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AI ⫽ amelogenesis imperfecta
AMELX ⫽ amelogenin X-linked
protein coding gene
AXIN2 ⫽ axin-like protein or axis
inhibition protein
BARX1 ⫽ barH-like homeobox gene
BMP (2,4,7) ⫽ bone morphogenic
Review of the Embryology of the protein
CBFA1 ⫽ osteoblastic-specific
Teeth transcription factor
CSF-1 ⫽ colony-stimulating factor 1
DD ⫽ dentin dysplasia
P.M. Som and I. Miletich
DGI ⫽ dentinogenesis imperfecta
DIX1–2,3,5,6,7 ⫽ homeobox genes
DLX2 ⫽ distal-less homeobox
gene 2
DLX3 ⫽ DSPP ⫽ dentin
CME Credit sialophosphoprotein
The American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
EDA ⫽ ectodysplasin signaling
(ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The ASNR designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA
PRA Category 1 CreditTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. To molecule
obtain Self-Assessment CME (SA-CME) credit for this activity, an online quiz must be successfully completed and submitted. ASNR EDAR ⫽ receptor for EDA
members may access this quiz at no charge by logging on to eCME at Nonmembers may pay a small fee to EDARADD ⫽ intracellular adapter
access the quiz and obtain credit via Activity Release
protein EDAR-binding death
Date: October 1, 2018. Activity Termination Date: October 1, 2021.
domain adaptor
EGF ⫽ epidermal growth factor
ENAM ⫽ enamelin a protein coding
ABSTRACT EPHA4 ⫽ ephrin type A receptor
The embryology of the teeth was briefly covered in a previous review in this series. This (tyrosine kinase receptor)
present review addresses this embryology in more detail. The development of the teeth is a FGF (4,8,9) ⫽ fibroblast growth
highly orchestrated, complex process that is the result of reciprocal inductions between the factor
overlying first branchial arch oral cavity ectoderm, from which the cells that produce the GAS1 ⫽ hedgehog co-receptor,
growth arrest specific-1
enamel will develop, and the neural crest ectomesenchyme, from which the remaining tooth
IL-1␣ ⫽ Interleukin-1␣ (also known as
elements will arise. Early in development, the tooth germ grows and expands, and those hematopoietin 1)
cells that will form the mineralized components of the teeth differentiate. Once these KLK4 ⫽ kallikrein-related peptidase
formative cells differentiate, formation and mineralization of the dentin and enamel matri- 4, a protein coding gene
ces occur. Eventually, the completed tooth will erupt into the oral cavity, and during erup- Laminins ⫽ high molecular proteins
of the extracellular matrix ⫽ aid in
tion, the tooth roots become surrounded by the periodontal ligament, cementum, and
anchoring the keratinocytes to
supporting alveolar bone. There is also a discussion that notes some of the various abnor- the ⫽ underlying dermis
malities that can affect the teeth. LHX6,7 ⫽ homeobox genes
MAX1/2 ⫽ homeobox genes
Learning Objective: The reader will understand the current theory as to how the human tooth
configuration arose, as well as the embryology and anatomy of the teeth, the process of tooth
eruption, alterations in the number and morphology of the teeth, and inflammatory conditions. Received October 21, 2016;
accepted February 6, 2018.
From the Department of Radiology
INTRODUCTION pacity for tooth development. This is re- (P.M.S.), Ichan School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai, New York, New
The embryology of the teeth was briefly ferred to as the “outside-in theory.” The York, and Department of
covered in a previous review in this series. 1 alternate theory, the “inside-out theory,” Craniofacial Development and
Stem Cell Biology (I.M.), King’s
Eventually, the completed tooth will erupt indicates that teeth are born from endo- College, London, United Kingdom.
into the oral cavity and during eruption, derm that originates in the posterior Please address correspondence to
the tooth roots become surrounded by the pharynx of jawless vertebrates co-opted Peter M. Som, MD, Department of
Radiology, The Mount Sinai Hospi-
periodontal ligament, cementum, and sup- anteriorly to the developing jaws during tal, One Gustave Levy Place, New
porting alveolar bone.2 Paleontologists gnathostome evolution (this period includes York, NY 10029; e-mail:
and evolutionary biologists have proposed most of the Middle Devonian period, from
2 primary theories as to how vertebrate 380 million years ago to the present).
teeth evolved. The traditional theory indi- Gnathostomes have jaws and teeth, and Based on information received
cates that skin ectodermal denticles, as today’s gnathostomes include among from the authors, Neurographics
has determined that there are no
found in sharks, migrated and integrated others, sharks, rays, chimaeras, and land Financial Disclosures or Conflicts of
into the mouth to provide the inductive ca- vertebrates (Fig 1). Interest to report.

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 369

A more current theory
MCP-1 ⫽ monocyte chemotactic
proposes that odontodes
MMP (20) ⫽ matrix evolved as the gene regula-
metalloproteinase tory networks of basic epi-
MSX1, 2 ⫽ homeobox mshlike 1 and 2 thelial (ectoderm or endo-
NFkB ⫽ nuclear transcription factor derm) structures combined
NGF-R ⫽ nerve growth factor
with those of migrated
OCP ⫽ octacalcium phosphate neural crest cells (ectomes-
OHAP ⫽ hydroxyapatite enchyme).3,4 Simply put,
p21 ⫽ cyclin-dependent kinase odontodes developed “in-
inhibitor or cyclin-dependent-
side and out,” wherever
kinase interacting protein
PAX (9) ⫽ paired box transcription
and whenever these co-ex-
factor homeobox gene pressed gene sets signaled to
PITX2 ⫽ homeobox gene one another. It seems that
PTHRP ⫽ parathyroid hormone– teeth and dermal denticles
related protein
developed from the same
RUNT ⫽ RUNX ⫽ hedgehog co-
receptor, runt-related developmental module and
transcription factor under the control of the
RUNX2 ⫽ runt-related co-factor same set of DIX genes. In
involved in osteoblastic and this respect, teeth and der-
skeletal morphogenesis
mal denticles should be con-
SHH ⫽ sonic hedgehog protein
SPROUTY2 ⫽ growth sidered as serial homologs
factor-antagonist that develop through the ini- Fig 1. Origins of teeth. A, The top drawing is a stylized rendition of a
TGF (␣, ␤) ⫽ transforming growth tiation of a common gene Loganellia pharyngeal denticle array (modified from Bigelow HB, Schr-
factor regulatory network. Other oeder WC. Sharks. In: Tee-Van J, Breder CM, Hildebrand SF, et al, eds.
TNF ⫽ tumor necrosis factor
WNT (10A and B) ⫽ wingless/int1
genes likely included in our Fishes of the Western North Atlantic, Part 1: Lancelets, Cyclostomes,
ancestral gene regulatory Sharks. New Haven, CT: Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale Uni-
family of secreted signaling
versity; 1948:59 –576). B, The lower drawing is of shark dermal denticles;
molecules network are sonic hedgehog stylized drawings in the lateral view of the jaws of 2 animals; on the left
protein (SHH), ephrin type side, the teeth are conical and vertically identical; this is referred to as
A receptor (tyrosine kinase homodonty, and this was the initial form of tooth morphology; on the
receptor) (EPHA4), and right side, the teeth have varied morphology, and this is referred to as
hedgehog co-receptor, runt- heterodonty; this is the form of tooth morphology that has developed in
mammals (modified from Smith MM, Coates MI. Evolutionary origins of
related transcription factor the vertebrate dentition: phylogenetic patterns and developmental evo-
(RUNX).4 It does seem that lution. Eur J Oral Sci 1998;106(suppl 1):482–500).
teeth and toothlike struc-
tures evolved in vertebrates
became associated with bone. Initially, all of the teeth were
before and independently of
identically conical separate dental units (homodonty). The
jaw development. Thus, it
divergent morphology of teeth in the dentition (het-
seems that odontodes had
erodonty) has evolved from homodonty in a number of
their origins in ancient jaw-
species, especially in mammals (Fig 1). Teeth are vertebrate-
less agnathan vertebrates.
specific and within vertebrates, species-specific. The shape
However, the question re- of each tooth varies with its position in the jaws, and it is
mains “Did the first odon- bilaterally symmetric. It is clear that the teeth and jaws
tode appear within the evolve together, and, in hominids, the jaws are continually
evolving oropharyngeal cav- becoming smaller. Thus, the number of teeth seems to be
ity needed for food break- decreasing, and it is postulated that, in the future, human
down during the transition teeth will be composed of 1 incisor, 1 canine, 1 premolar,
to a more predatory behav- and 2 molars per quadrant.3,4
ior, or did the first toothlike
structures appear as external AN OVERVIEW OF MOLECULAR TOOTH SIGHTING
dermal armor in a predator- The cranial neural crest is a multipotent progenitor popu-
rich environment?” lation of cells that generate a wide range of derivatives.
No matter which theory These derivatives can be grouped into 2 categories: ecto-
is correct, it is apparent mesenchymal cells and nonectomesenchymal cells. The ec-
that the “teeth” migrated tomesenchymal derivatives migrate into the developing first
into the mouth, where they pharyngeal arches and facial prominences, and will form

