 0829-0775 % Change Te aa BChange = 6.75% (©) For Ry =142 Roy = (0.1)(102)(1) = 10.1 KO Ray Veo = zoo) = (0.008)(10.1) +.0:7 +(101)(0.008)(1) which yields. &, 3100% => a = And era IOI New Vy, ={ 2 \vy= = iow Vig (Ss Vee) (eBaz}o 1587V For B=15, 1587-07 _ 65199 m4 fa Tore GKN $0 Fog £0773 mA For £150, fyq = 1587-07 Toas(rsiyay ~ CO055t m4 lysis and Design, 2™ edition Soluti Then gq = 0826 mA Aleg _ 0826-073 % Ch 100% ne TT 8 = % Change = 6.63% 339 Vee # Fea(Re + Re) +Vee 10 = (O8\Re + Re) +5—> Re + Ry = 625k. Let Rp = 1k Then, for bias stable Ry, =(0.1)(121)(1) = 12442 15q = 28. = 000667 ma z (12.110) = (0.00667\(12.1) +07 +(121)(0.00667)1) 7628, 63K, So R, =762Q and Toren = 144 IQ 10 1, =o Thee In Tea aa This is close to the design specification. L110 4 3.40 fog = leq = Veeg = Vee ~ leq(Re + Re) 6 = 12 feq(2 +0.2) Jog =2.73 mA, Ing = 0.0218 mA Verg =6V Vr =IeqRru + Vez(on) + (1+ B)lagRe 6 = (2 _ - Yen = (ge )an 6, Row = Rill Bias suble =» Row = (0.A)U + B)Re = (0.1)(126)(0.2) = 2.52 KO ¥en = (Fe) (Rrunii2) ~6 Fe2.52)012) ~ 6 =(0.0218)(2.52) 40.7 + (126)(0.0218}(0.2) - 6 (30.24) = 0.7549 +0.5494 R a 23.9Ry Meme Bree Ra 83 kQ __Chapter 3: Problem Solutions 341 4 Icg=i ma. Teg = (Ba = 1.01 mA Vega = 12 ~{1)(2) ~ (1.01)(0.2) Veeg = 9.80 V Rew = +(0.1)(1 +8) Re = (0.1)(81)(0.2) = 1.62 kt Vew = (ge) 6 = Fr(Rrayia L = yylieaa) —6 Vow = InqRrn + Vae(on) + (1+ Sage ~ 6 zeae) = 8 = (0.0128)(1.62) +0.7 + (81)(0.0125)(0.2) 0,923 211 Ry B+ Ra 1 Byles) = Aan, = 162 Rye 175 10 ’. Ry = 22.2 kN of Ry = 20.02 Ry = 1.84k0 of Ry = 1.66 kQ Re = 0.21 kof Re = 0.19 kA Ro w2l Mor ke =1.9k2 Ra(max), Ri(min), Re(min) Rr = (1.84)]|(20.0) = 1.685 k0 uu Veg = (ates) 6=-4.99V Teq O31 = Tog = 0.0182 mA Vee = 12 ~ (1.45)(2.1) — (1.47)(0.19) Veg = 8.68 V Ra(min), Ry(max), Re(max) Rew = (1.66)|(22.2) = 1.547 ko 1.66 - rm) (12) -6 = ~s.i65 V = S18 0.746 _ 0.138 190 = Tears TINO.AI) ~ Tese 7 000727 mA For min, Rc = Jeg = 0.582 mA, Ip = 0.589 Veowg = 12 ~ (0.582)(1.9) — (0.589)(0.21) Verg =10.77V So 0.582 < fo $1.45 mA 8.68 < Ver $10.77 3.42 Veeg $Vec ~teq(Re + Re) S=12-HR_+R,) = Re + Re = 133KQ Let R, =0334Q and R, =24Q Nominal value of J = 100 Rey = (O.11+ BYR, = (0.1K 101)(033) = 333 2 3 ag * jg 70034 (3.33X{12)~6 Va = LoqRru +Veelon)+(1+ B)lggRp -6 25K2)- = (003X333) +0.7 + (101(0.03)(033)-6 which yields 22kQ and R, = 39212 3.92 = (392 _\y2)_ ( 3oa+ 23a }')-6 eo Rrw +Vac(on)+(I*B)lygRe 6 Vm 6-07 __~42+6-07 Tyg = eet h=07 42 "333+ (151X033) 90207 mA 3.43 ‘Specifications are met. Rey = RAR, = B12 = 2.4 kO R =f Yn (ae «(B5 (20) = 16 (@) For B= 75 20=(1+ BY agRe +Vea(on) + LygRry +V ry 20-07 -16= Iy9[(76)(2) +24] So Tyq = 00214 mA, Leg =60mA, gq = 1.62 mA Vegg = 