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The concept of ecosystem services in adaptive urban planning and design: A

framework for supporting innovation

Article  in  Landscape and Urban Planning · May 2014

DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.01.020


364 2,085

3 authors:

Jack Ahern S. S. Cilliers

University of Massachusetts Amherst North-West University


Jari Niemelä
University of Helsinki


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Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Landscape and Urban Planning
Manuscript Draft

Manuscript Number:

Title: The concept of ecosystem services in adaptive urban planning and design: encouraging

Article Type: Perspective Essay

Keywords: ecosystem services; adaptive design; learning by doing; citizen science, transdisciplinarity,
performance indicators

Corresponding Author: Dr. Jack Ahern,

Corresponding Author's Institution: University of Massachusetts-Amherst

First Author: Jack Ahern

Order of Authors: Jack Ahern; Sarel Cilliers , Ph.D. ; Jari Niemelä, Ph.D.

Abstract: Recent research and professional interest in planning for sustainable and resilient cities
emphasizes the assessment of a broad spectrum of urban ecosystem services. While such assessments
are useful to establish specific benchmarks, and for measuring progress towards sustainability and
resilience goals, they do not motivate, or support the innovations required to provide specific
ecosystem services as an intentional part of routine urban and infrastructure development activity by
municipalities and professionals. In this context, predictions for unprecedented urbanization and
development of new urban infrastructure represent a unique opportunity to "learn-by-doing".
Significant advances in urban sustainability have recently been made through transdisciplinary
collaborations among researchers, professionals, decision-makers and stakeholders. However, these
advances, often through pilot projects, have limited transferability to other cities due to the inherent
biophysical and cultural uniqueness of the city in which they originated, and of the projects and plans
themselves. The promise of practicing "learning-by-doing", therefore, remains an elusive goal, not yet
fully integrated with urban development. In this essay, a model for "safe to fail" adaptive urban design
is proposed to provide a framework model to integrate science, professional practice, and stakeholder
participation. The model is a transdisciplinary working method, and includes experimental design
guidelines, monitoring and assessment protocols and strategies for realizing specific urban ecosystem
services integral with urban development. The "safe-to-fail" adaptive urban design model encourages
and rewards innovation in a low-risk context - while assessing the achievement and performance of
the specific intended ecosystem services.
Cover Letter

The concept of ecosystem services in adaptive urban planning and

design: encouraging transdisciplinarity

Corresponding Author:
Jack Ahern
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Sarel Cilliers
North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Jari Niemelä
Department of Environmental Sciences
PO Box 65
FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
*Complete Title Page

The concept of ecosystem services in adaptive urban planning and

design: encouraging transdisciplinarity

Corresponding Author:
Jack Ahern
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Sarel Cilliers
North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Jari Niemelä
Department of Environmental Sciences
PO Box 65
FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
*Highlights (for review)

Using citizen/civic science as a strategy to promote transdisciplinarity

An adaptive method to promote innovation via small, safe-to-fail design


Suggested indicators to monitor ecosystem services provided by green


Proposes a core/common set of metrics to assess ecosystem services

A transdisciplinary adaptive design/planning model to support urban sustainability

*Manuscript (with references and tables)
Click here to view linked References

1 Introduction

3 Most people today live in cities and urbanization is a megatrend that continues

4 throughout the world. Urbanization has been characterized as “a massive, unplanned

5 experiment in landscape change” (Niemelä et al., 2011) leading to significant conversion

6 of land to urban development. For instance, the Brookings Foundation predicts that 46%

7 of the built environment in USA will be new or replaced between the years 2000-2030

8 (Nelson, 2004). Similar projections predict that as much as 60% of the built environment

9 of the world will be new or replaced by the year 2050. It is predicted that the developing

10 world, especially in Africa and Asia will experience the majority of 21st century

11 urbanization (Cohen, 2006). Cities will, however, experience a full range of

12 demographic change from significant growth to decline and shrinkage (Alfsen et al.,

13 2011). This future urbanization is unprecedented and emphasizes the need for innovative

14 approaches to generating knowledge before, during and after the process of urbanization

15 in an adaptive mode. Thus, new approaches to urban planning and design will be

16 increasingly important to address the challenge of sustainable land use (Keeley, 2007)


18 Urban ecosystems provide vital services for urban dwellers (McDonald & Marcotullio,

19 2011). Important contributions have been identified from various ecosystem types, even

20 from previously unrecognized urban biotopes, including domestic gardens (Cilliers et al.,

21 2012, Ross et al., 2012, Standish et al., ONLINE). It is increasingly recognized that

22 ecosystem services need to be incorporated into urban planning (Colding, 2011).