370 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

bone, cartilage, connective tissue, and dentine. The nonec- box model proposes that specific combinations of homeo-
tomesenchymal derivatives will form neurons, glia, and pig- box gene expressions in the future tooth ectomesenchyme
ment cells, and they lie close to the neural tube, being lead to the different types of teeth. The multicuspid molar
segregated from the ectomesenchymal cells.5 Under the in- teeth are proximal, whereas the monocuspid canine and
fluence of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling, as the incisor teeth are distal.9,10 Another hypothesis suggests
neural crest cells enter the pharyngeal arches, they stop that each dental placode can give rise to an entire tooth
expressing early neural crest markers and switch to become family. In this scenario, only the first tooth family buds
the ectomesenchyme. By contrast, those neural crest cells directly from the placode, whereas the other teeth form in
that do not enter the arches persist in their expression of succession from the primed odontogenic epithelium and
early neural crest marker.5,6 ectomesenchyme.11,12
Butler,7 in 1939, postulated a regional field theory that In addition to the homeobox code, the expression of the
suggested that morphogenetic fields accounted for the way ectodysplasin signaling molecule (EDA) is important in de-
in which the teeth within a particular class (incisor, canine, fining the size of the dental fields. When EDA, EDA receptor
premolar, and molar) are formed, with each tooth display- (EDAR), or the intracellular adaptor protein EDAR-bind-
ing similarities to adjacent teeth due to the influence of a ing death domain adaptor (EDARADD) are disrupted,
common field but with graded differences because of tooth tooth abnormalities occur. Thus, in mice, overproduction
positioning. That is, these signals would have a graded con- of the EDA ligand or, if the receptors for EDA are overex-
centration along the developing jaw axis, such that each pressed, the size of the molecular field increases, which re-
tooth primordium developed differently according to its sults in the formation of supernumerary teeth.8
position relative to the source of the signal intensity (Fig 2).7 The FGF-antagonist SPROUTY2, the hedgehog co-re-
Osborn, in 1978, proposed a clone theory that indicated ceptor growth arrest specific-1 (GAS1), and the RUNT-
that a single clone of preprogrammed ectomesenchymal related co-factor RUNX2 are all expressed during early
cells led to the development of all the teeth within a partic- human tooth development. The domains of GAS1 and
ular class. As the ectomesenchyme entered the jaws, and, RUNX2 are consistent with a role that influences function
after its interaction with the oral epithelium, a clone of cells of the primary dental lamina, but only GAS1 transcripts are
was established for a specific tooth class. He indicated that, present in the successional lamina at the early stages of
as the clone of cells grew distally, tooth buds were formed development.13
and they were surrounded by zones of inhibition that pre- Although, in the mouse, the dentition is less complex
vented other teeth from developing until the migrating than in humans (no canine or premolar teeth), it has been
clone had moved sufficiently.8 That is, activators induced shown that FGF8 and FGF9 are expressed proximally,
placodal formation while negative regulators, which were overlying the presumptive molar field and bone morpho-
highly concentrated in the interplacodal regions, prevented genic protein (BMP4) is expressed distally overlying the
tooth formation.8 This theory proposed that the shape of presumptive incisor field. These are established early in de-
the tooth was determined from the moment that its primor- velopment, before the formation of the face. These signaling
dium was initiated (Fig 2). molecules then control the expression of homeobox genes
More recently, it was proposed that there is a homeobox in the underlying neural crest– derived ectomesenchyme.
code with intermixing of the homeobox genes that are ex- FGF8 and FGF9 positively regulate the expression of
pressed by the ectomesenchyme of the first branchial arch. BARX1 and DLX2, whereas BMP4 positively regulates the
These gene expressions can lead to the establishment of expression of MSX1 and MSX2, and, at the same time,
different morphogenetic fields. It is thought that signals negatively regulates the expression of BARX1. This results
from the ectoderm establish patterns that induce specific in the restriction of BARX1 and DLX2 to the presumptive
domains of homeobox gene expression in the ectomesen- molar region and of MSX1 and MSX2 to the presumptive
chyme. This patterning is initially plastic but becomes fixed incisor region. It seems that these homeobox codes likely
into the “memory” of the ectomesenchymal cells. These are duplicated in humans.14
specific domains are postulated to provide the molecular
information needed to specify different tooth shapes.8 AN OVERVIEW OF MOLECULAR TOOTH
There are several homeobox genes that show restricted ex- DEVELOPMENT
pression in the ectomesenchyme of the first branchial arch During tooth development, there are paracrine signaling
before any morphologic signs of tooth development. molecules of several conserved families that mediate cell
These genes include the following: homeobox mshlike 1 communications mainly between the ectoderm and ecto-
and 2 (MSX1/2), distal-less homeobox gene 2 (DLX1– 6), mesenchyme. The oral epithelium initiates tooth develop-
and barH-like homeobox gene (BARX1). Although ex- ment by signaling to the underlying ectomesenchyme, pri-
pressed in broader territories than where the teeth will de- marily with members of the transforming growth factor ␤
velop, their expression domains have been proposed to (TGF-␤), FGF, SHH, and wingless/int1 family of secreted
define the competency territories that govern dental pat- signaling molecules (WNT). In addition, as noted, ectodys-
terning along the proximodistal axis. The odontogenic code plasin, a signaling molecule in the tumor necrosis factor

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 371

Fig 2. Theories of tooth development and early tooth development. A, Diagrams illustrate the regional and clone theories of tooth development.
The regional field theory suggests that identical tooth primordia (black dots) are acted on by a morphogenetic substance that has a graded
concentration in the field. This results in each tooth primordium, developing into a specific tooth with a different morphology. The clone theory
suggests that the gradient of the final tooth form is related to the times at which the tooth primordia (black dots) are initiated. The stippled
regions represent the growing margin of the clone, with an associated zone of inhibition (blue circle). The red dot represents tissues that have
reached the critical stage to form a new primordium (modified with permission from Cobourne MT, Sharpe PT. Chapter 3: tooth development.
Pocket Dentistry Web site. Fig 3.9). B, Drawings of the developing lower-lip region show
the initial development of the labiogingival lamina and its progressive desorption, which creates the labiogingival sulcus that separates the
future lower lip from the future gingiva; next, the dental lamina appears in the future gingiva; from the dental lamina, the dental placodes of the
deciduous and permanent teeth will arise.

(TNF) family, and its receptor, EDAR, mediate signaling A characteristic feature of tooth development is the reit-
between the ectodermal compartments in the developing erated and sequential appearance of transient signaling cen-
tooth. ters in the epithelium during key morphogenetic steps. The

372 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

first signaling centers appear in the dental placodes when leads to abnormalities either in the number or the pattern of
epithelial budding initiates. Next during the transition from the teeth.19
the bud stage to the cap stage, the enamel knot signaling In summary, during tooth development, the cells and
centers appear, one for each future cusp of the tooth. These tissues communicate via conserved signal intensity mole-
enamel knots regulate the advancing morphogenesis of the cules that are used reiteratively during the advancing mor-
tooth crown and control the initiation of the secondary phogenesis. In addition, the variation in cellular responses
enamel knots at the sites of the future epithelial cusp to the same signals in different tissues and at different times
formations.11,12 is caused by the different cell histories that determine their
The first epithelial signals induce the ectomesenchyme to competence to receive and respond to the signals.11 The
express reciprocal signaling molecules that include activin, early migration of neural crest cells may be primarily under
FGF, and BMP4, which act back on the epithelium and the influence of WNT and FGF8 from the epithelium. This
regulate the formation of the dental placode. In addition, migration induces the ectomesenchyme to establish the den-
WNTs and ectodysplasin, secreted by the ectodermal cells, tal lamina, whereas PAX9 expression in the ectomesen-
participate in regulating dental placode development. The chyme initiates the tooth bud. Induction of the enamel knot
placodal signals then regulate budding of the epithelium by BMP4 produced by the ectomesenchyme occurs late in
and condensation of the ectomesenchymal cells. They main- the bud stage. The primary enamel knot then induces cusp
formation, primarily through the signaling molecules of
tain the expression of earlier induced transcription factors
SHH, BMP2, BMP7, and FGF4. The shape of the tooth is
in the ectomesenchyme and induce the expression of new
determined by the ectomesenchyme, and the secondary
genes that regulate epithelial morphogenesis from the bud
enamel knots produce the same signaling as the primary
stage to the cap stage.
enamel knot. The extracellular matrix is also required for
Next, ectomesenchymal BMP4 is needed for the forma-
the facilitation of epithelial-mesenchymal signaling and the
tion of the enamel knot at the tip of the dental bud. It
stabilization of the dental morphology.2
induces the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor
(p21), which is associated with the exit of the knot cells
The Beginning
from the cell cycle. In addition, the EDAR receptor is also
Up until the late sixth embryonic week, the primordial jaws
induced in the enamel knot, which allows the cells to be-
are composed only of masses of mesenchymal tissue, with
come responsive to the ectodysplasin signaling. It is the
no differentiation between the lips and the gingivae. Near
ectodysplasin-EDAR signaling that likely regulates the for-
the end of the sixth week, neural crest cells migrate into the
mation and signaling activity of the enamel knot, and both
upper and lower jaws, which causes the overlying ectoderm
epithelial and ectomesenchymal cells are affected by these
to thicken and form the curvilinear labiogingival lamina
signals. Subsequent reciprocal interactions between the ec-
that grows into the underlying ectomesenchyme. Eventu-
tomesenchyme and the epithelium are responsible for the ally, most of this labiogingival lamina degenerates, which
maintenance of the enamel knot as well as for the morpho- creates a labiogingival groove or sulcus between the lips and
genesis of the epithelium. The enamel knot signals also reg- gingivae (Fig 2). Occasionally, a small midline remnant of
ulate the patterning of the tooth crown by influencing the the labiogingival lamina may persist as the frenulum of the
initiation of the secondary enamel knots that determine the upper lip.1,20-22
sites where the epithelial sheet folds and cusp development
starts. In addition, nerve growth factor receptor (NGF-R) is Formation of the Tooth Crown
necessary for morphologic and cyto-differentiation in the
Shortly after the sixth week, a second lamina, the dental
tooth, and parathyroid hormone is necessary for normal
lamina, arises in the more medial or buccal margin of the
tooth eruption.11,12,15-17 developing gingiva of both jaws (Fig 2). At certain prede-
Transcription factors play a critical role in tooth devel- termined intervals along the course of the dental lamina, the
opment. The expression of these numerous transcription dental placodes are induced. Not all of the dental placodes
factors often overlaps with those of the growth factors, and appear at the same time. Their signaling will promote the
there is an inductive interaction between these 2 classes of development of the future tooth (Fig 2B).11,12 The dental
gene products. The primary homeobox genes include paired placodes consist of thickened epithelium and underlying
box transcription factor homeobox 9 gene (PAX9), MSX1, neural crest– derived ectomesenchyme (Fig 3). The dental
MSX2, DLX3, DLX5, DLX6, DLX7, BARX1, PITX2, placodes eventually give rise to 10 spherical tooth buds that
LHX6, and LHX7. It is suggested that there is a homeobox penetrate into the ectomesenchyme of both jaws (Figs 3
code for tooth patterning and formation and that the over- and 4).
lapping expression domains of these homeobox genes may Each of these tooth buds is attached to the dental lamina
subdivide the jaws into different regions for specifying each by a lateral lamina, and each bud will give rise to a decidu-
tooth’s position.9,18 Results of studies have indicated that ous tooth (Fig 5). The epithelial component of each dental
there is tight control between these networks of activators bud is the enamel organ. The tooth buds first appear in the
and inhibitors, and that any modification of these networks anterior mandible, followed by the anterior maxilla. Bud-