20-{1.6X1) -(1.62)(2) or Vecq = 1S16V (b) For f= 100, we find Tyq = O.0161 mA, fog =161mA. Veeq = 1513V Elects i Anal: 3.44 Joq = 4.8 mA — Inq = 4.84 mA, Veeq = Vee = lege ~leqRe 6 = 18 - (4.8)(2) ~ (4.84) Ra > Re = 0.496 kOe Ron = (0.1). + 8) Re = (0.1}(121)(0.496) = 6.0 ko Vow = lag Rrn + Valor) +(1 + 8)legRe Tag = 0.040 mA 1 1 Ven = ko Rra Veo = mS U8) 1 = Bsns) = .04)(6.0) + 0.70 + (122}{0.04)(0.498) L108) = 3.34 32.98: Asma Se Ris 737 ko 3.45 For nominal 3 = 7 lag = 0.0285 MA = [gq = 2.03 mA Vesq = Yee —legRc —leqRe 10 = 20 ~ (2)(4) = (2.03) Rs > Rg = 0.985 K Rew = (0.11 + 3)Re = (0.1}(71}(9.985) = 6.99 K Ven = leghra + Var(on) + lege F- Rrw Veo = IngRre + Vee(on) + lege Frege) =(0.0286)(6.99) + 0.70 + (2.03)(0.985) uses) = 2.90 R= 48.2K Rr =8.isk ‘Check: For 3 = 50 8.18 rem eas er ea) =280 Tog = tre = Ver(en) 290-07 Brn F043) Re = ES + (SOE) = 0.0354 mA 290-01 4 = EBe+ (Biyosesy ~ 02 mA les = 2.08 mA Design ertterion is satisfied. 3.46 Teq =1 mA — leg = 1.02 mA Vera = Veo - legRe - IsqRe $= 18 = (1MS) = (1.02) Re > Re = 4.904 Bias stabie: Row =(0.1)(1 + 8)Re = (0.1)(61)(4.9) = 29.9 k2 L Taq = gq = 0.0187 mA 1 . Vru = gr Bra Vee = Inq Rea + Vae(on) +TeqRe Fe (29.90118) =(0.0167)(29.9) + 0.70 zi + (1,02)(4.90) 2 4ge.s) = 6.197 Fy (ss) = 6.183 T2.4Ra Tas he 8 By = 72.440, By = 30.90 Check: For 3 = 45 50.9 , aetiaa)0)=69 Tag = iH =Vexion 6.1 * Brat tae | TS + (HVA) = 0.0215 ma Ven = = BT Tayceaay 7 OIE mA fog =tarma, SE a 20% fogs lima Design criterion is satisfied. 3.47 FeglRo + Re)+Vezg 3=(O1NSR,+Rp)+14=> Ry =267KD ReH133KQ , lag = Rr = (Ol 1+ A)Re = (0.112 1)(2.67) = 32.3 kD Mare Brn ee = lS210) = lager +Vaclon)+(4 Bae = (0,000833\32.3)+0.7 + (121X0.000833)(2.67) which gives R, =9734Q, and R, =48440 3 3 L*®#2> "Sa .¢ ne oa Tiaeaea > OSHA cq = 100 uA P= (Icq + Lx Moe = (100+ 20.6)(3) or P= 362 uw 3.48 5 git ab asores Ron = RiffRa = (0.1)(1 + 2)Re = (0.1)(101)(3) = 30.3 kA Vou = (gBx)w-? =p Ree 2 = 422 200 fae +8 165 mA, $= JeqRe+Ves(on) + [sRra + ru $= (1.67}(3) + 0.7 + (0.0165)(30.3) + Fs0aya)-2 0.80 = Forney => Ryo 152k0 152Ry 152-4 Ra 3303. Ry = 378k 349 & Rex = AilhRe = 10/)20 > Rey = 6.67 ko Vee = (gz S22) 00) => Veg = Le7 wo )ao-s v. 10= (1+ 8)lagRs + Ven(on) + loqRru + Vew = Get + (612) 1287 => Jeg = 0.0593 mA Jog 53.85 mA, 62 mA Ve = 10 —feqRe = 10 —(3.52)(2) Teq = Vg =276V Ve = feqRe ~ 10 = (3.56){2.2) — 10 Ve = =21TV 3.50 V*=W" Bleg(Ro+ Re) +Vecg 20= (05 Re + Rp) +8=> (Re + Ry) = 24D Let Rp=10k2 then Ro=14 QD Let B= 60 from previous problem. =(O.1X1+ A)Re = (0.1X61}{10) apter Or Ryy #61 = 25 _9.00833ma 60 Re L \W)-5-3 Ry 10-5 10= (14 B)lggRe +Veg(00) + leq + Ven 10 = (61}{0.00833}(10) + 0.7 +(0.00833\(61} 1 +—(61}(10)-5 