23 Professionals, planners and designers need to make decisions in response to approval and

24 development schedules. However, the “traditional” professional timeframe mandates an

25 “imperative to act” that relies on readily-available, existing knowledge and established

26 best practices – typically without the opportunity to conduct new research. This

27 imperative tends to favor decisions based on existing knowledge, and to inhibit

28 innovation (Kato & Ahern, 2008). The challenge of providing ecosystem services for

29 urban sustainability planning and design will rely on new knowledge, and emerging

30 urban planning and design theory (Calkins, 2005, Steiner, 2011). Transdisciplinarity

31 implying co-production of knowledge by scientists, planning professionals and urban

32 dwellers is a key to realize the potential of this planning approach (Tress et al., 2005).


34 The aim of this essay is to explore ways to enhance transdisciplinary urban planning and

35 to propose a model for “safe-to-fail” adaptive urban design - a design concept through

36 which pilot projects can test innovative, but unproven solutions in a responsible and

37 informed manner, with a low risk of failure (Ahern, 2011, Lister, 2007). The “safe-to-

38 fail” concept can provide a structure to integrate science, professional practice, and

39 stakeholder participation. The model is a transdisciplinary working method, and includes

40 experimental design guidelines, monitoring and assessment protocols and strategies for

41 including urban ecosystem services with urban development.


43 Ingredients of an Adaptive Planning Model: Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem

44 Services


46 The concept of green infrastructure has emerged as a way to secure the provisioning of

47 ecosystem services in human-dominated landscapes (Colding, 2011). Green

48 infrastructure is defined as “Spatially and functionally integrated systems and networks

49 of protected landscapes supported with protected, artificial and hybrid infrastructures of

50 built landscapes that provide multiple, complementary ecosystem and landscape

51 functions to the public, in support of sustainability” (Ahern, 2007). Articulating the

52 ecosystem services provided by green infrastructure is an emerging research theme

53 (Dobbs et al., 2011, James et al., 2009, Soares et al., 2011, Tratalos et al., 2007, Tzoulas

54 et al., 2007) showing that green infrastructure delivers measurable ecosystem services

55 and benefits that are fundamental to the concept of the sustainable city. Because green

56 infrastructure is, by definition, multifunctional, and can function at multiple scales, the

57 ecosystem services concept is useful to explicitly identify and assess its multiple

58 functions. In terms of planning, green infrastructure addresses the “imperative to act” to

59 make future urban environments more sustainable in the context of routine urban

60 (re)development.


62 Three related perspectives on applying scientific knowledge in planning and design have

63 been articulated in recent literature. Firstly, design is any intentional change of landscape

64 pattern for the purpose of sustainably providing ecosystem services while recognizably

65 meeting societal needs and respecting societal values (Nassauer & Opdam, 2008).

66 Secondly, designed experiments are transdisciplinary partnerships of scientists, planners

67 and designers collaborating to insert experiments into the urban mosaic, balancing

68 ecological goals with context, aesthetics, amenity and safety (Felson & Pickett, 2005).

69 Thirdly, adaptive design is a process and approach in which selected urban plans and

70 projects explore innovative practices and methods; informed by ecological knowledge

71 and research design. Adaptive plans and projects are open to design innovations and

72 creativity, and are monitored and analyzed to learn with the goal of gaining knowledge to

73 apply to future projects (Ahern, 2012, Lister, 2007, Rottle & Yocum, 2010). Adaptive

74 design is well-suited to “safe-to-fail” design experiments where innovations are

75 implemented, and monitored in an experimental, but fine-scale mode where the

76 possibility of failure is real. However, the risk of failure is explicitly understood and

77 accepted by decision-makers and stakeholders (Ahern, 2011).


