STS Activity 4

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Justine Jade Tasarra

Science, Technology and Society



A. Do the photos (a) bring forth or (b) challenge forth? Explain your answer.

1. The picture depicts coal-fired power plants and it is a challenge forth. It is because this type of
power plant is capable in releasing greenhouse gases as a by-product which are harmful to the people
and the environment. This example showcases how technology can be harmful to the environment
when human beings abused their capabilities.

2. It is farming and it evokes bring-forth. They will plant a seed then it would grow and farmers would
harvest it and in that point it would turn the seed into something that people can eat.

3. It is a mining site and an example of challenge-forth. They use modern technologies to dig up deep
holes like one in the picture. When they extract resources it is believed that they revealed something
out of it.

4. These are people picking up plastic bottles from the ground that were littered. It evokes bringing
forth since it helps the surroundings to be cleaned up. Litters can really be harmful not only to
humans but also to the animals as well as to Earth.

5. It is a windmill and it uses wind to generate and power some things. It is challenge-forth by reason
of uses nature specifically the wind, for humans to make use of it. It is a modern technology that is
useful nowadays

B. Discuss your thoughts about the following:

1. How do you think overconsumption puts our planet and society at risk?

Overproduction and overconsumption add to the already-high levels of pollution and toxic gases that
contribute to global warming. As has been reported in numerous publications in the past decade, the
impacts of climate change transcend international borders, as well as levels of privilege and wealth.

2. What are the manifestations of society’s tendency to overproduce and over consume?

Overproduction and overconsumption are bad signs - both for individuals and society as a whole. It
signifies extremes, imbalances and wastes. Despite difficulties, the society then has to be managed
towards moderation in all aspects.

3. Should middle- and high-income countries regulate their growth and consumption? Why or why

Yes , middle - and high - income countries should regulate their growth and consumption as part of
the sustainable development strategy. Sustainable devlopment aims to meet the needs of the present
generations withiut comprimising the ability of future generation too meet their own needs. This
requires balancing economic growth with the resource comservation, enviromental protection and
social equity. Regulating growth and compsumption middle- and high income countries helps to
ensure that the resources that are used efficiently and sustainably. This can be done throught policies
susch as green taxes that incentivize sustainable practices and disincentative wasteful and polluting
C. Compare and contrast the following terms related to Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics.

1. Instrumental Good – Ultimate Good

Instrumental good is valued as a means for the sake of something else and the Ultimate good is fame
and honor.

Pleasure – Happiness

Happiness is not pleasure, nor is it virtue. It is the exercise of virtue. Happiness cannot be achieved
until the end of one's life. Hence it is a goal and not a temporary state.

Virtue – Vice

A vice is a bad or undesirable character trait. The opposite of a vice is a virtue, which is a good or
desirable character trait.

Intellectual Virtue – Moral Virtue

The moral virtues are thought to include traits such as courage, justice, honesty, compassion,
temperance, and kindness. Intellectual virtues are thought to include traits such as open-mindedness,
intellectual rigour, intellectual humility, and inquisitiveness.

Science and Technology – The Good Life

Science Technology and the good life are interdependent, and they affect each other just like the
concept of cause and effect. Science and its researches and invention have a great impact on human
life, precisely the good life. And it is the pursuit of a good life that fuels the passion for scientific
development in the world.

D. In this time of pandemic, how do you live a good life?

The mandate to examine our lives has been on my mind since the pandemic first interrupted mine. I
woke up, lying in the bed I had figuratively made, and suddenly, through happenstance, Read Emily’s
story in The Correspondent: Kneading sanity and stabilityI had a moment to look around and ask
myself some of the big questions I had been too busy hustling to have time for.

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