RC (20) 70012 and R, = 474 KD 10 10 = 184 Berk Tore tA So the 40 #A current limit is met. 3.51 Rew = RillRa = 35|120 > Rog = 12TKN O- s= (533) Yen = (ee 5 2 Ven ans b Vru ~ Vax(on) ~ (-10) Rrat+(1+8)Re =245 - 0.7 +10 12.7 + (760-5) = Ipq = 0.135 mA Ieg=10i mA, Inq =103mA Verq = 20 -IcqRc ~IegRe = 20 — (10.1)(6.8) — (10.3)(0.8) VYerg = 6.17V Jaq = e Ry = 204+S% = WEN Ry = 3S — 8% = 33.25 kN Rg = 0.5 — 5% = OATS kD Rew = Rif Ra = 211133.28 = 12.94 Rr Vea = (x Be) 5 2 sci) 2.29 07 - 12.9 + (16)(0.475) Teg =10.7 mA. Jeg = 10.9 mA Jaq = For Re = 0.8 + 8% = 0.84 kQ Veeg = 20 = (10.7)(0.84) = (10.9)(0.475) => Verq =5.83V Electro For Re = 0.8 - 5% = 0.76 kQ Vegg = 20 = (10.7}(0.76) = (10.9}(0.475) = Veeg = 6.69 V Ry = 20-35% = 19k Ry, = 38+ 5% = 36.75 kD Re = 0.5 + 5% = 0.525 kt Rew = RillRe = 191/36. 75 = 12.5 kr j 19 ae wu (etee) 8 2 2.61 -0.7 ~{~10) 12.5 + (76)(0.525) icg = 9.58 mA, [gg = 9.70 mA Inq = = 0.128 mA For Ro = 0.84 kM Verrg = 20 - (9.58)(0.84) — (9,70)(0.525} = Veeg = 6.86 V Por Re = 0.76 ka Veeg = 20 = (9.58)(0.76) — (9.70)(0.525) = Veeg = 7.53 V So 9.58 < Jeg $10.7 mA and 5.83 $ Veeg $1.63 V 3.52 8. Rr = $00 KMIS00 kMI[70 kA = 250 kAI}70 kA => Roy = 54.7 KO SaVrw | 3-Vrn _ Vou ~(-5) 300 500 7 Set Sater(ta dad 300 + 500 ~ 70 vea(sig+ det 4) — 0.0554 = Vrw(0.0183) Vpn = 3.03 b. Ven = Vae(on) ~ (-5) Rry = + ARs eo rid OTH 547 + (01)(S) Taq = 0.00227 mA Teg = 0.227 mA, Haq = 0.229 Vexq = 20 — (0.227}(S0) — (0.229)(5) Verq = 7.51 ¥ Iq = edition lutic ual 3.53 Rew = 30/)601]20 > Bry = 100 Ven , 3=Vrw _ Vow 60 20 Votia Vea( tote oa ht aera) For 3 = 100 Vin ~ Veeion) - Brat (1+ B)Re = 25-0745 ¥o+ (01y(0.2) faq = 0.225 mA log =225mA. Ieqg= 227 mA Veeg = 15 ~ (22.5)(0.8) — (22.7)(0.2) 8! In saruration lag = = Veeg =0.2V Ve = Vra ~Jaghrv ~ Yee(on) = 2.5 — (0.225)(10) - 0.7 Ve = 0.43 V = Ve A3+0.2 = -0.98 V 10 - (-0.25) Se > fea 20.5 mA Jog = 3.54 Rra = Ril[Ra = 100/40 = 28.5 k Re 40 i Bs }00) = (witee) m= 288 v _ —Yre ~ Ves(on) - 2.86 — 0.7 "= Tra tOtA)Ra 26.6+(121)) Sp, = 0.0144 mA laaiziad, Im=Lisma Vie = Wate oto tim fy = Yee = Velen) = (20) wie sitmeeatest slot (ays) 1 im 33 p(n Poi aye (3+ aang) 1,59 = Vpn (0.335) => Vea = 4.75 V fag = SEB TA LENO) 8 pg, st mA Ing = 0.0232 mA tog = 2.79 mA Vea = 4.75 — (1.75)(1) @ Vexo: = 3.0V Vera: 0 — (4.75 ~ 0.7) = Veugs = 5.95 V 3.55 Vin = Im = BIE wots 0A Veg = -0.7 -0.7 = -14 Tey = ASICS) og 23.6 ma dap = 0.0444 mA fog = 3.36 mA Tex = Iny + pn = 0.215 + 0.0444 Je, = 0.259 mA Lay = 0.00320 mA oy = 0.256 mA 3.56 Curent tivough V~ source = Jey + fea and Tex = Lan = (1+ Bas = (81)(8.26) uA So total current = 2(51)(8.26) wA = 643 uA Po = |¥"| = (0.8435) = 27 = 4.22 We (From V~ source) From