79 An Adaptive Planning and Design Model


81 While adaptive management has been practiced in natural resource management for some

82 time, adaptive and “safe-to-fail” design remains a largely untested idea in urban planning

83 and design. It represents a higher level of transdisciplinary collaboration than currently

84 practiced among ecologists, design professionals and other stakeholders (Mussachio,

85 2009, 2011). Here, a framework model for adaptive design is proposed based on a

86 scientific approach to experimental design, a predetermined set of indicators and metrics

87 of ecosystem services. The framework is conducted in a transdisciplinary mode with

88 various stakeholders and decision-makers engaged throughout the design process with

89 scientists and decision-makers.


91 Adaptive design challenges professionals to understand, and apply accepted principals of

92 experimental design to conceive, implement, monitor and analyse the resulting plans and

93 built projects. While these principals are basic and fundamental in science, they are not

94 familiar, or commonly practiced by design and planning professionals. Adaptive design

95 with its experimental approach can help planning professionals to practice “learning-by-

96 doing”, while keeping in mind that planning is not science, but social action with

97 scientific, technological and legal underpinnings (Nilsson & Florgård, 2009). The

98 difference in scientific and professional cultures, which is often referred to as creating a

99 “knowing-doing gap” is well known in environmental management (Knight et al., 2008)

100 may also be the reason that adaptive design has yet to be widely practiced.


102 The adaptive design and planning model outlined below (Table 1) is organized to

103 integrate and operationalize experimental design principals with professional practice. If

104 this process can be conceived, implemented, monitored and analysed in a genuinely

105 transdisciplinary manner, it holds the potential to generate evidence-based, scientifically

106 defensible knowledge in the course of routine planning and design practice. Our

107 proposed six steps (Table 1) are somewhat similar to, but more specific to planning and

108 design than the stepwise approach proposed by TEEB (2011) for including ecosystem

109 services in urban management (decision making and policy).


111 The main thrust of the above model is its transdisciplinary and adaptive nature. Planning

112 professionals, scientists, decision-makers and citizens are involved in all the steps but the

113 relative role of these actors varies between steps. It is always a challenge to involve

114 ordinary urban residents in any participatory process on local government level. Citizen

115 or Civic Science, also known as participatory science, offers a promising model for

116 transdisciplinary collaborations (Dickinson et al., 2012). Civic science can form a useful

117 bridge between academic research and the community-at-large, enabling collaboration,

118 and creating a more engaged, knowledgeable and ecologically literate citizenry, by

119 bringing science to the public or from scientific contributions by the public (Clark &

120 Illman, 2001) often in environmental justice decisions (Scott & Barnett, 2009, Ferketic et

121 al., 2010). Adaptive design experiments using the civic science approach are much

122 needed in urban planning and design and we need good workable examples that can be

123 regarded as “best practices”. Many examples that may be regarded as an adaptive

124 approach such as the ecocircle concept of vegetable cultivation in private and community

125 gardens in Potchefstroom, South Africa has failed to a large extent (Cilliers, 2010). 57%

126 of the participants discontinued their activities, mainly due to a lack of ecological

127 knowledge and conflicts with the cultural beliefs of the participants (Cilliers, 2010).


129 Urban Ecosystem Services Assessment Toolbox


131 In steps 4-6 in Table 1, an “Ecosystem Services Toolbox” is proposed for monitoring and

132 evaluating results of the Adaptive Design and Planning Model and for modifying and

133 revising steps 1-3, if necessary. Here we present the foundations of such a toolbox.


135 Research on ecosystem services in urban environments has articulated foundational

136 theory that addresses the actual and potential contributions of professionals in addressing

137 urban ecological challenges (Grimm et al., 2000, Pickett et al., 2001, 2004). Subsequent

138 research has addressed the specific performance of ecosystem services through planning,

139 design and green infrastructure (Calkins, 2005, Jansson et al., 2012, Lovell & Johnston,

140 2009,). While the research is sound and robust, it lacks transferability because of the

141 non-generalizable nature of the research. Planners and designers seek standardized

142 indicators and metrics that are understandable, transferable, robust and defensible. The

143 transferability and exchange of knowledge could grow substantially, if urban ecosystems

144 services research could agree on a common set of ecological indices and metrics. The

145 idea here is to develop a common baseline set of measures. A similar effort was made to

146 articulate a “core set” of landscape metrics for use in landscape planning, to address the

147 minimal use of landscape metrics in landscape planning (see Leitao & Ahern, 2002).