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 373

Fig 3. The overall progression from the development of the dental placode through tooth eruption. The drawings illustrate the components of the
enamel organ, the development of the odontoblasts and dentin, and the appearance of the ameloblasts and enamel (modified from Pansky B. Review
of Medical Embryology. New York, NY: MacMillan; 1982).

mentation of the dental lamina then progresses toward the

developing enamel organ.

Continued Tooth Development

By the 10th week, induction from the ectoderm causes the
ectomesenchyme below the tooth bud to further condense
and the ectodermal tooth bud extends partly around these
condensed cells and creates a cap-shaped dental organ, re-
ferred to as the cap stage of development (Fig 3). The ecto-
mesenchymal tissue is the dental papilla, and it will give rise
Fig 4. Drawing of the developing lower right lip as seen from behind to most of the tooth proper, including the pulp cavity, the
shows the labiogingival sulcus and the dental lamina. Note the deciduous dentin, and the vasculature of the tooth. The upper portion,
tooth buds successionally developing from the dental lamina (modified
or enamel organ, has an inner enamel epithelium (the
with permission from Avery JK, Steele PF, eds. Oral Development and
Histology. 3rd ed. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme; 1994. Fig 5.5, p 74). ameloblastic layer), an outer enamel epithelium, and an
intervening stellate reticulum (the enamel pulp), and the
ding then continues progressively posteriorly in both the stratum intermedium (Fig 6).9,11,18
maxilla and mandible. After the 10th fetal month, deep The stratum intermedium, whose cells may help orches-
components of the dental lamina create the buds for the trate the progression of odontogenesis, is a transient epithe-
permanent teeth along the lingual aspects of the deciduous lial structure that lies against the inner enamel epithelium,
teeth. The permanent molar teeth that have no deciduous and it is attached by desmosomes to the basal or proximal
precursors arise directly from posterior extensions of the end of these cells, which will become preameloblasts. The
dental laminae.1,20-22 As each tooth germ continues to de- apical ends of the preameloblasts are attached to a base-
velop, it eventually loses its connection with the dental ment membrane (the basal lamina) by hemidesmosomes,
lamina. Mesenchymal invasion then starts to break up the and this latter attachment will be the site of the future
dental lamina, which is, at first, incomplete (Fig 5). Frag- dentinoenamel junction (Fig 7). The cells of the stratum

374 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

Fig 5. Drawings of the dental lamina and the lateral lamina, from which the dental enamel organ arises. A, The dental lamina is intact. B, The dental
lamina has started to degenerate, which leaves the developing tooth unattached from the oral epithelium; eventually, the tooth germ will lie within a
bony crypt created by the dental follicle (modified with permission from Avery JK, Steele PF, eds. Oral Development and Histology. 3rd ed. Stuttgart,
Germany: Thieme; 1994. Fig 5.11, p 77).

ment, the tooth is protected and stabilized by this dental

By the third month, the ectomesenchymal cells in the
dental papilla adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium have
differentiated into odontoblasts. It seems that contact with
the basal lamina and its associated matrix is the trigger for
odontoblastic differentiation. This represents an example
of a short-range matrix-mediated interaction. Late in their
differentiation, the odontoblasts withdraw from the cell
cycle, elongate, and start secreting predentin from their api-
cal surfaces. This process of dentin formation, or dentino-
genesis, signals a shift from the synthesis of type III collagen
and fibronectin to type I collagen and other molecules, for
example, dentin phosphoprotein and dentin osteocalcin,
that characterize the dentin matrix. This nonmineralized
Fig 6. Schematic drawing of the enamel organ, showing its various cel- predentin is deposited adjacent to the inner enamel epithe-
lular components and their relationship to one another. lium and the production of the predentin is induced by
signals from the inner enamel epithelium, a process that
intermedium have high alkaline phosphatase activity, and begins at the apex of the tooth. The tooth primordium now
they assist the inner enamel epithelium– derived amelo- acquires a bell shape, and it is referred to as the bell stage
blasts to form enamel.23 (Fig 3).2
The cells of the stellate reticulum are sandwiched be- In the sixth month, the predentin calcifies to become the
tween the outer enamel epithelium and the stratum inter- dentin of the tooth. As the dentin thickens, the odontoblasts
medium. These stellate cells secrete hydrophilic glycosami- regress toward the center of the dental papilla, and some
noglycans into the extracellular compartment, and this odontoblastic processes remain embedded in the dentin.
causes water to diffuse into the enamel organ, which forces These processes (also called Tomes processes) cause the
the cells apart. As the cells are interconnected by desmo- secretion of hydroxyapatite (OHAP) crystals and the even-
somes, they become stretched into a star shape and thus are tual mineralization of the matrix. This type of dentin forms
referred to as the stellate reticulum.23 Overall, they have a from a pre-existing ground substance in the dental papilla
cushionlike consistency that may support and protect the and is located beneath the enamel and under the dentinoe-
delicate enamel organ.9,11,18 namel junction. It is referred to as mantle dentin.24
The enamel organ and the dental papilla are surrounded Other odontoblasts enlarge and form predentin that then
by a mesenchymal condensation referred to as the dental undergoes mineralization. This results in a tightly ar-
follicle, or the dental sac. This follicle will eventually create ranged dentin, and it is referred to as primary dentin.
a bony crypt around the developing tooth germ (Fig 7). The Secondary dentin occurs at a slower rate than mantle and
outer cells of the dental sac will eventually develop into the primary dentin. It is formed after root formation is com-
cementum as well as the fibrous connective tissue that is pleted and starts at the cervical loop area, where the
the periodontal ligament that attaches the tooth roots to the outer and inner enamel epithelial layers join together. It
alveolar bone. Thus, at this stage, the tooth or dental organ then proceeds toward the root. This process continues
has 3 distinct parts; the enamel organ, the dental papilla, throughout life and is responsible for the smaller pulp
and the dental follicle or sac. At all stages of tooth develop- found in the teeth of older people.24 Tertiary dentin, or

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 375

Fig 7. A, Schematic drawing of a developing tooth in the early bell stage, with the beginning production of dentin; the various cell layers are illustrated.
B, The drawing in a later bell stage as the ameloblasts have developed; the various cell layers are again shown, as well as the dental follicle that will
produce the bony crypt that encases the developing tooth.

reparative dentin, forms in reaction to a stimulus, such as comes dentin. As the predentin calcifies and becomes den-
dental caries (Fig 8). Most of the cells in the developing tin, the mineralization front or the predentin-dentin junc-
dental pulp are fibroblasts in a delicate reticulum. There are tion is established. During formation of the crown and after
a few larger blood vessels present in the central pulp, and tooth eruption, the predentin is continuously formed along
smaller vessels are present in the periphery. There are only a the pulpal border and then calcified along the predentin-
few small nerves associated with the blood vessels that enter dentin junction. It is during this time that the dental papilla
the young pulp. It is only later, as the teeth erupt, that larger becomes the dental pulp, and, as a result of the daily incre-
myelinated nerves become abundant throughout the pulp.2 mental growth of the dentin, there is a gradual decrease in
The predentin is formed along the dental pulp border in the volume of the dental pulp. Incremental lines are present
daily increments. The more peripheral adjacent predentin within the dentin and are believed to be due to hesitation in
that was formed the previous day then mineralizes and be- matrix formation and subsequent altered mineralization.2

