PHY1ME1B LaboratoryReport1

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This report discusses an experiment to aims to let freshmen student familiarize the common laboratory

apparatuses/instruments that are commonly used in Physics experiments and to describe the uses of each identified

apparatuses/instruments in Physics laboratory as the researcher had recognized the need of empowering this basic

knowledge to support experiments that are conducted to predict phenomenon. The methods of this report provide a stronger

grasp and understanding of the uses and functions of instruments used in different field of experiments by supplying visual

representations and definitions for each identified apparatuses/instruments. The results represent the overall instruments

used in the report. The mastery of this tools is necessary as a fundamental knowledge one must have in Physics

experiments. This paper concludes that promoting awareness to freshmen in this field was vital to avoid malpractices and

misconceptions of the apparatuses’ usage that may lead to inaccurate data being gathered and serious accidents that may

cause a student’s health in vain.

I. Introduction

As of today, numerous products have formulated through continuous experiments and careful analyzation of data that

provide an answer to a problem. As of tomorrow, advancement is inevitably expected to drive the world into a high

technology-based society.

Physics, and natural science in general, is a reasonable enterprise based on valid experimental evidence, criticism, and

rational discussion. It provides us with knowledge of the physical world, and it is experiment that provides the evidence that

grounds this knowledge. Experiment plays many roles in science. One of its important roles is to test theories and to provide

the basis for scientific knowledge. It can also call for a new theory, either by showing that an accepted theory is incorrect, or
by exhibiting a new phenomenon that is in need of explanation. Experiment can provide hints toward the structure or

mathematical form of a theory and it can provide evidence for the existence of the entities involved in our theories

(Standford, 2019).

This report discusses an experiment to aims to let freshmen student familiarize the common laboratory

apparatuses/instruments that are commonly used in Physics experiments and to describe the uses of each identified

apparatuses/instruments in Physics laboratory as the researcher had recognized the need of empowering this basic

knowledge to support experiments that are conducted to predict phenomenon.

 The uses of laboratory equipment available in the laboratory are knowledge one should have before even beginning to think

of an experiment. Over and above the reasons mentioned, knowing one’s science equipment will only aid in having a

successful experiment and might help in correcting errors (Scienceequip, 2019).

The insufficient amount of knowledge in laboratory apparatuses/instruments used in Physics experiments can lead to errors

in obtaining data and accidents that could be a threat to a student’s health and life. Therefore, supplying the definitions, uses

and characteristics of each instruments were necessary to provide better understanding and awareness for freshmen as a

primary step to exploring the world of physics further.

II. Materials and Methods

The pictures shown were some of the instruments used in measuring the following scope in experimentation:

Instruments for measuring length or distance

Ruler. A measuring instrument that made up of either thin strip of wood,

metal, or plastic that has straight edge and length measurement

markings along the edge. They are used in measuring, drawing, scoring,

or cutting a line that is essential in

Figure 1.1

Block Gauge. A piece of wear-resistant material of rectangular cross-

section used as references for performing length measurements. Each

gauge block has a pair of parallel faces separated by a desired

distance, known to a high degree of accuracy .

Figure 1.2

Caliper. An instrument that can measure small object’s diameter with

high accuracy and precision with resolution until 0.01 millimeters.

Figure 1.3

Laser Measure. A linear measurement too that uses laser to measure a

distance by placing the device on one end of a particular part, then

aiming the laser beam as it hits the other end. This is an alternative to

metal tape measures and it can measure a linear dimension up to above

650 feet or 198 meters.

Figure 1.4

Odometer. Its function is to measure a distance using a wheel. It is often

found in vehicles that is designed to measure how far the vehicle has

passed through.

Figure 1.5

Instruments for measuring masses/force

Digital/Electronic and Analytical Balance. A tool designed to measure

small mass in the sub-milligram range. The measuring pan of an

analytical balance (0.1 mg or more) is inside a transparent enclosure

with doors so that dust does not collet and any air currents cannot affect

the balance’s operation.

