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Ms. Mosses
Street 1
Mrs Head Teacher
Muscat International
AlHail Monday, 29th November, 2016

Dear Mrs Head Teacher,

I am writing to you to take Y5 to Dubai Safari for a school trip.

We are learning about different animals. Dubai Safari has over 2500 animals.
The students can learn a lot from their visit and they would have so much to
write about.

Secondly, Y5 have worked really hard this year and produced some outstanding
work. However, they are all now tired and really need something to give them a
boost until the end of term. Don’t you think a trip would be the perfect

Another important reason is that Y5 all love animals and twenty out of twenty-
five students have pets at home.

Finally, if you agree to this, the students will be so happy and remember this
trip forever!

Thank you very much for reading my letter, I hope you agree to the trip.

Yours sincerely,
Ms. Mosses
Letter Villa 25
B Street 25,
The Wave
Mr. Smith
Villa 23,
Street 25, Sunday, 7th January, 2023
The Wave

Dear Mr. Smith,

I have a serious problem with your monkey pet Merlin.
As you know, I love monkeys, they are beautiful, cheeky and energetic. They also
are hilarious and always make me laugh. However, I don’t like Merlin taking all my
bananas! Merlin must, must, must be given to the zoo!

Firstly, every time I go to eat a banana, I do not find any! Merlin takes them all. Is
that fair on me?

Secondly, Merlin should be playing with his other monkeys in the zoo. Don’t you
think he’s lonely?

Finally, Merlin is breaking the law when he steals my bananas. Do you want me to
call the police?

Please visit the zoo as soon as you can, I could even come with you! Do the kindest
thing… not only for me, but for Merlin.


Mr. Ali Hamed

Villa 55
C Street 3
Muscat Hills
Spinney’s Manager
Street 1,
Muscat Thursday 1st February 2022

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to suggest that you start asking people to pay for the plastic bags
they use for their shopping.

According to experts from ‘Clean Up Oman’ People in this country use up to 1

million bags a year and many of these are just used once. Making people pay
for these plastic bags would encourage them to use reusable bags.

Moreover, some plastic bags can last in the environment for up to 1000 years
before they break down. Plastic bags are harmful for the environment as they kill
animals, especially in the ocean.

Additionally, when plastic bags are made, poisonous gases cause air pollution. If
we use less bags there would be less air pollution. Don’t you think it’s time we all
worked together to save the environment?

I hope you think about my suggestion and help save our beautiful planet.

Yours faithfully,
Otso Tamer

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