376 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

the dentin. At the end of the secretory phase, the amelo-
blasts lose their Tomes processes and produce a thin layer of
aprismatic enamel. At this point, the enamel has achieved its
final thickness. During the transition stage, the ameloblasts
undergo a major restructuring that diminishes their secre-
tory activity and changes the types of proteins they secrete.
During the maturation phase, the ameloblasts harden the
enamel layer, and, once enamel formation has been initi-
ated, these proteins are degraded into smaller fractions, and
they are gradually removed from the matrix by altered
ameloblasts, the same ameloblasts that earlier transported
these proteins for the formation of the enamel. By removing
these proteins out of the enamel, new space is provided for
new enamel crystals to grow. Finally, the enamel is com-
pletely mineralized.25 Thus, ameloblasts first form an incre-
ment of organic matrix, which later mineralizes. As daily
increments of organic matrix form, the adjacent earlier
formed increment mineralizes. The striae of Retzius are
Fig 8. Schematic drawing of a tooth illustrates the locations of the vari- lines within the enamel that mark the successive increment
ous types of dentin within the tooth.
enamel fronts. Both enamel and dentin form by incremental
Enamel formation occurs after dentin formation in the deposition (Fig 10).
late bell stage of tooth development. The formation of the The earliest crystallites of enamel appear as rapidly
enamel, or amelogenesis, occurs in several stages: a pres- growing ribbons at the dentinoenamel junction. The shape
ecretory, secretory, transitional, and maturation stage. and growth patterns of the crystallites indicate that there is
Soon after the deposition of the first layer of predentin a precursor phase of octacalcium phosphate (OCP), which
(mantle dentin), the adjacent inner enamel epithelial cells may act as a template for OHAP precipitation. The OCP is
express matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) that digest the less stable than OHAP and can hydrolyze to OHAP, and,
epithelial basement membrane. This allows these cells to during this process, 1 unit of OCP is converted into 2 units
differentiate into preameloblasts, and they can now contact of OHAP. The actual mineralization is partially under the
the newly formed predentin. This induces the preamelo- influence of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase. Crystal for-
blasts to differentiate into ameloblasts and start the depo- mation initially takes place in a gel-like matrix, composed
sition of the enamel matrix. A strong mechanical bond is of spherical aggregates of amelogenin molecules, a major
formed between the enamel and the dentin, and this estab- component of the enamel matrix. Amelogenin then regu-
lishes the dentinoenamel junction. As the ameloblasts dif- lates crystal formation by interacting with enamelin, a mi-
ferentiate, they elongate and their nuclei shift away from the nor matrix protein, and inorganic fluid components. Other
pulp cavity. The cytoplasm becomes filled with organelles proteins involved in the process include ameloblastins and
needed for synthesis and secretion of the enamel proteins. tuftelins.25 Enamel is composed of OHAP crystals that re-
The ameloblast starts to synthesize and secrete enamel pro-
sult in enamel being formed of 96% mineral and 4% or-
teins in the form of prisms and rods against the newly min-
ganic material and water.1,20-22,26,27
eralized mantle dentin, and fine OHAP crystals become
The tooth crown, that portion of the tooth that is cov-
packed perpendicular to the ameloblasts flat proximal ends.
ered by enamel and that projects above the gum, is formed
Presecretory ameloblasts send out small processes
by both the dentin and enamel. The formation of the crown
through the degenerating basement membrane as they ini-
tiate the secretion of enamel proteins on the surface of min- starts at the tooth cusp and progresses downward toward
eralizing dentin. After establishing the dentinoenamel junc- the roots. As the amount of dentin increases, the pulp cavity
tion and mineralizing a thin layer of aprismatic or rodless gets smaller and eventually will become a narrow canal for
enamel, the ameloblasts migrate away from the dentin sur- the vessels and nerves that enter the tooth root.1,20-22
face. As they start to migrate, they form a conical projection Under the influence of the dental papilla, a small group of
or specialized secretory process called a Tomes process (Fig ectodermal cells at the tip of the dental papilla cease divid-
9). Along the secretory side of the Tomes process, in place of ing. These cells form the enamel knot, a signaling center
the absent basement membrane, the secretory ameloblasts that regulates the shape of the developing tooth. The enamel
secrete large amounts of enamel matrix proteins so that the knot stimulates the proliferation of cells in the dental cap
nascent enamel layer can thicken. Each ameloblast will and determines the site of the tip of the cusp in the devel-
form a rod or prism, and, collectively, these prisms will oping tooth. In the molar teeth that have multiple cusps,
form a highly organized 3-dimensional structure. That is, as there are secondary enamel knots, one for each cusp. Ulti-
the enamel layer thickens, the ameloblasts move away from mately, the cells of the enamel knot undergo apoptosis.12

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 377

Fig 9. Drawings of enamel formation. A, An ameloblast before and after the development of a Tomes process is shown. B, The drawing shows a
3-dimensional representation of enamel and the orientation of the enamel rods. C, The drawing illustrates the enamel crystallites arising from the
Tomes ameloblast. D, The drawing shows the difference between aprismatic and prismatic enamel.

secrete enamel matrix proteins at the developing dentinoe-

namel junction. Soon the ameloblasts enter the secretory
stage, during which they elongate, develop Tomes pro-
cesses, and secrete large amounts of proteins into the
enamel matrix. These proteins are necessary so that the
enamel crystallite ribbons can form and then lengthen.
Once the enamel reaches its full thickness, the ameloblasts
enter the maturation stage, in which they transition into
shorter protein-reabsorbing cells. At the end of this stage,
the enamel has achieved its final hardened form.27 The
enamel mineralization follows the pattern of matrix forma-
tion that originates from the dentinoenamel junction.
As the permanent teeth are developing, the original epi-
thelial strand that connects the dental primordium with the
oral cavity is called the gubernaculum dentis. As the alveo-
Fig 10. Idealized drawing of a tooth illustrates the incremental growth lar bone forms around the developing teeth, it spares the
lines within the enamel (stria of Retzius) and within the dentin (lines of
gubernaculum dentis, and this produces a gubernacular ca-
von Ebner). Also shown is the pulp and its vessels and nerves, as well as
an accessory root canal. nal between the crypt of the developing tooth germ and the
oral cavity. This canal is primarily found in association with
The primary knot appears in the cap stage, whereas any the incisor and canine teeth, along the lingual alveolus (Fig
secondary knots appear in the bell stage. 11). These canals seem to aid the eruption path for the
In summary, enamel development can be described in 4 permanent teeth.28 By the late bell stage, the dental lamina
stages. During the presecretory stage, the ameloblasts pen- and lateral dental lamina have degenerated, and the devel-
etrate and then remove the basal lamina. They then start to oping tooth is independent of the oral mucosa.

378 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

Fig 12. Drawing of a tooth in the bell stage. The crown is nearly com-
pleted, and the outer (ameloblast layer) and inner (odontoblast layer) of
the original outer and inner enamel epithelial layers have joined at the
level of the cervical loop to form the Hertwig epithelial root sheath that
Fig 11. Drawing of the palate and deciduous maxillary teeth as seen from will form the tooth root. Eventually, the root sheath bends inward to form
below. The green arrows point to the gubernacular canals that act as a the epithelial diaphragm that will form the root canal(s) (modified with
pathway for the permanent teeth to erupt (modified with permission permission from Cobourne MT, Sharpe PT. Chapter 21: Root formation and
from Putz R, Pabst R, eds. Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy Volume 1: attachment apparatus. Pocket Dentistry Web site. https://pocketdentistry.
Head, Neck, Upper Limb. 13th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & com/21-root-formation-and-attachment-apparatus. Fig 21.1).
Wilkins; 2000. Fig 187, p 105).


Tooth root formation begins after the formation of the
crown is nearly complete, but before calcification of the full
crown. This occurs in the late fetal and early postnatal
period. The formation of the tooth root begins under the
guidance of the double-layered epithelial sheath that forms
when the inner and outer enamel epithelial layers come
together without an intervening stellate region. These
joined layers form the epithelial root sheath (or Hertwig
epithelial root sheath) in the region of the tooth neck (at the
base of the crown) (Fig 12). Specifically, the outer enamel
epithelium and the inner enamel epithelium join at what is
referred to as the cervical loop, a continuous irregular line
that marks the end of the tooth crown and the cementoe-
namel junction located at the neck of the tooth root, where
the cementum meets the enamel (Fig 13). The root sheath
begins to undergo rapid mitotic division and then grows
deeply into the underlying connective tissue, signaling the
Fig 13. Drawing of a tooth illustrates the location of the cervical loop that
beginning of the tooth root formation. Primarily by secret- marks the cementoenamel junction (modified with permission from Co-
ing laminin 5 and TGF-␤, the root sheath is critical for the bourne MT, Sharpe PT. Pocket Dentistry Web site. https://pocketdentistry.
development of the root dentin, the root cementum, and the com/).
number of tooth roots.1,20-22
The dental papilla is on the inner side, and the dental sac forming the root length, the epithelial diaphragm continues to
is on the outer side of the developing root. As the apical grow inward. If the entire circumference of the diaphragm
growth continues, the tip of the epithelial root sheath turns grows inward evenly, then a single root is formed. If 2 opposite
horizontally inward and forms the epithelial diaphragm of sides of the epithelial diaphragm grow inward more rapidly
the root sheath (Fig 12). The epithelial root sheath and the and eventually meet in the center of the diaphragm, then 2
epithelial diaphragm will guide the shape and the number of roots will be formed. If 3 areas grow inward to meet, then
roots. The manner in which the epithelial diaphragm goes there will be 3 roots (Fig 14).
inward determines whether the tooth will have 1, 2, or 3 roots. As the root sheath grows from the cervical line deeper into
If there is incomplete fusion of the tonguelike extensions of the the connective tissue, it influences the peripheral cells of the
epithelial diaphragm, then an accessory root canal will de- dental pulp to change into odontoblasts, in a similar manner to
velop. As the vertical epithelial root sheath grows longer, what happens in the crown of the tooth. The odontoblasts