Example 3.15, fq = 0.413 mA $0 fox (2) eas = 0.405 mA Pt =1-V* = (0.405)(5) > P* = 2.03 mW (From V* source) 3.87 Row = Rifle = $0100 = 33.3 kA = Ron) - Vw = Ces (a0) = (seats) 09 - $= Ter Re +Ven(on) + le. Rrx + Vr 167 ¥ 100, Jay = 0.008 mA 5 = (0.808) Rex + 0.7 + (0.008)(39.3) + 1.67 Rey = 2.93 Je = (Byes = 0.808 mA Vey = 5 ~ (0.808)(2,93) = 2.63 V Ver = Vey - Veco: = 2.63 - 3.5 = -0.87 V Veq = -0.87- 0.70 = -1.57V = 0.808 => Rep = 4.25 kD Voeg: = 49 Ver = -157 +4 = 243 V 8-243 Ror = SES = Rep = 3.2110 Tres = Toy = Jan = 0.8 — 0.008 = 0.792 mA 70.87 = (~5) 0.792 => Roy = 5.210 Re = Solutions. ual Chapter 4 Exercise Solutions EAL tn = 122 = BR = on 962 mAlv reo HE = OMS Sess rom VA °* Teg FA2 Ys Va re= Tog 7 lea = = B00 > fog = 0.375 mA Vag — Veclon' 092-07 Re 700 = Ing = 0.0022 mA Jog = (150){0.0022) = 0.33 mA Tag = Teg _ 0.33 fea _ 0.38 = 127 may) Ve = 0.036 * Sn HRT MALY ee wz VES. (0.0026)(150) 2 om = Teg 7 033 SHED Va _ 200 ros Foyt Gay 7 EOE vs = a) (s06q115) = ~(12.7)(0.1085)(14.64) = ApS W196 (on) _ 1.145 — 0.70 30 = Inq = 0.0088 mA = (90}(0.0089) = feq = 0.801 mA H Tei = gm = 30,8 MA/V Ved _ (0.0026)(90 Teq 0.801 120 gor 7 21K r= > re 3 2.92 b ves ambetriRel. va = (soit) e Aes = nan ( ge )iratte) -coai( 5325) \ (asoj2.s) = —(30.6}(0.055}(2.46) = ApS hit 5 ) 18) = Las Teq 20.418 mA (42019.028) are = ERE = 746 ko dm = See = 16.08 mA’ Ye = -amVeRe R, =r, +(1+ BR, = 7.46 +(121K06) = 80.1 2 RJR, = 250475 = 57.7 KD RR[Rs = 57-7180.1 = 3354 KQ. o{ RARAR _f_3354 Ms (ats) Ms -(s=5) Ys {0.985)V, wea ie(22 ae] Then A, =(0985)(-8.39) = -8.27 (14 3)(Re) = 7.46 + (121)(0.8) Resulting gain is always smaller than this value. ‘The effect of R, is very small. set 2.210 te Ss Ie(Re +Re)*Veeg 5=OAXRo+ Re) +25 So that Rp =0454iQ and Re 0.005 mA 2 = (0.005)(4.59) +0.7 +(101)(0.0050.454) 1 which yields, Rj =24.1kQ and R, =567kQ de analysis Rey = Ril Re = 15|l8s = 12.75 . Re), (88 ) vow = (gg) tee = (ate) Vrw =102V aot vr Rra +(1+8)Re 12-07-1021 = A ts 12.75 + (101){0.5) — 63.28 Jeg = 1-74 mA ac analysis Vo = hyele(RellRe) mhye(Rell Re Av = Roe thy lRe Por Log = 1.7 mA hye(max) = 110 hye(min) = 70 Ayefmax) 242 hye(min) = 1.1 KO =110(4/)2) Ao(man) = Fao. 7 acto = 70142) a gy = Tr+ Ces > E48 First approximation, A, -& which predicts a ‘e tow value. Set Se =9. Now Re Veo = Feq(Re + Re) +¥scq 7S=(06)(9R, + Rp)+3.75 So R, =0625K2 and R, =562 75 = (101)(0.006)(0.625) + 0:7 + (0.006631) ! 