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EE-55 EMD SIMP Questions

Prepared by the EEE review team


1. What are the electrical properties of insulating materials? Classify the insulating materials used in
electrical machines according to their thermal stability in service.
2. What are the major considerations that accounted for the good design of electrical machines?
What are the limitations in design?
3. What are the desirable properties of magnetic materials? Explain in brief magnetic materials and
its classification.
4. List the recognised classes of insulating materials and the temperature assigned to them.
Mention at least two examples of each type
5. Write short notes on (i)CRGO in EM (ii)Conducting materials (iii)Copper v/s Aluminum


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large number of poles in DC machines?
2. From the first principles derive the output equation of a DC machine.
3. Discuss the design of shunt field winding of a DC machine.
4. Discuss the factors which influence the selection of i)number of poles ii)number of
slots iii)air gap of a DC machine, Explain the rules to be considered for the number
of slots
5. Define specific electric and magnetic loadings of DC machines, Also discuss about specific


1. Derive the emf equation of a transformer then show that volts per turn = K*√ KVA. Also explain the
factors to be taken into account while selecting the value of Constant K
2. Prove the EMF/turn of a single phase transformer is K*√ KVA where Q = output KVA rating of a
transformer /phase.
3. Derive an expression for the leakage reactance of a transformer with primary and secondary
concentric coils of equal length stating the assumptions made
4. Derive the output equation of a 3 phase core type transformer. Also derive the volt per turn
5. Derive an expression for the no load current of a single phase and 3 phase transformer.
6. For a constant total volume of conductors in a transformer. Show that for a minimum copper
loss ,current densities in the windings must be equal.
7. Write and Expression for the leakage reactance of a core type transformer with concentric LV
and HV coils of equal height or length.


1. Write a brief note on i) air gap flux density, ii) specific electric loading. iii) advantages and
disadvantages of rotor design
2. Derive the output equation of an induction motor
3. Write the design procedure of slip ring IM rotor
4. Discuss the various factors that influence the choice of length of the air gap of an IM
5. Derive expression for rotor bar and end ring current of squirrel cage induction motor.


1. With a neat curve write a brief note on SCR and explain the significance of SCR, discuss its
effects on the performance of a machine
2. Derive the output equation of a synchronous machine and show that HP=(inputkVA * n
3. Write a short note on (i)Length of air gap in SM (ii)Bav and ac in SM (iii) advantages and
disadvantages large air gap in SM
4. Discuss the factors to be considered while selecting the number of armature slots in a
synchronous machine.
5. What are the steps involved in the design of field winding of a salient pole alternator?

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