2019-Jaibb Mfs Nov

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Banking Diploma Examination, November-December, 2019

Marketing of Financial Services (MFS)
Time--3 hours
Full marks--) 00
Pass marks--50
[NB. The.figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions.]
(a) Describe different important elements of marketing mix. 6
(b) How can you develop the marketing for banks and financial 8
(c) Why are consumers placed in the center point of marketing mi ? 6
2. (a) " Market segmen~ation depends on nature of customer and 7
products"-Do you agree? Show your logic.
(b) What are the difficulties in creating market segmentation? 8
(c) How can you control the same? 5
3 . . (a) What are special .features of product development? 7
(b) How can you fix up product development strategies? 7
(c) What might be the difficulties thereon? How can you manage 6
the same?
(a) .Describe the price setting methods. 8
(b) ''The.actual price setting should be based on three factors--cost, 5
demand and compet ition."-Explain the statement.
(c) Describe strategies to adjust the price. 7
5. (a) Locating suitable site for a bank branch is really tough-why? 7
(b) How can you suggest for fair selection of location? 7
(c) "Bra ch manager should have conceptual skill, technical skill 6
and human relation skill."--Show your suggestions.
(a) "Success in CSR activities depends on appropriate marketing 10
strategies."-Do you agree? Show your remarks.
(b) Customers satisfaction depends on fair attitude of management 10
and their cooperation. How far the idea is true? Show your
7. (a) "Managing marketing programs is affected by both internal and 7
external factors"- How can you justify the idea?
(b) Briefly discuss the · basic format used in preparing Market 7
Research Report of a bank or financial institution.
(c) How does marketing research help in achieving th~ marketing 6
goals? Cite an example. ·
[Please turn over

8. {a) Define promotional activities with example. State its nature, 7
impact and limitations.
(b) "Results of advertising might be uncertain still we need 6
these" -Amplify the idea_with imaginary example.
{c) State the factors influencing your branch image. :
ft. (a) Describe the changes occurred in banking due to change of
internet strategy.
(b) Explain th~ steps of developing internet strategy. 8
(c) Define online marketing. Why is it important? 6
Write short notes (a.ny five) : 4 x5=20
{a) Strategic Business Unit
(b). Product line
(c) Service Marketing
(d) Techno e~iquette in banking
(e) Customer loyalty program
(f) Selecting target markets ~
{g) Value chain .
(h) Sustainable Marketing

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