63173) Then R,= 74040 and R, 28102 * Bo de analysis 10-07 150 + HOTH(201 Teq = 0.439 MA. Ieq = 0.443 mA _ (0.026)(100) I= 0.00439 mA FETC) 592k 0.439 488 16.38 ma/V oan = AR MAL Rhy, = 100]892 = 559 2 Then ¥=( 559 }¥,= 91a, 339405 Then A, = (16170918) = -148 d, Rn = Ralirs = (100)I1(5.92) => Ry = 5592 Ro = Reljro = 10/J228 => Ro = 9.58 kD 4.10 A= rate O7( HE} -075[ga) or A= 4.75 Assume 1, = 12K from Example 4.5. Then ~A(2} 12+(1+ 6X04) which yields 2=76 2-475 EAA de analysis: Vy =, Bry = RiJRy = 10 KQ. 807 *To-+ (12693) Jaq = 0.00672 026)(225 0.84 a fea 2 O84 Sm = T= Dogg = 323 MAIN Vs _ 200 _ ro Teg 7 aa = EKO 2 ve wa amve(rall Rel] Re). ve = es Ay = gmt rallRoll Re | = —(32.3)(238)2.395) Ay = -(92.3)(1.56) = Ay = ~504 bd Ro = role > Ry = 2.280 (E412 12.804 ory aa r Vena = §~ (0.4181(5.6) — )(ai3 0.8) 3 = 2.340.253 Veeg = 241 Ver variation (241 —0.5)2 23.82 V peak-to-peak E413 a. de load Line: Veo = Veo —TeRe-toRe Veo 212 = le( Re + Re) = 12 = Ie(4.5) ac load line: vec ~ic(Re + RellRr) Yee = mic(O.5 + 42) = ig (1.83) er lutions 787 Th log = B2zOta102 20> T9754 (1210.8) 73.28 Jaq = 0.0150 Tog = 1.80. Igq = 1-82 = Vecq 23.89 b. For Bic = 1.8 > Avge = (1.8)(1.83) For Avec = —3.29 => Aver = 3.89 ~ 1.29 => Max. symmerical swing = 2x (3.29) = 6.58 V peak-to-peak 3.29 E414 de load tine: Ver = (10 +19) ~fe(Re + Re} Ver = 20-Je(10+ Re) = ~c(10) ac load line: 1 \ \ a7 Yen as rete Bice = Veeg — 0.7 = Sic(10) = Leq(t8) So Vesq 0.7 = feq(10) We have Verq = 20 -ica(l0 + Re) Icq(10) $0.7 = 20 ~ Ieq(10 + Rel a Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2™ edition Solutions Manual t to 707 Jeg = —i0ou8.3) Be = Too + (lOl)Re °°? 100+ (101) Re From (1) Teg[i0 +10 + Re) ‘Substitute (2) (200)(9.3) - Fr . ne) -|(20 + Re) = 193 930(20 + Re) = 19.3100 + (101)Re) 18,600 + 930Rx = 1930 + 1949.3Re 16.670 = 1019.3Re > Re = 16.35 KO So 20-07 lea = 100){9.3) 69 = TO0 + (101)(16.35) Vege = 20 — (0.831)(10 + 14.35) => Voeg = 60V 3 leg 20.531 mA duce = Vong -0.7 = 6-07 ‘Max symmetrical swing 2x (5.3) = 10.6 V peakwo-peck BAAS s-07 as fea = Tye TRE 0.00672 Ioq = 0.84 mA, feq = 0.847 mA Vegq = 10 ~ (0.84)(2.3) ~ (0.8473) = 19-1932 - 4.235 Veeg =3.83V ete et ie \ Seeree Ta 4ST ost TBE 78 éc load line Ver = 10 -Ie(7.3) ac load line We = ~ig(Rel| Re} = tc 2.3|]5) = -ic( 1.58) (neglecting ro) v bic = 0.84 > Aves = (0.84)(1.58) = 1.33 ¥ Vee(mir) = 3.83 - 133 225 Ver(max) = 3.83 +133 = 5.16 V So max symmetrical swing = 2 x (1.33) = 2.66 V peak-to-peak F416 a vrs (gg) U2 Yew = glee Rra = (O11 + 8)Re = (0.1) Re = 121 Rg = 12.1: ka _aeeot abe NS NO = Eras leayRe 121+ 2) leq = 1.6 @ lao = a = 0.01333 mA Tas 1145.2 1a = B42) ° = 01333, wT Fofi4s.2) = 11.3 ~ (0.01358)(433.1) Ri Ro 13.24Ry Ree 7! * Bae (12.2}118.24) = (15.24 - 12.9% Vee = 12 - (641 ~ (1.51911) = Veco = 3.99 ¥ be = ambel Ree} = aml Rell Ri = ~eee = Omvs = Gm Of Hee = ic{ Ref Re} BAL Neos lend fine \ ce 7 Want Sic = 16-0.1= 18 Avec = 3.99 -0.5 = 3.49 SS = 2a2T = Rell 4Re ReRe , 4B aan Roth 4+ Rt (4 = 2.327)Re = (4)(2.527) > Ay = 5.56 kD EA.17 Rru = RyRe = 25I]80 = 16.7 k2 . & \y.