Figure 2.1

Platform Balance. A kind of balance that has platform upon it for

placing the object/s to be weighed.

Figure 2.2

Spring Balance. It is also known as Newtonmeters. It is used in

measuring the force exerted on an object. The force is measured in

Newtons and is essentially the weight of an object.

Figure 2.3

Dial Torsion Balance. Its functioning is based on the torsion of a metal

wire. This type of balance has several uses. In physics, most notably, it

is used to measure weak forces (electric, magnetic, and gravitational).

This model can be used to determine the weight of small objects.

Figure 2.4
Balance (Triple Beam). A tool that provides greater accuracy than a

spring scale in determining the mass of objects in grams. The balance

can measure the mass up to 610 grams in weight and its accuracy is

well-suited to most laboratory uses, finding the mass with a margin of

error of only .05 grams.

Figure 2.5

Instruments for measuring volume

Graduated Cylinder. Transparent cylinders with finely divided markings

or graduations and represent a significant improvement in accuracy over

beakers and flasks – generally within 1%.

Figure 3.1

Beaker. It is used to make coarse measurements of volumes with

volume levels are marked on the side of the beaker and usually

accurate to within 5%.

Figure 3.2

Volumetric Pipette. A long tube used to measure small amounts of

solution. This is used in titration method. Its bulb-form features enables

it to suck or draw solution upward inside it then measured.

Figure 3.3

Volumetric Burette. A glass tube with a tap or stopcock on the bottom

end, which delivers solution samples in precisely measured volumes.

This is used in titration, which is a technique that determine the

substance’s concentration in a given solution.

Figure 3.4

Flask. A tool designed for greater precision that is typically accurate to

within 0.05%. it is used in preparation of solution of known


Figure 3.5

Instruments for measuring time

Sundials. Time was calculated depending on the length of the shadow

and was first used by the Egyptians. It depends on the rotation and

movement of the sun. as the sun moves from east to west, the shadows

formed changed their position depending on the length of the shadow.

Figure 4.1
Water Clock. It is also known as clesypdra. An ancient device for

measuring the gradual flow of water. It is a cylinder into which water

dripped from a reservoir; a float provided readings against a scale on

the cylinder wall.

Figure 4.2

Pendulum Clock. Pendulum is a body suspended from a fixed point so

that it can swing back and forth under the influence of gravity.

Pendulums are used to regulate the movement of clocks because of its

interval of time for each oscillation, called period, is constant.

Figure 4.3

Hourglass. A device used to measure the duration of time. It is not

intended for finding the exact time, nonetheless, can be used in to

measure predetermined time interval. It is comprised of two glass bulb

connected vertically by a narrow neck that allows a regulated trickle of

sand from the upper to the lower bulb.

Figure 4.4

Atomic Clock. A type of clock that uses certain resonance frequencies of

atoms (usually cesium or rubidium) to keep time with extreme accuracy.

Its electronic components were regulated by the frequency of the

microwave electromagnetic radiation.

Figure 4.5
Instruments for measuring angle and direction

Protractor. Any of a group of instruments used to construct and measure

plane angles. It is usually a semicircular disk graduated in degrees –

from 0 to 180 degrees.

Figure 5.1

Transit Level. It is an optical and precision instrument that is calibrated

to indicate horizontal distance and reading of angle inclination in

degrees minutes, and seconds. This allows user to determine the

relative position of points lines, and objects.

Figure 5.2

Sextant. An instrument for determining the angle between the horizon

and a celestial body. This is commonly used in celestial navigation to

calculate the longitude and latitude.

Figure 5.3 8|Page

Theodolite. It usually mounted on a tripod and is used in the field to

obtain precise angular measurement for triangulation in road, building,

tunnel alignment, and other civil engineering work.

Figure 5.4

Slope Indicator/Inclinometer. A sensor used to measure the magnitude

of the inclination angle or the deformation of any structure. It is also

used to determine the measure of slope gradient during activities like

tunneling, excavation, de-watering of such activities that affect the

ground which supports the structure.