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 379

lar, their development is different, with the mature odonto-
blasts in the crown being elongated, irregular columnar
shaped, whereas the odontoblasts in the root are cuboidal
in shape.1,20-22,26,27
The cementum occurs in 2 basic forms: cellular and acel-
lular. Acellular (or primary) cementum occurs first when
the cementoblasts differentiate from dental sac cells. These
cells can reach the tooth surface once the root sheath has
started to deteriorate. The cementoblasts secrete fine colla-
gen fibrils at right angles along the root surface. As the
cementoblasts move away from the tooth root, more colla-
gen is deposited, and this lengthens and thickens the fibers.
Proteins such as sialoprotein and osteocalcin are also se-
creted by the cementoblasts. Acellular cementum has a se-
creted matrix of proteins and fibers. As mineralization oc-
curs, the cementoblasts move away from the cementum and
the fibers left along the surface eventually join the forming
periodontal ligaments. Thus, acellular cementum forms
during root formation and is present over the tooth roots. It
contains no cells, and its arrangement of collagen fibers is
more organized then that of cellular cementum (Fig 16).27
Cellular cementum occurs after tooth formation is com-
plete and after the tooth has contacted a neighboring tooth
or a tooth in the opposite arch. This cementum forms
Fig 14. Drawings illustrate how the closure of the epithelial diaphragm around bundles of the periodontal ligament, and the cemen-
can form single, double, or triple root canals.
toblasts become trapped in the cementum that they pro-
duce. These cementoblasts are believed to develop from the
begin to secrete a matrix that then calcifies to form the dentin
adjacent bone, and this type of cellular cementum only oc-
of the developing root. Once the dentin begins to form next to
the root sheath, the root sheath begins to degenerate. It is curs in those teeth that have multiple roots. In summary,
unclear as to whether this breaking up of the root sheath is cellular cementum forms after the eruption of the tooth and
caused by the odontoblasts on the inner side or the cells in the is present on the root apices. It contains cementocytes, and
dental sac on the outside (Fig 15).1,20-22 its deposition is more rapid than that of acellular cemen-
More specifically, the epithelial root sheath is initially a tum. Formation of cementum is a continuous process, the
solid wall of cells surrounding the developing tooth root. As rate of which varies throughout life. It is most rapid at the
it starts to break up, gaps appear in it, which allows the root apices. At the cementoenamel junction, in nearly 60%
odontoblasts and dentin on the inside of the root to contact of people, the cementum overlaps the enamel. In 30% of
the dental sac on the outside. As the undifferentiated ecto- people, the cementum just meets the enamel, and, in 5%–
mesenchymal cells of the dental sac come into contact with 10% of people, the cementum and enamel do not meet.
the newly formed dentin surface, they become differentiated In summary, dentin is encased by enamel over the crown
into cementoblasts that form cementum. The cementum is laid and by cementum over the roots. The first cementum depos-
down against the previously formed dentin, and this estab- ited on the surface of the roots is called intermediate cemen-
lishes the dentinocemental junction of the root. As the root tum and is formed by the inner epithelial root sheath cells
sheath continues to degenerate and pull away from the dentin, that formed during dentin formation. This deposition oc-
the dentinocemental junction is able to extend over the entire curs before the Hertwig epithelial root sheath disintegrates.
tooth root. Occasionally, some of the epithelial root sheath The intermediate cementum is situated between the granu-
cells do not pull away from the tooth root and they form lar dentin layer of Tomes and the secondary cementum that
ameloblasts that then form small areas of enamel on the sur- is formed by the cementoblasts. These cementoblasts arise
face of the dentin. These are called enamel pearls. from the dental follicle (sac).
After the cells of the epithelial root sheath have broken The initial thin layer of cementum is acellular (primary
up and moved away from the dentin, any remaining root cementum) and is deposited on the intermediate cementum.
sheath cells will be located in the periodontal space, next to Subsequent layers alternate between cellular (secondary ce-
the tooth, and these are called epithelial rests of Malassez mentum) and acellular. Thus, cementum is deposited incre-
(Fig 15). As increasing amounts of dentin develop, they mentally. Unlike bone, cementum does not contain blood
reduce the pulp cavity to the narrow root canal through vessels, nerves, or haversian or Volkmann canals, which are
which the vessel and the nerves pass. Although the structure the nutrient canals that contain blood vessels and nerves in
and composition of dentin in the crown and root are simi- bone. With the increasing length of the tooth root, the

380 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

Fig 15. Development of the cementum and periodontal ligament. A, Serial drawing illustrates how, as the root sheath breaks down, the odontoblasts contact
the dental sac or follicle and initiate the development of the cementum and the periodontal ligament (modified with permission from Cobourne MT, Sharpe
PT. Chapter 21: Root formation and attachment apparatus. Pocket Dentistry Web site.
apparatus. Fig 21.4). B, The process of cementum and periodontal ligament formation is shown in greater detail, as well as the location of the epithelial rests
of Malassez. C, The dentin channels are shown in a magnified view; as gum recession occurs, the dentin channels can become exposed and cause tooth pain.

Fig 16. The junction of the tooth and gum. A, Stylized drawing of the junction of the gum and the tooth crown illustrates the locations of the gingival
sulcus, the sulcular epithelium, and the junctional epithelium. B, The drawing shows the distribution of the acellular and cellular cementum.

crown starts to move away from the base of the crypt and THE PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT
toward the occlusal plane. This provides space for the con- As the root sheath is beginning to break up, collagen
tinued growth of the root. fibers secreted by the outer cells of the dental sac become
embedded into the newly formed cementum matrix and
THE PERIODONTIUM fix the root to the alveolar bone. This is the periodontal
The periodontium is the supporting structure of the tooth. It ligament, and it stabilizes each tooth to the alveolar
attaches the tooth to the surrounding tissues and is com- socket bone. The periodontal ligament is located between
posed of the cementum, the periodontal ligaments, the al- the cementum of the root and the adjacent bony alveolus.
veolar bone, and the gingiva. The early collagen fibers are short, and their arrangement

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 381

Fig 17. Innervation and vascular supply of the neural pulp. A, Drawing illustrates that the most concentrated vessels and nerves are at the
pulp-dentin junction (modified with permission from Netter FH. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2011. Plate
57). B, The drawing shows the branches of the maxillary and mandibular nerves that innervate the teeth (modified with permission from Putz R,
Pabst R, eds. Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy Volume 1: Head, Neck, Upper Limb. 13th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000.
Fig 189, p 106).

is disorganized. However, later, the fibroblasts, prefibro- THE NERVES AND BLOOD VESSELS
blasts, and stem cells in the dental sac are activated and There are unmyelinated autonomic nerves that arise from
the fibers become thick and well organized. The peri- the superior sympathetic cervical ganglion and follow the
odontal ligament is dynamic, being influenced by the ad- blood vessels in the tooth. These nerves innervate the
jacent teeth and the tooth opposing it in the opposite smooth muscle of the arterioles and thus function to regu-
arch. late the blood flow to the capillary network of the pulp.
Osteoblasts form from the dental sac as the root and the There also are myelinated fibers from the maxillary and
cementum are forming. This bone, which surrounds the mandibular branches of the trigeminal nerve that primarily
tooth root, is referred to as alveolar bone and it forms sense pain (Fig 17). They terminate in the pulp, whereas
the tooth socket into which the tooth will be secured. some nerves send out fibers just under the odontoblast layer
Throughout life, the alveolar bone goes through a dynamic that form the subodontoblastic plexus (of Raschkow). This
process, which consists of bone production from the osteo- plexus is primarily located in the roof and lateral walls of
blasts and bone resorption from osteoclasts. If the root the coronal pulp. From this plexus, the fibers become
sheath continuity is broken before dentin formation, then unmyelinated and they extend toward the odontoblasts,
where they lose their Schwann cells. They terminate as free
the odontoblasts would not differentiate at this site and
nerve endings near the odontoblasts and extend between
dentin would not form opposite the defect in the root
them, functioning to transmit pain stimuli (Fig 17).30,31
sheath. This results in a small lateral canal that connects the
The outer enamel epithelium functions to organize a net-
periodontal ligament with the main root canal, called an
work of capillaries that will bring nutrients to the amelo-
accessory root canal, and it may develop anywhere along
blasts. Before enamel formation, which occurs at the end of
the root (Fig 10).2 the bell stage, the initially smooth outer enamel epithelium
The dentogingival junction is the site where the gingiva develops folds, in between which the ectomesenchyme of
and the tooth meet. The cells of this junction derive from a the dental follicle forms papillae that contain capillary
mass of epithelial cells known as the epithelial cuff. Hemi- loops that will provide nutritional supply to the enamel
desmosomes develop between the gingiva and the tooth, organ.
thus becoming the primary epithelial attachment. These The primary blood vessels enter the dental papilla in the
hemidesmosomes provide anchorage between cells by small cap stage, and they reach a peak in numbers at the start of
filamentlike structures that come from the remnants of the the bell stage. These vessels enter the pulp cavity via the
ameloblasts. The junctional epithelium forms from reduced apical foramen in the root as small arterioles. Once they
enamel epithelium, a product of the enamel organ. The reach the pulp chamber, they branch out peripherally to
rapid growth of this epithelium results in its increasing size form an attenuated capillary plexus immediately under the
and the further isolation of the remnants of the ameloblasts, odontoblast layer. The capillaries have numerous pores,
which, as they degenerate, create the gingival sulcus and the which reflect the metabolic activity of the odontoblasts.
sulcular epithelium (Fig 16).29 Then, this plexus branches and extends in between the