- (38 wae (x se (ate) Vere =3nVv 8) ‘py - Voelond 3.33 - 0.70 Rradilssike 167+ (2001 63 1st > Ing = 0.0191 29 mA Inq = leas ise Solut Rew -203 Bru +203 => Rry = 95.5 kt 65 = Rrwl}203 = Pa 6)(10) = (0.0248)(95.6) + 0.7 + 2.5(2) ator = 18Ry 1 Ry = 118 kN, T+ k 7 5.6 Ry = $04 kQ Ries \ + R, = 65kQ Ry =r, +(1+ BY Relr,) = (1.36) + (121) 143.7) = Ry, =120K0 and RR, = 16.7 D2 Then RRR, = 16.7120 = 14.7 2 —ka_).y, -( $s ¥, 0990, +R, |S \65+05 . 991+ B)Re (0.992\(101)(2) 2) Then —+(IF2)R, LO5+(10K2) (oss7\y, A= 0987, oss Negleating Ry. 4, =0995 v=(terer fac)=1 22 heck aa nfes RI = fisssseaes (0967)v, f,=1520 + Pek (22 Jet. fe a Neglecting Ry. i+ B % _ loser Te cb (0967X1+ B)Refr, F419 - . , & v, (Ela. t+ D)Rel Vee (qea)oo - = 100, Va = 125 V, Ves(on) = Be 1637 =0978.0 8 ‘aeion) feq = 0.73 mA " (oserjizixosre) 4,=0956 Then ro = 22 = 167 kM “136+ (1210978) _ Ser _ (100}10.026) | aren it ot b. Rig = re (14 F)Reliro = 1.36 + (121)(0.978) Veg — Vezloni -(-5) => Ry = 120k 1e0- Rea + (+ Re leq = 8ls¢ © re + Ri Robe 136+ 16.705 R= Reb ie i 12 which yields R, #1519 Aa Vena =8V = leq = $= 25 mA 25 Fe = 0.0248 mA Ven = lngRru + Var(on) + (1+ S)loghs Ria = Rrufl[re + (1 + O)Rel re = 105k leq Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design. ition. Solutions Manual Zara t (14 ARel Reb] Rellro be (sate leu + ah RilfRa ue (x Re Sz)i AL= & tate RulLRa - (gi! eo aee ‘Assume that Raeljro = Re A Rr = (OA + NRE = (O.1}(101)Re = 10.1Re Assume R, = LKQ ‘Then sa( Re Apsi5 =( gS )oo~ ( ORE ) TOURg + 3.47 + (10L)(ReAt kA) where ReliRclire = Rell Re = Rell _(1010.)RE Re th 1 10iRe 1aRe +347 + OE = (9061) RE eel 1 * (eRe Re Fa] ORE 1+ he (01)00.11 Re ToiRe + oAT + 101AE +3.4TRe + WIRE (20100. RE JOTRE + 1st Re +347 s= ss (101)(10-1)R% = 15[10.1RE + 114.57 Re + 3.47, 1020.1.8% = 181.5R5 +1718.55Re + $2.08 868.6 Re — 1718.85 — $2.08 = 0 16.7RE — 33.0Re -1=9 334 faa) + 416.7) Soa Must use + sign = Re = 2.0 kD Ree ‘Then RillRa = 10.1Re = 20.2 k2 Ven = (ate gegen th Joos 2310) - 3 1 A (20.2\(10) - 5 = 0.7 +5 -oo| | tea od + (101)(2) 16 = any - > Rs 852ko RR ago 2 8328 p65 Forms 8 arm 7 BSE F420 a 82100, Vee(on) = 0.7, leg = 1.25 mA Teg = 1.26 mA, Toq = 0.0125 mA of he . ene ( 00) 3 Vra = ela) 5 lag = & ry — 07 3) ea Rrv + (+ aye Vera = sqRe=4 6 é InqRs = 6 = leq = Bz > RE = 755 762 = Ress th ko Rea = (OA + Re = 101RE ‘Then 1 * > leq = 2 = Fy Rel 30) ~ 5-074+5 eo Tor TO1Re + (101) Re Lironyea.78) - 0.0125 = =o => R= 658k iy = oo uiks = 0a rs) = 46110 (65.8) Ra = (48.21(65.8) + (48.1) Ra (65.8 ~ 48.1) Ra = (48.1)(65.8) > Ry = 178.8 ko Test Your Understanding Chapter 4: Exercise Solutions Va _ 128 ro Tot Tag 7 100K = SVE _ (100)(0.026) = Teg ae GmVe = gm (inte) = Ty Zs ret (1+ ARH Rito] = 2.08 + (101){4. 