Figure 5.5

Instruments for measuring force and for experiments in motion

Compression Force Transducer. It is designed for determining

compression forces and is applicable to static and dynamic

measurements in the direct flow.

Figure 6.1

Bending/Shear Beams. Instrument used in weighing technology to

determine the weight of small and medium-sized vessels that are

frequently used in force measurement.

Figure 6.2

Tension Links. An instrument used for lift tests, towing tension, cable

tension, crane scale, hoist scale, and tensile testing systems. It includes

lifting equipment and cranes

Figure 6.3

S- Typed Load Cell. It is a transducer that measures force and outputs

electrical signal. It commonly contain strain gauges to perform sensing.

Conserving of force s achieved measuring the physical deformation of

the internal strain gauge.

Figure 6.4

Force Table. This is used to introduce and analyze forces acting in

multiple dimensions. It is commonly used in laboratory experiments

which aims to balance the force acting on the ring with 3 pulleys

connected with it.

Figure 6.5

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Instruments for electrical/current elements in electricity

Voltmeter. An instrument used to measure the potential difference of a

circuit. Voltmeter can be analog or digital and must has high intrinsic


Figure 7.1

Multimeter. This has the ability to measure current, voltage, and

resistance. There are two types of multimeter. The analog type uses

needle as a moving pointer to display the measurement, whereas digital

is mostly represented in LCD with seven segment character type.

Figure 7.2

Galvanometer. A tool for measuring a small electrical current or a

function of the current by deflection of a moving coil and detects the

presence of small current and voltage or for measuring their magnitude.

Figure 7.3

Clamp Meter. It is used to measure current and is a combination of a

digital multimeter and a current sensor. To measure current with this, it

needs to clamp the jaws onto a wire, cable, or other electrical circuit

conductor without the need to disconnect or set it open.

Figure 7.4
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Potentiometer. It is also known as potmeter; defined as a three terminal

variable resistor in which the resistance is manually varied to control the

flow of electric current and it acts as an adjustable voltage divider.

Figure 7.5

Instruments for sound and heat experiments

a. Sound

Decibel Meter. A measuring instrument used to assess noise or sound

levels by measuring sound pressure. It is a sound level meter uses a

microphone to capture sound and it is then evaluated within the device

and acoustic measurement were being displayed.

Figure 8.a.1

Spectrum Analyzer. A key test instruments for testing radio frequency,

RF circuits, modules, and units. It displays amplitude against frequency

and as a result spectrum analyzer are key in locating spurious service

and even field repair.

Figure 8.a.2

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Audiometer. It is used by hearing professionals, hospitals, industry with

noisy work environments, insurance company, and safety consultants.

Figure 8.a.3

Spectrogram. A visual way of representing the signal strength, or

loudness of a signal over time at various frequencies present in a

particular waveform. In different fields of study, it is used to display

frequencies of sound waves produced by humans, animals, machinery,

vehicles, vibrations in the earth, etc.

Figure 8.a.4

Sonometer. A long hollow wooden box along the top of which are

stretched one or more strings rigidly attached to the box at one end, with

provision at the other for changing their tension. This instrument shows

the effect of length, tension diameter, and kind of material on the pitch of

vibrating string is demonstrated.

Figure 8.a.5

b. For heat

Infrared Sensor. An electronic instrument that is used to sense certain

characteristics of its surroundings and is also capable of measuring the

heat being emitted by an object and detecting motion.

Figure 8.b.1
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Hot Plate. An electrical appliance used to heat samples within is

consist of heating top and a number of controls to change the

temperature. This is used to perform chemical reactions, to heat

samples and other numerous activities when the desired temperature is

above 100 degrees Celsius.

Figure 8.b.2

Pyrometer. It is also known as an Infrared thermometer. An instrument

that measures temperature by depending on the radiation from the

object without having to be in contact and it acts as a photodetector

because of the property of absorbing energy and measuring of EM wave

intensity at any wavelength.