382 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

Fig 19. Stylized drawing of the pulp-dentin complex illustrates the zones
of the pulp and the extension of the nerves and vessels into the
Fig 18. Drawing of blood vessels of the tooth and the adjacent supporting
taining a relationship with each tooth root. In the eighth
week, the tooth germs are initially developing freely within
odontoblasts, nearly reaching the predentin. Small venules the groove of the dental lamina. Gradually, bony septa de-
then drain the capillary bed and eventually leave the pulp as velop between the teeth so that each tooth is eventually
veins via the apical foramen. The branches of the alveolar contained in a separate crypt. The actual alveolar process
arteries supply both the tooth and its supporting tissues. only develops during tooth eruption. The bone between the
The periodontal vessels enter the pulp via the apical fora- roots of adjacent teeth is referred to as the interdental sep-
men or, occasionally, via an accessory foramen (Fig 18).30 It tum. The bone between the roots of multirooted teeth is
is believed by some but not by all investigators, that there known as the interradicular septum or bone.2
are small, lymphatic vessels that enter the tooth via the
apical foramen and join venules in the central pulp region. TOOTH ERUPTION
There are lymphatic vessels that drain the periodontal liga- After the formation of the crown is complete and root for-
ment region.30 mation has begun, an active process of eruption is initiated
that moves the developing tooth toward its functional oc-
AN OVERVIEW OF THE DENTAL PULP clusal location. The first part of this process is termed the
Immediately above the pulp is the dentin zone, which, al- intraosseous phase, and it consists of the tooth moving
though adjacent to the pulp, is not part of the pulp zones. through the alveolar bone and, for permanent teeth, the
The most peripheral region of the pulp is referred to as the space previously occupied by the roots of the primary teeth.
odontogenic zone. It is in this layer that the dental pulp cells As the tooth nears mucosal penetration, the speed of the
differentiate into the dentin-forming odontoblasts. Imme- eruption starts to accelerate. When the actual occlusal plane
diately more central to the odontogenic zone is the cell-free is reached, the rapid phase of eruption comes to a halt and
zone of Weil. In this region, there are numerous bundles of consolidation of the periodontal support of the tooth oc-
reticular or Korff fibers, which pass from the central pulp curs, as does closure of the root apex. Later, actual tooth
across the cell-free zone and then between the odontoblasts, eruption occurs, as does continued slow growth of the al-
with their distal ends being incorporated into the matrix of veolar height. This growth of the alveolus helps maintain
the dentin layer. There also are numerous capillaries and the vertical dimension of the face and likely compensates for
nerves found in this layer. The next zone, more centrally, is any occlusal attrition. If contact is lost with the teeth in the
the cell-rich zone that contains numerous fibroblasts, the opposite arch, the alveolar growth and eruption rates in-
predominant cell type of the pulp. The deep pulp cavity is crease again. When root formation occurs, it is at the ex-
medial or central to the cell-rich zone, and it contains the pense of the basal bone, and this occurs without movement
subodontoblastic plexus of Raschkow (Fig 19).30 of the crown. Most of the root growth occurs during the
stage of rapid preocclusal eruption.28
ALVEOLAR BONE The dental follicle, or dental sac, is required for tooth
The alveolar bone develops as the tooth develops, initially eruption because it regulates alveolar bone resorption and
creating a thin bony shell around the tooth germ, which is alveolar bone formation. Being interposed between the
termed the tooth crypt, that develops from the tooth follicle. alveolar bone of the tooth socket and the enamel organ of
As the roots grow, the alveolar bone keeps pace with the the unerupted tooth, the follicle is ideally positioned to
elongating and eventually erupting tooth as well as main- regulate alveolar bone activity. It initiates and regulates

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 383

occlusal contacts. As the tooth moves toward the occlusal
plane and contacts the oral mucosa, the reduced enamel
epithelium that covers the crown contacts the oral epithe-
lium. A firm attachment with the oral epithelium then de-
velops, and this fused double epithelial layer lies over the
crown of the erupting tooth. As the tip of the crown enters
the oral cavity, this double layer is breached and the begin-
ning stage of clinical eruption starts. As the crown further
erupts, the oral mucosa bordering the tooth becomes the
dentogingival junction. The reduced enamel epithelium sur-
rounding the crown is known as the junctional or attach-
ment epithelium. When the tip of the crown appears in the
oral cavity, approximately one-half to two-thirds of the
roots are formed.2
The final posteruptive or functional phase occurs once
the tooth reaches occlusion. As the alveolar processes con-
tinue to enlarge their height, the tooth roots also continue to
grow. The surrounding bone attenuation increases, and the
periodontal ligaments are further established. After the
Fig 20. Drawing of the hard palate and deciduous teeth of a child super- tooth reaches functional occlusion, the periodontal fibers
imposed on the hard palate and permanent teeth of an adult. The en- attach to the apical cementum and extend into the alveolar
largement of the jaws is clearly shown. The space between the deciduous bone. The periodontal ligament fibroblasts are able to pro-
teeth is also wider than the space between the permanent teeth (modi-
fied with permission from Putz R, Pabst R, eds. Sobotta Atlas of Human vide sufficient force to move the tooth toward eruption.
Anatomy Volume 1: Head, Neck, Upper Limb. 13th ed. Philadelphia, PA: The shedding of the primary or deciduous teeth is
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000. Figs 187 and 188, p 105). thought to be the result of the loss of the tooth roots due to
increased osteoclastic activity. In turn, this causes a loss of
osteoclastogenesis and osteogenesis, at least for the in-
the attachments to the periodontal ligaments. In addition,
traosseous phase of eruption. The second phase of tooth
there is modification of the surrounding bone, and, as a
eruption is the supraosseous phase, and the follicle may play
result of the growth and the increased strength of the mus-
a lesser role at this time. It is not until the supraosseous
cles of mastication, there is an increased masticatory force
phase that the dental follicle finally attaches to the alveolar
that further works on the weakened tooth support. This
bone and cementum by becoming the periodontal ligament,
causes compression and weakening of the periodontal liga-
and this ligament then aids movement of the tooth to its
ment as well as promoting further resorption of both the
occlusal plane. Stem cells also occur in the periodontal lig-
tooth roots and the alveolar bone.
ament, and they are pluripotent and capable of differenti-
The deciduous teeth erupt through the gingiva between 6
ating into adipocytes, neurons, and osteoblasts. Thus, these
and 24 months after birth. The permanent teeth develop in
stem cells may also contribute to bone formation as well as
a similar manner to that of the deciduous teeth. As a per-
the formation of cementoblasts.32
manent tooth grows, osteoclasts gradually resorb the
Before the start of tooth eruption, osteoclastic precursors
root(s) of the corresponding deciduous tooth, and, eventu-
are recruited into the dental follicle. These cells then become
mature osteoclasts that resorb the alveolar bone, forming ally, the deciduous tooth is shed and consists only of the
an eruption pathway for the tooth to reach the alveolar crown and the upper-most root (Fig 21). The accepted age
surface. More specifically, paracrine signaling between the range for the eruption of the deciduous and permanent teeth
stellate reticulum and the dental follicle occurs with cells in is shown in Figure 22.
the stellate reticulum expressing TGF-␤1, interleukin (⌱L)
1␣, and parathyroid hormone–related protein (PTHRP), AN OVERVIEW OF MOLECULAR TOOTH ROOT
which cause monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP-1) and ERUPTION
colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) to develop in the dental Tooth eruption is a programmed, localized event that in-
reticulum. These draw mononuclear cells to the dental fol- volves a given tooth erupting at its appointed time. Before
licle and fuse and become osteoclast precursors. Finally, tooth eruption, mononuclear osteoblastic precursors are re-
osteoclasts move to the alveolar bone.17,33,34 cruited into the dental follicle. These cells, in turn, will fuse
An overview of tooth eruption shows that, in the pre- to form osteoclasts that will resorb the alveolar bone to
eruptive phase, the developing tooth germs are constantly form an eruption pathway for the tooth to exit its bony
moving within the alveolar processes of the jaws to main- crypt. Based on mice experiments, CSF-1 and MCP-1 are
tain their normal positions in the expanding jaws (Fig 20). needed to recruit the monocytes to the follicle (and for
Next, the prefunctional eruptive phase starts with the initi- molar tooth eruption). Osteoclastogenesis that is needed for
ation of root formation and ends when the teeth reach their bone resorption likely involves inhibition of osteoprote-