148 Similarly, in step 3 of the stepwise TEEB approach (TEEB, 2011) three different types of

149 assessment methods were described, namely quantitative (as we proposed here),

150 monetary (using relevant economic valuation methods) and qualitative (using

151 consultative techniques with relevant stakeholders as also proposed earlier). Although

152 monetary valuation of ecosystem services can be valuable as it “translates natural assets

153 into the same currency” as other concerns of local governments (TEEB, 2011), the

154 development of the most appropriate valuation methods and instruments is still a

155 challenge (De Groot et al., 2010, Ring et al., 2010). Thus, we opted for a quantitative

156 approach in this proposal. Following is, therefore, an example of some of the suggested

157 set of indicators and metrics that could form the basis of an urban ecosystems services

158 assessment toolbox (Table 2). This is not an exhaustive list.


160 Conclusions and Future Research Needs


162 The concept of a “safe-to-fail” adaptive design is nascent and largely unpracticed or

163 tested. This essay offers a model, rationale and a non-exhaustive assessment metrics

164 („toolbox‟) for adaptive design that aspires to raise the level of transdisciplinary

165 collaboration towards the goal of urban sustainability. Additional research and

166 development is needed to advance this concept, and inspire and support its application.

167 An outline of these future research needs includes:


169 • Identify a Core Set of Urban Ecosystem Service Indicators and Metrics (by

170 biome, landscape context, ecosystem service, socio-economic context)

171 • Develop Experimental Urban Planning and Design Protocols for Urban Projects

172 by project type, scale, and goal.

173 • Develop a transdisciplinary working method that articulates the respective

174 contributions and working methods of scientists, planning and design

175 professionals, stakeholders and decisionmakers and realize the importance of a

176 civic science approach.

177 • Build a “best practice” portfolio by project type, context, ecosystem service goal,

178 and scale.


180 It is important that all the above issues are studied and developed in a comparative, global

181 fashion. A global perspective is vital for increased understanding and appreciation of the

182 variation of urban contexts and for better understanding of how humans interact with the

183 urban environment in various parts of the world. A global approach is also needed for

184 sharing best planning practices across cities.


186 Although adaptive urban planning and design as proposed in this essay is definitely a

187 promising development, we should acknowledge the challenges which lay ahead in

188 implementing this approach. Roberts et al. (2011) discussed “community ecosystem-

189 based adaptation” (CEBA) as part of a general strategy assisting urban residents to adapt

190 to the negative aspects of climate change, amongst other aspects by management,

191 restoration and conservation of ecosystem services, as a good example of “learning by

192 doing”, which is also the core message of this essay. According to Roberts et al. (2011) it

193 is a misconception that an adaptive process is an easy and cheap alternative to “hard

194 engineering solutions”, but emphasized that it might be “more cost-effective, more

195 adaptable and have multiple co-benefits across a range of scenarios and time lines”.

196 Roberts et al. (2011) highlighted the lack of monitoring the effectiveness of “adaptive

197 interventions” as a large gap in Durban‟s current EBA programme. The success of

198 implementation of adaptive planning and design revolves around step 5, monitoring of

199 our proposed process (see Table 1 above). Monitoring and subsequent modification of

200 goals or practices is the core of the “safe to fail” adaptive urban design model proposed

201 here.



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List of tables

205 Table 1: A Transdisciplinary Adaptive Design and Planning Model


207 Table 2: A Partial Urban Ecosystem Services Assessment Toolbox for an Adaptive

208 Design and Planning Model


210 List of Appendicies

Urban Development-Related Ecosystem Service Assessment Resources


212 Table 1: A Transdisciplinary Adaptive Design and Planning Model


214 Steps and Actions Participants

1. Define relevant Urban Ecosystem Transdiciplinary process including

Service (ESS) goals for the specific plan scientists, professionals, all stakeholders

(such as water cycling and quality, and decision makers (those affected by the

climate mitigation, noise reduction, plan and those who have to implement it).

recreational and spiritual services,

habitats for species, among others)

2. Prioritize ESS Goals and consider Transdiciplinary process including

tradeoffs and alternatives scientists, professionals, stakeholders and

decision makers.