Figure 8.b.3

Bunsen Burner. It consists of a mixing tube which is used to generate a

mixture of gas and air. Once lit, the intensity of the flame can be varied

by opening or closing an adjustable air hole.

Figure 8.b.4

Laboratory Oven. This is used to heat samples (usually solids) to a set

temperature for a given amount of time in a closed system. It

implements scientific discipline for annealing, drying, and sterilization

and is designed to ensure that every point within the device is at the

target temperature.

Figure 8.b.5
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III. Results

Instruments Being Defined According to Field of Experimentation and Measurement

1.1. Ruler
1.2. Block Gauge
1. Length or Distance 1.3. Caliper
1.4. Laser Measure
1.5. Odometer
2.1. Digital/Electronic and Analytical Balance
2.2. Platform Balance
2. Masses and Force 2.3. Spring Balance
2.4. Dial Torsion Balance
2.5. Balance (Triple Beam)
3.1. Graduated Cylinder
3.2. Beaker
3. Volume 3.3. Volumetric Pipette
3.4. Volumetric Burette
3.5. Flask
4.1. Sundials
4.2. Water Clock
4. Time 4.3. Pendulum Clock
4.4. Hourglass
4.5. Atomic Clock
5.1. Protractor
5.2. Transit Level
5. Angle and Direction 5.3. Sextant
5.4. Theodolite
5.5. Slope Indicator/Inclinometer
6.1. Compression Force Transducer
6.2. Bending/Shear Beams
6. Force and Motion 6.3. Tension Links
6.4. S-Typed Load Cell
6.5. Force Table
7.1. Voltmeter
7.2. Multimeter
7. Electrical/Circuit Elements in Electricity 7.3. Galvanometer
7.4. Clamp Meter
7.5. Potentiometer
8.a.1. Decibel Meter 8.b.1. Infrared Sensor
8.a. Sound 8.a.2. Spectrum Analyzer 8.b.2. Hot Plate
8.b. Heat 8.a.3. Audiometer 8.b.3. Pyrometer
8.a.4. Spectrogram 8.b.4. Bunsen Burner
8.a.5. Sonometer 8.b.5. Laboratory Oven
Table 1

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The table 1 shows the identified instruments used in measuring length or distance, masses and force, volume, time, angle

and direction, force and motion, electrical/circuit elements in electricity, and sound and heat. The eight criteria that needs to

be satisfied were given five identified instruments used according to their field of experimentation and measurement.

IV. Discussion

This section analyzes the data given in the result section. The primary focus of this paper is to familiarize and describe the

common instruments used in experiments that enable students to have better understanding on the apparatuses that can be

used in enriching and broadening the knowledge about the basics in doing actual experiments in Physics. The researcher

thoroughly obtained the information and definition about certain instruments used in measuring length or distance, masses

and force, volume, time, angle and direction, force and motion, electrical/circuit elements in the electricity, and sound and

heat. The approach on evaluating this topic was informative and descriptive. The researcher identifies five instruments each

that are used in measuring the aforementioned criteria in this report. An image or visual representation and definitions were

presented to give readers a stronger grasp of comprehension and mastery with the identified apparatuses in the paper.

V. Conclusion

This paper was intended for freshmen taking a path in engineering and science courses. The researcher acknowledged that

the lack of knowledge about the materials that are commonly used in physics and other science experiments can lead to

malpractice and misconception of using instruments or even lead to accidents that can be a threat in a student’s health or

even life. Therefore, further studying of this subject matter serves as a first step in delving deeper on what Physics has to

offer and exhibit during testing, experiments and discussing topics and theories that are fundamental to human nature and

Earth but are actually complex in trying to explain and manipulate certain natural phenomena into human conception and

understanding. The researcher also had recognized that as the freshmen in this field able to get and comprehend this

primary knowledge, the broader and wider the freshmen perspective in seeing the world as it is and applying this to solve

and deal with real world problems.

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