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Skills Item Percentage
Identify real or make-believe, fact, or non-fact images (EN6VC-IIIa-6.2) 5 20%
Interpret the meaning suggested in visual media through a focus on visual elements, 10 40%
forexample, line, symbols, color, gaze, framing and social distance (EN5VC-IIIf-3.8)
Describe different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures (lights, blocking, 10 40%
direction, characterization, acting, dialog, setting, set-up) EN6VC-Ia-5.1.1/ EN6VC-Ib-
5.1.2/ EN6VC-Ic-5.1.3/ EN6VC-Id-5.1.4/ EN6VC-Ie-5.1.5/ EN6VC-If-5.1.6/ EN6VC-Ig-
5.1.7/ EN6VC-Ih-5.1.8
TOTAL 25 100%
I. Identify whether the following sentences are make-believe or real. Write M for make - believe and R for real
on the line before the number.
_____________1. There was an old woman who turned into a horse.
_____________2. I heard my books laughing at me last night.
_____________3. Some people buy vegetables and fruits from the market.
_____________4. During summer, most people go to the beach.
_____________5. A superhero catches a woman who falls off a tall building.

II. Match the concept with the visual element portrayed by each picture.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

color symbol gaze

lines distance framing

III. Complete the statements by writing the element based on the suggested meaning.
11. The color that represents growth, hope, and new beginnings is ____________________.
12. Excitement, restlessness, and anxiety are represented by __________ lines.
13. Color ___________ suggests love, but also associated with fire and violence.
14. The type of line that suggests strength and height is ___________.
15. Happiness and sunshine are represented by the color ____________.

IV. Write the form of films used on the space provided.

horror science fiction fantasy
musical comedy action

16. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

17. The Nun
18. Pitch Perfect
19. Star Wars
20. Bean the Movie
V. Choose the conventions and devices of films used in the scene. Write your answer on the space provided.
dialogue lighting set-up
characterization blocking setting

_______________ 21. They are filming near the ocean.

_______________ 22. The place was dim and eerie.
_______________ 23. Mae plays the good witch.
_______________ 24. Ana sits at the head of the table and on the opposite end is John.
_______________25. “Get out, the house is on fire!”

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