384 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

responsible for pegged teeth or missing maxillary incisor
teeth.35 Anodontia may also be the result of irradiation,
chemotherapy, or dioxin. There are numerous syndromes
associated with the congenitally absent teeth. Most notably
these include Down syndrome, Wolf-Hirshhorn syndrome,
holoprosencephaly, Kallmann syndrome, ectodermal
dysplasia, lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome, Rieger
syndrome, Johansson-Blizzard syndrome, and Wilkie oculo-
facio-cardio-dental syndrome.
Hypodontia is having ⬍6 congenitally missing teeth,
whereas oligodontia is having ⱖ6 congenitally missing
teeth. The best known of the “missing teeth” syndromes is
ectodermal dysplasia, in which the teeth are often small,
misshaped, and conoid. Oligodontia has been associated
with mutations in MSX1, PAX9, WNT10A and B, and axis
Fig 21. An enlarged view of the drawing from Fig 3 illustrates the eruption
inhibition protein (AXIN2).36
of a permanent tooth under a deciduous tooth. Osteoclastic activity and Supernumerary teeth are extra teeth that develop despite
pressure from the erupting permanent tooth have eroded some of the a normal complement of permanent teeth. When they occur
root structure of the deciduous tooth. Almost all erupted deciduous between the permanent incisor teeth, they are referred to as
teeth have partial erosion of their roots (modified from Chapter 4: Oral
mesiodentes, and these represent nearly 80% of the cases. A
anatomy. Integrated Publishing Web site.
14274/css/Chapter-4-Oral-Anatomy-55.htm. Fig 4 –1). supernumerary fourth molar tooth and an extra bicuspid
tooth are the next most common supernumerary teeth.37,38
gerin transcription and synthesis within the follicle as well Hyperdontia is the presence of more than the normal
as enhancement of the receptor activator nuclear transcrip- complement of 32 teeth. It is believed to be associated with
tion factor (NFkB) ligand in the adjacent alveolar bone excess dental lamina. This most commonly occurs in cases
and/or in the follicle. In addition, parathyroid-hormone– of cleidocranial dysplasia, and it is characterized by small or
related protein and IL-1␣, produced in the adjacent stellate absent clavicles, short stature, delayed closure of the fonta-
reticulum, also play a role in regulating tooth eruption. nelles, and hyperdontia. There can be delayed tooth erup-
There is also evidence that osteoblast-specific transcription tions and failure to exfoliate the deciduous teeth. More than
factor (CBFA1) (RUNX2) plays a role in the molecular 50 teeth have been reported in some cases.39 In the Gardner
events that regulate tooth eruption. Among others, epider- syndrome, there can be supernumerary teeth, missing teeth,
mal growth factor (EGF) and TGF-␣ are also needed to long pointed tooth roots, especially in the molar teeth. In
initiate tooth eruption (primarily for incisor eruption).33 the Nance-Horan syndrome, there can be “screwdriver-
shaped” supernumerary teeth.40 In the hyperimmuno-
globulin E syndromes, there can be retained primary
There are a large number of dental abnormalities that can teeth.41,42
occur either as isolated events or as a part of a syndrome. In Taurodontism refers to morphologically abnormal teeth,
this section, a few of the more common of these abnormal-
most often found in the molar teeth. They can occur as
ities are mentioned. Some of the abnormalities that can
hyper-, hypo-, or mesotaurodontism. These alterations can
affect individual teeth are illustrated in Figure 23.
occur as isolated events or as part of syndromes, for exam-
Occasionally, a primary tooth can be retained as the
ple, otodental dysplasia, ectodermal dysplasia, tooth and
result of either the absence or impaction of its associated
nail syndrome.43
permanent successor tooth. Such a retained tooth may re-
main functional alongside of the permanent teeth until the Fusion refers to 2 adjacent teeth joined together to form
retained tooth is finally shed, primarily due to resorption of a single large tooth. Gemination refers to a single tooth
its roots. A submerged primary tooth may also become germ forming 2 teeth in the form of a large tooth. If a
ankylosed to the alveolar bone, and such a tooth should be patient has a large tooth and there is a missing tooth, then it
removed as soon as possible so as not to interfere with the is likely fusion. If there are no missing teeth, it is likely
eruption of the permanent teeth. There also can be retained gemination. Dilaceration refers to an abnormal deviation in
root remnants of a primary tooth, usually found in the a tooth root, and it is associated with trauma to the devel-
interdental space. Rarely, there can be rootless preprimary oping tooth bud. Concrescence refers to the joining of the
teeth present at birth. If not shed in the first few weeks of cementum of 2 adjacent teeth, thereby fixing these teeth
life, then they should be removed.2 together. Flexion of the tooth roots can occur, usually as a
There are genetic anomalies associated only with the result of trauma. The roots are all deviated to one side.
number of teeth. Anodontia or the congenital lack of all of There can be microdontia, which most often affects the
the teeth is quite rare and may be associated with the gene upper lateral incisor teeth and the third molar teeth. Rarely,

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 385

Fig 22.Drawing shows the range of the dates for eruption of the deciduous teeth and the permanent teeth (modified with permission from Netter FH.
Atlas of Human Anatomy. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2011. Plate 56. Additional data from Putz R, Pabst R, eds. Sobotta Atlas of Human
Anatomy Volume 1: Head, Neck, Upper Limb. 13th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000. Figs 187 and 188, p 105 and from the
Forensic Medicine for Medical Students Web site.

Fig 23. Drawings of various malformations that can affect the teeth.

macrodontia (megadontia) can occur, and it is often asso- dysplasia as well as with incontinentia pigmenti and con-
ciated with acromegaly.44 genital syphilis. Pitted teeth can occur in tuberous sclerosis,
Abnormal tooth morphology can appear as pegged- Gorlin syndrome, tricho-dento-osseous syndrome, and the
shaped teeth that can occur in hypohidrotic ectodermal Herlitz variant of junctional epidermolysis. There can be

386 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

Fig 24. Drawings illustrate Oehlers classification of dens invaginatus.

screwdriver teeth or Hutchinson teeth, which are classically type is caused by an invagination of all the layers of the
associated with congenital syphilis.40 enamel organ into the dental papilla. In the radicular type,
There are abnormalities of the thickness of cementum, there is a folding of Hertwig sheath into the developing
ranging from an absence (cemental aplasia) or paucity of root.47 Classification of dens invaginatus by Oehlers is il-
dentin (cemental hypoplasia) to an excessive deposition of lustrated in Figure 24.48
cementum (cemental hyperplasia or hypercementosis). Hy- Although overall rare, there are a number of inherited
percementosis can be generalized and affect numerous abnormalities that affect the size, shape, position, and num-
teeth, or it may be more localized. When the jaws are ber of teeth. In general, the genetic control of dental devel-
involved with Paget disease, there is often associated opment can be categorized as affecting the type, size, or
hypercementosis.45,46 position of each tooth, or it can specifically affect the dentin
Dens invaginatus is a developmental malformation that and the enamel of the tooth. Some mutations can also lead
results from an invagination of the enamel organ into the to syndromes associated with the dental abnormalities. As
dental papilla before mineralization. This starts at the an example, the genes MSX1 and AXIN2 are associated
crown and can occasionally extend into the root. It most with early tooth development and tooth agenesis, but they
often occurs in the permanent maxillary lateral incisors but are also associated with cleft palates. Conversely, genes in-
also occurs in the maxillary central incisors, premolars, ca- volved in enamel development such as amelogenin X-linked
nines, and least often in the molar teeth.47 Although several protein coding gene (AMELX), enamelin a protein coding
theories have been proposed regarding the etiology of dens gene (ENAM), MMP20, and kallikrein-related peptidase
invaginatus, the theory and classification by Oehlers48,49 4 (KLK4), or dentin development (DSPP) are highly con-
are the most often quoted. He suggested that a distortion of served for the teeth.36,40
the enamel organ occurs during tooth development, which An example of an enamel-inherited abnormality is
results in a deep protrusion of a part of the enamel organ, amelogenesis imperfecta (AI), a genetically and clinically
which results in an enamel-lined channel ending in the den- heterogeneous group of disorders that primarily affect the
tal pulp, with or without an associated irregular crown formation of enamel. Based on the enamel appearance, AI
morphology.48,49 can be classified as hypoplastic (a secretory defect), hy-
Other theories suggest that there is a rapid and aggressive pocalcified (a mineralization defect), or hypomaturation (a
proliferation of a part of the internal enamel epithelium that protein-processing and crystallite maturation defect). The
invades the dental papilla. Also proposed as an etiology is teeth can be pitted or grooved and are more likely to be
that there is a focal failure of growth of the internal enamel worn down or break. AI affects mutations to the genes
epithelium, which allows the surrounding normal epithe- AMELX, ENAM, and MMP20.50
lium to proliferate and engulf the static region. External Genetic abnormalities that affect dentin have been clas-
forces on the developing tooth as well as genetic etiologies sified as dentinogenesis imperfecta (DGI) types I–III and
have also been proposed.47 There are 2 types of dens invagi- dentin dysplasia (DD) types I and II. DGI type I is the dental
natus that have been described. The more common coronal disorder found in osteogenesis imperfecta, with the teeth