764111100) = 2.08 + (101)(6.8261]200) = 2.08 + (101)(0.819) 2, = 848k Assume R, = 1k a (—Rellt \a a ‘e aay, ae Rl Ra he (ae +2 meen) = a (_Rellro Rij Rr ) ante (ate )o+o (atts Relive = 4.769100 = 4.54 are (aS 5) »( at) ~ (FR)om (is) = Ape 300 ia 208 « Ra ts ron ils 6 | 100 => R= 242 4 + 7 ve = vee = (14+ B)in(Rel|Re lire) wee we Yea Sic (54) eenaatre = ie(33) arexnts00) = i¢(0.828) If Dic = 1.25 mA, — Ave = 1.035 V Maximum symmenical swing in ouput voltage itm 2a = 207 V peakpeak £4.21 For 9 = 130 Inq = a = 6.596 pA leg = 0.857 mA From Figure 4.21 3c he c5kD Let hee 98 < hye < 170 8 < hoe < 16 BS Ae 4k hye ee hoe = 12 2S > = 839kD a R= RL = 10k Ras het (l thal ae Ja] %) m4 + (135)(10f201/83.3) => Ry = 641k a= (get) (1 +hyo( Ref ee |) rat (ht hye(Re | Re |) 100641 ) (135)(109104183.3) To+ togpeat ) (T+ (35)(ofoyas.3) 86.5 S| 10+ 365/ [ear > Ay = 0.851 Re] (x lz an sn snag + he = (10183. 3 n ~ \roffsa.3 + 10 100 + 641 24s jst Balze Rome I il T+ hye = 10 f sss | SEARO ~ 135 > By = 96.00 A= bd, Rs =1kO, y= Sl kQ. A = 8.59 ses) /637 ; ae (Sika) (Gi) = ezoaee Ro = 10] 833] (se poe) = 8.99(]0.03696 > Rp = 36.80 4.22 Vey © 25V, Rey = 25002 Sa0.7-25 18 7 $90 = SRT 2 wat = 007 mA Ieq = 0.793 mA Jeg _ 9.793 _ag5 tom = FER = TE = 305 A/V Ved (0.0026)(100) To@ 0.793 Va 128 °= Tog 0.793 23.28 KO ao = 158k a, RelfReilro = 20.5]]158 = 0.411158 = 0.4 (+8) Ref Rellro ret (14 8)(RefRillro) (201)(0.4) _ = Tree aoa) 7 AnH O825 0. Re ere + (145) Rel Rallra) Rig = 3.28 + (1010.4) > Rye BTKD fem ty Re] o= Tt Hoe => Ry = 3200 « Ta(max) — Rg(min) = 19k Relmia) = 47.5 kN Ry(max) = Rru = 4,9kN “ Rr \y. vw = (Reem) Mee = 5-07 -2. faq = 349+ (1011.9) Re(max) = 2.1 kM Ra{max) = 52.5 k2 Ri (min) = 47.5 kD Rry = 9 kX va = (BB) 25 eg = (100)[ 3 0.7 2.525 (100)41.673] Fao (OIN21)| ~ 237 Jeq = 0,707 mA re(maax) = (200.026) 3 65 a 0.707 Ry = 1.96 | Sa ow 1 s6lo.0364 = 35.7.9 ra(min) = 2,93 ko 2.93 =196 | Tar = 1,96]]0.0290 = 28.6.9 Teg = =5mA =25 Re os 73) 5 Tog = (FB) (5) = 4.9 mA = Iq = 0.0658 mA ¥, = here am Ve = 9m (mlere) = Bly = (Rall . * (wepttta) x +0 tm (qe iltge te Bi |fRa + Zu, arn it (aeptta:)o+(aaetez,) a Re = R, = OSE Ras ret (1+ 8)(RellRellro) = 0.396 + (76){0.5]10.51115.2] = 0.396 + (76)(0.246) > Ras 191k Relivo = O.513.2 = 0.484 k = 10m (O84) cog) (Rall Ar= 10 (saesttos) 79)( ge a) Rill 10= 39.98 Re + ea 0,2675( Rall Re + 19.1) = Rill Re Ai|[Rz = 6.975 : RY 1, : Vee (x As vec = FARA Ne = Fete s7518) = £=Yeo(om Rre +043) Re 5 +03 = 47, 3S + (76}(0.5) 296 = 43 bra Vea = 13d = 