3. Experimental Design (articulate Planning and design professionals in

hypothesis, conceive, plan and build consultation with scientists and other

alternative, spatial stakeholders


4. Identify Indicators and Metrics to Scientists and planning professionals in

Measure Goals (establish baseline consultation with other stakeholders

conditions, use common and standard

metrics for mutual learning, see

“Ecosystem Services Toolbox”)

5. Monitor and Evaluate Results using the Scientists, planning and design

“Ecosystem Services Toolbox” professionals, “citizen scientists”

6. Apply Findings (if findings imply, adapt Transdiciplinary process including

and modify design, alter management scientists, professionals, stakeholders and

practices, or inform new policy and decision makers



217 Table 2: A Partial Urban Ecosystem Services Assessment Toolbox for an Adaptive

218 Design and Planning Model


Urban Ecosystem Indicators and Examples/References

Services Metrics


Increase % impervious cover SEA Street, Seattle

stormwater (

infiltration s/public/@spu/@usm/documents/


Portland Oregon Green Streets


s/article/167583), Helsinki

Stormwater Strategy (in Finnish:



Improve water Total N, Total P, Staten Island Blue Belt (NYWEA

quality BOD, Turbidity, pH 2009))

Improve Habitat (IBI)Index of Biotic Seattle SEA Street, Salmon

Integrity (FIBI)Fish Restoration (Seattle Public

Index of Biotic Utilities (online))

Integrity, Diversity City Biodiversity Index

Index, (CBI) City (

Biodiversity Index, tinginvolved/cbi.shtml)



Berlin, Germany, Biotope Area Factor

A scoring/regulation policy to promote green infrastructure practices, and protection of
biotopes and species for new development in the city of Berlin.

City Biodiversity Index (also known as the Singapore Index)

The index is a self-assessment tool for monitoring and evaluating biodiversity in cities
and is the only biodiversity index for cities specifically. The City Biodiversity Index was
developed by experts from around the world, including academic research institutions,
experienced local government officials, as well as established organisations specialising
in biodiversity and ecosystem services in a city context

Green Infrastructure Community of Practice, The Conservation Fund.

This CoP promotes the adaptive application of green infrastructure among planners,
designers, researchers and managers.

Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) Landscape Performance Series (LPS).

An initiative of the LAF to evaluate the performance of built projects that aim to provide
specific ecosystem services. The program is building a portfolio of documents case
studies that will serve as a reference to professionals, researchers and students.

Low Impact Development Center (LID)

LID is a land planning and design approach that emphasizes maintaining, or restoring an
undisturbed hydrologic in urban and developing watersheds.

Stockholm Resilience Center

The aim is to create a world-leading transdisciplinary research centre that advances the
understanding of complex social-ecological systems and generates new and elaborated
insights and means for the development of management and governance practices. The
centre will advise policymakers from all over the world, and develop innovative
collaboration with relevant actors on local social-ecological systems to the global policy

Sustainable Sites (SITES).

An interdisciplinary voluntary program to provide performance benchmarks for
landscape design, construction and management. SITES addresses stormwater
management, site disturbance, habitat protection and energy performance, among other

U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service:UFORE Model.

A computer model developed by the U.S. to quantify spatially-explicit urban forest
structure and function. The model calculates multiple attributes related to urban
ecosystem services including: air pollution, greenhouse gasses and energy use.

U.S. City of Seattle, Washington: Green Area Factor.

A scoring system to encourage the use of green infrastructure practices in new
development to provide ecosystem services including: improving air quality, reducing
stormwater, mitigating urban heat island effects, and creating wildlife habitat.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency STAR Program

Science to Achieve Results Program (STAR), promotes research on the performance of
green infrastructure at multiple scales.


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