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 387

usually having a brownish discoloration, fractured enamel, utes after the pellicle is removed by tooth cleaning, and the
and secondary attrition.51 In Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, adsorbed material eventually become transformed into a
there can be multiple tooth agenesis, dentin structural highly insoluble coating. Plaque formation involves the in-
anomalies, and dysplastic roots. In Goldblatt syndrome, teraction between early bacterial colonizers and this pelli-
there can be opalescent deciduous teeth.40 cle, which results in the formation of a biofilm (Fig 25).
Some of the syndromes associated with AI and enamel The first bacteria to attach to the pellicle glycoproteins
hypoplasia include tricho-dento-osseous syndrome, with are gram-positive cocci, followed by gram-positive rods.
thin, pitted, hard enamel, enlarged pulp chambers, and tau- These bacteria are able to replicate in the oxygen-rich envi-
rodontism. This syndrome may be linked to the DLX3 ronment of the oral cavity, and they produce the enzyme
gene. There are reports of cone-rod dystrophy and AI, glucosyltransferase, which converts sucrose into exopoly-
Kohlschütter-Tönz syndrome, a neurodegenerative syn- saccharides. The exopolysaccharides create an environment
drome associated with yellow teeth. AI is also associated that allows other bacteria to attach to the initial colonies as
with nephrocalcinosis, vitamin D dependent, and D-resis- well as protecting them from the acidic environment of the
tant rickets with enamel hypoplasia, and autoimmune poly- oral cavity. As the plaque begins to develop and expand,
endocrinopathies with enamel hypoplasia.40 oxygen can no longer diffuse into the colonies, and, after a
DGI types II and III as well as DD type II have been few days, anaerobic gram-negative bacteria begin to colo-
mapped to chromosome 4q21, and mutations in the dentin nize the plaque.
sialophosphoprotein gene have been demonstrated to cause After several weeks, they grow together and form colo-
these abnormalities. DD type I, also referred to as radicular nies known as corncobs (Fig 25). This anaerobic environ-
DD or rootless tooth, typically has conical-shaped teeth. In ment allows facultative anaerobes, such as Streptococcus
general, patients with DD and DGI have discolored, either mutans and Lactobacilli, to degrade sucrose via fermenta-
bluish-gray or yellowish-brown, teeth that are more prone tion pathways, and these bacteria also produce lactic acid as
to erode or break than normal teeth.36 a metabolic byproduct. If the lactic acid concentration be-
Syndromes associated with dentin abnormalities include comes high enough, it can cause the pH around the plaque
hyperphosphatemic familial tumoral calcinosis in which the to drop and gingivitis, periodontitis, and enamel deminer-
teeth have DD with short bulbous roots, pulp stones, and alization can occur. The bacterial accumulation is most
partial obliteration of the pulp cavity. There is familial hy- common around irregularities of the tooth surface, such as
pophosphatemic vitamin D–resistant rickets, in which the cracks, and along the gingival margin, likely areas that are
patients have enlarged pulp chambers, root dysplasias, not routinely removed by cleaning.55-57 This accumulation
and multiple periodontal abscess. Patients with Seckel of bacteria in the biofilm is known as plaque, which is not
syndrome have atrophic or absent teeth and enamel calcified (Fig 26).
hypoplasia. Specifically, the early colonizing bacteria attach to the
In the rare congenital erythropoietic porphyria, there can surface of the pellicle as well as to each other. They cluster
be delayed eruption of teeth as well as a reddish coloration together to form sessile mushroom-shaped microcolonies
of the teeth (erythrodontia).52 In pachyonychia congenita, that are attached to the surface at a narrow base. Each
the infants have premature or natal teeth that are present at microcolony is a small, independent community that con-
birth.53 There are also a variety of medication- and nutri- tains thousands of compatible bacteria. Different micro-
tional-related dental problems. Among the most commonly colonies may contain different combinations of bacterial
reported are the gray-greenish discolorations that occur in species. As the biofilm matrix grows, it is penetrated by fluid
the mid portion of the permanent teeth with minocycline channels that conduct the flow of nutrients, waste products,
administration. Similarly, there is the brownish discolor- enzymes, metabolites, and oxygen (Fig 25). The microcolo-
ation of the upper third of the permanent teeth found after nies within the biofilm have microenvironments, with dif-
the administration of tetracycline.54 fering pH, nutrient availability, and oxygen concentrations.
The bacteria in a biofilm send out chemical signals that
PERIODONTAL DISEASE AND CAVITIES trigger the bacteria to produce proteins and enzymes that
The primary thrust of this review was the embryology and help the intraoral biofilm bypass host defense systems.
resultant anatomy of human teeth. Also reviewed were Tartar is the result of the mineralization and petrification
some of the abnormalities and genetic diseases that are as- of the strongly adherent soft plaque deposits. In humans,
sociated with tooth abnormalities. However, the most com- tartar can occur both above (supragingival) and below (sub-
monly encountered dental diseases are gingivitis, periodon- gingival) the gumline, and, unlike dental plaque, whose soft
titis, and cavities. With this in mind, a brief review of these mat of bacteria can be removed by tooth brushing and
topics seemed in order. flossing, the physical properties of dental calculi make it
Shortly after a tooth is cleaned, a conditioning film of virtually impossible to remove without tooth scaling and
proteins and salivary glycoproteins is adsorbed rapidly onto polishing (Fig 26). Chemical analysis of the plaques shows
the tooth surface. This is the acquired enamel pellicle.55 The that mineralization occurs rapidly, usually in ⬍2 weeks,
adsorption of these salivary constituents occurs within min- and calcium phosphate crystals contribute up to 80% of the

388 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

Fig 25. Stages of plaque formation. A, Serial drawings show the progressive stages of bacterial colonization during plaque development; the plaque
may become so thick that it is visible to the unaided eye; these plaques are gelatinous and firmly adherent to the enamel; once fully developed,
dispersion of bacteria can occur (modified with permission from Ritter AV, Eidson RS, Donovan TE. Chapter 2: Dental caries: etiology, clinical
characteristics, risk assessment, and management. Pocket Dentistry Web site.
characteristics-risk-assessment-and-management. Fig 2–5). B, A close-up drawing of early pellicle and plaque shows the structure of the biofilm with
fluid channels.

weight of these deposits. Although tartar adheres strongly biofilm or dental plaque. It is estimated that 90% of the
to teeth, its hardness is only 10%–20% that of enamel.58 worldwide population is afflicted with some form of these
Gum recession has been attributed to a number of diseases. Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal dis-
causes, primarily poor oral hygiene and forceful brushing. ease and is highly prevalent and readily reversible by good
At the gingival margin, morphologic changes develop that oral hygiene. It affects 50%–90% of adults worldwide.
lead to cleft formation and gum recession. This occurs as a When the inflammation extends deep into the tissues and
result of a mononuclear cell infiltration of the gum connec- results in a loss of the tooth’s supporting connective tissue
tive tissue, which causes a breakdown of the connective and alveolar bone, it is known as periodontitis.62
tissue and leads to a localized proliferation of the epithelium Once the enamel has been penetrated by pathogenic bac-
into the site of connective tissue destruction. This prolifer- teria, the bacteria can penetrate the dentin and eventually
ation of the epithelial cells results in a gradual retraction of spread down the tooth roots. The invasion of living bacteria
the epithelial surface, which is clinically manifest as a reces- into the root canal system of a tooth is necessary for the devel-
sion. As the gum recedes, there is a loss of cementum, which opment of a periapical lesion, and the first of these lesions to
results in exposure of the dentinal tubules and causes “den- develop is the periapical granuloma, which contains chronic
tinal hypersensitivity” (Figs 15 and 27).59-61 inflammatory cells. In fact, in these patients, bacteria are al-
The term periodontal disease usually refers to the com- ways present at some level of the root canal, colonizing in
mon inflammatory disorders of gingivitis and periodontitis, necrotic debris that lines the canal walls and infiltrating the
both of which are caused by pathogenic microflora in the disintegrated tissue filling the canal lumen. However, although

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 389

Fig 26. The development of gingivitis and cavities. A, The drawing shows a normal tooth and gum on the left side of the center tooth. On the right side
of the tooth, there is inflamed gum with a resorption pocket and some alveolar bone destruction. Also shown are areas of plaque and, below them,
tartar. B, The drawing shows supragingival and subgingival tartar, as well as inflammation of the gum and a pocket between the gum and the tooth. C,
Typical cracks in the enamel and dentin are shown. If present, these are primary areas for plaque and tartar to develop.

Fig 27. Serial drawings show the progression from a healthy gum through gingivitis, then early and advanced periodontitis.

there are substantial amounts of bacteria in the canal lumen of epithelial strands that can develop into a periapical (radic-
these teeth, the periapical granuloma is free of bacteria. In ular) cyst. In terms of treatment, when a lesion is diagnosed
addition, there is growing evidence that, despite the presence as a cyst, it is important to establish its relationship to the
of a periapical lesion, the pulp tissue in the apical part of the apical foramen of the involved tooth. There are 2 types of
root may still be vital (Fig 28). these periapical cysts: the true cyst, which has a cavity that
A periapical lesion consists of acute and chronic inflam- is completely surrounded by epithelium and not directly
matory cells in variable concentrations, and it may contain connected to the tooth apical foramen, and the pocket cyst,

390 兩 Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393;

Fig 28. Serial drawings show the progression from an initial cavity formation to an apical abscess.

which is an epithelial-lined cavity connected to the apical Ehlers-Danios, Kindlers and Cohen syndromes all can have
foramen of the tooth. If the periapical granuloma or cyst severe periodontal manifestations.62,64
becomes infected, then a periapical abscess develops (Fig People who smoke are much more likely to develop peri-
28). These periapical lesions usually develop in nonvital odontitis than are nonsmokers. There is also a small asso-
teeth, and the periapical cysts may remain even after the ciation of periodontitis with alcohol consumption. In addi-
involved tooth has been extracted. In such cases, the re- tion, people with HIV infection, diabetes, poor nutrition,
maining cyst is called a residual cyst.63 and emotional stress all have a higher incidence of peri-
There are a variety of microorganisms that can contrib- odontal diseases.62,65
ute to the pathogenesis of periodontal disease in different
populations and individuals. In addition, there are several CONCLUSIONS
genetic and environmental effects that are associated with The embryology of the teeth was reviewed. The variation in
periodontal diseases. There are rare syndromes that can individual tooth development was also discussed, as were
affect phagocytes, epithelial structure, connective tissue, some of the various abnormalities that can affect the teeth.
and teeth. The Haim-Munk and the Papillon-Lefèvre syn- Because the teeth play an important role in the everyday life
dromes are rare autosomal recessive disorders that are as- of humans, this review will, it is hoped, shed light not only
sociated with periodontitis and the loss of both deciduous on the development of teeth but also on their functional
and permanent teeth. In addition, the Chediak-Higashi, importance.

Neurographics 2018 September/October;8(5):369 –393; 兩 391

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