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Computer Test

Question 1. Tick the correct option: -(4)

1) The development of mobile internet is considered as the …............... wave
of AI.
a) First b) second
c) third d) fourth
2) Which of the following option is one of the most serious ethical concerns of
AI system
a) Relevant data b) Irrelevant data
c) Biased data d) Unbiased data
3) The …......................... loop used by AI system learns from your past action
and acts accordingly
a) Perception b) Automation
c) Prediction d) Prevention
4) Which of the following companies completed street mapping projects in
the 1970s?
Question 2. Fill in the blanks:-(2)
1) …...................... are used by banks and other financial institutions for
customer support.
2) Artificial Intelligent robots are not …...................... agent.
Question 3. State whether true or False:-(2)
1) In 1945, Artificial Intelligence was first conceptualized by Alan Turing --T/F
2) Alexa was created by Google in 2014 –T/F
3) Erica, a robot became news anchor in Japan in 2018 –T/F
4) Siri was developed by Microsoft in 2000 –T/F
Question 4. Answer the following question. (15)
1) “Sustainable development is not an option as it allows us to live a decent
life on this planet” Comment. (2)
2) What are the skills set required for becoming a machine engineer? (3)
3) Write a short note on the problems of inclusion in AI systems. (5)
What is the main ethical concern related to the adoption of AI system? (5)
4) “Smart farming is the future of agriculture”. Do you agree with the help of
an example? (2)
5) “Artificial Intelligence has brought a tremendous change I our lifestyles”.
Comment. (3)
Question 5. Python (7)
1) Write a python program to find out the area of the circle. (3)
2) Write a python program finding out the total mark, percentage and pass or
fail. (4)

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