16.9754) = Ry = 26.0 k2 fy Ra 25 26Ry Re 88 ER 6.975(26 + Ra} = 26K = Rp = 952k b. For Re = 48: = 4(0.5) > Re = 2k Jpg = > = 1.25 mA ~ Hog = 1.23 mA = Iq = 0.0164 mA cesyte-e2s) noors = 159 kt 13. ro = Tay = 80.9 Zu mre t+ (1+ 8)[Rel|Rellro} te = 1.89 + (78)(2{{0.51/60.9] = 60.4(— le __ 10 soa gp z 0.166(Ar JR: + 31.8) = RI Re Ril) Re = 6.33 k@ Then [pq = 0.0164 = 4.3—Vrw 533 + (76)(2) 1 Veg = 1.10= FR Wee = Hesse => R= 186k AR _ yyy 2 USSR Rit 186+R, 6.33(18.6 + Ra) = (18.6) Ra => Ry 39.6 kD FA24 enor © Iso = He = 098 ma Iea= (a) = (B)osn = leg Veog = 10 +10 = IeqRe —IegRe Vecg = 20 ~ (0.921)(5) = (0.93)(10) 1v mA Chi _ (100(0.026) vn = 242 ko b Tea 0.931 tee 0.921 = - = 35.42 mA/V am SO / to = gma and Ve 5 vs 1 ) pti + ame =o +m Relves t9"¥* “(ant amv aml Rellre) “(ga te) T+ am{ Rei =) 35.42)(10 kEI2.82 0 = TH (35.42)(10 kM|2-82 kA) = Ap = 0.987 Ae = Band = gave Re = gmusRe Av = gmRe = (35.42)(5) > Ay VTL c Vpeg =8:1V = Vecq = Ve ~ Ve Vo = Ve—Vacg = 0.7-6.1=-54V ve = Ve + Re For vec = 0.5 = vc = 40.2 At ioe ‘=> Current limited io{max) = 0.921 ‘= vo(peak) = (0.921)(5) = 4.61 = 2.21 V peak-to-peak E425 Vex -Voc(on) __10~0.7 10a = Ry els ayRe — 00+ (0I/(I0) = Ing = 8.38 #A, eq = 0.838 mA re og BYE = WOCNEO28) 23.1940 Teq 0.838 = feo = 1988 Sg, 2 32. NV tm = ES = Soe on 2 AS Va oe Te Tog 7 Tae b 100)(1) Av == 254 Re Jon) = 2.8 > Rp = 24k (1009(4.3), . Vs +3 Ie =1 => vy He C2)I acl as] e Tas (01) Re 100)(4.3) om Vol Rell Ri a om ¥a( Rell} Re = Re = 423 on Bele |( 25) fee | Re] wen wep 32.20 [20H1 (ej sof) . ay 101 = (32.23)(0.909){0.0297} > dy = 0.870 4 Brg = TOs = 5.526 ua ‘ views (gig)an-s= 02 re 3.10 1 5421-070 0.090 Tea = Tor 7% 9) = F596 + (oe O.2) — 30-726 Re fg = 294A. Seg, = 0.366 mA t= (gitg)iats feqi = 0.166 mA Re+k SaVer ojo, , Mera Oto te=(735)h lox (—*2— . T+ ans we Rew Re S2¥en oss + Ms n=( \b)e 5 oasis) TaD = Re + Ri) \1 +3)” 43 Ves Ver 19_\ (100 1-9366 - Tagiray SORTS (te) GR) = areas 0.6112 = Vou[0.2058) =» Vor = 2.977 V Tey = 0.269 mA Vex = (0.369}(0.2) -— § => Ver = 4.926 v Vey —Ver = 2.977 — (4.9265 ce. Ry, = RellR, = 10110.0307 = Re wsa Ro eRe =10KN E426 3) _ 5298-07 . 13 = 1aRs +Vacion)+JeRs = 4.85 ma Ig= 5-07 = 43 8 2" Reo ke Ra+(l0VRe leq: = (4g) = Logr = 4.81 mA 2 (00)(.3 =Ve- = 2.98 -0.7 = 2.21 lo = FT Re Van Ver or =298 07 nas Sa lcRe+Vex + lske-3 Veeg: = 5 - Ver 35 -2.28 > Verg = 272 ¥ -, or Ver=10~te(Ae+ (iit) ae) ac analysis Va = — am Vai Rel|Re} ven avy Bateau (1+) ove = (5 )es t on -( stag) tees) BVr = (125)(0.026) _ 5 se x9 f =a 4 0.366 = yl Rell) w+ = 125) pore = 0.676 kD Vo s For Ie = 1 mA, ron BYE = LOOSE a = 141 mA/V 4.81 at a Sigg = 385 MALY

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